I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 951 947 punishment announced!

Chapter 951 947. Punishment announced!

When Yang Mi got home, Xu Xin hadn't come back yet.

It wasn't until it was almost time to eat that he returned home looking a little tired.

Seeing this, Yang Mi asked in confusion:

"Why do you look so tired?"

"In the afternoon, I watched the costume fittings all afternoon, and also had a meeting with the props department to determine the decoration plan for some specific scenes. Including renting a house and changing it into a police station... A lot of things have to be done today. Once I’m done with it, I won’t have any time to spare.”

Sitting on the sofa tiredly and rubbing his face, he glanced at his wife who had finished taking off her makeup and asked:

"How's it going over there?"

"It went very smoothly. Everything that needed to be finalized was finalized... Lao Wang was right..."

After briefly describing the morning briefing, Xu Xin, who was too lazy to use his brain, nodded:

"Anyway, just don't be greedy... Where are they?"

"One went to Sichuan. Xu Zhi had a wicked smile on his face when he left, and he didn't know where he contacted Huahua Life."


Xu Xin sighed with emotion:

"You don't even know how to call me."


Yang Mi raised her eyebrows:

"Then go quickly, I won't stop you."

"Forget it, he's not sincere, please don't touch me."

"Hmph~ It's a wise act."

Although she said so, she still handed the tea cup to her husband.

And I don’t think there is anything wrong with my husband’s attitude at all.

Even if someone really invited him to socialize, she would never stop him.

Just like the previous two years.

These social events are just embellishments in the world of fame and fortune.

Not to mention women, men are definitely indispensable for these occasions.

Some directors even have to be like Sun Tzu on these occasions.

However, in recent years, the number of times my husband needs to communicate emotionally has plummeted...

Most people can no longer invite him.

At this moment, seeing the tired husband, as a wife, all she can do is:

"Take off your socks. I just want to do laundry. I took the two children to wash their hands and get ready for dinner."


Not even bothering to bend down, he used his nimble toes to take off his socks and handed them to his wife. He waved to the two little ones watching TV:

"Go, wash your hands!"

The two children, who increasingly had their own ideas, ignored him.

Yang Mi pinched her waist:

"Don't let dad say it a second time!"

As soon as she spoke, the two children were like a mouse seeing a cat, and they went to wash their hands with their father in despair.

The status of the head of the family is evident.

After dinner, Yangyang held a football and wanted his father to play with him.

Although Xu Xin couldn't refuse after a tiring day, he still pulled on his wife who rolled her eyes.

The location was chosen on the lawn of Xu Miao's yard.

When it was first renovated, because this place belonged to her brother and sister-in-law, Yang Mi didn't know what plan to come up with, so she asked Zhang Qian. Zhang Qian said nonchalantly that they didn't come to Yanjing for a long time and let Yang Mi do whatever she wanted.

But Yang Mi was not satisfied with the last few versions of the plan. In the end, she just made an open space and spread a few straw mats.

Just right for playing football.

Children don't have that much strength. It's said to be a kick, but it's actually no different from a kick.

But somehow, Yangyang was very happy.

In other words, as long as his sister doesn't interfere with him, he will be happy doing anything.

The whole yard was filled with the laughter of children.

Xu Xin took the ball that his son had kicked happily to his wife and said:

"It's about time you started, right?"


Yang Mi sent it back to her son and responded:

"After I'm done with this matter, I'm going to put other things on hold. The company's business has also been smoothed out, so I'll start in the next few days..."

As she spoke, she added:

"Don't worry, I've had this script in my mind for several years, and I know it well."


Xu Xin responded and then said:

"Is it time for Tang Yan's studio to be established? Has it opened? Should I send a flower basket?"

Yang Mi rolled her eyes directly:

"By the time you think about it, the day lilies are already cold. It's already been established just at the beginning of the new year, okay?"


Xu Xin was a little surprised:

"Why didn't you remind me?"

"I used your account to post a celebratory Weibo and also sent a flower basket. Why are you doing so many stupid things?"

"Okay...then what's Tang Ren's reaction?"

"There's no reaction, so what if there is a reaction? They can't afford to offend Yun Tu."

Seeing that his wife spoke very calmly, he continued to ask:

"You didn't go to understand?"


"...has it passed?"

A very sudden sentence came out of Xu Xin's mouth.

Yang Mi, on the other hand, used more casual words and kicked the ball a little farther. Looking at her son chasing after her like a puppy, she said:

"That's right. It's just... I feel low. If I really want to continue playing with her, I'm afraid I'll vacate her company and she won't even know what's going on... It's not interesting. That's it, it's all the same. It’s a matter of years.”

Xu Xin was really surprised now.

I couldn’t help but give a thumbs up:

"Sister, you live a free and easy life~"

"Then look~"

Yang Mi smiled proudly.

But I was too lazy to say anything more.

In fact, Tangren lost the second trial, and after Shishi came to Shuangwei, she made a lot of public relations preparations.

After all, judging from Liu Yifei's experience, it can be seen that the people of the Tang Dynasty used all possible methods to deal with such people.

Many of Liu Yifei's inexplicable scandals in those two years were traces of Tang people.

She even provided some funds to Li Minian.

Contact those "old colleagues" from the Tang Dynasty to see if anything comes up. Just let them know in advance so that you won't be unprepared.


Since the news of Shishi joining Shuangwei was announced, things have been really calm until now.

Obviously, Lao Cai is not stupid either.

I know that Yang Mi now is no longer the little actress she was back then.

Regardless of whether it was because of too many worries or other reasons... Seeing that the other party had stopped moving, even though everything she had prepared was in vain, at least she could see Tang Ren's attitude.

This is actually the case sometimes in this circle.

Bully the weak and fear the strong.

It sounds disgusting, but it is very true.

Shuangwei is now the absolute core class in the northwest circle. Anyone who wants to mess with them has to think carefully.

To put it bluntly, she is currently playing football with her son, but if word is spread in the circle now that she needs an actor to pick up the ball for "Second Master Xu", then those who sign up will have to line up from outside their homes. Go to the entrance of the Forbidden City.

At this time, she heard her husband sigh:

"Now that I think about it, we have really changed every year over the years."


Yang Mi nodded and kicked the ball to her son again.

But the kicking posture is very cool.

It's like... kicking away an era.

March 5th.

LeTV Pictures announced financing information.

It was announced that the first round of financing for LeTV Pictures has been finalized. This round of financing was led by Shenzhen Innovation Investment Group Co., Ltd., and several companies such as LeTV Nebula, Shuangwei, and Headwind also followed suit, with a total investment of 200 million yuan.

After Yang Mi saw the news, she conveniently sent the Weibo screenshot to Xu Xin, who was sorting out information across the street.

Xu Xin picked it up, took a look at it, and said with a smile:

"Haha~ It's exactly what Lao Wang thought. Our names did appear on the news announcement."


Yang Mi nodded.

In fact, Shuangwei and Nifeng invested a lot?

Not really.

One is a pitiful five million, and Headwind just exchanged resources for a movie and got the creditor's rights.

As for some investment companies that day, in terms of asset management scale, some could even reach the scale of three to five double-digit and headwind companies.

But unfortunately, in the news manuscript, they were not listed.

It’s also quite outrageous.

"The next step is for the media to speculate on its valuation."

Following Yang Mi's words, before noon, the valuation of LeTV Pictures was announced in the media news.

This film and television company was only established in 2012. It has only operated a few movies and the box office does not exceed 60 million. The company’s valuation is...

1.55 billion.

Although it is just a valuation, to outsiders, this is already a billion-dollar entertainment company.

Is it outrageous?

It's just so outrageous.

On the day this news appeared, people from Tengxun contacted Yang Mi.

I want to make an appointment with her to discuss the stock exchange with Shuangwei that we discussed years ago.

And gave a clear message.

They have entered the final stage of negotiations with Shanda Group.

If nothing unexpected happens, after the company successfully negotiates and carries out some handover procedures and other matters, the company will be able to completely complete the change of the most mainstream online novel portal - Qidian Chinese.com before the end of 2013.

Obviously, after seeing both Shuangwei and Nifeng betting on LeTV, they couldn’t sit still.

LeTV has already established a company, but they are still just an entertainment office.

It's not a concept.

Regarding this proposal, Yang Mi directly agreed to it after careful consideration.

As the concept of Internet IP becomes more and more clear, she bets that the future will be an era of IP adaptation.

After all, the difference in size between the limited screenwriters and the vast number of online books and authors is not that big.

And if future companies can have a stable IP incubation pool, they can continuously introduce excellent actors.

It can also be combined with the happy twist layout.

The talent scout team is responsible for recruiting people. Those who are discovered are put into the Happy Twist for training. Those who are not good are directly eliminated, and those who are good are directly promoted, so that Shuangwei can ensure a sufficient supply of talents.

This kind of thing, no matter how you look at it, is a sure profit.

After asking her husband, Xu Xin also gave a positive opinion.

As for Ali...

If they don't take the initiative to come looking for them, Xu Xin means that we will definitely not take the initiative either.

At this time, whoever takes the initiative will suffer.

However, just when the couple was discussing the future development of the company.

At around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, a piece of news was announced, which directly caused waves of panic in the minds of the couple.

The cause was Sun Ting's phone call.

"Sister, please check Weibo. The Chaoyang Taxation Office has posted an announcement on Weibo! The penalty decision of Zhang Weiping, the legal representative of New Picture Pictures! I have sent you your trumpet account on Weibo."


Yang Mi was delayed for a moment before responding quickly:


With that said, she quickly opened Weibo and directly forwarded it to her husband's account without even reading the content.

Then I dialed my husband’s phone number immediately:

"Look at Weibo. I sent you a private message."


"The Zhang Weiping incident has been revealed!"


After hanging up the phone, Yang Mi opened the Weibo link.

The text is just a picture with a blue background.

【Penalty Announcement】

“After receiving reports from the public about the tax issues of “Yanjing New Picture Pictures Co., Ltd.”… the punishment results are as follows:

A tax of 85 million yuan was recovered from "Zhang Weiping" and the company where he served as the legal representative, and an additional late payment penalty of 0.11 million yuan was imposed.

Zhang Weiping was fined four times to the tune of RMB 72 million for concealing his true income and evading taxes by splitting contracts.

He used his studio account to conceal the true nature of his personal remuneration to evade taxes and was fined three times a total of 66 million yuan.

The enterprise for which he serves as the legal representative will be fined twice as much for understating income and evading taxes, totaling 726,000 yuan.

The two companies serving as their legal representatives were fined 0.5 times each for failing to withhold and pay personal income tax and illegally providing facilities to assist in underpaying taxes, totaling 23 million yuan and 37 million yuan respectively. "

This news came out of nowhere.

Or rather abrupt.

Many people even didn’t know what was going on the first time they saw it.

But as the person who knows the situation best, what Yang Mi did was to pick up the calculator next to her and start pressing it.

And after adding all the numbers together, we came to a conclusion.

296 million.

Seeing this number, her pupils shrank.

Then, she took a deep breath.

It was quiet for about a minute, and it wasn't until the phone screen dimmed that she picked up the phone again and dialed the message from Zhao Ruoyao, the company's head of finance:

"Notify all finance personnel to meet in one hour."

Zhang Weiping's matter, in the final analysis, is for the husband to consider.

What she has to do now is very simple.

This is just the beginning.

Chicken, kill it now.

For monkeys to see.

Don't be a monkey yourself.

Therefore, you can’t be vain at all, you must hammer Shuangwei into a solid piece!


Xu Xin rubbed his chin.

My heart said...this time is just right.

At the beginning of the new year, both companies and enterprises are steadily getting on the right track, and it is the time to launch their ambitions for the new year.

An alarm bell rings.

Directly integrated into the anti-corruption campaign launched last year.

The timing...is really just right.

He immediately closed Weibo and opened his address book.

How much money Zhang Weiping was fined is not something worth paying attention to.

The money, he didn't care whether it was selling iron or something, he had to pay it within the valid time limit.

And next, although no one informed me, I can still think clearly with my toes... This storm started by my own secret poking has formed, and its next trend is no longer my concern. Something happened.

He didn't even have to rely on the speculations of the online media for the ins and outs.

Because he did it himself.

It’s just that everyone will never know.

But now, what he has to do is very simple.

That means making a few phone calls.

The first call was to Qi Lei.

"Hey, Brother Qi, have you seen the news? Weibo news. About Zhang Weiping."


Qi Lei was still a little confused.

"No, I just finished a meeting, what happened?"

"I'll send it to you on WeChat. You have a look and we can chat on WeChat."


The phone hangs up.

On the second call, he checked the time...

I'm not sure if the old man is still working on the script.

The old man has been polishing the script of "The Chinese Criminal" for more than a year, and the script has been completed. Preparations for casting have now begun...

He thought about it and decided not to disturb the old man's work.

A call was transferred to Zhang Mona.

The phone rang for a while, but no one answered.

Xu Xin was speechless.

My heart says what is this for?

But he didn't call Zhang Yimou after all, because Qi Lei had already finished watching the news.

"What's wrong with him?"

Seeing this news, Xu Xin replied:

"I don't know. This news came out quite suddenly."

Fortunately, the two of them weren't on the phone, otherwise his tone might have revealed something.

But the text is much more reliable.

Qi Lei’s next reply was:

"Do you have any idea?"

"What do you think?"

Xu Xin kicked the ball back.

So, Qi Lei's speechless voice message was sent:

"Have you learned how to play football? My idea is very simple. Send a notice to the people of the three major clubs of Art House... Although we are not directly binding, the notice must be issued and order a self-examination. Then notify the actors of the troupe Everyone must provide copies and certificates of tax payment notices in the past three years, and compare them one by one with the items they reported in the factory. If there is a problem, it will be handled as quickly as possible! There must be no mistakes in this matter. The last step is to carry out this year’s law popularization campaign, focusing on tax evasion.”

"Okay. The wording needs to be stricter, and there can't be any luck in this matter. Tax matters are normal here... But, to be honest, Brother Qi, I feel different this time. We must Take it seriously.”

"Okay, I'll let someone do it...tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday, and there will be news on Monday at the latest."

"Okay. Let everyone be careful in their words and deeds. The tax department has made a penalty decision on this matter. As for the reason, I estimate that it will be dug out one after another in the past two days. We will just pay attention to it in time."


Just as Qi Lei agreed, Zhang Mo called.


"What are you doing?"

"We're taking wedding photos, what?"

"...The filming is not finished yet? There are only a few days until your wedding."

"We shot four themes, namely sweetness, loyalty, togetherness, and eternity. This is the last theme, what's up?"

Hearing this, the corners of Xu Xin's mouth twitched crazily.

I thought you should just make a love movie.

With a hint of complaint in his heart, he said:

"In the case of Zhang Weiping... the tax announced the penalty results and fined 300 million yuan."


Zhang Mo was silent for a while, and then said:

"No wonder...the box office account has been delayed for a long time. I just submitted the indictment to the court."


Xu Xin was stunned.

"Sued? What's the reason?"

"There is still a part of the box office of "Three Guns" that has not been settled. My dad asked for it several times, but he avoided it. Am I not in charge of the operation of the studio now? He cheated on me, so I sued him directly."


Xu Xin rolled his eyes.

Suddenly I remembered that when the old man left the new scene, many people scolded him for betraying his trust and abandoning his friends.

Suddenly, I had an idea in my mind.

12,000 updates sent. In addition... there is only one chapter tomorrow. I promised my son that I would accompany him to pick strawberries and have a children's meal at noon. In the afternoon, I will accompany him to participate in a football training class experience class.

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