I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 950 946 Firewood

Chapter 950 946. Firewood

The meal was almost finished at 1 o'clock.

Gina was in good spirits, but she didn't know if it was because of the jet lag.

But Xu Xin was really sleepy.

He didn't care about the follow-up matters. Lang Lang, the flower protector, was here, so the reception had nothing to do with him.

After agreeing to take her to eat roast duck tomorrow, the game ended.

Xu Xin yawned and returned home. He didn't go to the group to complain about anything. He didn't even bother to open the trophy box to confirm. He didn't wash his face or brush his teeth and threw himself on the bed.

And he slept until 10 o'clock in the morning, and it was the sound of Yang Mi coming home that woke him up.

After seeing his wife, he expressed his longing for her with a hug.

Then he asked:

"Busy working?"

"Well, can you finish the movie in May? I will start the promotion period in May."


Xu Xin nodded.

The script location of "Breaking Silence" is actually very small, so there are basically no problems.

Yang Mi felt at ease now.

When Xu Xin walked to the living room, he saw three trophies placed together with the Silver Lion Award for Best Director in Venice on the grid of his bookcase.

The gold is shining, the silver is shining, and it is exceptionally beautiful.

It's a pity that I didn't enjoy it for too long.

I made an appointment with Gina to have roast duck together at noon.

The place was still chosen in Quanjude.

In fact, the taste of Quanjude's roast duck may not be the best in the whole of Yanjing. But not bad either.

The taste is not bad, coupled with the name of "Authentic Roast Duck", as well as the history and culture of the store, it suddenly surpasses other stores in the same track.

It's a pity that Wang Sicong and Jay Chou can't get along.

One is in Shanghai, and the other is holding concerts all over the world.

And Gina's stay here will not be long. One day on the 2nd, one day on the 3rd, and on the 4th she will go to the United States with Lang Lang and return to school.

Xu Xin also said at the dinner table:

"So Gina, where do you want to go?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt his wife stepping on his foot.

Xu Xin, who understood what she meant, looked a little innocent in his eyes.

I said to myself that I have no intention of being a light bulb.

However, when Lang Lang asked stupidly: "Shall we go to the Forbidden City?", Xu Xin said, "I have classes these two days" to put him off.

My little brother's level of flirting with girls needs to be improved.

at last……

Gina's thing turned into Lang Lang's thing.

I don't know what Lao Lang was thinking, but Gina seemed quite happy anyway.

Especially when I heard Xu Xin say that he was very busy...

She was as happy as Liu Yifei.

After lunch, the couple felt "unaccompanied".

Fortunately, before leaving, they expressed their apologies, such as "Something suddenly happened this time, so I can't go shopping with you Gina. It's a pity. I have nothing to do and I have a lot of time." The words came out of the couple's mouths under Gina's caress. Jumping out vigorously.

Then, after the four of them separated, the couple turned against each other and stopped recognizing each other.

Yang Mi just said, "I have a hunch that Lao Lang has something to do with her." After getting Xu Xin's approval, the topic was dropped.

At around 3 p.m., Wang Sicong and Xu Zhi rushed over.

Also brought the share transfer agreement for "Tiny Times".

In exchange for 40% of the film's shares, LeTV received 3% of its non-share claims.

Although they are not shareholders, if this debt is later sold, it will be calculated based on the company's valuation, and the preferred shareholders will digest it internally.

The film "Tiny Times" is solely owned by Headwind.

LeTV originally wanted to discuss it, but after hearing that "Director Xu was very optimistic about this drama, so he didn't let anyone else touch it, and directly took over the filming rights of "Tiny Times", they immediately agreed.

But this time not only the two of them came, but Guo Jingming also came.

After hearing the news about this investment, I planned to get a piece of the pie.

But naturally he won't show up at Lao Xu's house.

Otherwise...Xu Xin probably would have to clean it up as soon as he left.

People feel refreshed when happy events happen, but Xu Zhi doesn't care. The main thing is that Wang Sicong looked very proud.

But I didn’t see Di Wei.

She returned to Sichuan.

Talk to your family about the engagement.

Lao Lao Wang wanted to hold an engagement party, and Wang Sicong agreed, but Wei Wei didn't want to be so high-profile. What I thought was that it would be enough for the two families to sit together and have a meal... To put it bluntly, it was still the same principle.

She doesn't want people to think that once she gains power, she flies up a branch and becomes a phoenix.

People say that you should keep a low profile and do things in a high profile, but when it comes to her, she doesn't even want to be high-profile about things.

According to Wang Sicong’s words:

"My mom really liked that about her."

Then, at the suggestion of his wife and son, Lao Lao Wang also admitted it.

But... I still hope to hear the opinions of the Di Wei family.

So Di Wei went home directly.

After attending tomorrow's briefing session, Wang Sicong will also rush there.

The progress of the relationship between the two made Xu Zhi look envious.


In the Shanghai circle, there are really countless little stars who want to crawl into bed. Mr. Xu has not met his lover for the time being.

I could only hold my own Coke cup during dinner in the evening and toast Wang Sicong frequently with an envious look on my face.

Xu Xin rolled his eyes.

It also blew Lao Wang into a ball.

The end result leads to...

On March 3, Wang Sicong sat in the car with swollen eyelids and yawned nonstop.

I really drank too much last night.

Although Xu Zhi doesn't drink... he can talk.

The words that came out of my mouth were like a girl scratching the tip of my heart.

That's called comfort...

I drank too much without realizing it.

As for Xu Xin...

He was similar. When Yang Mi met him, her first words were:

"Whoever dares to make my husband drink alcohol from now on, I will kill both of you!"

However, Xu Zhi and Wang Sicong pretended not to hear these words.

We talk about it every year, listen to it every year, don’t you see that we are still alive and well?

And just when the car arrived at LeTV's headquarters, various investors were arriving one after another. In front of the business car of the three people was a Maybach.

Wang Sicong was sitting in the passenger seat, looking at the Maybach in front of him and yawning lazily.

Hangovers are really unpleasant.

At this moment, the car has arrived downstairs of the company.

LeTV’s reception this time seems to be of a very high standard, with red carpets, guest receptions, etc. all coming out.

Wang Sicong's eyes moved away from the Maybach and fell on the "beauties" standing at the door, wearing welcome cheongsam and smiling faces, and complained:

"How cold it is."

"Oh, these legs are so long."


Xu Zhi's words left Yang Mi speechless.

At this time, Cheng Hu stopped the car and waited for the Maybach to get out and leave before he drove over.

And when the Maybach's rear door was opened by the doorman, Wang Sicong suddenly let out a light sigh:


Then he leaned forward and narrowed his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Yang Mi also stretched her head and looked forward, and saw a middle-aged man with a haircut, glasses, and a suit getting out of the car.

Accompanied by the bag-carrying assistant and a female secretary who came down from the co-pilot, as soon as their feet touched the ground, the group of LeTV executives greeting them at the door "whooped" and rushed over like a swarm of swarms.

Finally, surrounded by people, the three people left.


Wang Sicong chuckled, turned to the two of them and said:

"Do you know who that person is?"

In Yang Mi's puzzled eyes, he said:

"Liu Gang, head of North China Region of Shenzhen Innovation Investment Group."

"Have you ever been in contact?"

"Well, we attended a summit together before."

"...Is there any holiday?"

"That's not true, but he... or Chuangxin is a shareholder of LeTV. What, am I serious? LeTV must be thinking that its own people are helping their own people to increase the company's value. I bet , the investment list will be announced the day after tomorrow, and the innovative investment will be at least in the top three... It is even possible that the lead investor you mentioned is him."

Speaking of this, he smacked his lips:

"Tsk, tsk."

Then, Cheng Hu stopped the car.

He was the first to open the door and get out of the car.

No doorman was used, and the door of the business car was opened directly.

Xu Zhi got out of the car first, and then they both reached out at the same time.

Yang Mi held the hands of these two people and walked down.

Among the group of senior executives who accompanied Liu Gang in just now, several people headed by Ren Zhongjun came over again.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Xu, Mimi, welcome to LeTV!"

Obviously, even if they have never dealt with him before, these people have already remembered Xu Zhi's appearance.

"Hello, Mr. Ren."

Wang Sicong smiled and held his hand.

Today, he is a shareholder of Shuangwei.

Xu Zhi is a partner.

Not to mention Yang Mi.

After greeting each other, they were led to the elevator in spite of the cold weather.

After entering the elevator, Wang Sicong didn't say a word.

Does anyone know if the monitor in this elevator has a microphone?

After getting out of the elevator, stepping on the red carpet, and entering the venue, Yang Mi saw that Huang Xiaoming and Yang Ying had already arrived as the three people entered.

There were several people from the same circle sitting next to him.

Sun Honglei, Deng Chao, Yao Chen, Sun Li and others are all there.

Obviously, this is here to give the platform.



Yang Mi smiled and waved.

Then she ignored Wang Sicong and Xu Zhi and walked over.

I saw the label on the chair.

The person next to her was Deng Chao.

Deng Chao, Yang Mi, Wang Sicong, Xu Zhi.

That's the order.

Sun Honglei is naturally next to Yao Chen.

Since "Wulin Gaiden", Yao Chen and another drama "Latent" he collaborated with have established their status in the industry in one fell swoop. The past two years have been the time to become popular.

Needless to say, Deng Chaosun Li and his wife have been active in various fields since they came out from Huayi to set up a studio.

I want to continue to expand my career.

I just don’t know what kind of cooperation it has reached with LeTV.

Yang Mi thought about it as she sat down, and then everyone in the circle greeted her.

"Mimi, congratulations."

This is what Yao Chen said.

"Sister Mi~"

This is Yang Ying's greeting.

"Mimi, long time no see~"

This is Sun Li's.

Yang Mi replied with a smile, the expression on her face was naturally confused.

Then, Wang Sicong and Xu Zhi, who had finished chatting with a few acquaintances over there, came over.

"Mr. Xu."

"Mr. Wang."

"Brother Chao."

Some chaotic greetings sounded.

After that, everyone didn't talk about anything and just sat there waiting for the briefing to begin.

But at this time, more or less, the reflection of status appears.

Others though are stars in the eyes of the audience.

But in the eyes of the investors present today, these people are obviously far less valuable than Wang Sicong, Xu Zhi, and Yang Mi.

"Mr. Wang."

"Oh? Mr. Wu.

"Haha~Mr. Xu."


People kept coming over to say hello to Wang Sicong and Xu Zhi, but Yang Mi had hardly seen these people.

But everyone would shake hands and greet Yang Mi politely.

Moreover, after they say hello, the secretary who follows them will hand Yang Mi their business card with both hands.

The meeting hasn't even started yet, Yang Mi is holding a handful of business cards in her hand like a star holding the moon.

But she didn't bring Sun Ting with her today. After getting the card in her hand, she handed it to the two people next to her to hold it for her.

She didn't have a pocket.

While she was socializing, the people next to her were watching.

It's like two worlds.

Let’s not talk about what the prominent celebrity in front of this group of people is thinking in his heart at this moment.

But all had one idea in common.

At this moment, they can truly feel the gap.

A real gap.

In this briefing, they on the platform were just one of the many living beings.


She, who should be the same as any other living being, is different at this moment.

Very different.

“Our business sector vision is mainly divided into seven major sectors, namely LeTV Auto, the Internet cloud ecosystem headed by LeTV Cloud, the content ecosystem centered on LeTV Video, the large-screen ecosystem centered on LeTV Super TV, mobile phones, and LeTV Sports. , and LeTV Finance, etc. In the future, LeTV will cover all aspects of people’s lives, but currently, we are the only Internet company in the country that is building a global ecological chain..."

The IC meeting spokesperson for LeTV’s IPO was gushing on the stage.

Although not as famous as Jia Leting's famous "Let us suffocate for our dreams".

But...you have to admit it.

Regardless of their true strength, their PPT is indeed professional enough.

If Yang Mi hadn't known what their pattern was, she might have become excited listening to it.

At this moment, Wang Sicong touched her arm.

She instinctively tilted her head and heard:

"Why is Yang Ying so excited?"


Yang Mi turned her head subconsciously.

I saw Yang Ying next to Sun Li clenching his fists.

The heat in his eyes was unreserved, staring straight at the PPT on the stage...

The corner of her mouth twitched.

At this time, Wang Sicong asked in a low voice:

"Didn't you two talk to Huang Xiaoming once?"

Yang Mi shook her head slightly and said nothing.

Chat, definitely chat.

But the thing is...just because you have a chat doesn't mean that others will definitely listen to you.

Although Huang Xiaoming was still calm... but looking at Yang Ying's appearance, Yang Mixin said that she probably didn't listen.

That’s all.

never mind.

On that day one year ago, that was all.

As for what to think about next... it has nothing to do with me.

After one morning, the briefing session ended.

The financing stage is naturally not open to the public, and everyone has a single line of contact.

Yang Mi invested five million, of which Liu Zhishi and Liu Yifei each invested three million, and the other one million included Sun Ting, Cheng Hu and others.

She knew that the shares of the film company would increase at least twenty or thirty times in the future.



Just twenty or thirty times, is that a lot?

When it comes to providing benefits to employees, Sister Mi has never been weaker than others throughout her life.

What she values ​​​​about LeTV is actually the influence of the Internet. In the future, they will start to produce their own original TV series, and the company's wolf cubs will want to eat meat.

In terms of money, her five million is not worth the shares she exchanged for "Tiny Times".

As for how much other people contributed, she didn't ask.

Noon, cocktail party.

"Mimi, hasn't Director Xu gone to the gym recently?"

"He is lazy. We have been busy for a long time during the Chinese New Year and are too tired. We have been resting at home during this period."

Yang Mi held a glass of champagne in her hand and was chatting with Deng Chao, who came over on his own initiative.

From time to time, someone would come over to say hello to her, and Sun Ting, who came over, followed her. After getting her nod, there would be one more person's name in WeChat.

Compared with her, who came to make friends with others, others, including Deng Chao, did not receive such treatment.

They all have to take the initiative to make friends with others.

Yang Mi could see Yang Ying from time to time.

One second she was smiling like a flower among those people, and the next second she was chatting with another group of people.

The same is true for Huang Xiaoming.

In fact, she has nothing to look down upon.

On the contrary, I feel quite gratified.

Because she also thought about it, if she and her husband were from ordinary backgrounds, they would have saved their money piece by piece. Obviously, she would not miss this good opportunity.

To put it bluntly, show off your face and laugh with you, at least you can expand some resources.

Why not?

Look at Deng Chao, he is much smarter.

Just by your side.

He would have a chance to get to know anyone who came.

What's more, when production of "Run, Brother" begins, he will also become one of the "fence-riders". Oneself...or the connections and relationships in the northwest circle will also tilt towards him.

Therefore, compared to others, he is really qualified to stand here.

Yang Mi is also happy to chat with him.

To help the circle recruit troops, it is natural to give favors to others.

After the two chatted for a while, Huang Xiaoming, who walked around in a circle, finally came over.


"Brother, your movie will be promoted soon, right?"

She was talking about "Partners".

Huang Xiaoming responded with a smile:


Deng Chao on the side said:

"The film has been scheduled to be released on May 17th."

"This film has indeed been delayed for too long..."

After chatting for a while through the movie, Huang Xiaoming asked naturally:

"Hey, Mimi, how much do you plan to invest in this investment?"

Yang Mi naturally knew that he was exploring the bottom.

But he doesn’t hide it at all:


When they heard this number, both of them were stunned.

Obviously, this amount is far higher than what was given to these two people.

However, the reason why Yang Mi told the truth was to prevent the two of them from feeling that they were not important later.

There is no need to hide it.

As for how the two of them felt after hearing this number...that was not something she considered.

Then, she changed the topic directly:

"Senior brother, why don't you two talk about it?"

After hearing this, Huang Xiaoming glanced at his girlfriend who was chatting and laughing with a few people over there, and said with a smile:

"It's not urgent yet."


Yang Mi nodded.

The topic ends here.

After the cocktail party, it’s time for the main event.

In the afternoon, Yang Mi and Xu Zhi signed debt and share financing agreements with LeTV respectively.

One is five million, the other is 40% of the shares of "Tiny Times", as well as a joint distribution agreement and so on.

After a busy day, I came out of LeTV at around 4pm.

After getting in the car, her first words were to Sun Ting and Cheng Hu:

"Brother Hu, Tingting, the financing matter has been finalized. When the time comes, I will give you the money after selling it, but don't tell this news to the outside world. Just keep the money you make."

"I know, sister."

Along with Cheng Hu who nodded silently, Sun Ting responded.

She invested 300,000.

In fact, she can still vote.

But my sister wouldn’t let me.

Because of this one million quota, some should be left for other people.

But this benefit…

My sister told her that the guaranteed amount can be doubled tenfold.

When Sun Ting heard about this number for the first time, she felt like her liver was trembling.


ten times?

But now... after following her sister for a long time, and thoroughly understanding the routines of these companies, she finally understood why her sister would use the word "guaranteed" to describe it.

Wang Sicong was still sitting in the passenger seat and said nothing.

He didn't even bother to think about such a trivial matter.

Coming out of LeTV headquarters, on an adjacent street, I don't know whether some infrastructure is broken or something is being repaired. There are about a dozen workers wearing reflective tape squatting on the curb to eat.

Yang Mi glanced at the time and said with some confusion:

"Do you always eat so late at the construction site?"

This question touches on Wang Sicong’s knowledge blind spot.

He doesn't even know how people at the construction site eat.

On the contrary, Xu Zhi, who had been hearing about it since childhood, looked over after hearing her words.


"It should be a quick rescue job, probably electricity or water pipes. This thing waits for no one. I must have worked overtime. I missed my meal, so I just made up for it now."

It happened to be the traffic light time, and Yang Mi looked to the left through the car window.

She saw several young people eating with those white box lunches in their hands, devouring them hungrily.

Apparently very hungry.

At this time, her eyes locked on the two workers.

I could clearly see an elderly man taking a small chicken drumstick from his lunch box and giving it to a young-looking child next to him who was engrossed in eating.

The child just lowered his head to eat, picked up the chicken drumstick and took a big bite.

After taking a few mouthfuls of food, the big brother picked up the dirty-looking transparent plastic cup next to him and took a sip of water.


Wang Sicong, who also took all this into consideration, said in his voice:

"If Lao Xu were here, I would probably have a lot more ideas... Sigh. Did you say they participated in the process of witnessing happiness? They must have participated. They are even the creators. But... they seem to be incompatible with the excitement and excitement. It doesn't matter if it's prosperous. Maybe just one dish from our unpalatable banquet at noon would have equaled their day's wages. And maybe the only chicken leg in their lunch can be regarded as meat..."

At this point, he turned away.

I don’t know whether I don’t want to see it or not.

He looked ahead and muttered:

"Some people are left-handed and right-handed, relying on an illusory dream to make a business of tens of billions. Some people work hard all their lives, spending the first half of their lives to make money, the second half of their lives to use money to buy their lives, and in the end they will be empty-handed. People and people The joys and sorrows...are really different."

Hearing this, Yang Mi was speechless.

The red light turns green and the car starts.

The workers disappeared from her sight.

I also heard Wang Sicong talking to himself.

But she didn't respond.

Or I don’t know what to say.

It's just that I feel inexplicably... It is estimated by this small group of three people that the exchange of resources may cost several or billions of dollars, which is a bit hot.

It's not that it's hot to handle.

But a... very strange thought.

Not just himself, but everyone. The money in his hands at this moment has turned into hot fuel.

They all came together to form a blazing heat source.

Or rather...

It is an underground coal seam that has just been ignited.

At first, only blue smoke could be seen.

But as time goes by...you will find that these coals, when gathered together, cannot be extinguished no matter what.

This burning will only end when it burns out and turns into ashes.

Thinking of this, she suddenly became more afraid.

How do you feel... Although everyone's careers are so good, they are still walking on thin ice?

Can the path set by my husband really lead to the other side?

Inexplicably, I thought of what my husband said.

"We don't want to be saints."

"It would be nice to be the lower limit."

"No matter how bad the world is, it's not a reason for us to mess up."

"There has to be someone who can quietly repair this world..."

She used to feel that these words were very right.

But now... after experiencing this financing meeting where the combined capital power behind the company may exceed tens of billions of assets, I saw those hard workers repairing certain facilities again.

She agreed with her husband's words.

But the problem is... the burning of coal seams is always supported by combustibles.

The burning "world" of the future.

Its combustibles...

What could it be?

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