I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 953: 949 starts well

Chapter 953 949. Good start

Because Hu Xiaoguang and Wang Yanhui hadn't arrived yet, Xu Xin asked Yang Mi to put on makeup and make preparations.

Today's work is quite complicated. On the one hand, it is necessary to determine the makeup of all the actors. On the other hand, it is the most important coordinating meeting during the preparation of the film. The division of labor among various departments must be implemented, as well as the need for transformation, etc. All trivial matters must be decided today, and then in a few days, everything will be ready to start shooting directly.

But the people who arrived today were not just the crew of "Silence".

While Yang Mi was going to put on makeup, a staff member walked in, came to Li Haiping and whispered:

"Director Li, the students have arrived."

Hearing this, Li Haiping nodded slightly:

"Just bring it in."


After the staff left, he came to Xu Xin who was looking down at the information:

"Director Xu, the students are here."


Xu Xin nodded:


With that said, he stood up and took a look downstairs.

I just happened to see two buses parked in front of the building, and a group of people got off the bus one after another.

These people are all students of Beijing Film Academy.

Some are Mr. Yu’s graduate students, and some are undergraduates taught by him as a teaching assistant.

I came out today to study.

It is said to be a study, but in fact it is to come out of school and come to Xiying Studio to see the preparations of Mr. Xu's crew.

After these directing students have passed through their freshman and sophomore years, they have accumulated theoretical knowledge to a certain extent, but what they lack is practical experience.

Having directors like Xu Xin in the industry leading research studies is a good way to increase knowledge and accumulate practical experience.

However, this kind of research is usually not organized by the school, and most of them are graduate students, with few opportunities for undergraduates.

First, in the undergraduate program, unless there is a student that the teacher particularly admires, he can be tutored individually. Most of the time, whatever activities students want to participate in have to be organized by the school, and teachers rarely make independent arrangements. After all, unlike graduate students, they are not part of a graduate tutor's team.

Second, trouble.

When dozens of students come out, safety, food, etc. need to be coordinated.

If something goes wrong, the teacher is not responsible enough.

Not to mention...if the teacher doesn't have a whole team behind him, it will be a very troublesome thing in terms of audition venues and other aspects.

But it doesn't exist in Xu Xin.

He said directly:

"Two buses will be arranged tomorrow, and I will take the students to the office to study together."

With just one word from him, there is no need to worry about the rest of the matter.



Still done.

While he was watching, the door of the audition hall was pushed open and Hu Xiaoguang walked in.

"Sorry, everyone, I'm late..."

"No, Teacher Hu, just right."

Xu Xin smiled and said hello:

"Let's go put on makeup first."


After Hu Xiaoguang responded, he asked curiously:

"I think those downstairs are our students, right?"

"Yes, from the directing department, I brought him here to study."

Hearing this, Hu Xiaoguang was stunned, then nodded without saying anything more, and followed the makeup artist to the side.

And Yang Mi, who was sitting over there, didn't get up. After all, she was lying there on her back, letting the makeup artist work on her face.

Just half-squinting his eyes:

"Teacher Hu."

"Hello, Mimi."

Hu Xiaoguang smiled slightly.

To be honest...he was actually quite pleased.

Of the children I have taught... Yang Mi is definitely the best.

Whether it's acting skills or performance in various aspects over the years.

In other words... this circle is really amazing.

The last time we met, we were still teachers and students. But this time, they became colleagues.

Fate really likes to joke.

After waiting for a while, a staff member came in and whispered a few words to Li Haiping.

At the other party's nod, the door opened.

In the corridor, a group of students were looking over.

"Come in, everyone."

Xu Xin waved.

Then point to the empty space behind:

"Sit anywhere you like."

After the students who came in heard this, they walked straight to the seats, but everyone's eyes would fall on Yang Mi, who was facing up.


Is this Senior Sister Yang Mi?

It looks much prettier than it looks in the photo!

I could only see it on TV before, but now I can finally see it in person.

However, although they were surprised, they rarely approached them like fans meeting their idols, asking for autographs or the like. Except for a few people with some questionable compositions who glanced at Teacher Xu who was there... most of the others looked at it with freshness and curiosity.

In the past few days, there has been a storm in the film and television industry.

After Zhang Weiping's incident, it was said that tax issues would be severely dealt with, and everyone in the film and television industry was in danger...but Mr. Xu's side seemed to have no impact.

They also want to see... how the winner of the Berlin Golden Bear Award for Best Film and Venice's Best Director prepares a movie.

Although there were many people, the audition hall was quite quiet.

After Wang Yanhui arrived and was pushed onto the makeup chair, Yang Mi had already finished applying her makeup.

It's said to be base makeup, but it's actually just a layer of foundation that's a bit brown.

Zhaodi must have the color of the Loess Plateau.

In the soul that belongs to the loess land, the purple on the plateau and the skin exposed to the sun are lingering colors.

"Director Xu, do you think this is okay?"

As Yang Mi sat upright, the makeup artist asked.

Xu Xin walked over and looked at his wife in the mirror:

"What do you think?"


Yang Mi thought for a while and suddenly gave the student a very evil mouth:

"Don't you ask them?"

Xu Xin smiled slightly and turned to look over:

"Whose family is from the Shanxi, Shaanxi and Shanxi areas? Let me see if you raise your hand."

The students were stunned, and a few subconsciously raised their hands.

Xu Xin waved:

"Then come here, guys, and see if there is anything wrong with the base color of her makeup. If it were you, how would you deal with it?"

Several people looked at each other, silently stood up and walked down from their seats.

And when I saw Yang Mi, whose skin was a little dark, maybe it was because she was too innocent? He didn't even dare to look at her.

Yang Mi's eyes narrowed as she watched, and she began to laugh secretly in her heart.

Sure enough, college students are the most innocent.

But... let's be honest.

But they didn't see anything.

Not to mention how awesome the makeup artist who applied Yang Mi's makeup was, just talking about the base color, that was what Xu Xin had discussed before. As a native of northern Shaanxi, he naturally knows the skin color, dressing habits, etc. of the people in his hometown.

In fact, it would be abnormal if they could really come up with something very insightful.

After several students looked at it, their answers were:

"It feels a little dark."

"The color seems to need to be lighter."

"Teacher Xu, I didn't pick any problems..."

After several people answered, Xu Xin nodded slightly, as if in class, looked at the others and asked:

"What about you, what do you think?"

These junior and senior students, as well as several graduate students, had started thinking about it long ago.

When I asked myself, someone raised his hand first:

"Teacher Xu, do you want to be rougher?"

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

After hearing Xu Xin's question, the student said:

"The information says that this is a female character who comes from a rural area and works in the mines all year round. I feel... her skin is rougher. After all, the conditions in the mines are very difficult, and she is exposed to wind, sun and rain all day long... "

Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"Well, does anyone else have any opinions?"

"I feel... Teacher Yang's temperament is too good, but it doesn't match this skin color."

"Do I think it should be thinner? Or should the painting be more angular?"

"I think it would be better if it was more raunchy, right?"

Listening to their miscellaneous discussion, Xu Xin did not interrupt. He waited until the discussion was almost over before turning to the makeup artist and said:


The makeup artist nodded.

Xu Xin then turned around and looked at them:

"Actually, your answers just now can be said to be correct. The reason why I asked you this question is to express one thing. That is, as a director, you must learn to stand in your own perspective. think."

Looking at the young faces and the pairs of eyes listening attentively, Xu Xin's tone was gentle but meaningful:

"Some students have answered just now, and some have not. But it doesn't matter, because this is not your movie, but mine. I will refer to everyone's opinions and suggestions, but in the end whether I use them or not, it must be my own The same thing is true for you. If you stand in my position and hear those opinions just now, must they be right? No. There may be people who have the same thoughts as you in these opinions, but they are also There will be disagreements. At this time, all you have to do is believe in your own vision."

In the silence of the three leading actors, and in the rather curious eyes of Jiang Kui, who appeared at the door belatedly, Xu Xin continued:

"There is no absolute answer for any movie, or anything called "art". As directors, of course we will make mistakes, and we are allowed to make mistakes. But we must remember to keep our own ideas, not others You listen to what others say, and you also listen to what others say... After listening to it, you may lose your own point of view in the end, and what a terrible thing it would be when a director loses his own ideas. , no need to say more, right?"




In the silence of the students, Jiang Kui, who had only half listened, walked in with a smile:

"That is to say, whether others raise their opinions is one thing, but whether they listen to them or not is another thing, right?"

"That's right."

Seeing that he agreed, Jiang Kui made another "dismantle":

“Then what if the investors make suggestions?”

Director Xu shrugged slightly after hearing this:

"How did I know, I am the investor myself."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Jiang Kui laughed out loud.

Xu Xin turned to look at the students:

"Oh, yes, there is a premise. Before you are strong enough for investors to give you face, you can also listen to the opinions of the funder. If he is right, just go along with it. If he is talking nonsense, You just do the opposite. There's nothing wrong with that."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Everyone in the room burst into laughter after hearing what he said.

They are college students, not primary school students.

Especially the youngest ones who came today are all juniors, students who are starting internships one after another.

The opposition between society and the "rules" in the ivory tower has gradually become felt in my heart.

They naturally understood what Teacher Xu said.

This has nothing to do with achievement, but a creed that a director must bear in mind throughout his life. Directors must have their own ideas, because what they do is art, not the product of an industrial assembly line.

But in the conversation with Jiang Kui, Teacher Xu, who just reminded them of his creed, was talking about reality.

In reality... How many great directors are there in the entire film and television industry who can ignore any investors like Mr. Xu?

But then again, didn’t these great and successful directors actually start out as small directors?

Therefore, this statement needs to be said from both sides, and the matter must be viewed from both sides.

They still understand this truth.

In the following time, Xu Xin fulfilled the purpose of this study perfectly.

Yang Mi put on makeup first and started communicating with the makeup artist.

"There is so much coal ash in the mines that many people actually tie a towel around their necks. This towel cannot be too clean, but it cannot be too dirty either. This needs to be noted."

"She needs to have a...very low-quality sense of sophistication. No matter what a girl is, she definitely needs skin care. But what she uses is not La Mer, but something similar to...low-end cosmetics. .”

"No, no, no, it's not makeup. Zhaodi doesn't wear makeup. I'm referring to the kind of very ordinary skin care products, such as Dabao, such as Wanziqianhong. The difference between its oils and high-end cosmetics is obvious. When the time comes, just use them. You can see it. This feeling is definitely necessary."

"The hairstyle should be simpler. Her hair should have a scrawl like a helmet. This will give the audience a more realistic visual impression in the picture."

He was talking to the makeup artist, but actually what he was talking about was about the things that a director should pay attention to in the movie [makeup].

How to determine the details of the role.

Why do this.

Even how to give the audience these feelings in the picture, what method to use, etc.

After talking about Yang Mi, next is Hu Xiaoguang. Then there are Wang Yanhui and Jiang Kui.

After all the four people's makeup needs to be changed, Xu Xin waved his hand again after the makeup artist made corrections on the spot.

Li Haiping also called over all the other role actors in the movie.

Including two child actors.

Everything from clothes to hairstyles were picked out that were inappropriate. After continuing to rectify them, Xue Yong and Lin Li had already set up the camera seats.

After the live connection was made to a large-screen TV, as Yang Mi's makeup was adjusted, Lin Li's camera locked on her.

Next it’s standard textbook time.

The curtains in the audition hall were all closed, the lights and cameras were busy, and they began to simulate the texture of everyone's makeup, including Yang Mi's, on the screen under different lighting conditions at different times.

Including close-ups of characters from various angles at different screen ratios, etc.

Throughout the morning, Xu Xin gave these juniors and juniors who came to study, a standard makeup tutorial like a textbook.

They just watched helplessly, through Teacher Xu's adjustments, Yang Mi, who was so gorgeous... and they didn't dare to look at her, turned into an extremely ordinary character, but with various potential personalities.

I watched Teacher Hu, who seemed very amiable in school, turn into an idle man who seemed to be idle, but almost had rudeness and recklessness written all over his face.

Wang Yanhui, who had a philistine look on his face, turned into a slicked-back hairdo. At first glance, he looked like a... very stereotypical village cadre.

And Jiang Kui, the coal boss who has an inexplicable nouveau riche temperament...

Because they came early, they all saw what the actors looked like before their makeup was set.

It was precisely because of seeing it that when walking to the canteen at noon, I discussed with my companions how surprising the temperament changes of these actors were.


They entered the cafeteria.

Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden.

"What the hell, lobster!?"

Looking at the piles of lobsters in the buffet selection area, these students were stunned.

It's a big lobster.

Not crayfish.

The orange-yellow lobsters are topped with minced garlic and placed one after another on the dining table.

It really complements the roasted whole lamb that is piled high next to it and divided into pieces.

Lobster, roasted whole lamb, steamed scallops with vermicelli, various stir-fried dishes...

When a few students walking in front subconsciously took the plates handed by the staff and asked, "Is it free?", the cafeteria staff smiled and nodded:

"Yes, eat whatever you want, just don't waste it. One lobster per person, and eat the rest as you like. If you are not used to rice, you can tell the chef what you want to eat. We provide steamed buns, fried noodles, trouser noodles, and meat The chefs of Shaanxi specialties such as steamed buns are also from Xi'an..."




Although the canteen at Beiying is not bad and the food is cheap. But... they obviously don't see this kind of posture in front of them very often.


Who has a nice family to eat lobster for lunch?

They who rarely interacted with government canteens on weekdays were a little confused now.


For other staff members of Xiying, this meal is normal.

Except for the lobster, which was obviously prepared for the students who came to study today, the other dishes are all eaten on weekdays.

Not worth any surprise.

On the contrary, among the group of graduate students, as they were queuing up and walking forward, they couldn't help but ask a few classmates next to them:

"Did you always study like this when you were in college?"

Several students from Beijing Film Academy said in a...surprised but not surprised tone:

"It's not as exaggerated as lobster, but it's not bad either. But I heard a few seniors who followed Senior Brother Xu's crew say that Senior Brother's crew has very high standards. Wherever they go, they stay in agency hotels with all kinds of facilities. …It’s exaggerated that you don’t even have to spend your own money on tobacco and alcohol…”


Several graduate students who were admitted to Yu Zhen from other schools kept slapping their mouths.

At this moment, good universities and ordinary universities.

Good mentors vs. average mentors…

Perhaps only students like them who came in from outside would understand these huge differences in treatment.

Xu Xin naturally doesn't need to go to the big cafeteria to eat.

They all eat in the small hall.

And the people at this table today are also the main members of the crew.

In fact, he doesn't feel anything special about lobster or anything like that, and he's not willing to eat it.

A bowl of oily noodles is much more comfortable to eat than these big fish and meat.

If Lao Shaan doesn't eat noodles, how can he eat them?

During the meal, everyone continued to discuss work.

"Director Xu, the people in charge of those filming locations have already communicated with us."

"Well, Director Li, I still say the same thing, don't take a single step from the masses. Don't cause trouble to anyone. What we said when we went will be what we left."

They are all old people who have worked with Xu Xin for a long time.

Everyone naturally knows what his rules are.

After explaining everything that came to mind and what needed to be done, Xu Xin said to Yang Mi:

"Then I'll go back tomorrow."


Yang Mi, who was picking up shrimps for the two of them, responded:

"No problem. I have prepared all the procedures required for tax self-examination in the past few days. I will go there after handing them in."

Hearing this, several other people's ears twitched.

However, they maintained the same silence in a tacit understanding.

After Zhang Weiping's incident emerged, everyone knew that this was just the beginning.

If there is a problem at this time, then solve the problem quickly. If there is no problem, everything will be fine.

It’s just not easy to talk about these things.

So, after completing a series of trivial final preparations such as the actors' makeup and so on on March 8th, Xu Xin and Su Meng took the lead on the plane to Ordos on March 9th.

After getting off the plane, he received a message from Qi Lei.

The script of "Breaking Silence" has been reviewed.

Can be shot.

This kind of trivial matter was not worth the trouble he put into it, so he took the car directly back home.

Lao Xu's family...

Not one person.

Xu Daqiang didn't know where he went.

Xu Miao is in Magic City.

There is no one at home.

Good news, Su Meng is still with us.

The bad news is that she is the only one left.

As usual, he took Su Meng to the county for a meal of mutton noodles that he had longed for, and then drove to Dabaodang alone in the afternoon.

Although mines have been discovered there, the overall facilities are still lagging behind. The main filming locations of the movie are also there.

When he got there, the decoration team was working hard to put the final touches on several rented filming locations.

At around 3 p.m., Xu Xin received a call from Volvo.

They had just contacted Yang Mi, but they heard that Director Xu was going to shoot a new movie, and their truck advertisement hadn't been finalized yet, so why don't they come over and ask?

And the first thing their Mr. Xu said after the call was connected was:

"Director Xu, Jean-Claude Van Damme has agreed to star. What should we do next?"

"Just wait until I finish filming the movie, Mr. Xu."

Looking at the police station being carefully arranged and built, Xu Xin said:

"Haven't the plan been submitted to you? All that's left is to find the shooting team."

"Hmm...how long will it take?"

"Hmm... April or May. You have to prepare the venue, personnel, etc. that need to be prepared in the early stage, and leave the rest to me."

Although the exact time is still not given, once Xu Xin's "April or May" time comes out, at least everyone has a good idea.

After chatting for a while, the phone was hung up.

Xu Xin directly gave the phone to Su Meng next to him.

Su Meng naturally understood that Brother Xu was about to enter the "state".

So, he set his phone to vibrate first, and then silently stepped aside.

Xu Xin didn't say a word and just stood in front of the police station, his mind beginning to surge.

In fact, to be honest, he doesn't know what his movie will be like...

There were no expectations even at the box office.

I just simply wanted to film this story.

For this story, over the years, he designed countless shots day and night, and simulated the scenes during filming countless times in his mind.

at the moment……

It's finally starting.

March 11th.

All actors and crew members were in place in Dabaodang, northern Shaanxi.

at the same time. "Perfect Strangers" finally came to theaters after 57 days of release.

Total box office: 947 million.


Just one step away from one billion.

However, considering that Italy, which has already been released, has taken in a total of 59.84 million U.S. dollars, it has become the leading box office champion at the beginning of the year, as well as the share of being released in other countries one after another...

This movie, which cost less than 30 million, will eventually bring in a terrifying profit of one billion.

Thirty million... Thirty times profit.

Whether it breaks one billion is not that important.

It's just that... when the gear was officially released at 12 o'clock in the morning, the congratulations message sent by Qi Lei was somewhat regretful.

Just a little bit closer to breaking one billion.


But Xu Xin has no regrets.

Not to mention anything else, it is almost certain that "Scorching Sun" will break one billion.

Of course there is nothing to regret.

It's just a matter of time.

The new movie will have its opening ceremony tomorrow, and he doesn't have the time to think about it.

It's important to go to bed quickly.

March 12th.

Morning, 7:30.

In the dry and cold wind of the Loess Plateau, everyone wrote their own messages about the movie in the distributed "Guaiguai".

When writing the message, the old people at Xiying Studio looked like they were used to it.

The new people who joined the crew were full of surprise.

Obviously, this kind of boot-up ceremony rules passed down from Wanwan was really new to experience for the first time.

I wrote down the messages and put them one by one on the golden tray in order.

Finally, Xu Xin, who also wrote his blessings for the film "Breaking Silence", obediently put the last package on it.

8 o'clock.

At an auspicious occasion, Xu Xin burned the yellow frame of talisman paper that he had brought from the Xi'an City God Temple, which commands the city god all over the world. Under the watchful eyes of all the actors and crew members, he lifted the red cloth covering the camera.

"Breaking Silence" is ready to start!

(From yesterday I had a fever to now, flu, severe pain, and feeling like I’m going to die. It was already 3 a.m. when I got out of the hospital after getting the injection yesterday, and I slept at home all day today. That’s it for today, and this chapter I finished writing this when my body temperature was around 37.7 degrees. I feel like I’m numb, and my condition is extremely bad!)

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