I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 941 937 Ending and Hype

Chapter 941 937. Ending and Hype

Following Wang Sicong's words, Xu Xin also understood what he meant.

Actually, think about it.

If you see someone go to a certain restaurant, the most interesting thing is what the food in this restaurant is like...or understand the story behind it and why the other person would choose this restaurant.

If not, find out how expensive this dish is.

Who in the right mind would ask, "Did they choose this place for their wedding banquet?"

What's more, the news that Lao Wang appeared in a certain hotel... isn't even news.

Over the years, regardless of whether it was Xi'an, Shanghai, Yanjing or wherever... I randomly searched the Internet for photos of him holding a cake and picking vegetables, or walking and chewing a roasted sweet potato.

Search a lot.

It was the same after getting together with Di Wei.

Especially after the relationship was exposed, although they did not admit it, the two of them stopped hiding it.

Even where he goes to eat now is not news.

With his level of street slut, one second a certain netizen might be enjoying himself, and the next second he would see him passing by him.

At this time, who in their right mind would bring the topic to the wedding banquet?

It's so far-fetched.

Although all this is speculation, Xu Xin couldn't help but complain:

"He really knows how to publicize. He is a talent."

These words were met with a huge glare from Wang Sicong.

Isn't it your popularity that you are cooperating with?

He ignored Xu Xin and looked at Yang Mi:

"Don't stop me now."

"I won't stop you. This kind of person is really too mean. Let's not criticize him, but at least clarify it. After all, he is also the boss of a catering group. It's hard for her to do this without any lower limit. "

Yang Mi didn't stop him now.

Some things are blocked because they are not necessary.

But not causing trouble does not mean being afraid of trouble.

Apart from anything else, do you really think anyone can touch Porcelain Wanda?

However, she still reminded:

"Don't go too far with this, don't affect Brother Qi."

At this time, Xu Xin spoke:

"It won't affect her. It's not a big deal at all."

"Well, I won't criticize her today. I'll post on Weibo when it's over tomorrow."


Xu Xin nodded.

"It's almost time. I'm going to meet the crew. You all can go over."

Following his words, others stood up one after another.

The media premiere of "Scorching Sun" simultaneously released has officially begun.

In fact, the red carpet at the premiere of "Scorching Sun" was not prepared for any celebrity guests.

But to these media people.

Even the idea was not Xu Xin's, but provided by the planners at Xiying Studio.

According to common sense, since it has been decided to hold a premiere, some familiar artist friends and the like must be invited to come and stand on the platform.

Pure media premieres like today have not been held before. However, the time to invite these media is usually three to five days before the film is released. Invite them to come and watch, and then send them a red envelope and say some kind words. sentence to attract more viewers.

This is a very common method in the film and television industry.

But...some methods must also keep pace with the times.

At least, Xu Xin is "advancing with the times" this time.

However, he did not participate in domestic publicity, so he does not know who arranged this "Scorching Sun" publicity event.

But all he can say is...this strategy is very powerful.

Because he combined the premiere with the media premiere.

In Hall 1, the largest venue in Chaoyang Wanda, only one-third of all the media present today, including heads of traditional industries including several Internet companies, were present.

The vast majority of the remaining two-thirds are Internet media.

Xiying Film Studio personally invited me and sent a very formal letter, with Xu Xin's name signed by the handwriting inside.

Director "Xu Xin" sincerely invites.

Then, Xiying Studio also prepared a red carpet for them.

I specially found a group of people to take photos, and even created a WeChat group where I would send the photos to the group for these people to pick up.

This time, the media became the ones on the red carpet.

Xu Xin didn't know which marketing genius came up with this idea.

But... I have to admit, the effect should be quite explosive.

Because, just before 8 o'clock, while he was waiting in the passage from the backstage to the frontcourt, Su Meng looked at Xu Xin's phone:

"Brother Xu, look."

Xu Xin took a look and found that the mobile phone page was her circle of friends.

Over the years, she has added many media outlets that she has interviewed or collaborated with, and some of them are also included in today's invitation list.

[Invited by Director Xu Xin, come and attend the world premiere of "Heart of the Sun" today. The movie atmosphere at the scene was very pure. As a media person, I am increasingly looking forward to what kind of excitement this movie will bring me. The review will be updated as soon as possible after watching the movie. 】

[Picture], [Picture], [Picture]...

In the photo, one photo is an invitation letter signed by Xu Xin, and there is even a media name typed in the underline at the back.

The second photo is the "Scorching Sun" poster hanging on Wanda's door.

The third chapter shows this media person standing on the red carpet under the poster for a group photo.

This is the first circle of friends he has seen.

Scroll down further, the second media, the third media, the fourth...

The media that can enter Su Meng's mobile phone is naturally not ordinary.

But the format of everyone’s posts on Moments… can almost be said to be tacitly the same.

The prefixes were "Invited by Director Xu Xin" to express how awesome he was, and then he released photos on the red carpet... Xu Xin even found that the reporters were all dressed formally. Although it is not as exaggerated as an evening dress, the dress is not bad.

He nodded slightly, returned the phone to Su Meng, and said to himself that the creativity of this premiere event was really a genius.

The work in the factory is so beautiful.

It really hit home for these media people.

Let them come to the front of the stage, with a sense of achievement that is... a little ostentatious, and without spending a penny, let everyone smile on the red carpet.

I have to ask Brother Qi who did this marketing for a while.

Very unconventional.

Looks like it was done by young people.



Not bad.

While he was thinking about it, the host from Wanda walked over:

"Director Xu, it's almost time. You can bring all the teachers in later, wave to everyone and take their seats. The interview will be after the movie screening."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

He politely thanked him, then waited for the staff to open the door and walked out first.

All the actors behind him followed him out.

The brightly lit auditorium No. 1 fell silent for a moment.

Immediately afterwards...


"Hua la la la la la..."

"Kacha kacha kacha~"

In the flash of flashlights, Xu Xin smiled and waved to everyone, and then walked to his wife who was already sitting there.

And at this time...

"Xu Dao Niubi!!!"

I don't know who shouted.

Then...the applause and cheers became even louder.

As a result, Xu Xin's beckoning turned into a hand-off.

While cupping his hands, he came to the chair, finally waved to the people in the theater and sat down.

As the director and actors took their seats, the applause calmed down.

The lights also slowly dimmed.

In the darkness, Xu Xin heard his wife whisper:

"I beg you, please don't let me participate in this kind of occasion next time, okay? I really made myself sick after watching "The Heart of the Sun"."

Xu Xin nodded slightly.

Don't talk about her, I'm almost sick of it.

You see, sometimes the truth in the world is just that.

What do you mean... behind every goddess, there is a... man.


So does he.

A conservative estimate is that he has watched this movie at least 10 times.

I really want to vomit...

But fortunately, today is the last time.

In the darkness, with the appearance of the dragon mark, "a new time" begins.

The much-anticipated movie finally came out at 8 o'clock on February 20th.


The video ends.

Everything was silent.

When the lights came on, the bored people in the first row subconsciously cheered up.

Xu Xin, who was looking so good that he fell asleep, glanced at the host who had already appeared. When he saw the other party nodded slightly, he stood up first.

He stood up, and the others followed suit, and walked to the stage step by step in the silence of the crowd.

The host also came on stage with a teleprompter board.

I took a look at those pairs... I didn't know what to do, and my eyes were even filled with confusion. I felt blessed and said:

"Now everyone knows how valuable the Golden Bear Award for Best Picture is, right?"

A word to wake up the dreamer.

People who finally broke free from the film's... almost absurd ending all came to their senses.

Looking at the director and actors on the stage...


There was a round of applause.

"Director Xu... is really a great film. To be honest, I really thought the story was over after Xin Xiaofeng was executed. This reverse ending... I'm sorry, I may be a little excited. But What I want to say about the movie is that it's really... great! Yeah, that's how I feel about it."


"I would like to ask Mr. Zhang Yi, what is your biggest challenge in this drama?"

"The biggest challenge is to meet Director Xu's requirements. Director Xu's requirements also determine the height of this film, so... this is not only this film, but also the biggest challenge in my entire career."

"Hello, Shishi. We all watched your wonderful performance in the play. It was like a complete transformation. How do you feel about this performance experience?"

"For me, this is a kind of growth. As you said, for me, it is indeed a rebirth. I gave everything to "Heart of the Sun" and the role of Igika. And now the biggest My feeling is that...her character, Iguka, has brought me to a new stage. It has helped me build up my confidence and made me...walk more calmly."

"Teacher Duan..."

As a media premiere, this time, the crew members reserved nearly 30 minutes of interview time for these reporters and media.

Finally, at 10:40, the interview ended completely.

But...Xu Xin can't leave yet.

Because there is one last link today.

That's a group photo...

A crowd of people came to ask for autographs and photos.

Even Xu Xin couldn't tell who was who.

Fortunately, some people came out from nowhere to maintain order and began to make arrangements:

"Don't be crowded. We have reserved time for everyone to take photos. Please take photos in groups of two, standing on the left and right sides of each teacher..."


Another half hour.

Xu Xin felt that his face was frozen with laughter, and the event was finally concluded successfully.

When he found Qi Lei backstage, he finally asked his doubts:

"Brother Qi, who planned this marketing plan?"

Qi Lei did not answer directly, but asked:

"how are you feeling?"

"To be honest...it was great. Although it was a bit long, I saw these people all leaving with smiles on their faces."

After hearing Xu Xin's feelings, Qi Lei laughed:

"Haha, do you still remember Yang Tianzhen, Bingbing's former assistant?"


Xu Xin was in a daze.

But I vaguely remember that there was such a person.

"Just the fat one..."

"Yes, that's her. Bingbing recommended her, and now she works in the marketing department of the factory. This time, because the main promotion of the movie is in Berlin, it's the only one in China, and everyone has a headache on how to promote it... She provided it Plan. Not bad, right?"

"Yeah. He's a talent."

Xu Xin sighed with emotion.

Then he looked at the time and said:

"Want to have a late-night snack?"

"Haha, I won't go."

Qi Lei waved his hand:

"Isn't school starting soon? Your sister-in-law is here too. I have to get up early tomorrow to take her and my daughter to watch the flag raising. I'll let someone else distribute the box office for these four hours."

"Okay, I'll call you tomorrow."


Qi Lei responded:

"Thank you for your hard work. This matter...has finally come to an end. Let's go back and have a good rest for a few days."

"I can't even take a few days off. I'm about to start the next project."

"Then take a good few days' rest."


Friends parted amid laughter.

It's really not too early.

After working so "late", it's finally time to rest.

Before getting in the car, he blew out the last puff of cigarette and let out a long sigh...

it is finally over.

Go home, wash up, and sleep.

At around 8 a.m. on the 21st, when Yang Mi called him to eat, he opened his eyes in a daze, grabbed his cell phone and walked to the toilet.

Then I saw the results from last night.

4 hours.

The first-day box office of "Scorching Sun": 25.2 million.

And there is a string of numbers.

Film scheduling ratio: 52%

Comprehensive box office share: 65.1%

Attendance rate: 94%

Seeing these two numbers, he raised his eyebrows in slight surprise.

Of these numbers, the first one is easy to understand.

The number of films scheduled in all auditoriums in the cinema.

"Heart of the Sun" is over half way.

The comprehensive box office ratio refers to the proportion of movie box office revenue to total revenue. For example, a theater sold 100 yuan in one hour, of which 65 yuan was from "Scorching Sun". For theaters, this is a very important indicator of whether to increase the number of films scheduled.

As for the attendance rate... 94 means there are basically no empty seats.

But on the first day the film was released, it was normal to reach this kind of data.

This data will also decrease a little bit as the movie screening time lengthens and the vacancy rate increases.

But no matter what... in 4 hours, it can directly hit the box office of 25 million... if it were put into one day, it might exceed 100 million!

However, this is not absolute.

After all, there are still 8 hours of rest time.

But Xu Xin looked at this sign... and estimated that the box office record of "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" would be ruined.

Thinking of this, for a moment, his mood suddenly improved.

But it was immediately replaced by emptiness.

There was a sense of déjà vu that suddenly didn’t know what to do.

Or rather, it's more like a detachment.

The feeling of detachment after finally being freed.

With this feeling of emptiness, he walked out of the bedroom.

Then he saw his wife and children sitting in their own seats in front of the dining table, all turning to look at him.


The little cotton-padded jacket happily waved the spoon and threw the half spoonful of millet porridge in Yangyang's face.

"Eat quickly."

Yang Mi smiled and waved.


Xu Xin responded, turned around and didn't see the two elders, and asked in confusion:

"Where's our dad and mom?"

"When we know that the movie is over, the two of us are going to travel for a few days. Aren't you planning to move until you are fifteen? It's just us as a family of four these days."

Hearing this, Xu Xin knew...it was really hard for his father-in-law and mother-in-law during this time.

"how about you?"

"Me? I'll take a few days off too...I'm too tired."

She also shook her head:

"Cut off all social interactions. Even if the King of Heaven calls me these days, I won't go. Let's rest at home for a few days. In fifteen days, I will go to the United States, and a series of movie previews will start there. I will do it as soon as possible It's over, come back so you can join your group."


Xu Xin nodded.

Then... take a good rest for a few days.

These days are really... really tiring.

At this time, Yang Mi pushed over the phone:

"Here, let's see the reviews?"

"...What's the evaluation?"

"It's from a movie."

Hearing this, Xu Xin pushed the phone back without saying a word.

He really has no interest anymore...

In the early morning of February 22nd.

The next day's box office of "Scorching Sun": 93.2 million.

The single-day box office record for Chinese-language films has changed hands again.

Bad news, the box office record of "Journey to the West: Conquer the Demons" was broken just one month after it was secured.

The good news is that it is our own people who are the ones who are broken.

No one is surprised that "Scorching Sun" can break this record.

This movie really took too long. From the time it was filmed, to the first hints of it being revealed, to the hype... it hasn't stopped at all for more than a year. Even though the period before its release may seem a bit rushed at first glance... but if you think about it carefully, it seems that it has always been active in everyone's field of vision.

So much so that even some people who had no interest in the film at first couldn't help but buy a ticket to watch it after hearing the news.

Including its first-day box office of only 4 hours, it made more than 20 million.

It didn't exceed 100 million... In fact, it was already more or less unexpected.

And just when everyone is speculating about what kind of publicity and drainage will be launched in the follow-up "Scorching Sun"...

On the morning of the 22nd, the entertainment industry suddenly became lively.

And the reason is also very simple.

Wang Sicong posted on Weibo.

[If you want to create hype, please don’t bring me with you, thank you. If you really want to touch porcelain, just touch porcelain Wanda directly. They are the ones who have been taken advantage of. Even if you touch porcelain once, it will not pay attention to you because you are not of good enough quality. But some people, please don’t touch me. Last time, my friend advised me that even the magistrates and governors would give way when there were weddings and funerals in ancient times. I tolerated it. It’s really boring to continue playing this game now. Or do you really think your home is high-end? Which one will you choose for the wedding banquet? Sorry, I feel LOW. 】

After posting this Weibo post, he did not mention anyone by name.

Moreover, immediately after posting, there was an ID with "I am not Wang Sicong's trumpet" who replied in the message:

"Is the principal talking about South Beauty?"

Then, Wang Sicong liked this Weibo post.

The methods cannot be said to be exactly the same, only that there is no difference.

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