I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 949 945 Three people in Haidilao

Chapter 949 945. Three people in Haidilao

Xu Xin eats at Qinchuan Yashe for free.

All the food and drinks were provided with purely public funds, and the factory reimbursed them all.

However, his meals have always been simple, and even if he brings two girls, the standards are not high.

Old Shaanxi people don’t need so much sense of ritual when eating.

A bowl of noodles will make you alive.

While eating, Xu Xin asked:

"Why are you thinking about applying for a graduate degree in directing?"


The girl who hasn't mentioned the topic of losing weight at all from the beginning of this meal to now should eat and drink. After hearing this, I gave an interesting answer:

"I want to practice both physical and demonic cultivation!"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes angrily:

"It's not enough for you."

As he spoke, he threw a clove of garlic into his mouth, took two big mouthfuls of noodles and continued:

"But it's okay to learn directing. In fact, it is a mirror. Sometimes you will be limited from the perspective of an actor. But when you jump to the perspective of a director, you can actually see some things very clearly. This kind of duality Maybe you will often encounter it when you face the works in the future."


Nazha nodded vigorously.

After hearing Xu Xin's words, Yang Zi was actually a little moved.

However... this heartbeat didn't last long before disappearing.

She can't get a scholarship.

There is no point in going to graduate school.

An actress only has a few years of youth, and she has to grasp it.

After lunch, Xu Xin sent the two of them back to school.

There was quite a lot to talk about during this meal, especially for the two actors. Some of the comments from the director were very inspiring to both of them.

From auditions to how the character behaves, analyzing the character’s inner mentality, etc.

It's like taking a lesson.

However, their harvest also included two mouths full of garlic flavor.

Brother Xu said that if you eat noodles without garlic, the flavor will be reduced by half.

It's a pity... After eating, even Nazha herself said that she had to miss the afternoon class.

This mouth can't be seen by anyone.

But Xu Xin doesn't care about these things, they are worries about your happiness.

That bowl of noodles tastes so good.

All the way back home, he was busy with the movie all afternoon.

First, we formed a group and brought out several important members of the crew to discuss the corresponding arrangements for the film.

At the same time, Li Haiping said that the script of "Breaking Silence" has been submitted to the factory for review today.

As for the budget, Xu Xin didn't bother and let the factory do it.

But in the early stages of film preparations, there were still a lot of trivial matters, and he, the director, needed to make decisions everywhere. This busy time came in the evening.

Following the noisy sounds of Nuannuan and Yangyang, Xu Xin knew that it was time to "get off work".

Yang Mi is already on the plane now and will be back tomorrow morning.

Because they hadn't seen their mother for many days, the two overthinking children made a little fuss at night, but everything was resolved by the old father's familiarity.

Finally put to sleep easily.

At early 10 o'clock, Xu Xin left the bedroom door ajar and walked out.

Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling both went to bed.

He occupied the TV remote control by himself and directly changed the channel to Hunan Channel.

Then I heard the advertisement for "Jindian Organic Milk".

He put the remote control on the table as usual, found a comfortable position on the sofa and lay down, took a photo of himself watching TV and sent it to the group to "check in", and then waited for the program to start.

Today is the seventh issue of "I am a Singer".

That’s right, seven episodes have been aired.

As for the ratings...it's okay. The average is over 2.

In today's era of increasingly low TV ratings, this is a very good result.

As for his own show, he contributes to one TV's ratings every week.

Listen to the song by the way.

Not to mention, although the ratings are very low at first glance, only more than 2%, during this time period, it has maintained the first place in ratings for 6 consecutive episodes.

Moreover, I also made a lot of money.

From Libai laundry detergent to Jindian organic milk, etc., these advertisements together sold 200 million yuan.

Very few indeed.

However, the show's stamina has gradually begun to ferment.

There are some singers that even Xu Xin can't name, such as the aunt with a huge voice who trembles with fear whenever she sings, for fear of being eaten by the other person.

She became famous with just one song.

There are other old singers as well.

Coupled with the atmosphere of this PK competition, the show has just passed the halfway point, and advertisers have already begun to renew the contract for a second season.

But Lao Wang is not a vegetarian. This first season was originally about "losing money" to make money. Now that the quality of the program has withstood the test of the market, it is time for him to take action.

It's twice the price to ask.

That's why I haven't signed the contract yet.

I just use this news to tell all advertisers: this program is very good, and next season, Tianlai will make a substantial price increase.

Just have an idea in your mind.

As for how much money he makes...Xu Xin really doesn't know.

My wife is in charge of all the money.

He didn't bother to worry.

Following his photos, people such as Liu Yifei also checked in in the group.

But Wang Sicong never bubbled up.

Xu Xin didn't know what he was busy with these days. He had been living in seclusion since he returned to the Magic City with Seventh Brother Fifteen.

He didn't ask any questions, so he didn't want to ask what was wrong, and he accidentally laughed out loud.

While everyone was checking in, singing finally came from the TV.

"Swan Goose" by Hu Sileng.

He quite liked listening to it.

Yawning lazily, he lay on the sofa and began to feel drowsy while listening to the soothing melody of the song.

And when I'm about to fall asleep...

"Buzz, buzz, buzz~"

A burst of phone calls frightened him into thinking.

He frowned.

There is no way, he has been hearing it since he was a child, and he really doesn't like someone calling him at night.

But when he saw the caller, he rolled his eyes speechlessly.



No matter how much I dislike answering the phone, there are always surprises.

There are five people, and Old Wolf is one of them.

Glancing at the TV, he stood up and answered the phone. At the same time, he took off his coat and walked out:


"Let's go out for a late-night snack."

"……are you crazy?"

Xu Xinxin said this is what you came to me for?

Lang Lang was happy:

"Hey, if you don't come, I won't give you the trophy."

Only then did Xu Xin realize...

"Gina is here?"

"Yes, I just arrived. I just picked her up. Come on, they brought you a big bag of pickles."


Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"Okay, where to eat?"

"Hot pot, she made a lot of determination before she decided to indulge tonight. She has always wanted to try the authentic shabu-shabu hot pot..."

"This is difficult to do, so you have to go to Niu Street or Guijie."

"That place didn't have much of an environment. She found a picture for me two days ago and told me she wanted to eat it. When I saw it... Haidilao."

"Then just eat it. Haidilao is also fine."

"Well, I'll send you the address. You can come directly."


"If you don't want to drink, just eat something and then go back to the hotel."

In fact, if there were other people around at this time, he might have asked, "You two are going back together." However, when these four people get together in private, they are actually quite serious.

They are all quite socially fearful.

"Okay, have you reserved a private room?"

"Well, it's all done, just come over here."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin rubbed his belly, thinking that after finishing this late-night snack, he would have to go to the gym again tomorrow.

After returning home, he knocked on the door of his father-in-law's house. After giving an explanation, he went out dressed casually and drove towards Lang Langfa's address.

In fact, he has never asked what happened to Gina and Lao Lang since they left the environment in Berlin.

He is no longer a child. Knowing that his good friend is chasing a girl, or that a girl is interested in him, a group of singles pretend to be Zhuge Liang and give advice...

Not really.

Adults should handle adult matters themselves.

After arriving at Haidilao, before going up, he still went around to the trunk.

Yang Mi’s habit is to keep some gifts in the car that she might want to give at any time.

This habit was a skill taught to her by her old man.

Don't tell me, it's very useful.

After opening the trunk, Xu Xin was happy.

Sure enough, two Ru porcelain boxes were placed in the trunk.

Considering that the pianist's hands could not lift heavy objects, although he did not know whether the other party had an assistant, he still chose a smaller one.

That big plate will not be given away.

Give me a small bowl.

After getting it in my hand, I weighed it.

Hmm, okay, pretty light.

Putting on a mask, he walked directly into Haidilao's restaurant amid the uncomfortable service that almost required him to kneel down to greet guests.

The waiter led us all the way, and finally arrived at the door of the box.

Then he opened the door and bowed 90 degrees to him.


Xu Xin suppressed the feeling of complaining and said thank you.

Especially this... He felt even more awkward after his sister looked to be at least 40 years old and her accent sounded like a foreigner.

Although he also knew that this had nothing to do with the employees, but the company's corporate culture.


This kind of service feels attentive once or twice, but becomes really awkward after three or four times.

Even every time he comes to this place, there is always one sentence echoing in his mind:

"Get up, don't kneel."


Only then did he realize that Lao Lang and Gina hadn't arrived yet.

Just himself.

He didn't take off his mask and started ordering directly.

The dishes were ordered and people arrived.

However, the waitress didn't seem to recognize Lang Lang, let alone Gina.

"Sir, madam, come here and let me help you hang up your clothes."

Gina couldn't understand Chinese, but after seeing the other party's actions, she immediately expressed her gratitude, and the old sister bowed again...

Xu Xinren almost felt numb when he saw it.

"Sister, please, after you have served all the dishes, we can do the rest ourselves. If we don't shout, you don't have to come in."

When saying this, Xu Xin also took off his mask.

This old sister also looked calm.


Then there was another period of busy work. After finishing all the tasks such as serving tea and pouring water, I exited.

At this time, Xu Xin finally said hello to Gina and handed the gift box over with a smile:

"Welcome to Yanjing, Gina."

"Ah? For me? Thank you, Xu."

Gina smiled like a flower.

But after taking the box, I felt vaguely familiar with it.

Lang Lang on the side twitched the corner of his mouth...

"Brother, didn't we give you porcelain as a gift last time?"

Xu Xin was stunned:

"Ah? When?"

"We'll have dinner with Ghazali that night, each of us. Have you forgotten?"


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, turned to Gina and smiled:

"This piece of porcelain is matched with that one, and the good things must be an even number. The gift we gave you in Berlin was a greeting gift, and now that you are visiting our home, this is a greeting gift, which means that we are truly Friends."


Lang Lang's eyelids started to twitch now.

Why didn't I notice before that you were so good at flirting with girls?

Gina, on the other hand, was filled with surprise:

"Ah? Is that so?"

Xu Xin’s face was not red and he was out of breath:


"This...do I need to return a gift?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"You don't need to go back. The friend who brought you needs to go back."


Are you targeting me, you old bastard?

In Gina's somewhat innocent eyes, Lang Lang laughed dryly:

"He was joking with you."

Gina was stunned and turned to look at Xu Xin speechlessly:

"Xu! You can't do this. I worked very hard to carry your trophy."


Xu Xin laughed and picked up the lemonade from Haidilao:

"Water instead of wine, Gina, welcome to heaven."

"Hey, thank you, Xu."

Three glasses touched together.

Then Xu Xin asked:

“Where are the trophies and pickles?”

"They are outside. She also brought her assistant here. Those two things are heavy and difficult for us to carry. They are eating outside."

Xu Xin nodded.

The atmosphere of this meal was actually very relaxed.

Everyone is not that lively.

And it turns out that Gina's self-control ability is actually great.

Don't look at the exaggeration. "I did a lot of mental construction before deciding to eat at such an evil time", "Ah, it's really delicious", "It's completely different from what I ate in Germany" So much.

But in fact, this girl didn't eat much.

Basically, most of what Xu Xin ordered went into his and Lang Lang's stomachs.

Whether it was oil dishes, sesame sauce, or dry ingredients, as well as offal, tripe, or beef, Gina ate them all, but she didn't eat much of each item, only one or two bites at most.

Carbohydrate-containing things like tofu skin are even more restrained.

Obviously, this girl is very obsessed with having a good figure.

And the self-control is quite strong.

During this meal, the three of them chatted happily, but in fact Xu Xin had been observing from his own perspective.

Now, he is almost 100% sure that these two people... should have reached a stage where they have a crush on each other. The kind of conversation between words, as well as some topics that easily show familiarity, etc., even Xu Xin found that even if he didn't speak, the two of them could still have a pleasant conversation.

The most important thing is that the two of them are on the same frequency.

One second, everyone was still discussing the doneness of the beef slices, and the next second, Lang Lang said something Xu Xin had never heard of... It should be the name of a composer or a pianist, saying that this person eats that kind of tartar. Beef will ruin your stomach and become infected with parasites, which will make you miserable for the rest of your life.

While Xu Xin was still wondering who this person was, Gina immediately nodded to express her knowledge. I have played some of the XX songs he composed...

During this meal, Xu Xin could almost be said to be a spectator, and there was nothing wrong with him at all.

While he was eating, he looked at the two friends who were chatting happily.

For no reason, Uncle Lang came to mind.

Thinking of Uncle Lang’s mate selection criteria for Lao Lang...

I don’t know... Gina, does it fit the bill?

Today there are only 10,000 words. The doctor told me not to overwork myself, so during this period, the amount of code I type should fluctuate between 8K and 12K. I'll take a rest when I'm tired, and then try to eat healthier. Please understand.

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