I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 955 951 This is northern Shaanxi, where I grew up


Jiang Kui was holding a cigarette in his mouth, wearing headphones, looking at the several pictures captured on the monitor, and subconsciously smashed his mouth.

Apart from the smell of cigarette smoke, there was just... boredom in my mouth.

It’s not directed at Xu Xin or this drama. But she just hates the person she plays in the camera.

Although this role was played by him, looking at the background of the vast yellow land in the camera, with only a touch of bright tomato red, made him feel bored.

Or hate.

Or is it anger?

Or perhaps all of these emotions are present.

Especially that bright red color, it's really annoying to look at.

But... after getting rid of these emotions, he had to admit... As an actor who worked with Xu Xin for the first time, he finally knew why some of the actors he knew who had worked with him would not praise the young director. Silenced.

He has an ability... I don't know if it's natural or he learned it from Director Zhang.

That is to convey emotions into people's hearts through pictures.

This is just one scene, or the first scene of the entire film.

Throughout the whole thing, he didn't have a single line.

But just through a tomato...

But he seemed to have fully explained this person's temper, character... and even his humanity.

That’s all said and done.

There is no need to say a word about what kind of virtue this person has.

A few scenes were immediately frozen.

He obviously didn't say anything, but he said everything.

In fact, after he agreed to play the role of Chang Wannian this time, he told Jiang Wen about it as soon as possible.

And Jiang Wen’s response was also very simple:

"I also asked you to play "One Step Away" with me."

As for Jiang Kui, after hearing this, his answer was:

"I want to act in this. On the one hand, I really like the story. On the other hand, I want to work with him to see what it feels like."

Jiang Wen didn't say anything more.

He just said that the role given to him would be found by someone else.

And Jiang Kui now has some "regrets."

Just watching this scene gave him a toothache.

After filming this role... I wonder how much more people will hate me.

Of course, this is a joke.

His truest state of mind now is actually excitement.

There is a mysterious excitement.

He has read every one of Xu Xin's works.

And really speaking, let alone the debut film, the main theme of the film "The Wind" is too obvious, and there is no room for the director to express it.

Just talking about these recent movies that he feels can really show their "standard"...

"Hawthorn Tree" In his opinion, Xu Xin is like a spring.

The trickle of water gushed out, quietly infiltrating into the hearts of all viewers.

"The Burning Sun" is like a ruthless bee needle.

The first sting is a little painful.

But the further you go, the more intense the pain will be.

Very powerful.

And now this "Breaking Silence"...

To be honest, he doesn't know what it will look like after filming is completed. But now he felt like Xu Xin had raised an unreasonable dragon-slaying knife.

Curse +7, dragon-slaying knife with 0-35 attack power.

A great warrior wearing top-quality equipment came forward and made a savage charge. When he was stiff, a blazing sword struck his forehead.

No sense of reason, no martial ethics.

He is truly a genius capable of cutting with swords and fierce fire.

The most chilling thing is its curse +7 attribute.

When he died, he was blown away and only a pair of underwear was left...

Then I watched the great warrior walk away...

This director...

Why does one script have one style?

Under the unreasonable changes, the essence is direct harm to people's hearts.

Exactly the same routine.

No matter what, whether it's a spring, a bee needle, or this dragon-slaying knife... it can accurately hit someone's aorta.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

He slapped his mouth again, took off his headphones, and glanced at Xu Xin, who was communicating with Lin Li over there.

Momo stood up and stepped aside, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Jiang Wen:

"I just finished shooting a scene."

Jiang Wen replied quickly:

"How does it feel?"

Seeing this question, Jiang Kui thought about it and replied:

"Just two words."


"Well, that's really awesome."

"How about me?"

Jiang Kui's mouth twitched.

But there is no need for the brothers to hide.

After seeing this, the reason why he didn't rush to reply was because he wanted to give a fair evaluation in his heart.

Recalling the amazing feelings he felt while filming with Jiang Wen.

He recalled the scene that Xu Xin took that shocked his soul.

After about a few seconds, he said:

"This is my first time working with him. And I just shot a scene."


"You eat the script, but he doesn't."

"...So he's better than me?"

This time, Jiang Kui responded directly without hesitation:

"More awesome than you."


Jiang Wen replied with a word that can represent many emotions in the Chinese language environment.

Then he asked:

"What on earth was taken? Take a picture and let me take a look."

"I'll ask."

Putting down his phone, he walked over to Xu Xin, who had finished communicating with Lin Li:

"I'll take a picture of the scene just now and show it to Jiang Wen, okay?"

"Okay. Just don't spread the word outside."

Xu Xin didn't care much about this kind of thing.

I happily agreed.

Hearing this, Jiang Kui nodded and walked directly to the monitor.

The order of the play was messed up. He found the first act first, then the second act, the third act...

Several scenes were filmed on the monitor with a mobile phone in sequence.

All were sent to Jiang Wen.

Xu Xin had already come back at this time.

The next scene is a few shots of children herding sheep.

Today he will finish filming all the child's scenes, wrap them up, and then send them home with a set of "Three Years of Simulation of Five Years of High School Entrance Examination" as a gift for the child.

Jiang Kui didn't bother him, just sat in the tent and watched Xu Xin working there.

And after a while...


Jiang Wen replied.

"When is this play set?"


"Do you have any lines?"

"Not a word."


Jiang Kui was happy when he saw this row of dots.


"How's it going?"

"You can't tell much from just one shot. Let's watch the whole movie after the filming is finished. I'm busy."

Jiang Kui became even happier.

Before 3:30 p.m. and less than 4 p.m., the crew began to change scenes.

At the request of the child's parents, Xu Xin stood together with the family of three.

His parents stood on both sides of him, while he stood behind the child, putting his hands on the shoulders of the child who was holding a stack of exercise papers tied with red ropes and ribbons and a bitter look on his face.

After leaving a photo with a "click", he smiled and touched the child's head:

"Study hard, you know? Uncle likes you~"

The child was so hung up that he couldn't hold it back and burst into tears.

And the child's parents...especially the child's father wanted to take a photo with Yang Mi.

It's a pity that Yang Mi is not here at all.

I can only give up with regret.

After finding a car to send the family of three away, the crew continued to operate as usual.

Walk all the way towards Dabaodang.

When they arrived in town, in front of a large car shop they selected, the crew began to prepare for the scene that night.

In the small kitchen of the big car shop, the dozen or so chefs were really busy, so they all started to put the pots in the backyard.

There were racks of mutton hanging on the iron shelves, a lot of offal and intestines, and sheep blood everywhere... It looked like a murder scene.

As soon as Xu Xin arrived, the master invited from Shenmu came over with two apprentices carrying a large iron basin:

"Director Xu, is this pot of sheep and scorpions okay? As requested, sheep and scorpions, sheep's hooves, club bones..."

"Oh, okay, remember, don't stew it too badly. Make it chewy~"

"Okay, what's the problem?"

The fresh mutton was still radiating heat, obviously it had just been slaughtered.

Although the blood was sparkling... Xu Xin started to swallow after taking one look.

Looks like we'll have a good meal tonight.

And the rest of the crew also knew there was going to be a big dinner tonight.

Everyone's spirits were lifted.

Director Xu did not lie.

It’s hard to say whether the sheep in northern Shaanxi are better than those in Ganning. But compared to Xi’an’s sheep, it’s much more delicious.

Xu Xin glanced at the RV parked quietly next to it and walked directly into the car shop without disturbing it.

Not to mention...he really missed this kind of environment.

The big car shop in Xujiawan was one of his fondest childhood memories.

I often go to the kitchen to steal some food.

Now that he saw the familiar environment, he really felt particularly friendly.

Time soon came to night.

There are more and more people in the big car shop.

This time, in addition to the village chief, idle man, and Zhaodi who appeared today, there were also several tables of people from the village sitting in the big car shop.

For these villagers, Xu Xin found some extras, but most of them were selected from several nearby villages.

Sometimes we have to admit that the very special temperament of farmers cannot be expressed in a performance.

Of course, the words are not so absolute, but Xu Xin has the most basic concept of farmers' cognition.

First of all, their hand joints are very large and the skin on the back of their hands is very rough.

There are still traces of time and wind and frost on the face.

There is also the kind of clothing, smoking habits, etc. that are most common for them.

Putting these things on a qualified actor still needs time to polish and put on makeup... but group acting is definitely not worth investing so many human resources.

So he used part group actors and part amateurs.

Amateurs come here, there are no acting requirements, as long as they don’t stare at the camera lens for a while.

The extras will take the lead for a while, saying lines, shouting, etc.

These villagers were all "given an order" by Xu Xin, and Dabao acted as a friend of the old man here and mobilized some of his relatives to come over.

Give money, treat guests to dinner, and make movies.

Just treat it as a new thing.

So, in the evening, the big car shop was filled with people along with the smell of mutton.

And Xu Xin would appear in the house from time to time.

Among the people who came today, there were many friends of the old man who came to act as extras wearing tattered clothes and trousers that they found out from nowhere.

Either call me uncle, call me brother, or call me brother. Anyway, I have to take care of them all.

"Smoking as you like, what's the matter?"

"You can eat when you need to eat, and drink when you need to drink. I'll let you know when the filming starts soon. Everyone just needs to cooperate."

"Come on, come on, don't look at the bottle of this wine, it's all Maotai. Everyone, eat and drink well!"

It was obviously filming, but when these words came out of Xu Xin's mouth, it was like going out to eat.

Especially those who are grandfathers and seniors. As long as they stand up, Xu Xin has to greet them.

Shake hands, catch cigarettes...

After several trips, Su Meng had a large "bundle" of cigarettes in her hand.

If Xu Xin really finished smoking, his face would probably turn green.

At around 6 o'clock, everyone started to eat.

But there was an empty table in the middle, which was prepared for the actors.

Around 7:30, everyone had finished eating.

According to Director Xu's instructions, these sheep bones were placed on the table, including toilet paper and so on. Added to the smoke that filled the room... Lin Li was so smoked that he wanted to change the N95 on his mouth into a gas mask.

But he had to admit that as the concentration of smoke spread, his camera seemed to be covered with a layer of... smoke oil.

All of a sudden, the picture became a little blurry.

But Xu Xin wouldn't let him wipe it.

What he wanted was this smoky texture.

The reason why this scene was filmed this way is also very simple.

This meal is not just a meal for Zhao Di.

At the same time, the whole village is also a "witness."

As the saying goes, people are soft-spoken.

The village has not yet been demolished, so the village chief pays for everyone to eat.

Stop your mouths first.

Then, I will bring out the recruitment list and show you that there is such a "thorny" example in the village.

For the benefit of everyone, I asked someone to give her a hard bow.

As the saying goes, don't blame everyone. When the time comes, we, fellow villagers, will all have a common interest. Even if the king of heaven comes, it will be a decision made by the clan in the village.

Xu Xin's script has been polished for so many years, and all the logical and self-consistent scenes are actually invisible and do not need special explanation, but must be present.

At this moment, he was inspecting the "sheep bone" props one by one.

These props are made of silicone and are very soft.

In order to prevent his wife from killing her because she was too immersed, he took several mutton bone sticks and poked his face hard one by one.

When the movie was released, the wife waved her hand, and the next scene would definitely be the idle man Li Shuiquan screaming in agony while covering his eyes with half a mutton bone stick stuck in his eyes. But when filming, all she had to do was look back and dig.

But there is nothing wrong with being careful.

After poking his face one by one and confirming that there was nothing wrong with the table props, he felt at ease.

At this time, Xue Yong walked in.

"Director Xu...Mr. Zhang and the others have blocked the road."


Xu Xin was stunned.

"Road closure? Why?"

Hearing this, Xue Yong's face was filled with speechlessness and a bit of... "can you still do it like this" wonder:

"Big cars are not allowed to pass, but small cars can pass. They say it won't delay our filming."

Before he finished speaking, a bald middle-aged man with a big belly and a gold chain hanging around his neck that could tie a dog walked in.

Underneath the sinister face, there was a friendly smile:

"Sanjin, people have blocked the road."

"Uncle...it's not necessary, right?"

"Ah, why is it necessary? I heard it all this afternoon while I was sitting there. As soon as the big car passed by, the house rumbled."

The middle-aged man smiled boldly, took out a cigarette and handed it to Xu Xin.

The two boys who followed him in were still holding two boxes of Chinese cigarettes.

"I don't dare disturb you from filming the movie."

After saying that, he turned around:

"Go and divide the cigarettes."

Then he said to Xu Xin:

"Look, the smokes are not uniform. Is this better? Or should I buy a few packs of Ordos smoke?"

"Don't, don't, don't, uncle, this is the effect of the drops... I'll take a moment to finish the cigarettes and then divide them up."

Hearing this, the bald head touched his bald head...

"Oh, okay. Whatever happened, don't worry about taking the photo. When it's finished, I'm asking someone to clear the way. Don't worry, I've finished saying hello..."

When Xu Xin heard this, he did not refuse the kindness.

Indeed, the house would be buzzing if a large vehicle, especially a loaded coal truck, passed by.

The elders in my hometown support me so much...how can I say this?

This is northern Shaanxi, where I grew up?

Welcome here, my noble little princess?

It seems so...

An idea came to him randomly.

But the crew who arranged the scene next to Xu Xin could no longer describe it as a stormy sea.

It should be said...


Yes, it’s numbness.

In the afternoon, the bald man whom Director Xu calls uncle came over.

That posture...

I brought a cargo over directly.

Nothing else but smoke and wine.

The crew, let alone an individual... As long as someone is really out of breath, a few young guys who look like social members will respectfully hand over two soft drinks and two bottles...

Keep saying kind words there.

I never stopped saying good things like "it's hard work, trouble, tired" and so on.

Don't worry about men and women, just take it.

The cargo in that carriage was full of wine and cigarettes.

After the delivery, the big brother waved his hand and the group of horses retreated.

Just like some hero who robs the rich and gives to the poor, he just robs the rich and then distributes to the poor.

And then... what's the most outrageous thing?

In the afternoon, several people came from nowhere, holding business cards in their hands...

Recycling of high-priced tobacco and alcohol.

The recycling price of Soft China is one thousand.

Moutai costs three thousand a bottle.

If you want to say it's higher... then you can add a few hundred more to the higher or lower level.

The main thing is no counteroffer.

Young people are still a little confused and think that these people who recycle gifts are running charity organizations.

But other people who have been in the factory for many years are very familiar with this routine.

If I could give him a card to a tea shop before leaving...hey, then this whole thing would be complete.

And it was in this afternoon that they could really feel... what kind of existence Director Xu, or Director Xu's home, was in this one-third of an acre of land in northern Shaanxi.

Really...so awesome.

Therefore, everyone does not feel that the big brother's move to close the road is unexpected, but that it is natural.

They are really powerful.

The same is true in all aspects of society.

It had only been one day of work, and thousands of extra dollars fell into his hands.

The most important thing is... Director Xu agreed.

Can't even refuse.

In the afternoon, there were countless big bosses who came to see Director Xu in Land Rover Land Cruisers.

At the most exaggerated time, the luxury cars parked on the roadside on this side of the big car shop cost a total of 50 to 60 million... and there was a long queue.

You can exaggerate as much as you want.

And... Director Xue only said this during dinner.

No shooting plans tomorrow morning, rest.

Director Xu wants to go back to Shenmu County to have dinner with others and attend some kind of groundbreaking ceremony.

This trip... is really all about convenience and convenience.

What a great experience...

Finally, after a lot of busy work, Xu Xin personally explained the key points during filming.

Then he walked out and came to the door of the RV.

Yang Mi, who hadn't come out of the RV all day, finally showed up.

Xu Xin stood at the door and glanced at his wife.

She was holding a swaddled baby in her arms and feeding him with a bottle.

This child is Xu Xin's cousin's baby.

Just over 2 months ago.

When I heard that my cousin was going to film a movie, I directly "lent" it to Xu Xin.

Now he was standing behind his cousin, looking at Xu Xin and smiling silently.

Obviously, as a member of her own family, she knows more than others. Knowing that her cousin-in-law, who had been teaching her the experience of raising a baby and confinement with a smile during the Chinese New Year, was already in the mood, she tried her best not to disturb her.

As for the baby...she isn't worried either.

Who in the whole village doesn’t know?

It may not be useful to look for three golds when you have something to do.

But looking for a cousin-in-law is absolutely reliable.

From asking my cousin to bring some souvenirs such as LV and Chanel when she goes abroad, to following my cousin in the WeChat group to buy some MAXMARA and the like to learn how to dress.

Even when you go out to play, if you want someone to support the scene, your cousin can bring someone over, and a group of celebrities who appear on TV will drink and laugh with you.

But the same cannot be said for my cousin-in-law.

No matter what you do, you will be ranked first as a waste.

I heard that they don’t even know how to raise fish.

My sister is really blind to find such a useless man.

Of course, Xu Xin naturally didn't know what his blood relatives were thinking about him...

If you knew... you can't refute it.

How much do children know about adult matters?

You think your brother is a loser, but in fact your brother is worse than you think.

There's nothing you can do about it, your brother has no other good qualities, he just has the face to seduce little girls.

I'm so obsessed with your cousin-in-law.

So, the two of them gave each other a smile in tacit understanding.

Then he stopped saying anything and gave up his position.

Yang Mi walked into the car shop with her child in her arms, a simple face and her hair tied up casually.

Seeing the people in this room, she didn't say a word.

His face was full of a kind of...ignorance and silent alienation.

However, he did not go inside, but turned to Xu Xin and said:

"Quick solution, the air is not good, don't let the baby smell too much second-hand smoke."

Xu Xin nodded, took the walkie-talkie and said:

"Every department is ready, follow my command and move directly."

The next words were said to Lin Li.

Lin Li nodded.

Yang Mi, on the other hand, slightly pulled up some of the children's quilts and sat directly at the table.

Seeing this, several elderly extras dared to sit at the table.

Xu Xin confessed:

"Be sure to hold the child for a while, and don't make any mistakes."

A big brother who performed in the extras nodded:

"Don't worry, Director Xu."

At this time, Yang Mi took the chopsticks and started to pick up the sheep and scorpions squatting in the casserole.

Put it in the bowl in front of you.

Then he picked up a sheep's hoof that was easy to chew. After blowing on it, he started to chew on it without waiting for anyone else.

According to Xu Xin's request, this pot of sheep and scorpion did not use a pressure cooker, and it was the last to be cooked, so the sheep's trotters were not stewed at all.

But it doesn't matter.

She held the baby with her left hand, then reached directly with her right hand, grabbed the sheep's hoof, put it in her mouth and tore it hard.

Xu Xin saw how the skin and tendons of the sheep's hoof separated under her exertion.

That eating phase...

He nodded slightly, took the walkie-talkie and said:

"Notify the other two actors to take their places."

Then he sat directly in front of the monitor in another room.

Soon, Hu Xiaoguang and Wang Yanhui arrived.

After seeing the posture in the room, the situation became clear.

Without communicating, he sat directly on the left and right sides of Yang Mi.

Wang Yanhui sits on the left and Hu Xiaoguang sits on the right.

Wang Yanhui, as for Wang Yanhui, glanced at Yang Mi, who was gnawing meat with his head down, as if he was inseparable from the piece of meat.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly stood up and grabbed a pile of mutton bones that others had chewed from the table next to him.

Put it in front of yourself.

Then he casually grabbed the sheep bones a few times and picked up his cup.

Soon, an oily texture appeared on the transparent glass.

Then, he poured a shallow layer of mineral water into the cup.

All of a sudden, the details of eating a goat and scorpion with greasy hands and then drinking from a cup were restored.

When Hu Xiaoguang on the side saw this, he directly filled his cup with "wine".

Then he picked up a piece of sheep scorpion from the pot. After blowing on it, he broke off a small piece of meat while "huha" with his hands.

But instead of eating it, he put it in his hands and started kneading it.

Soon the meat was reduced to mincemeat.

Then he wiped it near his mouth.

The mouth, which originally had a hairy beard, was wiped with these minced meat, and a little bit of meat foam was mixed with the beard.

Looks sloppy and vulgar.

It makes people feel disgusted just looking at it.

Then, he started to eat.

He ate it, but Wang Yanhui didn't.

I just took out a cigarette, lit it, and started smoking.

When smoking, he uses a "bite" method.

And pumped hard.

In just a few puffs, the cigarette holder shrank and deformed.

Because the cigarette butt was not fully burned, the ash hung on it for a long time.

Seeing that it was almost done, he turned to Xu Xin's direction and said:

"Then it starts?"

"Okay, all departments are in place. Come on, three, two, one, let's start!"

Without warning, the first scene started shooting.

In the room, no one spoke.

Zhaodi was eating meat and devouring it.

Li Shuiquan was also eating meat, but... after he took a bite of meat, he would glance at the village chief sitting opposite him.

The village chief took a long puff of cigarette, and his eyes narrowed due to the smoke.

Looking at Zhaodi devouring food...

"If you don't sign, the whole village won't be able to move."


Zhaodi said nothing.

He casually threw a mutton stick bone with tendons on the table and continued to reach into the bowl.

After picking around, I picked a lamb spine with the most meat and continued to chew on it.

At this time, Li Shuiquan saw that she was silent and looked up at the village chief again.

The village chief continued:

"The mine will give you a lot of money. Let's move. You can let your children go to good schools in the future. These are the children of our village. Everyone has money, and you won't be tired of raising them. Think about it, it's hundreds of thousands." "


Seeing that she still didn't respond, the village chief showed a hint of irritation on his face.

He took a long puff of cigarette.

The ash fell on the dark purple sweater.

"You said you brought a child back from outside, an orphan and a widowed mother. How can you take care of it? This relocation is a great thing. The whole village is here today. Everyone signed it. You are the only one who did it because of yourself. The whole village can't move, do you feel embarrassed?"

"Dang Cang..."

Another sound.

The clean bones were thrown onto the table.

Zhao Di looked at the mountains of bones in front of her and seemed to be finally satisfied.

She straightened up and held the roll of toilet paper in front of her. Because her hands were inconvenient, she simply brought the whole roll to her mouth and rubbed it.

"I won't move it or sign it. When you're full, you can eat slowly."

As soon as she finished speaking, she stood up.

And at this moment...

The arrogant village chief seemed to have finally lost his patience.

He threw the cigarette butt hard on the table, the kindness on his face retreated, his face turned red, and his bloodshot eyes looked at Zhao Di fiercely:

"I'm ashamed of your ancestors' shock! You just left when you said you wanted to!? Let me ask you the last question, will you sign or not?"

After speaking, she didn’t even wait for Zhaodi to answer, and turned her head directly:

"I heard it all! She didn't sign!"

Then, Li Shuiquan, who had been chewing meat over there, threw away the bones, drank the full glass of white wine in one gulp, and stood up.

Zhao Di looked at Li Shuiquan who stood up, her eyes full of sarcasm:

"What do you want to do?"

Li Shuiquan suddenly became happy.

Then he licked his lips:

"What? Fuck you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the village chief stood up and snatched the child away.

Zhaodi turned her head subconsciously, but the next moment she was pressed onto the table.

His head hit the table hard:



The little guy was suddenly awakened from his sleep and cried instantly.

Li Shuiquan, on the other hand, held down the struggling Zhaodi tightly, with a blush appearing on his face. Under his beard stained with flesh residue, his mouth opened with a mixture of ferocity and lust.

"Toru, your mother! If you don't eat the toast, you'll have to drink it as a penalty! You're being fucked by a wild man outside, why don't you let me do it!"

Then he stopped moving.

At this time, Xu Xin's voice sounded:

"OK, pass. Everyone, don't move and keep your expressions. Lin Li, take a close-up of the group portrait."

Several stage managers quickly walked over to Lin Li, helped him remove the camera from the stand, and put it on his shoulders.

"Everyone remember, don't show any expression, just stare at the table, don't look at the camera!"

Following Xu Xin's voice, Hu Xiaoguang, whose hand was still pressing on Yang Mi's head, quickly asked in a low voice:

"Are you okay? Does it hurt?"

Yang Mi closed her eyes for a moment, shook her head slightly to indicate that it was okay, and said:

"Strong your arms for a while, otherwise I'm afraid I'll break free."

As she said that, she glanced at Wang Yanhui:

"Give the child to him, Teacher Wang, help me hold it down."

Wang Yanhui nodded after hearing this, and his eyes fell on the sheep bone that was knocked off by her face... He wanted to say something, but still didn't speak.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

His eyes became fierce again!

The fever finally went away today, but when I cough in my lungs it feels like I'm dying. The update will be back to normal tomorrow, and I will recommend another book, "The Best Actor", starring Liu Yifei. Take a look, everyone~!

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