I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 947 943 Three Actors

943.Three actors

Fifteenth, Lantern Festival.

It passed by inadvertently.

Even watching the Lantern Festival Party, Xu Xin suddenly thought of something.

This year... what have I done?

It seems that I have done a lot of things, but it seems that I have done nothing.

On the day of the Lantern Festival, the box office of "Scorching Sun" finally dropped to 92.13 million.

It's more or less back to normal.

Otherwise, people would always feel inexplicably "unsettled" if they kept asking for one hundred million or one hundred million every day.

After the New Year, Yang Mi became busy.

Really busy.

I took Sun Ting straight to Los Angeles and started the pre-heating promotion of "Pacific Rim".

In fact, it's just a warm-up, and it's nothing more than participating in a few local shows in the United States. This film is an original science fiction mecha film, and it doesn’t have any early fan accumulation.

What's more, the heroine has an Asian face.

Even if she holds the title of one of the top three European movie queens, the audience in the United States does not particularly recognize her.

On the contrary, everyone in the industry knew about her and sent some offers for Asian roles.

But she declined.

If I want to invest in capital at home, how can I have time to develop in the United States?

The family doesn’t want it anymore?

Don’t want the child?

As soon as she left, Xu Xin became a full-time nanny.

Anyway, the children will start school in a week. If he endures it any longer, he will be liberated.

March 1st.

Finally, after the long winter vacation, kindergarten started.

The two children were obviously still a little uncomfortable with it. They were still crying with their grandfather in the car, but when they got to school... according to Yang Dalin, after seeing the other children, they immediately jumped out of the car happily.

It's like drinking Forgettable Milk.

As soon as the children left, Xu Xin became quiet.

He finally started working on the project of "Broken Silence".

The first thing is to prepare the crew.

This is not a difficult task.

Director Xu waved, and the crowd naturally flocked to him.

Assistant directors Li Haiping and Xue Yong.

There are many photographers.

Styling, setting, etc. are still the old and new model. There will always be different people's names appearing on the staff list, and the same people will control various important departments.

Xu Xin doesn't have to worry about this matter, Li Haiping and Xue Yong can just do it.

He started inviting actors.

The film "Silence" actually does not require so many people. There is only one village chief, one idler, and one chief executive. After these three people are together, the others can be selected through auditions.

And his first call was to Jiang Kui.

"Second brother, happy New Year."


There was a lively chat from Jiang Kui's side.

The two of them haven't seen each other for a long time, but they are not separated.

The reason is also very simple. Yang Mi's etiquette during New Years and holidays is never bad.

Ask someone to send it to you and say, "Director Xu is busy and asked me to deliver it to you personally." Then Xu Xin says on WeChat that he is busy because of XX matters, and the relationship can be maintained.

Although this kind of behavior seems very utilitarian at first glance, considering his current position, for the bottom, people have to be grateful, and for the top, he can live with his face.

On the other hand, the relationship will never be divided.

What matters is not etiquette, but an attitude.

Once you have an attitude, many things will fall into place.

"You know, my wife and I were talking about you this morning. We made millet porridge several times during the Chinese New Year, and it was very suitable for both of us. Hey, I said, why is your millet so fragrant? Isn't that right? To see if she had seen the bottom, I asked her to buy a box online under the "Four Girls" brand, which is also from yours, but the taste is a bit wrong..."

The parents’ short words came from the other end of the phone.

Xu Xin was delighted:

"Haha, why don't you use Taobao? Just tell me and I'll have someone send it to you."

"That's so troublesome. Taobao is so convenient now."

"Yes, but you really can't buy this on Taobao. Si Meizi also collects, processes and packages them from farmers. But in my house, our village hires people to grow them. The highlight is that no pesticides are used, natural growth, survival of the fittest. . After collecting the grain, we send it to them for processing. We take the processed food ourselves and give it as gifts. Don’t think of this second brother Xiaomi as ordinary. He is really born and raised. He will never use any medicine. He only hires people. To remove worms and pick weeds, one acre of land costs more than 700 yuan in labor costs.”


Only then did Jiang Kui finally understand why Xiaomi was from the same factory, but the gap was so huge.

And Xu Xin said in his sigh:

"I'll ask my assistant to make another trip later and bring you a few boxes. You can also bring them to the elders at home. This millet is grown by us Xujiawan people. And the land is not in the mining area, but in the river. It’s half-sloping, with good mountains and good water, and the villagers use the reserved land to grow their own food.”


Jiang Kui on the other end of the phone really didn't know what to say.

This millet...if it were sold by the pound, considering that it was a land parcel and hired people, it would cost ten or twenty yuan per pound, right?


Only then did he remember that if he made the call after this year, he definitely didn't mean to give him millet.

smiled and said:

"Look at me, you've forgotten. Do you have anything to do with me?"

"Yes, do you have any schedule in the first half of the year?"


"Then I'll send you a script. Can you read it?"

"Okay, no problem, just send it and I'll send it to you via my email address."

Hearing that he was extremely happy to agree, Xu Xin smiled and said:

"Okay, I'll send it over now."

"Yeah. No problem. Let me read the script first. Then we can talk in detail?"


Firstly, there is no mention of remuneration, secondly, there is no talk about treatment, and thirdly, there is no concern at all.

Hearing Xu Xin speak, he immediately agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin directly sent the script with the name of the character "Chang Wannian" written on it.

Then, he made the second call to Wang Yanhui.

"Teacher Wang, happy New Year."


It was also a hearty laugh.

The communication between Xu Xin and him was much simpler.

As early as when he was filming "Heart of the Burning Sun", Xu Xin mentioned the matter of "Burst to Silence" to him.

But now when he heard Xu Xin's invitation, he agreed without saying a word:

"Okay, can I play the village chief?"

"Yes, the village chief. He looks like a villain at first glance, but he is actually a...very complex good man."

"Okay. I sent you the script. Do you want to learn Northern Shaanxi dialect?"

"Yes, you have to have an accent."



Hearing this unauthentic dialect, Xu Xin felt something in his heart.

The reason why he was chosen as the village chief was entirely because his role as Xiong Laosan in "Glorious Fury" impressed Xu Xin very deeply.

From a director's perspective and an audience's perspective.

Wang Yanhui actually looks like a "bad guy".

Even if he doesn't do anything, you won't think well of him even if he stops there.

But this is the feeling Xu Xin wants.

Looks bad, but good.

But it's still very awkward.

And the last person...he gave him a name...that would sound extremely strange to others.

Hu Xiaoguang.

Seeing this name, 99% of 100 people have never heard of him.

But in fact, this is an out-and-out veteran actor.

Born in 1965, he graduated from Beijing Film Academy with a serious education.

He also acted in the old man's "Red Sorghum". He was the bearer at the beginning of the sedan. He was the first, Jiang Wen was the second, and he was also the senior brother of the Songyang sect in "Sword Rain". Huang Bo played the role last year. That "Killing" and so on.

The appearance is rough and sturdy.

But the acting is superb.

Even Xu Xin's "colleague"...

He has been teaching at Beijing Film Academy since 1991.

But if you mention this to others, many people may still not know who he is.

Speaking of which, his most well-known masterpiece is the hilarious anti-Japanese war film "Hands Up".

That's right, it's the comedy starring Jason Statham.

And he plays the villain Tai-kun Watanabe who charges while riding a pig and gets his egg exploded.

The one Xu Xin wanted to invite to star was Li Shuiquan.

Different from the group drama of "The Sun Burns the Heart", "The Burst of Silence" is more like Yang Mi's one-man show.

Therefore, he needs to make each character's face give the audience a preconceived first impression. For this reason, he has been polishing the candidates for the main roles in his mind for many years.

Li Shuiquan is played by Hu Xiaoguang, an idle guy who doesn't look like a good guy. The audience will have a very natural innate impression.

He was rough, with a face full of flesh, and he didn't look like a good person. Moreover, there happens to be an age gap between him and his wife.

It perfectly fits the image of a village idler, idle and free of charge.

Use your face first to leave an impression.

Then through behavior, plot, and character creation bit by bit.

Finally, let every image in a movie, even a one-man show, live vividly in the hearts of the audience.

This is Xu Xin's first goal.

He has more or less had enough of using camera language.

This time, he wanted to focus on sculpting the characters.

Shaanxi North America?

Of course it's beautiful.

That was his dream home.

But... Northern Shaanxi in March and April is really not beautiful at all.

Withered grass, loess, the wind that seems to be inexhaustible in spring, and a little bit of snow hidden in the nook and corner of the mountain...

To be honest, the movie "Breaking Silence" is quite good.

It can't be said that he is rushing, but the only scene he wants to pursue must be completed in spring.

That is the trace of green that grows tenaciously among the loess all over the mountains and plains and embellishes the Loess Plateau.

What kind of hope does the texture of those grasses, where he grew up, and the vigorous vitality that rushes towards his face, bring to people.

That scene was the only lens aesthetic he pursued.

Others will still be used in this drama, but they will no longer be as polished as in "Heart of the Burning Sun".

After all...every drama has to have some changes.

After Hu Xiaoguang answered the phone, his voice seemed very surprised:

"Hello, who are you?"

"Hello, Teacher Hu, my name is Xu Xin."


Hu Xiaoguang was obviously confused:

"Director Xu?"

"No, no, no, just call me Xiao Xu."

In terms of love, they are seniors and seniors.

Yu Li, he is a teaching assistant now, but he is a full-time teacher. No matter what his status is, Xu Xin has to be polite.

After Hu Xiaoguang was silent for a while, he said:

"It's better to call Director Xu, it's more natural."

"That's okay, Teacher Hu. I'm not disturbing you right now, right? It was Teacher Yu who gave me your phone number."

"Don't bother me. I'm just going to class. Do you have anything to do with me?"

Although he looks rough on the outside, he actually speaks quite slowly in private, which may be a habit he developed when he was a teacher.

Xu Xin was stunned.


School is back in session?

Oh, yes, it's already March 1st, so the university department must have started school.

Xu Xin, who had a sense of déjà vu for no reason, and a hint of shame, remembered it.

His teaching assistant class for this semester has not been scheduled yet.

Then he glanced at the time.

It's almost 9 o'clock.

The second class is about to begin.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Well, Teacher Hu, how about you go to class first, and I'll go find you after you finish the class? I have a role here, and I want to invite you to try it."

He made his intentions clear.

After hearing this, Hu Xiaoguang was silent for a while and then said:

"Okay. Let's meet at school then, Director Xu."

"No problem, see you at school."

He responded politely and hung up the phone. He directly opened WeChat and sent a message to Su Meng:

"Mengmeng, come to my house and pick up four boxes of millet and send them to your second brother. Come here now."

After sending it, Su Meng replied almost instantly:

"Okay, Brother Xu."

"Well, I'm going to school. You don't have to come to me after delivering the millet."


After sending the message, he got up and went back to the house to change clothes.

Soon, when I went out again, I already had a script in my hand.

Driving directly to school.

As he walked, he was still thinking about it.

By the way...when does school start this year?

When does the graduate school start?

Didn't I miss the check-in time?

With some things on his mind, and some traffic jams on the road, it was already early 10 o'clock when he arrived at school.

It's better to have a parking space. Cars can enter directly. Even if the parking space is a little far from the teaching building, it doesn't matter.

At least you don't have to worry about being fined 200 when you come out.

After parking the car in the staff parking area, he got out of the car, walked out of the parking lot and walked along the main road towards the teaching building.

As a result, after taking two steps, I heard footsteps behind me.

I turned my head subconsciously and was speechless for a moment.



Wearing a long down jacket and black slim-fitting pants, a circle of snow-white ankle skin was exposed under the pants. Nazha, who was wearing a pair of training shoes, was stunned.

"Brother Xu?"

"……Why are you here?"

"I just went to audition for a role, and I quickly came back to class. Today is Director Cui's class..."

"Then go quickly. It's time for class."


Nazha responded first, then stopped:

"Brother Xu, what are you going to do later?"


These words really stopped Xu Xin.

After thinking for a while, I came up with the answer:

"Maybe go to the research institute and ask about the documentary project...what?"

"Then I'll call you after class later?"


Without asking him what he wanted, he agreed:

"No problem, go ahead."


Nazha nodded vigorously and continued running forward.

After running a few steps, she heard a voice from behind:

"Wear thicker socks next time! Aren't you afraid of catching a cold in the winter?"


The girl looked back as she ran.

He bared his little white teeth.

Expert opinion, in one word: wait.

Stop losing weight, eat normally, work and rest regularly, don't overwork yourself, relax, and check again after half a month. It's different from the doctor's diagnosis. He said it doesn't look like ketosis, but if it's still 2 plus signs... tsk.

Then today is a normal update, and I will try my best to balance the time in the future. The previous chapter was 8K and this chapter is 4K.

Oh yes...there's one more thing. On the 29th, my editor asked me to go to Sanya to participate in the author salon from the 29th to the 3rd. Let’s talk about the new book.

Let me tell you something first.

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