I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 943 939 The root cause

Chapter 943 939. The root cause

The meat dragon is out of the pot.

Food and wine are served.

The eldest young master, who was said to be so rich that it was scary to say that he was rich, walked in personally carrying the pot of fat meat dragon, put it on the table and said with a smile:

"I really can't get enough of this bite. Lao Xu, what do you want to drink?"

"Maotai, what's going on?"

"It's better to have something better. It's such a good dish. It's been bottled for thirty years."


Xu Xin felt a pain in his body.

The thirty years mentioned by Wang Sicong are naturally not the kind of finished product produced by Moutai itself and made of 30-year-old base liquor.

That thing only cost more than 10,000 yuan, so it wouldn't make him feel so distressed.

What he is talking about is the real 30-year-old Moutai produced in the 1980s and preserved to this day.

I still have a few boxes of that stuff at home.

But the problem is...he still wants to drink it.

What's the cuisine today?

A meat dragon, a bowl of noodle soup, a Maoxuewang, plus a Bobo chicken that I was too lazy to pierce with a bamboo skewer, plus two green vegetables and a fish-flavored shredded pork stir-fried by Brother Qi, as well as peanuts, the divine dish for drinking wine.

Just this dish, 30-year-old Moutai?

You are the only person in this circle who regards the meat dragon as a toy.

I don't hesitate to eat it at home.

So, he righteously rejected his friend's proposal:

"The wine is gone."

"Fart! I saw it in your room. Your wine cabinet is locked! Otherwise, I will take it!"

Hearing this, Xu Xin looked at him with a strange look:

"Then can you think about why I want to lock my wine cabinet?"

"I don't like hearing this anymore. Can we be friends again? Let me tell you, I have one too! They gave me a gift, but I didn't bring it today."

"Then you can drink it when you bring it."


When Wang Sicong was speechless, Xu Xin sneered. After putting the two babies on the baby seats, he took out a bottle of ordinary Maotai from the wine cabinet next to him:

"What level? Have you been drinking Moutai for thirty years?"

The two women on the side had indifferent expressions on their faces.

Yang Mi casually uncorked a bottle of Changyu and poured a glass for Di Wei:

"Have a try. When we first met, my father-in-law built a vineyard there. This was the first batch of grapes. Changyu just happened to build a factory in Inner Mongolia. He saved a warehouse of wine. Even this year... Five, six, seven...seven years. I've been drinking this recently and it tastes good. It's smoother than Mouton, Rothschild and the like. Look, look~"

As she spoke, she pointed to a line of words under the Changyu wine label.

Si Wei squinted and saw that it was written "Exclusively for the Xu Family, 2006".

A man can drink whatever he likes. Anyway, she likes to drink this recently.

Pour the wine and pick up the food.

By the time Yang Mi was about to grab a cup, Wang Sicong had already smeared the meat dragon with chili oil and had taken several bites.

He really loves to eat this.

"Come on, let's go."

After everyone, including the two little guys with juice, had a drink together happily, Yang Mi remembered that she had just gone to Xu Xin's house and asked:

"What did you post? Let me take a look."

Wang Sicong directly handed over his apple.

As soon as Yang Mi turned on the screen of her phone, she saw the artistic photo of Di Wei with her eyes closed on the screen saver... or a selfie.

She didn't think much about it at first, until after entering the password...she found that there was nothing on the first page of the IPHONE. Instead, she opened her eyes with the selfie of Si Wei.


Although she made a sound of disgust, she immediately locked onto Xu Xin.

"I also want!"



Lock the phone screen again and shine it at Xu Xin.

In Xu Xin's eyes, "Seventh brother is taking a selfie, what's wrong?", she quickly entered the password again.

This time, Xu Xin saw the clues.


"How did you know the password to his cell phone?"

He was confused.

I couldn't help but look at Wang Sicong:

"How did she know your mobile phone password?"

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

Wang Sicong asked rhetorically, and then said:

"Want to know? Give me 30 years of Moutai in exchange."

"Do you think your face is worth thirty years of Moutai?"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes at the villain angrily and nodded:

"Then you shoot, and I'll get it for you."


Yang Mi happily took back her phone, and then heard Xu Xin say:

“Brother Qi’s mobile phone password is 6688, right?”


This time it was Wang Sicong's turn to be stunned:

"How do you know it?"

Xu Xin chuckled:

"This is a "secret that cannot be told."

“Deduct money for homophonic memes!”


While laughing, Yang Mi had already clicked on Wang Sicong's Weibo.

After seeing what he posted, his face suddenly became strange.

"Are you sick? She is using you to hype you up, and you are digging into her roots?"

"Her son calls me mentally retarded, how can I still tolerate her?"

Wang Sicong said casually.

Now, Xu Xin was curious.

What did you post?

He stretched out his hand:

"Let me take a look."

Yang Mi handed over the phone.

[Years ago, I attended a dinner party. There is a friend sitting next to me who is engaged in investment and private equity. During the chat, I was asked if I was interested in entering the catering industry. I asked more about the situation and learned that a certain catering group wanted to go public in order to seek better development. Signed a 200 million gambling agreement with a certain company. The bet is that in four years, this catering group can successfully list its A shares. Now the agreement is about to expire.

PS: Let me digress. Going public has more advantages than disadvantages for a company, because after going public, the company can make money from investors, and even make in one year the money it made in the past 10 years. But for me, when a restaurant is not thinking about improving its own dishes and serving customers with excellence all day long, but wants to use the restaurant as a springboard to make money from investors who don’t come to your home to eat, I know that this is The boss’s heart has darkened.

Having said that, if this catering group fails to go public within four years, then the 200 million yuan in shares will be returned at the current price. In recent years, this catering group has blindly expanded externally. I calculated the value of 200 million yuan, and it was worth 400 million yuan. And in order to have the last chance in the spring, some people are really desperate.

How about it? Do you want me to continue? I didn't want to talk to you at first, but do you really think you are a master when you have three melons and two dates in your pocket? Look down on this, look down on that, you are almost protecting Athena, why are you so beautiful? Something useless. Like to curse? Do you regret it and think it will be fine if you delete Weibo? Even if I use a single curse word in this Weibo, I will lose. Call me mentally retarded? 1234FIVE Let’s find fault. Yo? Found it, there is a FIVE here. 】


After reading this long Weibo post, Xu Xin’s mouth twitched...

"It's so sharp."

He picked up the wine glass with a sigh:

"I haven't seen you look so sharp in a long time."

"Then look~"

Wang Sicong was a little proud.

After drinking the wine in one gulp, he picked up the vinegar bottle on the table, poured some vinegar on the meat dragon in his bowl, and took a big bite while holding the bowl.

"Brother, just because I'm too lazy to talk, doesn't mean I have no temper. That brat Wang Xiaofei really thinks he's not a big deal. His house is about to be robbed, and yet he still wants to criticize me? I wasn't even afraid of the Tianya netizens back then. Am I afraid of him?"



Xu Xin and Yang Mi both looked a little unnatural.

elder brother.

I just drank, why didn't I open the door?

Can you say this... in front of Brother Seventh?

However, Di Wei was very calm and said while eating:

"He is indeed unforgiving...but I won't let him criticize others outside. I told him that if he encounters a fool, he should stay away. There are all kinds of weird people nowadays, and it's not worth the trouble. .”

This is true.

Even Yang Mi said it.

It's just... looking at the eldest son nodding his head. As a mother, she really doesn't want to spare any girl... eh? The mother didn’t keep her children? ...How do you say that?

never mind.

Anyway, if you can't hold the sand, just let it go.

I won’t worry about it anymore.



"At this moment, I seemed to see the shadow of the God of Pure Love."

"Grandpa, grandpa! The God of Pure Love who fights against heaven and earth you want to see is back!"

"???Beautiful Jiangnan dug such a big hole?"

"I'll go, I went to Baidu specifically, and I found it. It was financed in March 2009, and it will be exactly 4 years as of March this year!"

"You mean South Beauty is about to be acquired?"

"Am I the only one who paid attention to what the principal said in PS? In order to make more money, a catering business ignores the taste and is busy going public? No wonder South Beauty is getting more and more unpalatable. Oh yes, also There’s that ridiculous service fee.”

With Wang Sicong's almost "second reply" reply, the popularity of this melon began to rise steadily.

The popularity of the topic has attracted the attention of the entire Internet at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

The Internet has memory.

When those viewers who didn’t care much about it saw Wang Xiaofei’s deleted Weibo post and understood the whole ins and outs...

At this moment, at least in the minds of many people, Wang Sicong, who only presented facts and reason, and told netizens how the most likely "cause" of this incident came about, was naturally in the position of "spreading the truth."

The moral high ground has already been established, and coupled with Wang Xiaofei's angrily blaming netizens and ruining the popularity of passers-by, more and more people suddenly denounced what happened two days ago...or Zhang Lan. and Wang Xiaofei.

And...Beautiful Jiangnan.

There is no way, who can make Wang Sicong's words right?

In a restaurant, if even the owner is focused on making money instead of improving the quality, taste, and service of the dishes...

Then who of the consumers will go to you?

We know that you are fooling us, but we still want to fool you?

Are we fools?


As time goes by, there are more voices under the topic of # Beautiful Jiangnan # .

"I originally booked Beauty Jiangnan on the 15th of this year, but after seeing what the principal said, I canceled it and will never go there again. No wonder the taste has not changed at all in the past few years..."

"[Picture]/Crying, I just went there last night. Including the service charge, I ate a total of one thousand and two dollars. I will never be taken advantage of again."

"We just opened a restaurant here two days ago, and I originally wanted to try it. Forget it."

"It's over. I'm afraid South Beauty won't be able to sit still from its position as a high-end business restaurant."

"Zhang Lan, why don't you hurry up and take care of your stupid son?"

"This mother and son are so disgusting..."

Moreover, just when the Internet was fermenting because of Wang Sicong's Weibo, Xu Xin's home suddenly received a call from Wang Sicong's mobile phone.

He glanced at it and was suddenly startled. After waving his hands to signal everyone to stop talking, he said:

"A reformed person."

Yang Mi blinked and then realized:

"Which private equity company invested in South Beauty?"


Wang Sicong responded and answered the phone directly:

"Hey, Lao Liu."

"Hey, Mr. Wang, are you busy right now?"

"You're not busy, tell me."

"Haha... I was reading Weibo right now. I just saw what you posted..."

Hearing this, Wang Sicong's expression seemed to be smiling even across the screen.

Because the phone was placed on the table with hands-free turned on, he subconsciously picked up the cigarette case next to him.

But the next second, he was held down by Di Wei.

Wang Sicong was stunned for a moment before he realized what was happening. He glanced at the two darlings, quickly let go, and asked into the phone:

"What for? Are you here to be the peacemaker?"


Everyone heard laughter on the other side of the phone.

However, he did not respond directly, but said:

"Mr. Wang, actually, the asset evaluation started a year ago. It's not even February, it's only a few days ago, the assets have been evaluated, and the stock price has been calculated clearly."

Seeing that he didn't express his position, Wang Sicong didn't take it seriously and responded:

"Well, how many are you?"

"Currently it's 65 percent."

"Oh, that's quite a lot."

"Hmm... But we hope to get 70% of the shares. After all, the first quarter is about to end~ The final quarter's evaluation should have results in about a month, and the final results will include this Come together for the first quarter.”


Wang Sicong, who was picking up food with his chopsticks, immediately stopped.

Eyes narrowed.

Then, when the three of them still didn't understand what it meant, they said:

"What are you doing? Are you looking for me to be a gunman?... By the way, how did Zhang Lan sign an agreement with you? Their asset valuations are all fixed in shares, so why do you have telescopic ones? Did you add a minimum clause? South Beauty Assets If the value of your investment shares depreciates, will your investment shares increase in value? By how much?”


The other party laughed again:

"This is a trade secret. However, Mr. Wang, it turns out that Zhang Lan's business philosophy has indeed fallen behind the times, so..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Sicong suddenly interrupted him:

"Lao Liu, we are friends, we don't play tricks. You also know that I have a straight temper. So I just said directly that I won't help you.

On the one hand, I don’t want to be used as a weapon by you. On the other hand, I don’t like South Beauty either.

I am one of the best, no matter who Zhang Lan or Wang Xiaofei is, if I still dare to explode, you don’t need to tell me, I will definitely not be a coward.

But if they choose to keep things quiet, I will hang up this Weibo for one night at most and delete it tomorrow.

How much impact it can have and how you add fuel to the flames are your business.

It’s really going to happen. Bring me a bottle of 30-year-old Moutai next time we meet. No, we buddies should just sit and drink together.

Don't blame me. Even if they offend me now, this is not a life-and-death feud, and I will not kill them all with my own hands. How you broke up with Zhang Lan and ended up kicking her out of South Beauty is your business. Ok? I really helped, but I did it unintentionally. If I didn’t help, it would be considered the wrong time. "

After saying this, Xu Xin suddenly stood up.


Just talk to me, right?


Open, open, open!

Why don’t I open this wine for you?

When she saw her husband getting up, Yang Mi didn't even ask him what he was doing. She turned around and took a wine dispenser from the wine cabinet behind her.

Ordinary Maotai can be drunk from the bottle into a wine cup.

In these thirty years... let's have some sense of ceremony.

By the time Xu Xin came back, Wang Sicong had already hung up the phone.

Looking at the old packaging, he laughed mischievously:

"Hey Hey……"

"Boss Wang, you have made great achievements. I wish you congratulations!"

Xu Xin, who felt pain in his body and felt uncomfortable, started to feel strange.

In exchange, the eldest young master clenched his fists and held his hands:

"I gave you the gift, oh! This wine is so delicious!"

The two people's poor Yanjing accent made Yang Mi roll her eyes.

Then... under the speechless gaze of Di Wei, she took both of their red wine glasses aside.


Si Wei looked strange.

But I saw Sister Mi shrugging:

"If you are 30 years old, drink one bottle and lose one bottle. If you want to drink this wine, I will send you two boxes tomorrow. Let's exchange it for this!"

"Xu, look at how down-to-earth your wife is! ... Let me tell you first, this bottle may not be enough for the four of us!"

"A tap on your head will help you meet the King of Hell!"

"Look, look, why are you so impatient? You're so impatient... Come on, let me take a photo and post it on WeChat Moments to make Lao Lang and Wheel angry. Wow~ This wax-sealed one is really good! "

He praised and took pictures.

Xu Xin asked:

"Who is this person?"

"Dingxin's regional manager."

After taking the photo, Wang Sicong handed the wine to Yang Mi and asked her to open it. He shook his head, explained the other party's identity, and then said:

"You really have a dark heart... Although I don't know how outrageous the agreement they signed is, but I hear this attitude... If the 200 million can really be exchanged for 70% of the shares of South Beauty, it will not take more than three years, maybe Zhang Lan was really kicked out of the board of directors."

"How...how did you do it?"

Yang Mi couldn't help but ask:

"I have to be on guard in the future..."

Hearing this, Wang Sicong's mouth twitched...

"Sister, I am also a shareholder of Shuangwei. You have me, what are you afraid of?"

"Nonsense, you are the only shareholder, you are the one I am guarding against!"


Wang Sicong was so breathless that he didn't come up with the order.

These words... hurt people's hearts!

The most annoying thing is that there is a dog head nodding next to him!

This is really sad!

He glared at Xu Xin angrily and explained:

"Although he didn't say it, I can guess. There should be a repurchase clause at twice the initial investment amount in the gambling agreement. Even if it's not cash, it's at least a share repurchase. But from what he meant, it should be Cash, because Zhang Lan is not a fool, she is sure she also has a financial team.

Even if her team is a idiot, they should be able to see obvious contract traps, such as the right to sell and liquidation preference clauses. So...I think the core should be here. 200 million turned into 400 million, and then I was used as a gun to cause the market value of South Beauty to shrink, and they got more than 70% of the shares. Although I don’t know the specific details, the core should be very similar. "

After hearing this, Yang Mi thought for a while and said:

"But no matter what, Zhang Lan is also the founder. You see, big and small horses have few shares, but they are still the boss of the company..."

"Then it depends on whether South Beauty has written down the clause on the separation of AB share equity management in the contract. If so, then she can tell you the same thing. But if not..."

Having said this, he shook his head and sighed:

"I guess she doesn't have it. Dingxin is obviously going to kill her. And most likely, in their gambling agreement, there should be a repurchase clause triggered after the listing fails, as well as a right-to-leave clause... Don't worry, I I know you two don’t understand. Don’t worry about Shuangwei’s contract. I found someone to sign it. Even if you want to raise funds in the future, I will do it. This kind of clause will fool those rich people who don’t understand anything.”

First, he stopped the two of them from talking, and then continued:

"The so-called lead sale right means that even if Dingxin only owns 10% of the shares in South Beauty, he can still ignore the opinions of all shareholders, including the founders, and choose to let the company sell the shares in exchange for South Beauty paying them compensation. 400 million of capital. Other shareholders must obey unconditionally.

And if I were Dingxin, I would definitely find another company for direct acquisition. In other words, force Zhang Lan to pay back the money. Don't forget, they hope that these 400 million shares will be worth 70%. And they themselves still have 10%. In this way, they can directly control more than 80% of the shares.

After getting the shares, Zhang Lan, as the founder, was left with a pitiful ten percent. Wouldn’t it be easier to play with her next? If nothing else, unite shareholders, lower the stock price, remove you from office, and force you to leave...will you leave? In the end, South Beauty, which was worth 1 to 2 billion at its peak, died because of this 400 million gambling agreement. Where can you go to reason? "




The three people who spoke were speechless.

Although Wang Sicong's explanation was very general, even Xu Xin himself did not know much about finance.

But... everyone could hear something cold from the other party's straightforward and even "vulgar" words.

"How heartless."

Di Wei murmured.

Wang Sicong's response was a shrug:

"Capital never sleeps."

While she was sighing, suddenly, Yang Mi's cell phone dinged.

She picked it up and looked at it.

Xu Xin asked casually:


Yang Mi glanced at it and twitched the corner of her mouth...

"Wang Xiaofei."


Xu Xin was stunned:

"Did he send you a message?"

"No, it's Weibo. I just set him as a special follower."

The moment he heard her words, Xu Xin reacted.

"He won't respond, will he?"

Then, Wang Sicong took out his mobile phone.

Less than half a minute later...


He sneered.

Since you are looking for death.

Then no one else is to blame.

By the way, there is only one update tomorrow. Because it's time for a re-examination again. Tomorrow morning I will have to draw blood to test five items of liver function. I will be busy all morning. I also have to take my wife for a neurasthenia check-up in the afternoon, and I have to get it all done before the kids get out of school at 5 o'clock. I definitely don't have time to type during the day, so I have to go home and write. So I will update it tomorrow.

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