I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 948 944 On campus

Chapter 948 944. On campus

Unlike Nazha who was running wildly, Xu Xin walked slowly and leisurely, and when she got to the performance department, there was still 1 minute left before class started.

Along the way, many students passed by him and led to different classes.

Seeing their energetic appearance, Xu Xin couldn't help but sigh.

My fellow juniors and juniors are really full of energy.

Just like he did back then.

With some sigh, he walked to the teacher's office of the Performance Department.

Just as he was about to knock politely, a man walked out.

Xu Xin was stunned and quickly said hello:

"Director Cui. Hello~"

While saying hello, he gave up his position.

Hearing this greeting, Cui Xinqin, the director of the Performance Department, looked up, was stunned, and said with a smile:

"Xiao Xu, long time no see."

"Hey, yes, I haven't seen you for several years."

"No, it's been more than a year, right?"

Following her words, Xu Xin really didn't remember the last time the two met.


PhD interview?

I really don’t remember.

In fact, he is from the directing department, and the acting department logically has no control over them. However, this is my wife’s teacher, and I have also taken her basic theory class, so a respectful attitude is definitely required.

So he followed Teacher Cui's words and nodded:

"Okay, Teacher Cui, do you have a class?"

"Yes, yes. What about you? But I don't see you going to the performance department."

"I'm looking for Teacher Hu Xiaoguang."

"Oh, he's inside. Teacher Hu, Xiao Xu is looking for you."

After shouting into the office, she patted Xu Xin's shoulder affectionately:

"Xiao Xu, if you have nothing to do, go to the Performance Department. You haven't chosen your classes for this year yet. You can also choose to be a teaching assistant in the Performance Department. There are some good talents among these children, and they are worth cultivating."


Xu Xin smiled and agreed.

The major courses in the Acting Department and the Directing Department basically overlap. As a teaching assistant, he is qualified to teach as a substitute, so it’s okay to take some temporary classes.

It's a favor.

If she didn't say it, she might not be able to choose.

But she said that the choice was based on her favor.

The relationship was gradually established.

At this time, Hu Xiaoguang also came over.

He smiled and said hello to Xu Xin:

"Director Xu."

"Hello, Teacher Hu."

"Then you get busy, I'm going to class."

Seeing that someone had already arrived, Cui Xinqin took her water glass and the lesson plan and left directly.

"Hello, Director Xu."

"Hello, Teacher Hu."

Xu Xin held his hand with both hands in a very standard student posture.

If he were outside, his attitude might be a little "relaxed".

But in school, the other person is a teacher, and I am a teaching assistant who came from a student. The tradition of respecting teachers is a virtue and cannot be lost.

Seeing his polite attitude, Hu Xiaoguang also held his other hand.

The two people shook hands like they were meeting in victory.

Then, Hu Xiaoguang sent out an invitation, inviting Xu Xin into the office.

"Director Xu, let's go in and talk?"


He followed the other person into the office. There were several teachers in the office.

The teaching buildings on the old campus of Beijing Film Academy are quite dated.

Most teachers are not qualified to have a private office.

Unlike the new campus delivered this year, it is said that all facilities on that campus are top-notch.

"Hello, teachers."

Xu Xin greeted politely.

When these teachers saw that the Golden Bear Award-winning director was here, even though they had just heard the words, they were still a little surprised.

But don't bother.

After just responding politely, everyone went about their own business, but their ears were raised.

He came to Hu Xiaoguang's desk and sat down.

Xu Xin got straight to the point:

"Teacher Hu, this is the script of my next play. I want you to play the supporting role in it."

Hu Xiaoguang nodded.

In fact, from the phone call, he knew Xu Xin's purpose...or guessed it.

However, he was still a little surprised.

When it comes to acting skills, all the teachers at Beijing Film Academy are pretty good.

After all, you can't teach students if you have poor acting skills.

But sometimes, that's the way actors go.

The first thing you see is always the face.

Everyone understands what Xu Xin said about acting through different paths and reaching the same goal in the end.

However, whether the face is good or not is a prerequisite on the other hand.

Acting is one thing, fame, popularity, celebrity status, etc. are another thing.

And Hu Xiaoguang didn't ask whether the character was male.

Over the years, he has acted in more than a hundred movies, TV series, broadcasts, and unbroadcasts.

But the roles are all very small.

The upper limit of his face is actually very low.

The desire to "get ahead with your acting skills" when you were young has long since cooled down.

That's how it is, people.

Habits are a terrible thing.

But...the best director in Venice and the new Golden Bear director in Berlin personally invited...

This is really the first time in his career.

Therefore, he attaches great importance to it.

After putting on his glasses and taking the script with both hands, he glanced at the name of the script.

"Breaking Silence"-Li Shuiquan

"Is it the character Li Shuiquan?"

"Yes. Teacher Hu, you can read the outline of the story first, and then I will slowly tell you my understanding of this character."

"Well, okay, Director Xu, wait a moment."

Hu Xiaoguang began to read the script.

The atmosphere in the office also became quieter.

As a junior, Nazha, who still dominates the school beauty rankings, always attracts the attention of countless people every time she appears in the classroom.

Especially when her flower protector No. 1 Zhang Yishan is not here today.

Looking at Nazha's table with only a stainless steel thermos cup, a group of people began to feel anxious, thinking about whether to go to the cafeteria now, even if they were a little late, and buy a cup of coffee for Nazha to use as a hot compress...


It seems that Yang Zi is not here today?

Looking at Nazha who had put all her books and notes neatly on the table, everyone thought to themselves.

Who is she messaging?


"Hurry up!"

"Teacher Cui is here."

"You speed!"

"Hurry up, I have an appointment with Brother Xu at noon, hurry up!"

After Nazha sent several messages in succession, Cui Xinqin, who was in front of the blackboard, had already opened the lesson plan. Just as she was about to speak, she heard running footsteps outside the classroom.

After the crackling, a panting Yang Zi appeared at the door.

After locking eyes with Cui Xinqin, he quickly bowed politely:

"Teacher Cui, I'm sorry, I'm late."

"Well, it's okay."

Cui Xinqin waved her hand:

"Go sit down."

Yang Zi nodded quickly, glanced at the corner of the classroom out of habit, and found his friend at a glance.

Then he quickly walked over with his schoolbag in hand.

He came to Nazha and sat down.

Without her opening her mouth, Nazha unscrewed her thermos cup.

Yang Zi picked it up and took a big sip, but immediately a mask of pain appeared on his entire face!

So bitter... so strong...

The bitter, black coffee without milk instantly sobered her up from last night's hangover.

She didn't say anything, lowered her head and started to take out the books in her schoolbag.

At this moment, with a crisp sound of plastic folding, a cereal bar was handed over.


Yang Zi was speechless for a while.

Brother, I just drank too much last night.

Can you buy me a McDonald's or something?

Black coffee with cereal bars... I can't do that.

What kind of crazy method are you using to stay in shape?

But eating something is better than eating nothing.

She took it and glanced vaguely at Cui Xinqin who was starting to call the roll. She lowered her head and took two bites, and the cereal bar went into her mouth.

It's okay, the taste isn't bad.

Seeing Nazha hand over the thermos cup again, she quickly shook her head.

No, after drinking this, I won’t have to sleep all day today.

She took out all the books and stuffed her schoolbag into the desk. Unlike Nazha's notebook, which was full of writing, there was no writing in her notebook.


After finally catching her breath, Cui Xinqin happened to call her:


After shouting, she asked Nazha in a low voice:

"Why is it so painful?"

"Twice as concentrated."


Yang Zi was surprised for a while:

"Did you get up early again?"

"Yeah. I just came back from an audition."

"Where to go?"


"How's it going?"

"I do not know."

As she shook her head, Yang Zi suddenly thought of something.

Huairou is not close to here.

She can be back in time at ten o'clock... at least we have to leave at 9 o'clock.

This is under the premise that the traffic conditions are not blocked.

The morning rush hour in Yanjing is terrifying.

"What time did you get up?"

"4 o'clock. I had breakfast at 4 o'clock, practiced dancing for an hour, and set off at 5 o'clock. I was the second person to audition. I came back after the audition."

"...Is it too late?"

"Take the subway. First go to the city, and then take Line 13 back."


Hearing this, Yang Zi took a look at Nazhana, who showed no signs of edema. Both her spirit and skin condition were as good as a summer afternoon. She shook her head speechlessly:

"You are really a lunatic. Can't you just ask your company to arrange it for you?"

"Being on the set is also a kind of training."


Yang Zixin said you really want to kill me.

The kind that rolls you to death.

At this time, she heard Nazha whisper:

"I'll lend you my makeup bag later. Brother Xu is at school. I made an appointment with him at noon."

Yang Zi was stunned. Naturally, she didn't see the news before she could look at her phone.

But he nodded quickly:


"What do you want to eat for lunch?"

Nazha asked again.

Yang Zi was so moved.

She did not answer directly, but said:

"If I don't give up, I would like to be my adoptive father..."

Nazha rolled her eyes.


She stopped talking to her roommate and started listening to the class.

"In other words, I have to perform a somewhat awkward hatred?"

"There will be, but not many. Li Shuiquan's eyes were indeed blinded by Zhao Di, but Zhao Di doesn't owe him anything. Because if Zhao Di didn't resist at that time, then there might be another fate waiting for Zhao Di . So, there is no such unforgettable hatred between the two of them, but there is some awkward hatred...

What's more, after you marry a widow, you treat your children as your own. You have sought medical treatment for your child's defects over the years, and you have learned from doctors that they are caused by unclean water sources and other effects. You help Zhaodi not because of the role of Li Shuiquan, but because of your responsibility as the father of your child.

Your generation is suffering so that your children will not suffer. And what happens to your child, as a parent, you don't want it to happen to anyone else. You have to express this feeling, and at the same time, the more complicated thing about him is that your lover hates Zhaodi because she blinded her husband in one eye. But the two children are the best playmates. Zhaodi's children are also protecting your children..."

As the two communicated, time passed slowly.

Frankly speaking, Hu Xiaoguang knew in his heart...

There are some challenges in this role.

In other words, very challenging.


Mingming's story is actually just a very simple story with an open ending.

But...only through communication could he realize how complicated Director Xu's requirements were for this story.

Multiple nesting.

From appearance to heart, from behavior to emotion...

Every action has a beginning and an end.

It can be said that Li Shuiquan's role is very complete.

However, as an actor, it is precisely because of the integrity of this character and the complexity behind it that he feels the challenge.

This is no ordinary role.

Especially... when he learned about the other two characters, one was the new Berlin Film Queen who was taking classes with him back then, and the other was Wang Yanhui, a well-known "act tyrant" in the same circle...

A pressure fell on this veteran actor.

Quite heavy.

But... I like it very much.

After looking at the time, he took the initiative and said:

"Okay, when does Director Xu plan to start?"

"Preparations have begun. Specifically... late March, early April."


There was no mention of remuneration at all.

Hu Xiaoguang agreed directly.

After inviting the three main roles, Xu Xin left the acting department.

In fact, it only took more than half an hour, which was very fast.

After coming out, he glanced at the time and went straight to Yu Zhen's office.

After arriving, I knocked on the door. After hearing the noise inside, I opened the door and walked in. I heard a voice:

"Hey? You're such a busy person, you still know that school has started?"

Xu Xin laughed sarcastically:

"Hey, look at what you said, isn't this coming?"

"Just in time, I was just looking for you."

Yu Zhen waved to him to sit down, and then took out a list from the drawer:

"Here, pick someone."

"Have you finished choosing?"

"Well, they are basically graduate students. Are you planning to host the interview this time? Or do you want to conduct a behind-the-scenes interview?"

The only difference between the two is whether there is a host in the camera.

Xu Xin shook his head directly:

"Behind the scenes, there is no need for a host. Even the camera is superfluous to me. It is best to let the group of masters record their every moment in a very natural process. Taking the time to answer a few questions, we will add the narration and copywriting That’s it.”

Upon hearing this, Yu Zhen took another thick pile of information from the drawer:

"Then I don't want this stack of information."

"This is……"

"The application form was submitted by someone from the performance department. Originally, if you wanted to choose a host, you would have chosen one from there."


Xu Xin took the information directly and flipped through it.

By coincidence, he saw Nazha's application form on the third copy.

This girl also applied?

His eyes moved...


"Then let me pick someone myself. How about someone who asks questions behind the scenes?"


Yu Zhen looked indifferent:

"You are the chief director, you have the final say. When do you plan to start?"

"Let's prepare the process and copywriting first. After I finish the preparations for the film in the past two days, I will meet with these people and give a basic idea of ​​the tone of the copywriting, interview process, and theme. How is the application for research process? ?Did the museum pass it?"

"It has been approved. Just wait for the list to be submitted and they will issue a temporary work permit."

"Okay. Then let me check the class schedule? Schedule the get out of class?"

"Are you free in the first half of the year?"

Yu Zhen was a little puzzled:

"Aren't you going to make a movie soon?"

"The movie won't take long. If it goes quickly, it will be finished in ten or twenty days. This year, Xiying has moved all the editing and post-production departments to Yanjing, so I don't have to run around. There is still time~"

"That's okay. Then we'll have the same classes as last year, and the junior and senior students will come and listen."

"I just met Director Cui and promised her to join in the fun in the acting department."

Hearing this, Yu Zhen nodded:

"That's okay. These kids all admire you. If you can teach them, at least...let them understand what kind of actors they need as a director. That's okay...then you can learn the basics of film directing from them. , and pull tabs. How about it? Give me some time."

Pulling the film is an appreciation of classic movies.

It's the kind of teacher who assigns a film for the students to watch, and everyone analyzes the acting, lens language, etc. frame by frame.

There are both directing and acting departments.

It is the most basic but also a very important lesson in this industry.

"Okay. No problem~"

While Xu Xin agreed, he saw a piece of information on Yu Zhen's desk.

"APCE?" (Note 1)


Yu Zhen nodded and handed over the information on the table:

"Are you interested?"

"This is……"

Xu Xin looked at the project document for "APCE Welcoming Artistic Performance" and said doubtfully:

"Invited you?"

"Yes. One of the directors. The chief director is the head of the folk song and dance troupe. I am the sub-director."

"Why didn't you invite me?"

"Why are you invited? Overkill? This is not an opening ceremony. It would be abnormal to invite you. It would look like we have no one?"

Yu Zhen shook her head funnyly:

"Besides, unless Director Zhang is invited, this call will not come to you. But if some activities do call you, don't refuse, do you hear me?"

"I know that."

Xu Xin naturally understands this truth.

"When does it begin?"

"Next year, we will first form a team, put together a program, and report to each level. After passing the approval, we will start recruiting actors and rehearsing. You should have nothing to do this time. As an APCE, there will be no fanfare."

"All right."

After chatting with Yu Zhen for a while, it was noon.

Xu Xin received the message from Nazha:

"Brother Xu, are you finished?"

Seeing this, he replied:

"What do you want to eat? You find a place. I'll come out now."

Then stood up:

"Then I'm leaving?"


Seeing that he only got up after receiving a message, Yu Zhen asked instinctively.

"Nazha, let's make an appointment to have dinner together at noon."

Yu Zhen was stunned...

Then he frowned:

"Don't make a mess, do you hear me? When something happens, think about your wife, think about your children..."

"Where did you want to go?"

Xu Xin couldn't laugh or cry.

But Yu Zhen shook her head extremely firmly:

"Be on guard against danger! Did you hear that?!"

"Yes, yes, I understand."

Xu Xin smiled and nodded, stood up and walked out directly.

Then, under his command, when he walked to the employee parking area, he saw Nazha and Yang Zi standing next to the Volvo.

"Brother Xu."

"Brother Xu~"

"Well, hello."

Xu Xin nodded with a smile and unlocked the car:


After getting in the car, Nazha, who was sitting in the passenger seat, said:

"Brother Xu, there is a nourishing mutton soup restaurant next to the school. We ate there last time. The taste was quite good and the environment was good..."

Mingming just said that she would make the arrangements, but this time Xu Xin waved his hand:

"I'll take you two to a place to eat."

Naturally, the two of them had no objection.

Xu Xin asked while driving:

"I saw that documentary project you signed up for at school?"

"Yeah, I don't know what I can do, but I want to try it."

"Where's Yang Zi?"

"I haven't. I heard from the teacher that it will start in the second half of the year. I have a play in the second half of the year."


Xu Xin glanced at the girl in the back row through the rearview mirror and asked in confusion:

"Why do you look so bad?"

Yang Zi's mouth twitched...

Under Nazha's snickering, she whispered:

"I went drinking with someone last night...I drank too much."

"What do you mean, no wonder she keeps saying that the mutton soup in Yanjing is unpalatable, and even chose a mutton soup restaurant. Tsk tsk, you two have a good relationship."

Xu Xin sighed and said:

"Let's go to Xiying's designated hospitality restaurant. You two have probably never been there. The mutton and other food there are all of northwest taste, which is very good. Yang Zi will drink more soup and add more chili. The belly is sweating under the bowl, and the mutton boosts the energy and blood, and the person becomes clear."


Yang Zi, who had eaten a cereal bar and black coffee for breakfast, swallowed subconsciously.

At this time, Nazha said:

"Brother Xu, there is something... I want to ask your opinion."

"Just tell me."

"I want to take the postgraduate entrance examination... take the postgraduate entrance examination in the directing department."

Hearing this, Xu Xin turned to look at her, then nodded with a smile:

"Okay. Then you have to study hard. It's not easy to pass the master's degree...Does your company agree?"

"I won't delay business."

"Okay. Then take the exam. As long as you pass the exam, you can go directly to the teacher. Come and join me."

The girl's eyes instantly lit up like stars.


But Xu Xin didn't see it.

But while driving, he asked:

"Where's Yang Zi? What's your plan?"

"Graduate next year and hang out with Sister Mi~"


Xu Xin, who was amused by her funny response, shook his head:

"You... that's fine, just don't take the postgraduate entrance examination. I don't think your sister won the Best Actress Award without any education."

"I'll tell Sister Mi later."


Amid laughter, the Volvo drove in the direction of Qinchuan Yashe.

(Note 1: I changed EC to CE, including in subsequent activities, such as G, which may have been replaced by other letters. Just understand what I mean.)

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