I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 940 936 Noon Sunshine

Chapter 940 936. Noon Sunshine

(Correction, Chapter 931 is out of my mind. It says it will be released at 0:00 on the 20th. The timeline is wrong. It has been changed to 8:00 pm on the 20th. Please note.)

Three bottles of Maotai for one meal, and after the wine was finished, time was almost up.

"Shall we withdraw?"

Wang Sicong, whose tongue was so full from drinking, said.


Xu Xin nodded and stood up first.

Yang Mi, who was also drinking and flushed, did not forget to say:

"You give me a little support, Old Wolf."

"No! I can walk by myself."

"Get out of here~ Lao Wang, come on, help us artists."


Xu Xin and him, each with one hand and one hand, went to Lang Lang's creaking nest.

"Oh my god! Don't scratch it... it's itchy, hahahahaha..."


Xu Xin, who had just started tickling Lang Lang, immediately became honest after being punched by the peasant woman.

"Don't be ridiculous! If he falls, are you afraid of being buried alive by the Europeans?"

"Hahahaha, raking your ears!"

Wang Sicong began to show off his dialect, which was full of superiority.

Di Wei's temples felt tingling after hearing this...

Xu Xin, who was eager to change the topic, glanced at...

"Liu Xiba is still eating!"

Miracle Walker is still farming! ! !

Yang Mi stared.

Watching the fairy sister take out a big spoonful of twice-cooked pork mixed with chili and black bean sauce, my blood pressure suddenly went up.

"Yeah! Xiba!"


Liu Feifei, who had actually been drinking and eating all night, bared his teeth in a smile, revealing his gums that were still dipped in green pepper.

Finally, everyone came out together, noisily.

Yang Mi, who was the first to come out, was supported by Su Meng and led to the door by the waiter waiting outside.

Xu Dafa has settled the account.

However, when she passed by the front desk, she still saw two people taking pictures.

I was stunned for a moment...and didn't care anymore.

I drank too much now and was too lazy to care about it.

As Lang Lang complained, "You two just put me in the shackles," a group of drunkards wearing no masks or hats walked out of the hotel.

"Disbanded, everyone went back to their respective homes. Remember, the clothes you wear tomorrow will look like dogs. Don't embarrass me in the movie!"

"Hurry up and pull it down. I'll step on the pull board tomorrow!"

After hearing this, Dai Wei was stunned for a moment before she realized that the pull on the board might mean slippers...

After hearing Lang Lang's words, Wang Sicong also nodded:

"No problem, I'll wear ripped jeans."

"Then it would be great for you two to run around naked. At dawn, my two poor brothers will come out and go for a walk."


The three men laughed, and Xu Xin gave Wang Sicong a cigarette.

Obviously they just said they would disband immediately, but now they are talking again.

Yang Mi looked helpless and got into the car directly.

It was very cold, and she didn't want to suffer the cold.

Liu Yifei knew she was in the wrong and also said hello:

"I'm cold, let's go now."

"Bye, Xiba."


Looking at the three unattractive gentlemen, Liu Yifei, who had been given a nickname for no apparent reason, twitched her lips, and finally snorted angrily in her heart: Wait until I lose weight, Xiba!

And now you can see the difference.

Compared to some selfish bitch, the seventh brother stood in the cold wind, holding hands with his boyfriend with a smile, and listened to the three of them bragging.

He has the attitude of staying with you until you grow old.

And this is also the critical moment for the dinner to end.

The four of us just smoked a cigarette and were recognized by many customers passing by.

Even though he didn't bother me, after passing by a few people, I couldn't help but look here. There were still people taking pictures with their mobile phones.

But what are the four of you talking about?

Not really.

It was just a moment to smoke a cigarette and chat a few words about Jay Chou.

He is destined to be very busy in the first half of this year, with concerts all over the country.

What a few people were talking about was the concert.

"Lao Xu, you are going too, right?"

"Yes, I'll go to the one in Guangxi."

"Why choose Guangxi specifically?"

"I don't know~"

"Brother, let's just say...are you sure you can stand the smell of snail noodles?"

"Sure, a bowl of noodles, add pig's trotters, duck feet, and two fried eggs. Just eat it, and don't make a sound when you eat it."



Talking and laughing, one cigarette is enough.

Lang Lang waved his hand:

"Let's go. If you don't leave, you will be treated like a monkey."

Xu Xin looked around at those people and nodded slightly:

"Dismissed... Hey, wait a minute, let me ask you a brain teaser. By the way, why are all the skinny people in Japan?"


"Because both the fat man and the little boy exploded."


"Hahahahahaha... Disband, dissolve... Hahahaha..."

In the end, Xu Xin plagiarized the hell joke, and the dinner ended happily.

Thanks to social media, the photo of the four people standing at the entrance of South Beauty appeared on Weibo that night.

Xu Xin himself has gained popularity because of the Berlin Film Festival, and Lang Lang is also a guest performer, not to mention Wang Sicong and Wei Wei.

As soon as Si Wei's "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" came out, this first generation of Xin girls have completely established themselves.

Jump to the top.

Let’s not mention how much the commercial value has inflated, let’s just talk about her “affair” with Wang Sicong…

Although everyone knew it was real, the two of them just didn't respond. But that's often the case with some things. The less you respond, the more people like to watch it.

Various melon farmers on the Internet watched it with gusto.

In fact, a long time ago, when the incident between Wang Sicong and Di Wei was first exposed, everyone thought that the two were just playing for fun.

After all... no matter how you look at it, they don't look like a good match.

Even if one is Miss Xin, one has the nickname of the God of War of Pure Love.

But...the gap is really too big.

Think about it, how could the sole heir to a billion-dollar empire find a small star if he didn't find well-matched high-quality resources?

But...these two people have had no scandals in two years, and they have been together as a couple. In every detail, it can be seen that the man cares for the woman. Photos leaked out, which proves the relationship between the two people.

As a result, everyone naturally changed from "when will these two people break up" or "when will Wang Sicong get tired of playing" to "when will these two people get married?".

And if these two people really want to get married...

Maybe it will really make a splash in the entertainment industry.

February 20th.

Finally, the "right day" has arrived.

10 o'clock in the morning.

Xu Xin arrived at Erying Factory.

Or the Yanjing Office of Xiying Film Studio.

As soon as he entered the office building of Xiying Film Factory, he saw Qi Lei wearing a white safety helmet representing Party A, standing at the door. Accompanied by several responsible persons stationed here, he was watching the workers go up. material.

"Brother Qi."

Qi Lei turned around and immediately became happy when he saw Xu Xin:

"Haha, it came quickly enough."

"When did you arrive?"

"Just arrived...how are you?"

He pointed to the somewhat messy venue on the first floor and smiled at Xu Xin:

"At that time, the most top-notch equipment will be used here to ensure the post-production of the film. The two sides will also be linked. We will produce more and more films in the future, and more people in the factory will become administrative staff. As a result, the focus of the industry will begin to shift."

The two of them were so familiar that they didn't exchange any pleasantries at all. Qi Lei immediately told them about the adjustments made by Xiying Film Studio.

Xu Xin was not surprised.

Indeed, no matter how good Xi'an is, it is still too far away from Yanjing, the center of the entertainment industry.

And as there are more and more people in the factory, it will inevitably become bloated if they are all gathered together.

This separation is the right thing to do.

After Xu Xin chatted with others for a while, he followed Qi Lei upstairs and came to his office.

Compared with the office in Xi'an, the facilities here are actually a bit more business-like, but a good tea reception is definitely indispensable. After the tea was brewed, the two sat facing each other, and Qi Lei said straight to the point:

"What you mentioned yesterday, Mr. Tian just came back in the afternoon, so I went up to talk about it. He also approved the plan, and I asked my people to draft the plan. It is estimated that in another month or two, the company will be able to Get up. Pure outsourcing. The team that joins the outsourcing must sign a commercial contract with the company to achieve bundling. The contract starts with three years."


Xu Xin felt relieved.

At this time, Qi Lei said:

"I have another thing, let's talk about it."

Xu Xin nodded slightly and handed over a cigarette.

"Do you know Shanying?"

"Shandong Film and Television?"


"I don't have any impression... I just remember... they seem to specialize in TV series, right?"

"It can also be said that "Enter Guandong", "The Heart of the Grass", and "Railway Guerrilla" are all produced by them. They are a company that specializes in TV series and is very powerful."


Xu Xin knew that he must have more to say, so he continued to wait.

"In 2011, they rushed to Dongyang to promote the development of film and television enterprises. At the critical moment when tax incentives were the greatest, they established a post-production company in Hengdian called Noon Sunshine. They specialized in outsourcing post-production for Shanying's TV series..."


Xu Xin was stunned, looked at Qi Lei and asked:

"Are they doing it specifically for Shanying, or do they also take on the later stages of other businesses?"

"Specially made for Shanying."

Seeing that Xu Xin had noticed something was wrong, Qi Lei showed a somewhat meaningful expression.

In fact, the reason why he showed such an expression was very simple.

What is the model of Xiying Studio? For works submitted for auction by our own company, post-production is all done in the factory. For example, Xu Xin wanted to make a movie, and a budget of 30 million was approved. The actor's salary is 10 million, and the cost of equipment, labor, venue rental, driver's lunch, etc. is 5 million. Then the remaining 15 million is the money for later stages.

Whether it's special effects, hiring dubbing, or editing, the factory is responsible for it. But although the budget is 30 million, how much it will cost later depends on the final product. And it's not that you gave me fifteen million, I have to spend all the later fifteen million.

Because the post-production team in the factory is also paid.

And also enjoy group box office share.

But speaking of it, this is also the fundamental reason why Xu Xin feels that it is urgent to establish an outsourcing company.

Compared with the outside world, these late-stage workers... don't really get enough money.

In the past, it was actually okay. At that time, the box office of the movie market was not booming. In the later period, a movie here received an average bonus of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. In addition to a stable establishment job with five insurances and one housing fund, the salary was quite a lot.

But with the box office blowout, the post-production team will definitely become more and more important in the future in Xu Xin's eyes.

At this time, if we still follow the old methods of state-owned enterprises, it will not work.

There will definitely be a brain drain.

He also wants everyone to make money.

It also helps the factory consolidate the soil that is so easy to cultivate and becomes fertile.

But he "didn't understand" Shanying's initiative to establish an outsourcing company.

A movie with a cost of 30 million. After shooting for 15 million, you can take the film back to the factory. In the effective saving of funds, maybe the movie will only cost 2500 or 2600 yuan, which is enough. .

The money saved will add millions to the cost, and there will be no publicity.

But Shanying took the initiative to set up an outsourcing company, which is equivalent to saying that after the filming cost of a 30 million movie, the remaining 1,500 yuan will be given to the outsourcing company.

Post-production cost 10 million, and the outsourcing company earned 5 million...

Of course, this "30 million" is just an example.

But behind the example, he really "didn't understand" Shan Ying's behavior.

After thinking for a while, he said:


Hearing this, Qi Lei nodded:

"Actually, there is another thing involved. The leaders they changed over the past 10 years are a bit like us. The directors of "Crossing the Guandong" also belong to the "local households." There were some internal differences. In the end, this group of people were I was arranged to go to this company in the noon sunshine."


Xu Xin suddenly realized.

Said it was an arrangement...

Exile is almost the same.

To put it bluntly, I have never fought against others.

In addition, he is influential.

Get rid of this group of people and set up an outsourcing company, and everyone will change from like-minded comrades to people who control resources, and people who rely on those who control resources to make a living.

Level becomes up and down.

Although he didn't understand it in detail yet, he had already figured out the attributes of this company.

"Have they found us?"

"Yeah. This company is Shanying's "consolation prize" for the three directors..."

"Which three?"

"Kong Sheng, Li Jie, and Sun Molong. The other shares are in Shanying, but they obviously understand that they can't rely on Shanying alone for everything, so they are now actively expanding their business. Starting this year, we will cooperate with Taili , began to expand the business in the field of TV dramas. When they approached me last year, I actually didn’t take it to heart...but I have had people inspect the production team of Shaanxi TV Station in the past few days...I can only say that it is difficult to describe it in one word."

Speaking of this, Qi Lei was inevitably a little helpless:

"In the final analysis, it is still too bloated. Before "The Voice", Shaanxi and Taiwan had been useless for so many years, and most people had already made plans to retire safely. Now they choose to cooperate with us... I guess their It will take at least three to five years to clean up the group of "idle people" internally. I think this is an opportunity~ Let's go first and seize a team around the Xiying Channel, and then... there will always be children who leave home. I have to go home for the day."


Xu Xin's eyes narrowed momentarily.

What does this mean...Western Video Channel, are you going back to Shaanxi?

Then, he followed this train of thought and instantly saw the "future".

The video channel is back, regardless of whether the channel name is changed back to the original Shaanxi and Taiwan 9 sets... As long as everyone is in the same system, then... it is equivalent to returning to the inside of a provincial channel.

And this group of people who returned happened to be the backbone of this provincial channel.

What he holds in his hand is a sharp weapon originating from the Western Shadow Series.

That future...

After understanding this, he finally understood why Qi Lei didn't talk in detail even though there was no one in the room.

Because that's the future.

At this moment, both myself and the other party are poetry.

All blind.

can not see.

So, he nodded slightly to show that he understood, and said:

"Do you think they are a worthy target?...What about Shanying?"

"The important thing is not the sunshine at noon, but the people. These three directors are the absolute core, and these post-production personnel who have followed Kong Sheng all the way are absolute elites. People live when they are moved, and trees die when they are moved. Kong Sheng is only five years old this year. Thirteen, his development will naturally not come to an end..."

"I think it will work."

At this point, everything that needs to be talked about is actually very clear.

Xu Xin nodded:

"If their team is really good, I think it's okay. What do you think, Mr. Tian?"

"I haven't discussed this with Mr. Tian yet. Mr. Tian is currently busy in a different direction~"

Xu Xin's eyes moved again.

I stayed in the office all morning. At noon, Yang Mi came over and the three of them had a meal together.

After the dinner is over, it's time to prepare for tonight's premiere of "Heart of the Sun".

Everyone split up.

In the car, Xu Xin didn't say much.

When he returned home, he called his wife into his studio alone and repeated everything he had said to Qi Lei in the morning.

As the old saying goes, no one is perfect.

Xu Xin is smart enough and has a good brain. But in life, he is a pure iron waste.

The same is true for Yang Mi. She is good at everything, but she always thinks superficially about some things in the agency.

When she heard what her husband said, her first reaction was:

"Will I be able to produce and sell it internally in the future? Like Shanying, I eat hot pot with these Internet companies, made by AA. For the 400 yuan hot pot, they pay 200 yuan, and I pay 200 yuan from the merchant. Voucher?”


Xu Xin was stunned for a while before he realized what she meant.

The copyright is provided here, and in the later stage, all the filming and filming funds will be paid by those gangsters...?

You are such a little genius.

There is really nothing wrong with the words "self-produced and self-sold".

Extremely impressive.

Purely natural whoring, right?

He couldn't help but ask:

"Besides these, do you have any other ideas?"

"...No more."

The young woman looked indifferent:

"I can't think of anything else, and I don't understand it either. I can probably hear what you are saying... The TV station returned to the Shaanxi and Taiwanese system, filling the Shaanxi and Taiwanese system with backbones from Xiying... But other I don't think very clearly. Oh, I don't have to think about it. It's you. We have different divisions of labor... Please put this suit on quickly and let me take a look. This suit was sent to you. The sample looks pretty good to me. If possible, I will order from this company in the future, so I don’t have to send people to the UK every day.”


The corners of Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

Finally nodded:


He also admitted it.

Also, it would be terrible if the wife was omniscient and omnipotent.

What else do you want to do by yourself?

So, he started changing clothes in a nonchalant manner right in front of her.

After putting it on, Yang Mi looked at it and nodded slightly:

"Yeah, not bad. That's it for tonight."


Xu Xin agreed immediately.

February 20, 2013 at 7:30 pm.

Chaoyang Wanda.

Wanda was packed with media and fans both inside and outside the venue.

The media was noisy and the course of action was somewhat eccentric. I would constantly stand on the red carpet... the kind where a group of media people stand in front of the camera and take photos.

Fans are very simple.

I came purely to see Yang Mi, Xu Xin, and Liu Zhishi.

Starting from the premiere at 8 o'clock, not only the Chaoyang store, but also Wanda in Yanjing, and even Hengdian, Dadi, Lanhai, Hengdian, Chenglong, Poly and other theaters, the attendance rate of other movies was very low.

The movie tickets for "Scorching Sun" have been queued up from 8 o'clock to midnight.

All sold out.

Leave no one behind.

This movie is finally going to be released to the public.

Cinema backstage.

Xu Xin, who finished smoking a cigarette in the corridor, opened the fire door and walked towards the waiting room.

From a distance, Wang Sicong opened the waiting room door and walked in.

He didn't shout either.

This is someone else’s home.

But... if he didn't go ahead and sit down with Brother Seven, why would he be in the waiting room now?

While thinking about it, he walked to the door of the room.

As soon as I opened the door, I heard:

"Damn, you're so shameless!"


Xu Xin was stunned.

Wang Sicong, who was cursing in the street, heard the movement and turned his head to take a look.

The two looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

Xu Xin asked in confusion:

"What's wrong with you?"

"I'm being used as a gun again! Damn it... I'm telling you, Da Mi, don't stop me this time! I'll just endure it for one day. When the movie Lao Xu comes out at the box office on its first day tomorrow, I will definitely You can’t fucking beat her to death! You bastard, you really think I’m easy to bully, don’t you!?”


Xu Xin looked at the young master cursing there with a blank look on his face, and then glanced at his wife who was looking at something on her cell phone but frowning...

"What's wrong?"

At this time, Yang Mi seemed to have finished reading the message and handed the phone to him.

Xu Xin took it and took a look and found that it was a self-media Weibo.

[Beauty Jiangnan founder Zhang Lan liked Wang Sicong’s wedding banquet message, hinting that Wang Sicong and Si Wei are about to have good things happen? 】

"Yesterday, Xu Xin, Yang Mi, Wang Sicong, Di Wei, Lang Lang, and Liu Yifei were photographed by fans while dining at the famous high-end restaurant South Beauty in Yanjing. Among them, Xu Xin and Yang Mi... Wang Sicong can be clearly seen holding hands in the picture Holding Di Wei's hand, Di Wei had a sweet look on her face... When a netizen left a message on Zhang Lan's Weibo: "I heard that Wang Sicong and Di Wei chose South Beauty for their wedding banquet? "Received a thumbs up from Zhang Lan..."


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, and after reading the content on Weibo, he was completely speechless.

I subconsciously said:

"Is this person mentally ill? Where did you hear the gossip?"

After finishing his words, Wang Sicong sneered:

"You don't really think that such an irrelevant question can be asked casually without anyone else's instruction, do you?"


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