I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 942 938 Mental retardation and Seventh Brother’s concerns

Chapter 942 938. Mental retardation and Seventh Brother’s worries

From the perspective of Weibo, Wang Sicong is actually quite low-key.

Ever since the "Pure Love God of War" incident, in the past few years, his Weibo has rarely been updated with biased words.

In the past, whenever something happened, or even if something went wrong in one's own hotel, one would say something like "Wanda Hotel is really a**," but after the Pure Love God of War incident, that basically disappeared.

Instead, I mainly focus on recording my life occasionally.

For example, "It's really blue today", "Get up and go eat" and other very life-like things.

The high-spirited young man he once was seems to have been smoothed away by life.


Only those who have experienced it know that this is called maturity.

Without mentioning anything else, let’s just say that his favorite place to take pictures is in front of the desk in his study.

Netizens discovered that there were fewer and fewer guns and sticks in his remarks, and instead there were more and more books on the bookshelf in the photos.

Even when he was asked by netizens "What books has the principal been reading recently?" he would give an interesting reply like "Reading useless books. But useless books are not necessarily useless."

He has really matured a lot.

In everyone's eyes, he was the only son of Wanda. When he started his own business, his father gave him 500 million yuan and asked him to go back to work in Wanda when he had enough compensation. As a result, he used the 500 million yuan to develop his business and become a successful and wealthy man who has at least doubled his assets. Second generation.

There are no scandals, she has awe and fantasy about love, and she will fight against the world for the girl she loves. But after discovering that the person he entrusted was a bad person, he would immediately admit his mistakes, let him be beaten and scolded without fighting back, and he could make jokes but had never heard of such a person who acted too arrogantly.

I dare not say what exactly the one million fans who follow him on Weibo really like him.

But at least, in terms of personality, he is not unpleasant.

How bad can a person be who stands up for love and just keeps silent after being hurt?

Didn’t you see that even though Tianya netizens were quarreling with him in the early years, when it comes to him now, nothing can be dug out?

And just such a person suddenly posted such a Weibo post.

The attention it received was naturally huge.

The pure love God of War who once "battled heaven and earth" actually came out again this time?

The first thing everyone paid attention to was the ins and outs of this matter.

Who is the principal talking about?

But finding the connecting events was almost effortless.

Zhang Lan's Weibo was mentioned.

"Is it the Weibo post liked by Zhang Lan?"

"I don't know what's going on?"

"Zhang Lan liked a netizen's Weibo, and the netizen asked if Wang Sicong planned to hold the wedding banquet with Si Wei in South Beauty."

"Ah? Are you two going to get married?"

Post bars, Weibo, forums and other places started discussing because of his Weibo post.

But if the discussion at the beginning was about the content, after the matter fermented for a while, everyone's attention shifted to the "I am not Wang Sicong's trumpet" that Wang Sicong liked.

This behavior seems a bit inexplicable at first glance.

But soon netizens combined the Weibo post Zhang Lan liked with his actions.

"The principal is referring to Zhang Lan's hype?"

"I think so. I felt strange when I saw that Weibo post at first. Who in the right mind would deliberately lead a meal to a wedding banquet? Even if Si Wei is from Sichuan."

"Yes, as a married person, you should be very careful when choosing a wedding banquet. My wife is not a local. When choosing the wedding banquet venue, I also asked her if she wanted to choose a restaurant with her own taste. My wife looked at me very strangely. Ask me: Do my relatives come all the way to eat unauthentic hometown food?”

"The most normal people can comment on what they were talking about, or what happened at this party? It's disgusting to deliberately lead the topic to the wedding banquet and use it to hype up."

"Then when was the first time you met Wanda, as the principal said?"

"It should be Wang Xiaofei's wedding, right? I remember Zhang Lan said that the wedding venue in Ruihua was sponsored by the principal's father."

"Am I really the only one who cares about the principal saying that my family's business is taken advantage of?"

"Haha, only he can say this himself."

"Zhang Lan is so disgusting. How old are you? You are still so popular."

A group of people began to discuss and comment on Wang Sicong's Weibo post.

However, Wang Sicong did not respond.

As if that was the end of the matter, I posted a reply and clarified the truth by the way, then let it go.

But... this kind of melon himself will not reply, and the people who eat the melon are not going to give up.

They went directly to Zhang Lan's Weibo and continued to leave messages.

"Isn't it good for you to hype up at such an old age?"

"Haha, the principal also knew how to save your face and didn't mention your name."

"Still not deleting Weibo?"

"Did Wanda sponsor your son's wedding? Please tell me the truth."

"Beautiful Jiangnan? LOW. Hahahaha~"

In fact, this matter has not risen to a very high level so far.

Everyone knows who Wang Sicong's good friends are, and even if they say something unpleasant, everyone just watches the fun.

Whether South Beauty is LOW or not is not something worthy of their consideration.

However, what one netizen said is very pertinent:

"Going to your place for a meal turned into a wedding banquet? It's a good thing that Jay Chou didn't go, otherwise you wouldn't be able to hype him and that fat Liu Yifei? That's not how the popularity works. Your main business is high-end business. Even if you really If I choose your place for the wedding banquet, what you have to do is to protect the privacy of your customers. Otherwise, who will dare to go to your place in the future? I am really stupid and can’t figure out the reason for your self-destructive brand image.”

This pertinent comment was quickly liked by netizens and ranked first on Zhang Lan's Weibo post.

It replaced the original wedding banquet question asked by "netizens".


Without any warning, Zhang Lan closed Weibo comments.

It was sudden, without any warning or precautions.

She shut it down.

Maybe except for a certain fat ball who was eating melon with gusto because of this comment, a question mark appeared in his eyes and he muttered "Are you okay?"

Everyone was surprised.

Why is this closed?

We haven't exerted our strength yet.

Or...what did we say?

Why did you fall?

But that's okay.

You closed the comments...don't you still have your son?

So everyone continued to leave messages on Wang Xiaofei’s Weibo.

By coincidence, I don't know if it was intentional or something else, Wang Xiaofei's Weibo was updated the night before yesterday, that is, the night of the premiere of "Scorching Sun", after Zhang Lan posted on Weibo.

"SHOTEL Catering Department has been committed to creating high-end business banquets and guiding the new trend of high-end banquets in Taipei. The former executive chef of South Beauty is a national first-class chef..."

This is a Weibo post promoting hotel food and beverages.

SHOTEL is the hotel named after his wife S.

This has been his livelihood over the years.

As for his promotional Weibo, there is actually no specific content. It is nothing more than celebrities using their influence to promote their own industries. However, his Weibo contains a hint of Beauty Jiangnan.


"I would like to ask weakly, if I go to your place for dinner, will my privacy be exposed?"

"It is inevitable to expose privacy. It is best for male compatriots not to bring female colleagues with you, otherwise you may be accused of taking a mistress to dinner."

"It's less than 5 minutes between you and your mother's Weibo? Good guy, you two are really capable."

"I still can't figure out why you do this. I don't understand, who among the high-end people in the future will take the risk of being photographed when they go out, or being led by a hotel to go to your place? How stupid do you have to be to do this? "

"It's really stupid. Which guest will dare to bring someone of the opposite sex to stay in your hotel in the future? Even though it doesn't matter, you have to be looked at with a layer of colored glasses. Tsk tsk."

Netizens continued to criticize him on Weibo.

Compared to Zhang Lanna's move to directly close Weibo comments, Wang Xiaofei chose another approach.

He replied to a Weibo message saying, "Tsk, it doesn't look like it's really high-end."

"How do you know if it's high-end or not without trying it? It's like you know the truth just based on what others say. Don't take the imaginary results as reality, then you are really stupid."

He chose to leave immediately.

And this netizen was very stubborn and responded directly:

"Tell me which high-end hotel would expose guests' privacy like you do. Answer me, okay? Did you post the comment your mother liked? Did she like it?"

And then...it's not over yet.

It seemed that this article was not enough, so this guy continued to ask questions below this message:

"Did your mom like/smile?"

"Your mom liked it/smile"

"Your mom likes/smiles"

"Mom please/smile"

"Your mother/smile"

One message, one less word.

And in the end...

The meaning is self-explanatory.

"Hahahaha, man is so tough."

"Wang Xiaofei came out to speak! Did your mother like it?"

"Come out and get beaten!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

It might not be a big deal if he doesn't end the game, but when Wang Xiaofei comes off the stage, it means that he is paying attention to the news.

Netizens were immediately entertained.

Because this matter is so shocking, you also exposed your customer's privacy.

Don't say "that's what others said".

Even if others are guessing, why are you giving likes?

Doesn’t your likes mean you agree? Otherwise, why don't you just click "dislike"?


Wang Xiaofei replied to this Weibo again with an attitude that no one expected:

"Click on your mother! You stupid*! Are you a fucking retard? Believe what that retard says! Can you bring some brains when you go out?"

As soon as he posted this message, things suddenly started to develop in an uncontrollable direction.

As a public figure, he chose to use this method to directly and personally attack, without losing his dignity. Netizens who were originally trying to take advantage of him were instantly unhappy.

"Is this an insult? What kind of stupid qualities are you talking about?"

"Oh, you're swearing? Oh, you're so civilized!"

"Frustrated? Hahahahahaha."


"They are also the second generation of rich people, and they really make decisions based on superiority."

Netizens commented, laughed, ridiculed, and responded...

Wang Xiaofei, on the other hand, probably felt something was wrong about ten or twenty minutes after posting this Weibo, and then deleted it.

Wang Sicong originally thought that this matter would just go away.

His original intention was to clarify that Potian was wrong in this matter, but he also knew what it meant to keep a line. I just want to clarify and respond to you.

To put it bluntly, if I really held the wedding banquet in South Beauty, how would people laugh at me?

Who gets married without booking a venue and hiring a team of chefs to entertain the guests? Go to your place? I'm mad?

But along with the screenshot of "Believe what that retarded person said", he saw it and after confirming that it was what the other person said about him...

"You really think I have no temper, right?"

Wang Sicong, who heard that Lao Xu's family was making a meat dragon today, came here with his girlfriend to share the meal, was completely unhappy.

"What's wrong?"

Yang Mi asked.

"Wang Xiaofei said I was mentally retarded. Damn, he was really embarrassed!"


Yang Mi's mouth twitched.

But when Yangyang, who was sitting next to him and was playing with the Iron Man in his hand, heard this, he directly raised his head:

"Godfather, don't say bad words!"

Wang Sicong was stunned and nodded quickly:

"Hey, okay, godfather was wrong, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Yangyang let him go and continued to play with the Transformers in his hands.

And Yang Mi asked:

"What are you going to do?"

"Fuck him. Just because I'm too lazy to talk to him doesn't mean I'm spoiling him. Do you really think you're a special... crown prince?"

Upon hearing this, Yang Mi said:

"Don't scold me, the price will drop."

"Don't worry, I'm too lazy to scold him. I've already guessed why Beauty Jiangnan knew this was customer privacy and tried its best to hype me up this time."


Yang Mi was a little curious.

"I can't explain it in a few words, just wait a moment."

As he spoke, he stood up:

"I'll go find Lao Xu and use his computer. It's troublesome to type on the phone~"

After walking a few steps, he suddenly turned his head:

"How much longer?"

Yang Mi lowered her head and looked at her watch:

"It will be out of the pan in 7 minutes."


He nodded and walked out of the house.

Yang Mi also followed him out of the house and went straight to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Dai Wei wore an apron and was stirring a pot of chili oil.

When it comes to Hongyou's craftsmanship, Yang Mi is really not as good as her. Ever since Seventh Brother showed his hand last time, Lao Yang's chili oil has changed a lot.

Two or three minutes later, the sound of an electric car was heard outside.

Xu Xin came back carrying a plastic bag:

"Brother Qi, do you think this hairy belly has water hair? The elder brother told me that it has water hair. But when I looked at it, it was so dark..."

As he spoke, he took out the hairy tripe from the plastic bag.

Di Wei turned her head and took a look and nodded:

"Yes, the color is darker, and the color of alkali hair will be lighter."

"Oh, that's fine. Where is Lao Wang accompanying Yangyang?"

"No, I went to your room to use your computer."

Hearing his wife's words, Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

This guy didn't really bring a mobile hard drive, did he?

How can you not find such a big person yourself? Do you have to copy mine?

While he was thinking about it, he heard his wife continue:

"Wang Xiaofei called him mentally retarded. He thought the phone was inconvenient, so he used his computer to retaliate."



Di Wei and Xu Xin, who were mixing chili oil, were stunned.

"No...Wang Xiaofei can still reply to this kind of thing? Is there something wrong with his mind?"

Yang Mi shrugged:

"I don't know either. But everyone would be angry about this. If it were a wedding banquet, who would choose South Beauty..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly paused...

His eyes subconsciously looked at Di Wei.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"Brother Qi, you two have been together for two years now...what's your mother's impression of him?"

"It's good. She was very scared at first, thinking that he was just playing with me, and she couldn't believe it when others mentioned it... She kept calling me and telling me to wake up, for fear that he would take me You are a bad person and you specifically told me not to do anything like gambling, drugs or anything like that..."

Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

Hao Xuan didn't complain, "Aunt Huang, you didn't say a word about it."

"what about now?"

"Now... I'm quite used to it. He... is very good to my mother and my grandma."

"Then have you met Uncle Wang?"

"We met once."

Si Wei nodded:

"I see aunties more often... The first time I met was the auntie, she brought us a meal... Then at the end of last year, when we were promoting "Journey to the West and Conquer the Demons", Uncle Wang happened to be in the Magic City, so we had a meal together. meal."


Yang Mi looked quite surprised:

"What are you talking about? What's their impression of you?"

"I... don't know either. When I asked him, he said it was pretty good and didn't tell me anything else. Sister Mi, I've been wanting to ask, haven't you also met Aunt Lin? She... usually... How did you get in touch?"

"Just have normal contact, make an appointment at the spa or something if you have nothing to do. Aunt Lin is very easy to talk to...right?"

She turned to look at her husband.

Xu Xin also nodded:

"Yes, she is quite easy to talk to. And she is patient with children."

But if he wanted to know more specifically, he didn't know.

But it is true that Nuannuan and Yangyang like Aunt Lin very much.

Every time I go to the manor in Yanjiao, I spend the entire afternoon playing there.

At this time, Yang Mi seemed to understand what Di Wei meant and said with a smile:

"Just be yourself. In fact, Lao Wang has talked to us about some of his family's requirements over the years... You really don't have to think too much, just let nature take its course."

Hearing this, Di Wei smiled and shook her head:

"I don't think much about it, actually..."

Speaking of this, she pursed her lips slightly.

It was a rare expression of entanglement that was different from the cheerfulness in the past.

After Yang Mi saw it, she said to her husband:

"Go and watch Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang."


Xu Xin responded and walked out of the kitchen.

Yang Mi naturally picked up the hairy belly and started cleaning it.

She has made hot pot many times at home, so she is no stranger to this stuff.

Only then did Di Wei say:

"Sister, to be honest... I feel quite insecure."


Yang Mi was really surprised now.

Couldn't help but turn to look at her:

"Why? Lao Wang is quite down-to-earth."

"That's not what I meant."

Di Wei quickly shook her head, pushed the pot of red oil aside, and began to prepare something for Maoxuewang.

She kept this pot of red oil for the two of them.

"My uneasiness does not come from him...Sister, you know...before I met him...men and women can..."


These words did not touch Yang Mi's blind spot of knowledge, but she found it quite exciting.

"So, after being a singer for so many years and a small actor for a few years, I have seen a lot of things. I know that sometimes men can't help themselves outside. Besides... where can he spend his time? I also cater to both men and women!"


Yang Mi really didn't know what to say now.

"My fear actually does not come from worrying about him, but from worrying about myself...Sister, my relatives...especially during this Chinese New Year, do you know what everyone is saying in private? They say...let me have a baby with him as soon as possible , and even a relative came up with a bad idea, saying that I should steal his... and then go to the hospital to get pregnant. I must have a boy, and then..."

Before Si Wei finished speaking, she directly told the result:

"I didn't say anything. When my mother and I went home, I told her, Mom, don't think so. I said that the lover I want is a person who can... No matter whether we are rich or poor, we can... People who can live a good life. I said I don’t need money, as long as I can fulfill my filial piety to you, grandma and grandpa.

Our house is fully paid, so we don’t have to worry about losing our house if it’s windy or rainy. I still have savings. I put all the money in the bank and bought gold. Although it’s not much, it’s enough to ensure that the family has enough food and clothing. .

I said that even if I wasn't popular anymore, the money would be enough. It's more than 10 million. Ordinary people can't make that much money in their lifetime! I also bought medical insurance, insurance, etc., so our family can live a peaceful life without relying on anyone.

I said, Mom... I don't care about money, and I can't imagine how stressful people with that much money must be every day. I said that even if we really got married, I would not tell my relatives what I said. I said that I would never get involved in the slightest...

Including when we were together, I also said that if we really get together, I will sign a prenuptial agreement with you, and I don’t want anything..."

"Well, what next? What did Auntie say?"

"My mother has no objection. My mother said she was also afraid because she couldn't figure out what the hundreds of billions could do, how rich he was, and what he could use the money for. In fact, she was also very afraid that I was running for money. The money went...

Sister, you also know that my father ran away when I was a child. After that, all I wanted was... to have a family. I can take good care of my mother, grandma, and grandpa. But now... suddenly I have him, and I feel really insecure.

He is really not my ideal kind of man... nor is he right. Yes... what I like is not his money. I think he is knowledgeable, humorous, good-tempered, and very childish... so cute~

But when I think that this child who is acting coquettishly in my arms is a rich man... and may take over such a big industry in the future, I am particularly afraid... I am afraid that my hands and feet will be cold... I am afraid that people will say that I am greedy for his money, I am afraid Everyone around me came over and begged me to share his money, and they were afraid that he would be unhappy if I didn't do well. "

Except when she heard "He's so cute", the corner of Yang Mi's mouth twitched.

Other times, she was filled with approval.

Or empathy.

Because... wasn't that what I was doing in the first place?

Just when he was about to say something, suddenly, there was a burst of footsteps outside.

Si Wei also shut up after hearing this.


Wang Sicong walked in swaggeringly.

"Brother Qi, are you okay? I'm hungry!"

With that said, he entered the kitchen.

Then I sniffed...

"Ouch! Fragrant! Come on, where's the first pot of steamed buns? Give me one, and I'll roll it in chili oil and eat it!"

While he was talking, he had already seen a basket covered with cotton cloth on the stove.

So I walked over directly, picked up a steamed bun first, and then went for the chili oil.

The steamed bun was broken into half and he was about to dip it in...

"Hey, wait a moment. This is oil! You idiot!"

Di Wei quickly stopped him, then stirred the chili oil with a large spoon and fished out some of the dry ingredients that had settled underneath.

"Eat less, your ulcer will be cured."

"Well, put it on, let me tell you, the old Xu family's steamed buns have a long history. It is said that these old noodles are Shu Han old noodles passed down from the Three Kingdoms period..."

"Thank you."

Yang Mi simply rolled her eyes.

Wang Sicong smiled proudly:

"You're welcome, Logan."

Yang Mi was too lazy to talk to him.

In other words, what he is holding in his hand is a hairy belly. If it were to be replaced by a dog, it would be a shame for him.

She didn't even ask him what to say in response.

Because, compared to what Brother Qi was worried about just now, nothing else is important.

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