I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 945 941 That Lake

Chapter 945 941. That lake...




Everyone in Lao Xu's family was silent.

Just looking directly at these two people.

I don't even know what this is doing.

Make...make a movie?



It’s not about making a movie... Who is such a nice person to propose marriage like this?

No ring, just finished drinking.

Kneel down on one knee and create a miracle?

Brother...that's not how you play.

Then the proposal should not be ceremonial, with flowers, balloons, blessings, etc. It would be best for you to perform a show and dance bala bala... If you can't learn it, you can refer to me... eh.

As if she thought of something, Yang Mi came back to her senses instantly and twitched the corner of her mouth.

Then... her second reaction was to rub the silver ring on her hand.

Never mind whether it is auspicious or unlucky.

This couple's ring that my husband and I made when we were looking for a craftsman was extraordinary for both me and my lover.

In fact, she didn't know whether this behavior was good or not.

The thoughts in my mind are also very simple.

Even if it was unlucky for me, I couldn't let my friend have this...really sudden proposal without a ring.

That would really make you regret it for the rest of your life.

Even...if there is nothing wrong with this behavior, then...just consider it a good wish.

So, she let go of her daughter, stepped forward and handed over the ring:

"use this."

Wang Sicong took it first, and then glanced at Yang Mi.

Eyes filled with gratitude.

Then, he pinched the silver ring that still had body temperature and held it high:

"Marry me, okay?"


There was no expression of covering one's mouth or disbelief.

After hearing this, Di Wei gradually came out of her shock.

He blinked and stared blankly at the man kneeling on one knee.

She... wanted to say something.

But I don’t know what to say.

Mu looked at Wang Sicong blankly... At this moment, all his instincts turned into an uncertain inquiry.

"Have you... thought about it?"

She didn't know why she asked.

Even after asking, I felt very uneasy...

I was even thinking, "What if he takes the ring back?"

Shouldn't I ask this?

But... her thoughts did not continue to extend downward.


Her question had been answered.

"Well! Marry me! Seventh Brother! Marry me!"

Wang Sicong nodded vigorously and raised the ring high again.

Like begging!

He stared at her closely:

"We also have two children! They are so cute!"

Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

Don't don't don't.

They don't deserve it.

We don't deserve it...

He really wanted to say: Lao Wang, you have to think carefully.


What a sin!

It will drive people crazy.

It’s better to have one, just one!

Have you ever been kicked in the face by that whip leg in your sleep...

The child's heel hurts so much!

Unfortunately, he and Lao Wang are not calling at the moment.

Wang Sicong just said in an extremely firm tone:

"We will have a family! Let the children grow up together! We will grow older little by little...and then walk hand in hand under the sunset..."

Yang Dalin on the side twitched the corner of his mouth...

He wanted to say: Xiao Wang, you are still too young. Evening is a good time to square dance with other old ladies... If you want to take a walk, take it in the morning, just like completing your daily tasks. When you get older, you sleep less, and the day is very long.

Yang Chunling, on the other hand, was filled with emotion.

Xiao Wang is a good kid. At least not fishing.

But Xu Xin and Yang Mi, like the two fools, were completely moved after hearing their friends' voices.

Take a look... Lao Wang is really good.

This is Xu Xin's idea.

What Yang Mi thought was even simpler.

I'm so envious, at least I have a ring when I propose.

Xu Xin, you piece of shit!

Xu Xin:? ? ? Why do I feel like someone is scolding me?

And in this "robust" explosion of silence, after hearing her boyfriend's words, Di Wei finally raised her hand.

Her hands were shaking.


It's like shouldering a heavy burden.

But... no matter how heavy the burden was, she still picked it up resolutely.

His palms stretched out like knives.

"I...I do!"

Then, as she spoke, the palm of her left hand trembled, and several fingers began to tighten.

Tuck your thumb and index finger together.

Next comes the ring finger and little finger.


Di Wei was also stunned in Wang Sicong's suddenly strange gaze.

Turn your wrist, palm up, and look at your lone middle finger.

Instinctively, she curled her middle finger.

One bend, all the way.

A big middle finger just waved in front of Wang Sicong a few times.

It means: Put it on me quickly.

Wang Sicong was also confused now.

Proposal...engagement...is this finger?

He unconsciously turned his head to look at the person coming next to him.

Yang Mi was also confused.

If you promise, just promise... Why do you give your fiancé the middle finger?

Finally, Xu Xin asked in confusion:

"Isn't it the ring finger?"


Si Wei was stunned.


The next second, she burst into laughter.

"Sorry, sorry, try again."

She quickly retracted her middle finger that was facing her fiancé, and then stretched out her ring finger tremblingly.


Wang Sicong was also trembling, and he aimed this ring... which represented that he was about to start a new stage in his life, on his finger, and put it on tremblingly but firmly.

"Pah, pah, pah, pah..."

Sudden applause rang out.

Xu Xin took the lead.

Others realize it later.

Including Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang who don't know why.

Anyway, my parents applauded, so I just followed suit.


"Why are you still standing there? Kiss me!"

Seeing that he was still kneeling there, Yang Mi quickly urged him.

This time, Wang Sicong reacted.

After getting up, he held Di Wei and chewed it.


It was obviously her who reminded him, but seeing Lao Wang's behavior of sticking out his tongue, she still covered Nuan Nuan's eyes in disgust.

Yangyang, who had always been by their side, raised his head and looked directly at his godfather...

I like to see this~

I love watching it.

"Return the ring to me tomorrow. Mr. Wang, you must remember it! I am placing my beautiful love on you two! You two must be well, you know!"

"Okay, Mom, don't worry!"


The corner of Yang Mi's mouth twitched, and then she directly forwarded the video her mother sent her to them.

Lao Wang was always holding Brother Seventh's ring-bearing hand. After responding, he turned around with a silly smile:

"Hello, fiancée."

Si Wei's face immediately turned red.

"Don't be like this..."

"I don't, you call me something nice..."



Xu Xin's scalp felt numb at the sight of this numbness.

I couldn't stand it anymore, so I put on my clothes and left the house.

The cold wind calmed him down a little, and then...he took out his phone.

WeChat group [The resentment of buying a flower pot for 200,000 yuan].

I am a big grudge: [Brothers, I have something to announce. 】

I am a big grudge: [Lao Wang and Seventh Brother are engaged. 】

I am a big resentment: [/花/花]

I am a flowerpot: [How about you let them announce it themselves? are you crazy. 】

I am a big grudge: […]

Kowtow to the grudge and admit your mistake: [? real or fake? Don't be ridiculous. 】

I am a big resentment: [Really, why did I lie to you? 】

Kowtow to the grudge and admit your mistake: [? ? ? Did he just tell you? I didn't receive any messages from him. 】

I am the one with the biggest resentment: [He is at my house right now, proposing to me under the witness of Mr. Pener and I. 】

Kowtow to the grudge and admit your mistake: [ @I am a flowerpot,? ? ? real? Did he propose at your house? Why at your house? What's going on? 】

I am a flower pot: [Really, I don’t know why he is so angry, but Brother Qi agreed. There is a video, do you want to watch it? It's funny. Brother Qi made a mistake with his finger and gave Lao Wang a big sign! 】

I have no relationship with the scale: [Is it true? I don’t believe it. 】

I am inseparable from the scale: [Fat! 】

Shishi: [Huh? 】

Shishi: [Huh? ? 】

Shishi: [Huh? ? ? 】

Brother Gou, who was sitting on the mountain watching the tiger fight: [? ? ? Hey, what are you doing? 】

Hannah: [Wow, congratulations! /Celebrate/Celebrate/Celebrate/Celebrate]

I am inseparable from the scale: [Hurry up and send it! Mr. Pen'er, send it quickly! ! ! 】

I am a flowerpot: [It is not suitable to read these when you are losing weight. 】

The dream of 300 million girls: [? What's going on? Why don't you say anything? @Laowang next door】

I am a big grievance: [The neighbor is holding his fiancée and chewing on her. As a witness, I actually don’t know what’s going on. But indeed, our Mr. Wang’s proposal was successful. 】

I am a flower pot: [ @I am a big resentment person. After smoking, you picked up a cigarette butt on the lawn and threw it away together. 】

I am a big grudge: [? ? ? I didn't throw it on the lawn, don't accuse me wrongly! 】

I am a flowerpot: [If Lao Wang threw it, pick it up and throw it in the trash can. 】

I am a big grievance: [What kind of person is he worthy of me picking up cigarette butts for him? 】

I am a flowerpot: [/smile]

I am a big resentment: [He is really my father! When you propose at my house, you still hold the ring, and I have to pick up the cigarette butts, right? 】

I am a flowerpot: [/smile]

Shishi: [If your baby doesn’t hurry up, I’m afraid something will happen to you. 】

I am a big grudge: [/picking my nose]

I am inseparable from the scale: [Where is the video? 】

I am a flowerpot: [Screenshot]

I am a flower pot: [The Internet speed at home is slow at the moment. 】

I am a flowerpot: [Xu, are you posting porn again? 】

I am a big grudge: […]

Xu Xin was speechless and stopped talking to the tiger girl. Instead, he turned on the flash and looked for cigarette butts on the lawn.


Son of a bitch!

I'm a young daddy! ! ! !

"Hey, fafa, look~"


Xu Dafa was stunned. He looked at the not bright, even plain, circles on Di Wei's hand, and his mind shut down at that moment.

Wang Sicong saw her expression and raised his eyebrows proudly:

"Fafa, don't call me sister anymore. Call me sister-in-law. Don't worry, I will treat you well~"


Xu Dafa's mouth twitched.

Yang Mi kicked his heel angrily:

"Okay, what are you showing off for? I tell you, I bought the ring tomorrow and sent it back to me as soon as possible!"

"Can I let her wear it for a few more days? I plan to customize it..."

"Just buy something first! This is mine! Give it to me quickly!"

"It's sour."

"Do you believe it if you tell me again that I will kill you? Get out of here!"

Wang Sicong was forced into the car, and then, after Si Wei and Xu Xin got in the car, she and Xu Xin stood together:

"Congratulations to the two newcomers!"

The couple had communicated in advance. Yang Mi was the one who talked about the matter, and Xu Xin was the one who cupped his fists and handed them over.

The two of them held their hands and sent their wishes:


"May you have an unrepentant love."


The moment she heard this, Di Wei's eyes instantly turned red.

However, either way...she is still young.

Not as good as Wang Sicong.

Lao Wang knew these two couples best. After hearing this, he directly hit his left chest with his right hand:

"Power and glory!"

Xu Xin returned the favor instantly.

Bang bang two punches:

"Blood and thunder!"

Then before Si Wei could figure out what it meant, she saw Sister Mi making the same move:

"loktar ogar!"

Then...the three people aligned themselves:

“For the tribe!!!”


Si Wei was stunned.

He looked at Director Xu and Sister Mi, who seemed to be performing some kind of ritual, and then turned to look at his equally solemn fiancé.

What's the matter?

inside the car.

Wang Sicong, who was sitting in the back row, was always holding Di Wei's hand.

Unfortunately, neither of them spoke.

He was fiddling with his phone, while Di Wei didn't even finish it, she just felt the... unparalleled comfortable touch every time her fiancé pressed and rubbed the ring on the ring finger of his left hand with his fingers.

At this moment, the fiancé handed over the phone.

She focused her eyes and saw a Weibo post.

Just posted.

[You should be grateful. I'm very happy right now, so I don't intend to make things worse for your family. Just think of it as mercy, I'll let you go. In addition, 100 people will be drawn from this Weibo, and each person will receive 10,000 yuan. Don't ask why, I won't tell you, but I'm really happy now. (Not showing off wealth, not gossiping, just leaving blessings.)]


"Forget it."

Hooking his fiancée's hand, Wang Sicong smiled and closed the phone.

He directly took his fiancée into his arms.

"I told my mother about this before I entered the house."

Before he finished speaking, he felt his fiancée's muscles stiffen in his hands.

"She asked me if I had thought it through, and I said I had. Then she asked me if I wanted children? I said at least two...and she was happy."


"Don't call Auntie tonight. Let's talk tomorrow. Don't disturb her when she sleeps. Tomorrow we'll pick out a ring and return it to the devil. Then... let's go back to the devil's capital."

As he spoke, the hands of his fiancée in his arms gradually became cold.

But he held it tighter.

"Don't worry, Seventh Brother. It's good that marriage is a matter between two families, but... love is ours."


Di Wei's heart trembled.

"Brother Cong..."

Wang Sicong shook his head slightly:

"People say that love without material things is a piece of loose sand. I think this is right and wrong. But there is one sentence that is definitely right. A marriage without love is destined to be a tragedy. We already have the best innate conditions. , so...our future life must be a comedy, a good show! Okay?"


Although he hesitated for a moment, this time, Di Wei's response was extremely firm.

Facts have proved that on the Internet, if you want to overshadow the popularity of something, throwing money at it is the most direct way.

Just like Wang Sicong’s Weibo.

A few minutes after he posted it, the number of comments instantly exceeded 3,000.

What happened between him and Wang Xiaofei was no longer important.

The important thing is that if you leave words of blessing under this Weibo... even if you don’t know what to wish for, you may get 10,000 yuan!

"The principal is happy every day!"

"I wish the principal to be happy every day and forever!"

"The winning rate is UPUPUP! Me, me, me! The principal is happy every day!"

"The principal is happy every day, everything goes well...a million red envelopes! I can't think of anything that deserves to be so happy!"

An hour later, the number of comments exceeded 10,000.

All comments under this Weibo are filled with blessings.

Even if Wang Xiaofei deleted her Weibo, no one cared.

I even made a million dollars by eating melon. Where can I find such a good thing?

This melon... is so worth it! ! ! !

Wang Xiaofei...

Others are still weird.

In the early morning of February 23rd.

"Ah!! Husband! Wake up!!!!"

"Ah!? What happened? Who!? What happened!?"

Xu Xin sat up suddenly, his eyes full of fright.

Then his eyes were narrowed by a burst of "bright light".


"It's over 100 million! It's over 100 million! Ah!!!!"

"Bang bang bang..."

She started kicking and stamping her feet on the bed.

Xu Xin's first reaction was not to be happy, but to subconsciously look at the child's crib next to him.


"Where's the child!?"

"It's at my mother's house."


After hearing this, his consciousness slowly recovered.

Then after being stunned for a moment, he said:

"Breaking 100 million?"

"One hundred and four million! Ah!!!"

Yang Mi lit up the screen at him again.

Qi Lei:

"The third day box office of "Scorching Sun": 106 million!!!!!!"


"New record!!!!"

Three in a row, just...three minutes ago.

The time now is 12:27.

Then, before he could react, someone grabbed his shoulder and pushed him directly onto the bed.


He looked at his wife who was riding her waist condescendingly.

I was suddenly awakened from my sleep, and now I was shocked by this news...I don't know if it was a surprise or a fright...

"What...are you doing? I'm already asleep!"

"No, a good day like this must definitely be celebrated."


Subconsciously, Xu Xin moved upwards, trying to climb out of the trench quickly.

As expected, it was suppressed:

"Don't move! What are you hiding from!?"

"...No, are you crazy? I'm sleeping!"

"Aren't you awake now? Come on, come on, I'm very excited right now, don't resist, be good."

"No... uh... just listen to my explanation!"

"The tough Silver Monk doesn't need a sister to tear him apart!"


"The Sun" has a box office of over 100 million in a single day, breaking the record again and becoming the first domestic film in history to have a box office of over 100 million in a single day.

Records, in fact, are often like this.

It always happens accidentally.

Then it was accidentally broken again.

But no matter what, when the news spread all over the world on the 23rd...

More and more people can't sit still.

It no longer matters what Xu Xin thinks or what he thinks about this record.

The important thing is that people have seen a new stage of Chinese-language films.

The box office can exceed 100 million, which proves that Chinese-language films are already qualified to exceed 100 million in the hearts of the audience.

People's acceptance of domestic films is getting higher and higher, which shows that the lower-level market has reached a certain scale. And this industry is not just about being at the top to make money... This is not true either.

Or to put it another way, although those who stand out can make money, such as "33 Days" back then.

But after "33 Days", the low-budget movies of that year also fell into the category where you might not be able to make big money, but you can still make small money.

Director Xu’s box office is high?

Isn't that normal?

Let him cum.

But how many movies can he make in a year? Both are considered too many.

Movies are a long and complicated preparation process. Except for the early Hong Kong movies, I have never heard of anyone who is so crazy and can make a movie in a month.

Besides...what if you really shoot one film a month?

Did he go to the theater just as he asked?

Therefore, there are still huge profits in the real market.

It's just that everyone has now seen the ceiling.

Ceiling, "Scorching Sun", "囧", "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" and the like.

The current size of the Chinese film industry is around 1.5 billion.

But it doesn't matter, because of this volume, this ceiling is still growing upwards.

The largest shark gnaws on the fattest meat, and a group of small fish follow it by drinking soup mixed with meat residue.

Although it can't be said to be a whale, the famous director in this circle is the weather vane.

Not only investors, but also screenwriters must follow the director's vision.

Director Xu's filmmaking model has been figured out over the years.

He basically doesn't read outside scripts unless they are worthy adaptations of novels. For example, "The Burning Sun". And the others... just need to join the Artistic Home of Xiying Studio.

It would be nice to be part of a writers club.

In the entire art house, the Screenwriters Club has the lowest threshold.

Submit an application, report past works, pass the review, enter the procedures, and become a member.

It's simply don't want it.

What else is there to say?

People follow the market.

I dare not say that my work will be favored by Director Xu...but Xiying Film Studio is not bad now.

The northwest circle has been very beautiful in the past two years!

So, on the day when Xu Xin's single-day box office record exceeded 100 million, although there were many people there before... countless snowflakes flooded into the Yichuang Home.

Among the three major clubs, not to mention the other two, the reviewers of the Screenwriters Club got up to work in the morning and took a look at their mailboxes.

No, what are you doing?

I worked overtime last night to handle the review procedures in order to get all the work done so that the leaders could see my name written in the handler column in the background, so that I would have a higher chance of becoming a full-time employee and getting a job. , leaving a good impression on the leader as a hard-working young man.

But... all the emails I processed last night were 99+ again this morning?

Are you... so inhumane?

And not to mention how many screenwriters at the West Film Studio either defected to the Ming Dynasty, or joined with utilitarianism, it is true that with the Art and Creation House... this is not a strange model, West Film Studio After the studio steadily produced works of this quality, its reputation was indeed growing.

If you have a good reputation, you will recruit people.

In essence, the film and television industry is just a world.

Visitors, children from the world, passing by famous and upright people, not to mention worshiping the mountain gate, but when they happen to be recruiting troops, with the mentality that even if they can't use it now, they might be able to use it someday, more and more people Everyone turned their attention to the west.

for example……

Xu Xin received the call this morning.

The call was from Duan Yihong.

At first, Xu Xin thought he was here to congratulate her.

While chatting, Duan Yihong suddenly mentioned someone to him:

"Director Xu, Lan Xiaolong, do you know this person?"

Xu Xin was stunned:

"I know, the screenwriter of "Soldier Assault"... Oh yes, he seems to be the screenwriter of "My Commander, My Regiment" too, right?"


Duan Yihong responded, and then said directly without hiding it:

"He sent me a story and said that he wanted to turn it into a script. I think the story is pretty good. Can I send it to you for a look?"


Xu Xin responded:

"You can just send it to me directly. I happen to be in front of the computer. Does Teacher Lan want to find a director?"

"He hasn't told me yet... However, in fact, for so many years, although he has been in the drama industry, he has always wanted to direct his works to film and television. However, he is a bit of an axis, or rather... he has a certain fascination about him. He is very calm. If a work does not meet his own standards, he will never release it... So... many investors cannot accept this. And..."

"Haha, Lao Duan, I know what you mean."

After fully understanding Duan Yihong's subtext, he said directly:

"Just like "Heart of the Burning Sun", I started working on the project after I got the book and thought the story was good. The script hadn't been revised yet. Don't worry, you don't know the habits of our factory yet? Respect Story, respect the screenwriter, you don’t have to worry about this, just send me the story and I’ll take a look at it now.”

"Haha, okay, I'll send it to you now."

"Well, I got it."

Looking at a new email that appeared in his QQ mailbox, he responded:

"Okay, I'll read the story first, and then we can chat after it's over?"

"Okay. How about I push your WeChat account to him?"

"That's okay, no problem. If anything happens, I'll communicate with him directly."

"Hmm, then I'll push it."


After chatting with each other for a few more words, Xu Xin hung up the phone.

In fact, he understood what Duan Yihong meant.

It doesn't matter whether Lan Xiaolong is a perfectionist or not. What matters is that what he needs is a "stable" "company".

That's probably what it means?

Moreover, I am also determined to rely on the factory.

Xu Xin naturally would not refuse.

Not to mention anything else, even if the movie script is rubbish, once the relationship is established, we can see each other in TV series in the future.

Although the TV series project in the factory has not been announced yet, preparations have already begun.

Isn't it just right to recruit troops and buy horses, and someone will give you a pillow if you feel sleepy?

While thinking about it, he downloaded this document.

After opening it, you can see the title of the document.

"Changjin Lake"

I took a urine test today, and it was still a plus. The doctor wanted me to stop working out, but he was not sure. I would stop losing weight for the next two days and eat normally to see if the ketones in my urine would go down. He also suggested that I be hospitalized for three days for a thorough examination, but I refused... I asked the doctor, maybe it’s normal to lose weight and be hungry and then metabolize fat, but mine... doesn’t really look like it, more like diabetic ketosis. I really... don’t know what to say... I’ll just give it a try today. More, sorry. Then I called an authoritative expert tomorrow and took another look. I know diabetes is not terrible, but... I feel really sad. And then the doctor asked me about my daily routine and said that no matter what my condition was, it was related to overexertion. I may consider reducing the number of updates per day to between 8K and 10K... I will let everyone know about the decision then.

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