I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 944 940 Proposal

Chapter 944 940.Proposal

[Grandson, you are just a stinking idiot*, you will suffer the hell one day! Little boy! 】

This is Wang Xiaofei’s response to Wang Sicong’s Weibo post.

After everyone, including Xu Xin, read the news, Wang Sicong remained silent.

It seemed that except for the sneer just now, he was holding the wine glass and seemed to be thinking about something.

Xu Xin put down his wife's cell phone and saw that he was silent, thinking that he was really angry, so he quickly tried to persuade him:

"Okay, okay, this is obviously a bit over the top. Don't scold him. Didn't you just say it to yourself? Swearing someone loses his identity and loses his dignity. As for Yin Yang, he must be uncomfortable. This is obviously a rush. Reason. On our side, it’s even more wrong for him to curse others, so don’t be angry..."

"I'm not angry."

After hearing his words, Wang Sicong shook his head calmly:

"Why should I be angry? How can I really scold him? Even you know that you are in trouble."


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

Thief Sun, Wang Xiaofei scolded you too lightly.

Need to intensify efforts.

Then I heard Wang Sicong say:

"Back then, people scolded me in private messages for being much better than him. How could he be now? I was just thinking..."

At this point, he stopped talking.

Suddenly he turned to look at Di Wei:

"I'll bring Beauty Jiangnan over and give it to you as a gift, okay?"

Let’s not even mention whether he meant his words gently or not.

As soon as she said this, Yang Mi instinctively said:


Wang Sicong was stunned.


"Can you please stop scaring Brother Qi?"

Hearing this, Di Wei quickly nodded:

"Yes, yes, I don't want it. Why do I want that... I don't want anything, don't be impulsive!"

She also refused.

But what Wang Sicong did next surprised Xu Xin.

He didn't say anything like "Don't worry about it, I'll do it" or "Just play with it" as usual.

Instead, he nodded thoughtfully.

Then he took the initiative to pick up the wine glass:

"Then don't, I don't think his family's affairs are troublesome either. Originally, he acquired South Beauty, but in the end he did something...the scene of the return of the God of War, which is quite interesting. Forget it, come on, let's go."

He brought the wine, and the others followed.

But Xu Xin was a little confused.

Lao Wang's way of handling this... is quite new.

Putting it aside, if nothing else is mentioned, he will definitely not be able to forgive anyone just for his mouth.

Even if Seventh Brother refuses, he still has to put on a posture of "I will give it to you, I don't care, I will give it to you".

But this time he was so understated and silent?

It's really surprising.

However, this thought briefly passed through his mind.

After one sip of wine, nothing was left.

In fact, during this meal, I drank a bottle of 30-year-old Moutai.

Didn't even open the second bottle.

As soon as Xu Xin came, his flesh ached.

Secondly, it seems that Lao Wang doesn’t intend to drink anymore.

Xu Xin thought that he wanted to keep a clear mind and "fight", but in the end, his guess was met with a look from the young master like he was looking at a fool.

"I'll fight like a hammer. I'll let this matter ferment for a while and let everyone see his face. Do you really think I'm in front of the computer 24 hours a day? He deserves it too?"

In the end it was settled.

When the wine is finished, let’s drink tea instead.

Good tea is served.

Di Wei, who had only had a few drinks, acted as a tutor, teaching Nuan Nuan how to play the piano.

Nuannuan didn't want to learn, but was afraid of being beaten by her mother, so she dragged Yangyang to her life and death.

Today, Wang Sicong was particularly unusual. He was rarely talking about "martial arts" with Yang Mi.

"Dami, can you teach me a few tricks? To keep fit. I've been feeling weak in my legs lately. I'm too lazy to go to the gym..."


Yang Mi didn’t think much about it.

After drinking less than two taels, she saw her eldest son starting to study hard, and she immediately became excited to play the role of a strict father and a strict teacher.

As a result, as soon as the horse steps were put out, Wang Sicong said:

"Let's go outside, I want to play with a sword right now."

Xu Xin, who was originally wondering what his grandson was doing outside in such a cold weather, twitched his lips.

His abnormal behavior was immediately regarded as a drunken madness as it should be.

Yang Mi blinked and immediately showed a "cowardly" look, holding the non-existent beard on her chin:

"Well, my good disciple, you know how to make progress. Forget it, I will show you my skills as a master today!"


When the eldest young master heard this, he ran out. Xu Xin, who was sitting drinking tea, said stupidly:

"Remember to wear gloves."

Show your hands, don't you show your hands?

Baby, you have to wear gloves, it's cold, be careful of catching a cold.

There is no way, people who drink too much will chatter and gossip.

And as the two of them walked out of the house, Wang Sicong lit a cigarette from his pocket and said:

"Are you warming up?"

Unexpectedly, Yang Mi said directly:

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, just ask whatever you want to ask."


Wang Sicong was stunned.

Then suddenly I felt happy.

"Hey... I still can't hide it from you."

"I felt something was wrong just now. How many years have I been practicing martial arts? Except when you were curious and came together when we first met, you are staying away now. If you are so proactive now, I guess there is something wrong with you."

Yang Mi said while moving her hands and feet.

It's really cold.

Frozen JIO.

"Brother Qi, what did you talk about this afternoon? I looked at the dinner table. When I said I wanted to bring Qiao Jiangnan down to her, did you react so strongly?"

She understands Wang Sicong.

And it turns out that Wang Sicong also understands her.

Yang Mi was quite surprised:

"Is that what you can tell?"


He walked to the weapon rack in the corner and randomly selected a wooden sword while slashing and waving it while saying:

"You are so majestic and unyielding every day that you are as virtuous as a Buddha. I can't understand how you could say the words "I don't want to scare Brother Qi."


After tentatively acquiescing to his offense, Yang Mi turned her head and glanced inside the room and said:

"In the afternoon, Brother Qi and I chatted about your future."

The sword, which was originally as stable as an old dog, immediately trembled.

"What did she say?"

"You two don't usually talk?"

"She didn't let us talk. She said we should just live well now... I don't mean to say that she was guarding me... It wasn't that she was guarding me, but she was very clear about me."

Rarely, Wang Sicong, who was smoking a cigarette and holding a sword, showed a distressed look:

"I won't talk about eating and other things. Just like investment and financial management... At the end of last year, she deposited another 2 million in the bank. Then she still deposited 500,000 and 500,000. I asked her why she was like this , she said that if the bank collapses, she can still seek insurance compensation. The insurance limit is up to 500,000..."


"Then I said you should stop doing this next time. I said that the domestic investment market is so good now. Even if you can tell me clearly, then I will take you to invest in the head office, right? Just like that old Liu just now, I said something ugly , if you want to put your millions with him, and the annual return can reach more than ten percent, no one will want it. I feel embarrassed, the order is too small... But I know her temper, she doesn't care about the future No matter how rich she may be, what she is afraid of is that she will become poor again overnight. She absolutely does not want her aunt to suffer along with her, so these years are either gold, insurance, or death..."

"Then what do you think? I mean what I saw her do."

Yang Mi interrupted him.

But this time, the eldest young master was even more troubled.

Even the protruding smoke has a melancholy look.

"I always feel that she has no intention of spending the rest of her life with me..."


Yang Mi's mouth twitched.

"Really, I took the initiative to meet my aunt, and then I took her to meet my mother... But she is like this every time. She is very clear with me, as if my money is particularly dirty. Okay, I won’t raise money with her now, you earn yours, but... you want money to make money, I am professional in this kind of thing, you listen to my head office, right? Eh, that’s not possible either. My friend’s company over there in Shanghai When I was about to go public, I licked my face and asked someone for the original shares. That buddy was stupid, thinking that I couldn't survive, so I asked him to buy shares in a bigger company... In the end, I negotiated everything, and talked to her. ...She was hiding away as if she had seen some scourge...I really can't figure out why."

"Then why didn't you ask?"

"What should I ask?"

"I have never liked someone so much in my life. I asked her and she was annoyed. What should I do if she breaks up with me?"

Speaking of this, he didn't care about the environment of Lao Xu's family.

With a look of helplessness on her face, she threw the cigarette butt onto the turf and crushed it hard with her foot, which made Yang Mi's blood pressure buzz.

But immediately she heard the words that left her speechless the most:

"Dami, I don't feel safe anymore."


? ? ? ?


you two……

Are you sick?

Are you two teasing me here?

I'm a dog?

Lure me out of the house and kill me?

Can you let me bring Xu Xin with me?

Can you kill us both together?

What a mistake I made... I'm still freezing JIO!

For you two to treat me like this?

She was speechless.

But that silent look made Wang Sicong a little anxious:

"Please speak!"


Yang Mi opened her mouth.

at last……

Thousands of words turned into a sigh:


Looking at the love-struck old man in front of her, she said earnestly:

"Let's just say... is there a possibility that neither of you feels safe?"

"What do you mean? She is insecure? Why is she insecure? What's wrong with me? You don't know about me yet? After I got together with her, I was afraid that she would be unhappy. I even had to go to any party called by my friends. Report to her in advance..."

The eldest young master looked ridiculous.

But the more he behaves like this, the more hopeless the expression on Yang Mi's face becomes.

"The lack of security I'm referring to... Do you think there is a possibility that she is under pressure not to let the outside world think that she is with you for your money, and she doesn't want your family to feel that way, so she tries her best to Get rid of all financial relationships with you... If I remember correctly, she should have told you that she wanted to sign a prenuptial agreement with you, right?"


"Brother, being with you is very stressful for a woman."

Under Wang Sicong's eyes that gradually furrowed his brows, Yang Mi sighed again:

"Sigh... Your pressure is that she feels that she is very clearly separated from you, but have you ever thought about how many women in the world are willing to be very clearly separated from you? She is afraid of you, your family, or those around you. Everyone thinks she is with you just for money. So, as long as you mention money-related matters, she will stay away. Or, you two are also weird, and she doesn't understand. You don’t understand her thoughts either. Tsk tsk…it’s so good!”

Then, she roughly recounted what she and Di Wei had said in the kitchen in the afternoon.


"To put it bluntly, she doesn't know whether she is qualified for your future. You are also afraid that she has never thought about having a future with you. But in fact, from the perspective of outsiders like us... Seventh Brother is really quite sensible. She I don't have any ambitions. The only thing I want is to have a place to stay, no matter it rains or winds.

Her mother is just worried about her daughter's future happiness. I think her world is quite simple, but also very ridiculous... Being a singer is to make money, being an actor is also to make more money... As a result, the wealth is really overwhelming, but even getting close to it feels hot. …

As for you, your family and growing environment have also led to your situation. When anyone approaches you, you will have an instinctive vigilance. It is this vigilance that makes you extremely afraid of losing any existence that can gain your approval... In my eyes, both of you are actually "poor people" . Even more pitiful than Xu Xin and I were at the beginning. "

"Then how did you two deal with it?"

"The two of us? We didn't deal with it very much. We just let nature take its course... Well, don't tell me. Our situation is somewhat similar."

She had a slightly reminiscing look on her face:

"The period when I was most scared was when my career was just starting. At that time, I was a little famous and made a little money, but Xu Xin was different. He was really rich. At that time, I also thought, 10,000 What should I do if he and I are just playing around? Should I figure out the money with him... I have thought about these things and also worried about them."

"What happened next? How did you change?"

"Then we got engaged. On the night after the Olympics, we got engaged."


"Not really... I just had a chat with my dad after I came back."

"What did Uncle Yang say?"

"After I told him my troubles, Uncle Yang... Bah! My dad said... you should not discuss these matters with Xu Xin. That would break the heart of the child Xiao Xu. I said you didn't provide a solution. Plan, my dad said: Marriage is a matter between two families, but love is a matter between the two of you. Whatever you two decide, then so be it. Once we get married, we won’t live with you, so your two lives will be the same. How your life will turn out, whether you will be overjoyed or sad and joyful in the end, that is your destiny. It is destined by heaven and can be decided by people. But it is not something to consider now..."

The words have not yet finished.


The courtyard door was pushed open.

Yang Dalin walked in with two bags of things in his hands.

Seeing the two people chatting, he and Yang Chunling were both stunned:

"What are you talking about here? Why don't you go inside? It's so cold."

Before Wang Sicong spoke, Yang Mi looked at the two whole chickens in her father's hand in confusion:

"How do I get two chickens back?"

"Brother Qian'er gave it to you, Liuda Chicken. I'll stew chicken for you two tomorrow morning!"


For no reason, Yang Mi burst out laughing.



Yang Dalin looked at his daughter as if he were mentally ill:

"What are you laughing at?"

"It's okay, it's okay... Come in quickly. Xu Xin and the children are in the house. I haven't seen grandpa and grandma all day, and they are making a lot of noise."

Hearing this, the old man also had a smile on his face.

"It has to be our eldest baby! Then you two can talk and don't freeze~"

After giving the explanation, he was about to enter the house with the chicken in hand.

"Hey, the chicken is in the refrigerator."

"Show Xiao Xu, this chicken is ready!"


In Yang Chunling's eyes, "I'm afraid I gave birth to a fool," Yang Mi burst into laughter again.

When the two of them entered the house, the children's voices of "Grandma~~~" came from the closed door. Yang Mi stopped smiling and said to Wang Sicong, who was also speechless:

"My dad swore at the time that he would take my mom to travel around the world and buy a RV after I got married. Hahahahaha... look at it now... hahahahahaha..."


She laughs.

But Wang Sicong couldn't laugh.

At this moment, the door was opened again.

"Mom, come here! Come here!"

Yangyang pulled her mother into the house without saying a word.

Seeing this, Yang Mi nodded:

"Hey, okay, baby... let's go?"

"Go ahead and let me smoke a cigarette."

Yang Mi responded and followed Yangyang into the house.

When Wang Sicong was the only one left in the yard, he lit another cigarette.

Immediately afterwards, the door was opened again.

Di Wei, who finally escaped, walked out:

"What are you doing? Why don't you go into the house?"

"I smoke a cigarette."

"Did you practice martial arts?"

"Uh... No, I was just about to start. Isn't Uncle Yang coming back?"

"oh oh……"

Seeing this, Di Wei took off her coat from the hanger by the door and handed it to him:

"Hurry up and put on your clothes. Don't catch a cold."


Wang Sicong took the clothes, put them on, and turned to look inside the house through the window.

Lao Xu was sitting in front of the teahouse with Uncle Yang, drinking tea and chatting.

Dami and Aunt Yang are clapping...

Looking at Nuannuan's appearance, she seems to be singing.

And Di Wei was recording from the side.

Yangyang had a look of despair on his face, sitting on the side very decadently, his eyes full of gloom...

In fact, this is his favorite life.

This is why I like to come to Lao Xu's house.

The old Xu family has a certain flavor.

During the day, everyone is busy.

But at night, you can always see a family enjoying themselves and looking for some programs.

Or spending time with the kids, or laughing and chatting around the TV.

This is what a home looks like.

But this scene...he really didn't experience much in his own childhood.

Of course he won't talk about "the lack of my childhood" in a pretentious manner...

However, since he got older, he has become more determined about how he wants to live his life in the future.

These are the days.

It is no longer the case that parents are busy with work and send themselves to boarding school.

I would never choose Singapore as a boarding school.

It’s no longer just the nanny and aunt when you get home.

He just wanted... to be like Lao Xu.

Or live like Lao Xu.

Marry a loving wife and have one or two children of your own.

He can read books with his children, watch cartoons, and even go fishing, skiing, and experience all the beautiful things in the world.

You can also be lazy after the children go to school, sleep with your wife until they wake up naturally, and then eat a takeaway meal secretly, and then destroy all traces of Coke, fried chicken, etc. before the children come back from school...



What he wants is a home like this.

Even...at this moment, he could more or less finally understand why Dami insisted on not hiring a nanny.

Maybe...she feels that except for family members, everything else in this family is superfluous.

In this home, even the air is filled with the smell of happiness.

So there is no room for outsiders.

Even if it is a servant who takes care of life.

He suddenly felt very lonely.

But not in the common sense, but...

He wanted to have a family.

A true home.

Looking at the smiling faces of Nuannuan, Yangyang, Dami, Uncle Yang, Aunt Yang, and Lao Xu...

He looked at them one by one and moved away one by one.

Finally, it landed on my girlfriend’s face.

Brother Qi is really patient with children...

That's true in every sense of the word.


A scene appeared in his mind.

I also have a naughty son and a lovely daughter.

After he got off work, as soon as the car stopped, the door of the room opened, and two children ran over one after another, laughing and shouting loudly:


He opened his hands and squatted down, letting the two milky-smelling babies rush into his arms.

Behind him is Brother Qi, who has long hair and a gentle smile.

With the door wide open, the aroma of chili pepper and hot oil unique to Sichuan kitchens came.

It aroused his hungry greed.

She would say to herself gently:

"It's just right. What I cooked today is what you like."

And when he was sitting at the table, his beer, Brother Qi's beer, and the children's juice collided.

Don’t need too many dishes.

Four dishes.

Tomato scrambled eggs, you have to learn from Lao Xu’s family.

There is a secret to her tomato scrambled eggs, the children will definitely like it, it goes well with meals.

Then stir-fry twice-cooked pork, stir-fry vegetables, and then make a chicken.

Maybe by that day, Seventh Brother will no longer be able to maintain his figure.

She will have a little belly, and even her face will be more than one circle.

But it would be better if it feels soft to the touch.

But she would still feel a little fat, and she would rush to offer comfort...

Finally, the two of them went for a walk hand in hand. If they encountered a food stall, they would steal a meal with their children on their backs.

It's okay if the children don't find out, but if they find out, they may burst into tears, and then I will admit my mistake and coax them, promising to make a promise next time...

Finally, time passed day by day.

Children grow up slowly from babbling.

And his back will become more and more hunched, and there will be more and more wrinkles on his face.

But... when his son marries a wife and has children, he will definitely be able to say the words he never had the chance to say:

"I learned how to balance the relationship between work and family from my father. He was very busy at work, but he never took less care of his family. I am grateful to my parents for accompanying me, and now, I I am also married and will have children in the future. I will pass on this companionship and will definitely make my children’s childhood full of happiness..."

Is it resentment?

Is it a pity?


He suddenly smiled.

Smiling, he picked up the phone.

A number was dialed.

After a few beeps, a voice sounded:

"Hey, son, what's the matter?"


He looked at the laughter and laughter inside through the window and said:

"I want to discuss something with you."

"One has no tail~one has no eyes~so cute~so cute~"

"Pah, pah, pah..."

"Oh, baby, you are awesome! You sing so beautifully!!!"

During Yang Mi's excited kiss, Yangyang, who was sitting on the ground beside him, rolled his eyes.

I sang it wrong, and I don’t know how happy you are.

At this moment, he felt his eyes darken.

Subconsciously he looked up and saw his aunt squatting in front of him:

"Yangyang, can you sing a song for your aunt too? My aunt wants to hear you sing."


no problem.

You are beautiful, you are prettier than my mother, whatever you say is true!

He stood up directly and sang in a milky voice:

"Two tigers love to dance~the little rabbit pulls carrots obediently~"

While singing, he turned his head and glanced at Nuannuan provocatively.

Hey, you don’t know this song, right?


"You are not allowed to sing! I can't! You are not allowed to sing!"

"Oh, okay, Nuan Nuan is okay, no need to hit Yang Yang~"

Being hugged by Si Wei, Yangyang became even more energetic:

"The little conch trumpet is blowing, and I am imitating the seagull to spread its wings and fly~~"

"Ah!!! Don't sing... ow wow..."

"Baby~the orangutan points out the deer for you~"


"Baby~the moon feeds you bamboo rats~"


Ignoring the sobbing daughter, Xu Xin stood with Yang Dalin with a smile, playing time with the son in Seventh Brother's arms.

There is no way, the twins have to come like this.

Whoever cries must be ignored.

If you ignore it, at most only one person will be wronged.

If you coax, the other person will definitely feel aggrieved.

Then it will be a matter of competition over who can cry louder.

At this moment, the door was opened.

Wang Sicong walked in from outside.

Nuannuan glanced at her godfather, and then continued to cry.


I don’t know if she was speaking so loudly to interrupt Yangyang’s song, or if she was doing something else.

However, Wang Sicong didn't care.

Instead, he walked to Di Wei, smiled and stretched out his hand:

"Come on, Yangyang, give me a hug from your godfather."

Yangyang hugged Di Wei's neck.

You dare to cry if you dare to be presumptuous.

However, Di Wei took the initiative to send him there:

"Come on, let your godfather give you a hug."

Unexpectedly, after Wang Sicong took Yang Yang, he squatted down and looked like he was going to put him down.


He didn't even get up.

Instead, he knelt down on one knee and grabbed Di Wei's hand.

"Brother Seven."

"Woah... woah!"

Yang Mi instinctively covered her daughter's mouth, her eyes widened and her mouth opened into an O shape.

Xu Xin and Yang Dalin's hands that were about to slap them froze.

ah? ?

And Yang Chunling, who was originally taking a video of her granddaughter, was dumbfounded while holding her phone.

But the cell phone camera instinctively turned around.

Suddenly, everyone in the room was stunned except for Yangyang, whose eyes were full of "?", and Nuan Nuan, who had her mouth covered by her mother.

Wang Sicong knelt on one knee and held Di Wei's hand:

"Brother Qi, something happened unexpectedly. I really didn't prepare a ring... I originally wanted to borrow one from them, but I don't know if it's auspicious or not... I'll make it up for you tomorrow. I originally had a lot to say... But this For a moment... I... just want to say... of all the futures I have fantasized about now, the hostess... is you. Marry me, okay?"


Xu Xin's eyes were round.

Is this okay?

There are 2 plus signs for urinary ketones. From the physical examination in October to now, it has always been 2 plus signs. I am waiting for the results tomorrow. I will try to update as normal as possible tomorrow, and I will tell you the specific situation then. well.

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