I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 937 933 Get ahead of the wave

Chapter 937 933. Get ahead of the wave

It’s 8:30 a.m. on the 19th, Chinese time.

Including transfers, the group finally returned to Yanjing after flying for nearly 19 hours.

The Berlin Film Festival, which is hailed as "the total victory of Chinese-language films", did not arrange a aisle to welcome him when he came back... Of course, it is not ruled out that he walked through a special aisle, and reporters would have to squat down if they wanted to. He can't be crouched down.

When sitting on the transfer commuter bus and walking out, Yang Mi also said to the two of them:

"Everyone goes his own way. We don't care about you anymore. Go back and spend time with your children."

According to the lunar calendar, today is the tenth day of the Lunar New Year.

In order to wait for the couple to come back, Yang Dalin had returned directly from Shenmu on the seventh day of the lunar month.

But kindergarten starts on March 1st.

Nuannuan and Yangyang are still enjoying it...even in a person's life, it is one of the happiest holidays.

Perhaps, the crying of the two little guys was not exaggerated.

But after being away from home for so many days as a mother, what the child thinks is one thing, and what she thinks is another matter.

Both Lang Lang and Liu Zhishi understood her urgency.

Lang Lang said:

"After confirming Gina's plane, I will tell you in advance."


After Yang Mi responded, Xu Xin said:

"When she gets here, arrange for her to eat our specialties. Go to the "Three Thousand Miles of the Moon" barbecue restaurant and try the authentic Korean barbecue!"




Amid the twitching corners of the three people's mouths, he laughed:

"Haha, it's a joke... why don't you laugh?"

"How do you show off your humor?"

Yang Mi rolled her eyes at him angrily.

But let’s not talk about it... Mingyue Sanqianli is really an old Korean barbecue, and I don’t know if it is still open now.

The two of them still went there all the time.

At that time, I was just a college student, and my husband was a short, rich second generation. The first time I enjoyed the frost and snowflakes, I went with him.

Thinking about it now, it was really an extremely happy day.

The commuter car took me all the way through customs.

After passing customs, it’s time to officially go home.

Su Meng, Li Minian, Lang Lang's assistant, Cheng Hu and others were all waiting there.

"Brother Xu! Sister Mi! Congratulations! Hehehe, you are so handsome!!!"

Looking at Su Meng jumping up and down, Yang Mi shook her head helplessly:

"Why are you still acting like a child...Have you enjoyed your rest this time? Sister Tingting is resting these days, so you can follow me."

"Mmm Good!"

Su Meng, who had been resting since childhood, agreed without any hesitation.

"Okay, hurry up and get in the car. Let's meet up for dinner later."

He waved to the two friends and got into the car first.

Not to mention his wife, he also missed the two darlings at home.

After arriving home, there is no need to mention how the two ancestors cried and fussed. Children's emotions are always very exposed. They won't hide it, all they can do is express their thoughts with "I'm with you".

In terms of expression, obviously, mother is more important than father.

The two children almost hung around Yang Mi throughout the whole day. When mom gets up, they follow her. When mom sits down, they lean toward her.

I was even afraid that my mother would disappear again after I slept. She was so sleepy that she drooped her head, but she still held on to her mother's clothes and wouldn't let go.

Xu Xin looked jealous.

On the tenth day of the lunar month, rest at home.

No job either.

Even the two of them ignored the still noisy news on the Internet.

She simply turned a deaf ear to what was going on outside the window, closed the door and enjoyed the leisure time after the New Year.

In other words, the last moment of leisure.

It is customary for Chinese people to start warming up on the fifth day of the lunar month, then return to their own workplaces one after another during the three days from the sixth to the eighth day of the lunar month, and then officially start the new year's work on the tenth day of the lunar month.

Even if Xu Xin and Yang Mi touched the switch of Qin Shihuang in a foreign country, after returning to China, there was no such thing as "I have to make up for my annual leave."

However, this leisurely mood lasted all morning, and before lunch, Yang Mi went to the company early with her two followers.

She is the boss, and many things have to be decided in the new year, and she needs to make the final decision.

After she took away the two little troubles, Yang Dalin said during lunch:

"I'll go fishing at Qian'er's place later, and your mother will go play mahjong. What do you do?"

"I'm resting at home. I have a premiere tomorrow. You don't have to worry about me~"


After waving his hand and asking the second elder to quickly enjoy the afterglow of the new year, within twenty minutes of speaking, he was the only one left at home.

Obviously, the two elders were also very annoyed by these two little ancestors. Finally, the children left and they quickly lived their own lives.

Zaizai and Niuniu are also at the racecourse.

It won’t work if no one raises them during the Chinese New Year.

There was no one at home. After making sure that the door was locked, he came to his study.

The entire study was spotless.

Obviously, the two elders have really worked hard for this family.

Xu Xin even saw that the large bucket of mineral water he usually drank had been replaced by a brand new and unopened one, and even the rubber tube for drinking water from the bucket into the water dispenser had been replaced by a new one.

One end was connected to the water dispenser by Yang Dalin, while the outer packaging of the other side was not removed.


He sighed with emotion. After connecting the bucket to the water dispenser, he didn't even check inside the kettle. He directly pressed the button that connected the water to the boiler, and then came to a very small blackboard hanging on the wall.

That was what he was used to using to remember some things.

There are three lines of words on the blackboard, which he wrote years ago.

After the year:

1. "Breaking Silence"

2. "Volvo Advertising"

3. Establish a company in the factory

These three are things that he feels are particularly important to prevent himself from forgetting.

Especially the third one.

This is related to... maybe in the next five or ten years, whether the people of Xiying Studio can unite and whether it can ensure that talents are not drained out, which is an important way.

Don't dare to be careless.

Thinking of this, he sat on the sofa and called Qi Lei.

Qi Lei's connection was also very fast:

"Hello. Hello, great director!"

Through one sentence, Xu Xin could tell that he was obviously in a good mood.

Xu Xin laughed:

"Haha, what the hell~"

He said a German "Hello".



Qi Lei let out bursts of hearty laughter, and then said:

"I was still wondering if you would call me today. After all, I have been busy for so many days and just got home yesterday. I will go to Yanjing tomorrow, so you have to prepare two bottles of good wine for me!"


Xu Xin asked somewhat unexpectedly:

"It's just the beginning of the new year, are you coming here?"

"Yeah. Two things. One is that our office needs to be remodeled. One floor needs to be vacated and transformed into a large studio environment with professional editing, dubbing, and post-production capabilities. I have to make a decoration plan. The other is Something...you won’t forget what happened, right?”

"I know, "Heart of the Sun" will premiere tomorrow."

After he finished speaking, Qi Lei seemed to have guessed what he was thinking and said:

"Keep it up and everything will be fine after tomorrow. Take a good rest then."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to take a break even if I want to. I have to take advantage of the spring to finish the next movie as soon as possible. I plan to start inviting actors one after another in the next few days."

"No audition?"

"Invite directly. I have someone in mind over the years, but I haven't asked about the schedule yet. Let's give it a try first."

"Um...by the way, why did you call me?"

"What did you say about the establishment of the company in the factory? Do you have any clues? When I was on the plane, a group of people congratulated her and me. Among them, Jia Yueting from LeTV personally sent congratulations. Big and small horses ignored me, or Their subordinates sent congratulations. After Yang Mi chatted with him for a few words, she transferred to Ren Zhongjun. Ren Zhongjun didn’t say it clearly, but he said in a very subtle way that LeTV Films was planning to launch a round of financing in the first half of the year..."

"Well, what then?"

"Remember what I told you about Huang Xiaoming?... Intuitively, I feel that they are going to start robbing people."


Sometimes, the transition from a casual chat between friends to formal work may be just a few words.

After being silent, Qi Lei revealed the possibility that Xu Xin didn't express clearly:

"You mean...his financing this time may not be open to just a few people?"

"Yes. Frankly speaking, there are not many such investment opportunities. Although LeTV's film and television business was still in the trial stage last year, their brand name has also been erected. At this time, they raised a round of financing , transfer some shares... If nothing else, just give it 1 or 2%, let a group of film and television big shots invest some small money in. Let them become shareholders, and then once LeTV becomes more active...

If they are given the opportunity to make additional investments, these people will be tied to the LeTV boat. This is an obvious way to steal people, but now they are not focusing on the crew, but on the attractive actors and directors. But once they are trapped, shouldn’t the next step be to provide them with some supporting facilities? "

The meaning of what Xu Xin said is also very simple. The first stage is to find attractive big names, but the second stage is to recruit middle-level elite talents.

We must get ahead of them and frame them.

In the situation of outsourcing, we only rent but not sell.

Otherwise, when the market picks up, it will be difficult to trap people.

Does Qi Lei understand?

Of course I understand.


"We are still studying how to treat these outsourced teams."

When Xu Xin heard this, he frowned:

"The profits from outsourcing must be given away."

"The problem is that some people don't feel they need to give it."

"Isn't that different from being invalid?"

"That's what I say, but I will definitely earn more than in the factory. You can also get double the amount of money. In fact, compared with people in the industry, it is quite a lot."

"My brother. You are referring to a lot, but it is only at this stage. When these people use the gold and dollar offensive to raise the remuneration price, that stage will be the most difficult choice for people to make money."

After hearing Xu Xin's words, Qi Lei thought for a while and said:

"So, you mean to increase the business sharing ratio, let us take the small part, and these people take the big part? Is this your opinion?"

Hearing that he used "opinion" instead of "suggestion", Xu Xin responded directly:

"Yes, this is my opinion. Our company only accepts the leadership of the factory, but it still follows the business line. Its internal atmosphere is actually destined to be more private. But if we want to recruit talents, we always You have to pay some price. Especially the old people in the factory. You can’t delay everyone’s making money, right?”


Qi Lei was silent for a while and then said:

"Okay, let's discuss this matter in detail when we meet tomorrow. It will be finalized by then, and I will report to Mr. Tian when I come back. As long as Mr. Tian agrees, then let's cut the knot quickly. Indeed...it's as you said. In this situation, this group of Internet companies responded much faster than us."

"Well, okay, let's meet and talk tomorrow."

"Okay, is there anything else?"

"No, I just want to talk about this."

"Okay, then you can rest and we'll talk to you tomorrow."



The phone hangs up.

Xu Xin sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette.

He believed that it was not just him, nor was it just these people who had received the solicitation information.

More people will surely realize that the next trend in the Chinese film industry has arrived.

The overall rise of Chinese-language films with a scale of one billion.

Internet companies with sufficient cash flow enter the market.

Based on these two points alone, countless investors will definitely flock here.

This is why he wrote the establishment of an outsourcing company on the blackboard.

When a big wave hits, the trend is there, and there's no shame in going with it.

But I am afraid that the people who were originally united will be washed away by this huge wave.

It turned into a ball of loose sand.

If that really happens, everyone may be in trouble after the waves recede.

Thinking of this, he looked at the small blackboard again.

Although there are only three short ones...even the "Volvo Advertisement" is not a particularly important thing.

But just for these two items, Xu Xin felt like he had a big headache.

In the trance of a puff of smoke, he remembered the crow's beak before he flew to Berlin.

This year...seems like it's going to be really busy.

My back hurts and I’ll do 8K today.

Sure enough, the daily update cost 20,000 yuan.

My waist hurts~

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