I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 939 935 Dinner

Chapter 939 935. Dinner

The first gathering after the new year was arranged by Wang Sicong.

In other words, it was arranged by Di Wei.

Although Director Xu won the Golden Bear and Sister Mi won the Best Actress, they are still her "turf" in China.

There is no way, who made the box office of "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" have exceeded 700 million, and it is already a certainty that it will exceed 1 billion.

With this kind of achievement, Wang Sicong only has to hold up a sign on the street every day saying "My Girlfriend is Number One at the Box Office". Treating guests to a meal is definitely the right thing to do.

What's more, isn't there a reason?

“Celebrate Sister Xu Daomi’s canonization as a god in Berlin!”

Yes, the name is so big.

As for the choice of hotel, Di Wei chose a restaurant called South Beauty.

The reason is that when Wang Sicong asked us in the group what we should eat, Liu Zhishi happened to send a picture and asked Di Wei where she could eat the "stilted beef" in the picture.

Si Wei replied: "I had it at South Beauty last time and it was pretty good."

But Liu Zhishi would definitely not be able to get into a restaurant like South Beauty.

Wang Sicong replied:

“There are relatively few halal Sichuan dishes, right?”

Liu Zhishi said:

"There should be. By the way, South Beauty is owned by the man who married Big S, right?"

Wang Sicong did not respond, but continued to ask:

"What do you want to eat? Come on."

Unexpectedly, Liu Zhishi replied directly:

"Don't ask me if I can go. My grandpa is not feeling well, so I came over to stay with him."

As a result, there was one less person in the party.

And through this topic, in the end, Di Wei directly booked a hotel in South Beauty.

In fact, when it comes to this hotel, there was an episode.

Or a small contradiction.

In March of the year before last, Wang Xiaofei and Big S got married in Sanya. The wedding ceremony was very luxurious. Not to mention the wedding banquet, the guest hotel the two chose was the Ruihua Hotel in Sanya Wanda.

Ruihua's prices are naturally very expensive.

The cheapest room Wang Xiaofei booked was 1,611 nights, and he boldly booked 500 rooms.

Calculated based on 1,600 yuan, the hotel fee is 800,000 yuan.

However, there are many luxury hotels in Haitang Bay, and the media interviewed Wang Xiaofei's mother Zhang Lan in a gossipy manner, wondering why she finally chose Ruihua Hotel.

As a result, Zhang Lan said:

"This is a direct gift from Mr. Wang."

It means the "gift" given by Lao Lao Wang.

When the news came out, Xu Xin and the others were having dinner at home and couldn't drink. Wang Sicong, who had started cheating and cheating, was scrolling through his phone when he saw the news and started to curse.

It probably means "Who the hell does she think she is? She's using my family to make such a big deal."

Taking advantage of the drunkenness, I had to post a reply on Weibo.

As a result, just when she muttered "I have to scold you a few words", Yang Mi took the phone away directly.

"What kind of temper are you trying to play? Don't worry about the truth or lies. You can't even see that it's such an obvious way to hype up your relationship with Uncle Wang to raise your own status? You responded only when you really took the bait. How can you help people gain popularity for nothing? Why are you still so dumbfounded? Yeah. And isn’t this a two-way, good publicity tool for the hotel? Are you really drinking too much? "

Xu Xin on the side was also talking:

"That's right, the pure love God of War hasn't suffered enough yet."

After hearing this, Mother Yang's backhand was overwhelming.

"Don't just follow me and make fun of me!"


In the end, with Wang Sicong's repeated assurances, the matter was settled.

Wanda is too lazy to clarify this kind of thing, not to mention that the news of Wang Xiaofei and Big S's wedding is abuzz in the entertainment industry.

The topic of spending a lot of money on marriage is so popular here, and it is equivalent to giving Ruihua a wave of publicity for free.

Wang Sicong couldn't stand it, simply because he didn't like others using his property to hype it up. But for Ruihua Hotel, the publicity role is definitely greater than anything else.

Just because he drank so hard that he lost his mind, it didn't mean that Yang's mother was not sober.

After talking about all the pros and cons, forget about it.

Except that he felt a little unhappy...

But that's how it is sometimes among friends. When something goes wrong among friends, they will fan the flames and stir up trouble, but real friends will help analyze the pros and cons and arrange ways to deal with it.

In the end, Wang Xiaofei and Big S became a divine couple that everyone envied.

Wanda has nothing to lose.

That’s it.

And if it was normal, Wang Sicong would not go to South Beauty.

He thinks it is of low quality, LOW.

Bros treat me to a meal. In addition to snacks such as barbecue night market stalls, if a few real brothers sit together, doesn’t that meal start at 18,000 yuan?

South Beauty?

You eat hard, how much can you eat?

What's more, even though he "acknowledged" the loss of being mute, he still disdained Wang Xiaofei's reputation as the so-called "Four Young Masters in Beijing" and South Beauty's ant-like build.

But... Qi Ge said South Beauty, then South Beauty.

Not to mention anything else, our pure love God of War’s doting daughter-in-law is a first-class existence in the world.

The dog named Xu has to stand back a little.

So, tonight we chose South Beauty, which happens to be a place where we can eat Sichuan cuisine.

Hmm... maybe Seventh Brother is still homesick. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll go back to Chengdu tomorrow.

The sausages made by my aunt last time were quite delicious...

As the initiators of the party, the two of them were the first to arrive.

Si Wei directly ordered two packages, and the assistant and the driver went to another room to eat.

And when Wang Sicong, who was not covered by a mask, showed up in South Beauty with his girlfriend, if nothing else, the foreman was stunned.

But after reacting, I immediately arranged it myself.

He led the two of them into the box.

Even after seeing Di Wei's true appearance, she didn't feel too surprised.

Isn't it normal for these two people to be together?

Not long after the two arrived, the third person came.


The grand pianist took off the gloves that protected his hands, took off his scarf, thanked the waiter who poured him water, and said to the two of them:

"Just you two?"

"Those dads probably have to wait a while."

Although it was a joke from a friend, the foreman was shocked.

Could it be...

However, the experienced man did not say anything and quietly retreated.

But after coming out, he quickly ran to the kitchen, grabbed the executive chef and said:

"Today you have to serve it yourself."

The executive chef was quite puzzled, wondering who was coming?

As a result, as soon as I heard about the guests, I had an idea.


"They gave me the menu as soon as they finished ordering, and I came in person."

Not mentioning the affairs of South Beauty’s kitchen, Wang Sicong held a cigarette in the private room and said:

"Before mid-August this year, the Fantasy Chengdu store will open. You have to go there."

"Yo? So fast?"

Lang Lang asked in surprise.

Wang Sicong nodded:

"Well, this is my first experience. The decoration style, speaker and TV brand, etc. are all ready-made from suppliers. The drawings have come out and the construction team is here. Now we are waiting for the materials to come in and the construction will begin..."

As he spoke, he complained rather speechlessly:

"You're the boss after all, can you have some snacks?"


Lang Lang was a little embarrassed.

Not to mention taking it seriously, he didn't even bother to read the performance report that Lao Wang sent to the group every month because there were too many words.

But what did the two brothers say? He asked directly:

"How's business?"

"It's very good. The average profit per day is between 40,000 and 50,000 yuan. At the end of the year, we sold more than 7 million yuan a month."

Still, Fantasy KTV is an affordable KTV, and the profit is not high, probably around 25.

In other words, last month, the profit generated by a Xi'an store was 17.8 million.

The profits are definitely quite a lot, but for a few people it makes no difference whether they have it or not.

The reason why Wang Sicong is very interested in this KTV is that it is probably Tianlai's physical capital. On the other hand... the name of this second store is "7V Store".

He was holding his breath.

Ti Wei still doesn't know what he thinks, she just knows that her boyfriend likes her hometown very much.

Lang Lang also pretended to be confused and nodded:

"How many more stores do you plan to open this year? One in Yanjing?"

"I'm thinking about it. But... the stall is too big and I'm afraid I'll be exhausted. To tell you the truth, I think it's pretty good now. I'm only busy for half a day every day. In the afternoon, Brother Qi and I should eat and sleep... …”

While they were chatting, Xu Xin opened the door and walked in.

The foreman was also following behind.


After politely thanking the guy behind him, Wang Sicong looked at him and asked in confusion:

"Where's Da Mi?"

"Coming soon? She's coming from the company with Liu Yifei."

After sitting down, smoking, and politely thanking the water glass handed to him by the foreman again, he said:

"what's the topic?"

"We're talking about KTV."


Xu Xin looked uninterested.

It's only a few hundred thousand dollars a month, so it's not worth wasting his brain cells.

"Hey, do you want to open a serious flagship store in Yanjing?"


Xu Xin nodded:

"You can do it if you want. How is the Chengdu store?"

"It will almost be open in August."

"In such a hurry? Don't worry, let's let the smell go. Isn't there formaldehyde in the decoration?"

When he said these words, the foreman who walked to the door was almost moved to tears.

As an old man who has followed South Beauty all the way from the first store to the present, he has done a lot of work guiding new stores in recent years.

In order to save rent and expenses, which owner doesn’t just renovate the place and let it smell good for at most three to five days before opening?

Director Xu...you have such a conscience!

It's a pity that I can't join in this game... Otherwise, I really want to hear what they are talking about.

But...this matter must be reported to the superiors immediately.

And Lao Wang in the house also agreed with Xu Xin's words... He didn't care about when it would open, formaldehyde or the like. The only reason why he was in such a hurry was to take Brother Qi to unveil the red cloth on the KTV plaque. .

When the name "Still Fantasy·7V" appeared in my girlfriend's eyes...


Just thinking about it makes me happy!

Then, Xu Xin looked at Di Wei and said:

"How's the team going?"

"In the group."

"That's fine, remember, here~"

He pointed to his head:

"You have to stay awake."


"Brother Qi, you and I are not worried at all. I am mainly worried that the people around you will swell, especially this guy... You must not cause trouble for Brother Qi, do you hear me?"

"Go away, if it weren't for Da Mi, wouldn't you be a pure iron FIVE!"

"Fart! Am I not much better than him?"


Lang Lang was stunned, watching the dog start barking again, and said:

"You're really biting!"

"Stop talking to me, a big-tailed wolf with thick eyebrows and big eyes!...Old Wang, have I told you about him and that girl named Gina?"


Wang Sicong became interested.

Then... Lang Lang turned green.

"I melted the fucking trophy for you!"

"Yo? Now you can instruct your good sister who is 12 years younger than you?"

"12 years old? Damn... you are worse than a wheel!"

"No, you misunderstood. Wheel is worse than him. Kun Ling was still underage at the time."

"He's done this?"

"It's done anyway."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

"You bark one more time! I'll give you a slap worth 80 million US dollars!"

"Woof woof woof!"


Di Wei had subconsciously covered her mouth.

Either way.

It's not interesting for two people to eat together.

It has to be this kind of situation~

The happiest.

"Come on, let me bring you a drink."

Wang Sicong picked up the wine glass:

"This glass of wine congratulates our Berlin's best director..."

"Golden Bear for Best Film Thank you."


I watched Xu Xin, who said all night, "I don't care about awards, I have no idea about awards", every time he was mistakenly called "Best Director", he would be corrected by the "Golden Bear Award"...

Wang Sicong is already used to it.

"Well, you are right. In order to celebrate our best director and best actress, this is the fifth time. Everyone has done it. Respect our director Xu and best actress! I wish our director Xu and the best in the future. , hard at night..."



The couple's cheeks began to twitch crazily.

The first person to respond to Wang Sicong's words was Liu Yifei:

"Come on, come on, do it!"

She drank all the white wine in the glass in one gulp, then took advantage of the "spicy" feeling and quickly scooped up another spoonful of vinegar peanuts and a large piece of Yibin burning noodles.

Except when she was drinking, she could only eat baby vegetables in soup at other times.

So she drank the most tonight.

If you don’t drink too much, you won’t have any meat to eat…

She was starving.

Yang Mi glanced at her and pretended she couldn't see the traitor.

Eat it.

Sooner or later you will be fat to death!

After finishing this round of wine, the second bottle of Taitai has concluded its historical mission.

Si Wei skillfully opened the third bottle.

Wang Sicong's face turned red, and he suddenly remembered something:

"Oh yes, Lao Xu, Deng Chao, do you know?"


"The cooperation has been negotiated, one of the hosts of "Running Man"."

"Why are you looking for him?"


Wang Sicong was stunned:

"Are you drunk? Didn't you call me to tell me? He's interested or something."

"...Huh? Is there any?"

Xu Xin looked confused.

"...Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you."

Wang Sicong looked like a child who couldn't be taught.

And Yang Mi asked:

"Who are you looking for?"

"Now... let me think about it~"

He lit a cigarette, blushed and started picking at his fingers:

"One is Xiaobing, one is Deng Chao, one is Kun Ling, one is Lin Gou, one is Zeng Xiaoxian from the love apartment, and one is Shen Teng. The last one I'm thinking about is Sha Yi or Wang Baoqiang. Both of them have agreed, so I'm thinking about who to choose. Woolen cloth."

Yang Mi was stunned:

"Lao Sha promised you?"


"Then choose him. Although Wang Baoqiang is popular...but I have been in contact with him in private. I don't like his wife very much. She has a lot of troubles."

Hearing Yang Mi's words, a group of people's gossip antennas suddenly became sharp:

"Yo? Is there a melon? You're so embarrassed!"

"No, we just went to an awards ceremony together. He took his wife there."

"Offended you?"

After Xu Xin asked this question, a group of people looked at him as if he was crazy.

Offend your wife?

I would rather offend you than offend your wife.

If I offend you, I will lose my job at most, and if I offend your wife, I may lose her life.

Yang Mi shook her head:

"No, I just saw her reprimanding Assistant Wang Baoqiang. It's a bit like a villain. I don't like this person very much."

"But I think Wang Baoqiang is quite suitable. Reality shows are also performances. His silly appearance, compared to Lao Sha... feels more natural with his role. So I am more biased towards him."

These are Wang Sicong’s words.

Seeing this, Yang Mi shrugged indifferently:

"Okay, that's up to you... Ah! The surname is Liu! Xiba! Put down that hoof flower for me!"


Liu Yifei's mouth twitched.


Si Wei burst out laughing.


Just say it.

I like this atmosphere the most.

outside the house.

The lobby manager of South Beauty covered her mouth at the front desk and said to Zhang Lan on the phone:

"Yes, Mr. Zhang. Xu Xin, Yang Mi, Wang Sicong, Di Wei, Lang Lang, and Liu Yifei are all here."

"okay, I get it."

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