I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 961 957 Family Has a Cow Wife

Chapter 961 957. There is a good wife at home

Off stage.

Cui Xinqin couldn't help but turn her head and glance at Yu Zhen.

In fact... her first knowledge of Xu Xin was when she heard that Yang Mi, a young girl in the department, was having a relationship with a rich second generation, and she heard the name "Xu Xin" for the first time.

Unlike undergraduate students who only have four years.

As a teacher, she has seen many so-called "well-off" children come here with dreams of becoming stars over the years, and eventually disappear into oblivion.

Therefore, back then, a Ferrari was parked in front of the school every day and a 200 fine was seen on the windshield every day. In fact, it did not affect the dean of the performance department at all. Not even interested in asking what's going on...

Until one day, she listened to the teachers chatting and talked about the little girl Yang Mi.

It is said that she is in love with someone.

And a rich second generation in school.

At this time, she heard Xu Xin's name for the first time in a real sense.

At that time, many people in the school did not know that he had joined the Olympic directing team.

Teacher Yu, who led him in with one hand, did not make any big announcement.

Regarding Yang Mi, to be honest, she had to admit that she was wrong.

As someone who has coached people such as Huang Xiaoming, Chen Kun, Zhao Wei, etc., she is extremely respected by the students. She can't even remember how many star actors she has coached in her life.

But... it can be said that almost all the star actors who have graduated from Beijing Film Academy's orthodox courses since the 1980s have been her students.

The film and television industry is indeed a somewhat magical place.

Maybe the most famous actor in the school disappears from the public after entering the society, and maybe the most inconspicuous person in the school becomes prosperous in the society.

But...as a teacher, after seeing more, she asked herself whether she had a good eye for seeing people and things.

She can guess a student's achievement with about 60 to 70 percent chance of accuracy.

And her impression of Yang Mi was that this girl was very smart, but underneath her smartness, she had a stubborn face that acted in a different way to others.

It's not that she is obedient, but that she has a temper.

On the surface, you are joking and laughing, and you can say whatever you want about things you don’t care about. But if I am serious about something, I will laugh and joke with you on the surface, but behind my back I will never do it. I am a very persistent girl.

Whether this kind of character is successful in the film and television industry depends on your fate.

But in the entertainment industry, it is definitely not acceptable.

She may be a qualified public figure in the eyes of the audience, but for companies and the like, such a principled artist is actually not lovable.

No one likes a bully.

What everyone likes are people who can understand current events and know when to bow their heads and go with the flow.

As for acting, this girl is too superficial.

If you don’t take the time to polish it, you may not be able to achieve anything in the future.

This is her understanding of Yang Mi.

Therefore, when she heard that Yang Mi was in love and was a rich second generation, her first reaction was not to believe it.

This girl is so purposeful and knows exactly who she wants to be in the future.

Would a person with this kind of personality fall in love?

Could it be that he was taking advantage of that rich second generation?

But the question is... to take advantage of others, do you also have to give something in exchange?

This girl doesn't seem to have that kind of personality.

Did you make a mistake?

With this doubt, when she learned that Yang Mi was with the rich second generation who drove a Ferrari, she was even more speechless.

I also heard that student’s name for the first time.

Xu Xin.

The name is quite ordinary, but it's nothing. But the reputation is really not that good.

He doesn’t listen to lectures, he sleeps during the day, and at night it is said that he likes to drink and go to nightclubs...

Although she heard the name of the assignment "Not Drunk" during the winter vacation assignment of the directing department... But it was still the same sentence. School and outside are two different concepts.

A job that is considered excellent in school may be picked up by a lot of people who can take pictures of it outside.

What's more, this student didn't even come to class.

How could Yang Mi be with such a person?

Although she has no right...after all, it is her freedom to fall in love in college.

But in my heart, I was already subconsciously prepared to accept the "fact".

And this fact is nothing new in schools, the so-called "unintended pregnancy, miscarriage" and so on.

She was mentally prepared... but all in vain.

On the surface, these two people are in a relationship between a rich second generation and a female college student. In fact, they are a young director who joined the Olympic directing team at a young age, and a love history with an idol actor who debuted as a child star...

The most bizarre thing is that not only did the two have successful careers, they also got married, had children, and could never even get divorced...

And she's so loving.

In Cui Xinqin's memory, she has never heard of any relationship crisis or scandal between the two of them.

You know...these two people have been together for a long time.

And the exposure is very sufficient.

And not only is there no such news, but his career is booming.

Really achieve high-profile in the play, low-key outside the play...

They lived like a model for all couples.

Later, after graduation, Yang Mi focused on developing her career and was very successful. Let’s just talk about the child in front of me...

After the Olympics, I came back to take classes and shoot movies. Each movie was better than the last, and the box office was higher than the last one. The most important thing is that my studies have not fallen behind.

If we talk about the graduate school period, Cui Xinqin felt that the school had given this place to this outstanding director who had risen to fame... She had no objection to this.

But during her master's degree, what Xu Xin did, including the Northwest Circle and various other things, really impressed her.

Especially those two papers.

She had to admit that this child's vision and perspective on things were truly unique.

She felt that the paper's viewpoint and direction were excellent.

I did make a mistake at first.

This kid...has great talent.

Not to mention... while having great talent, this kid also knows how to run a business.

From Teacher Yu's rising reputation in the graduate tutor community in the past two years, to the resources she holds in her hands, and the steady improvement of her career... in fact, all of this is inseparable from the student she personally led into the door.

Yu Zhen took this child to the director team of the Olympic Games.

Changed this child's fate.

The child's feedback also changed Yu Zhen.

But now, Cui Xinqin was sitting in the audience, listening to "Xu Xin" on the stage talking endlessly, and suddenly understood.

The other party's success is definitely not an accident.

It doesn’t comment on how successful the director’s career is, nor what his character is.

As a veteran teacher who has been in the teaching position for more than 30 years, she can really tell at a glance whether a teacher is a good teacher and whether he can fulfill his responsibility of teaching and educating people.

So far in this class...

She glanced down at the time.

20 minutes.

Also includes 10 minutes to watch the video.

In just 20 minutes, she understood the teacher's style.

The words are sharp and sincere, but not boring.

His logical thinking is clear and his understanding of educational perspectives is top-notch.

He knows what the students want and how to communicate so that everyone can really listen.

I also know how to give positive feedback to students and at the same time plant this kind of personal positive feedback in the hearts of others, which will also bear fruit.

His words were like a knife hidden in a sheath.

You can feel how sharp this knife is at all times, but as long as it is not unsheathed, you will only feel danger at most, but never fear.

On the contrary, it can always alert you and use its own "sharpness" to alert you on how to deal with other knives in the future...

This person...

He is a great talent.

It has nothing to do with director level, career success or not, etc.

Just for teaching and educating people, he is a natural teacher.


She sighed in her heart.

But apart from feeling sad, I am also very happy.

Because today's students are very impetuous, and I don't know when they became like this.

Both men and women pay special attention to their appearance.

Everyone is envious of actors such as Gu Linaza, Yang Zi, and Zhou Ruanyu who have signed contracts with agencies and have stable contracts.

One by one, they tried every means to get the attention of those brokerage companies, and these brokerage companies also ignored that the actor's acting skills are the magic weapon for success. Instead, they acted like a product of the capitalist class, helping these people to hype and arrange resources. The purpose is to make them famous quickly.

Nowadays, more and more children are obviously poor in basic skills, but after becoming famous because of their face or an accidental opportunity, they immediately dive into it driven by this force.

Is it good to make money?

Of course.

But the problem is that all this is based on the premise of excessive loss of their career life as actors.

An actor for a while and an actor for a lifetime, they don't understand this at all.

But what can you do as a teacher?

If only everyone could listen to the sentence "You must study hard, otherwise you will regret it in the future", then there would be no bad students in the world.

Now, she likes Xu Xin's teaching style very much.

I won’t talk to you about basic skills or how to act.

But from the perspective of a director, I will tell you in this acting class what kind of actor can be noticed by the director first. How do you expand your career?

I didn't mention "fame" at all, but I told the students what kind of acting skills they should show if they want to be in my show, and how to find their own direction. After following this path, how should you stand out from the crowd...

He doesn't even need to mention popularity.

There is no need to mention the so-called capital.

He is a great director himself.

He is an investor himself.

And it’s also one of the largest investors!

so good……

Cui Xinqin looked at those eyes that were eager for knowledge.

It was the right thing to ask Xu Xin to open acting classes this year.

If he could keep it to three sessions a week... no, one session a week would be fine.

One lesson a week, tell these students how to stand out with their acting skills, and how to win what should belong to them... Let them avoid detours, or stop blindly sacrificing their careers...

Then there may be "an entire generation" of good actors in this circle.

Even good directors.

And until then...

Suddenly, she thought of a question.

I couldn't help but look at Xu Xin again, who was talking endlessly.

In fact, she thought her question was quite funny.

But...maybe it comes from the glory of a teacher's work?

Or maybe it's...a kind of diligent hope as a gardener.

In fact, she really wants to know... in Teacher Xu's heart, what is more important than a director's success and fame?

Or... a few years later, he will personally create what people call the "golden generation", with peaches and plums all over the world, and the wind and flowers will become their own stream, which will make him even happier?

But immediately she showed a somewhat self-deprecating smile.

No need to think about it?

It must be the former.

After all, the former can go down in history, while the latter...at most is just called a teacher.


She sighed again deep in her heart.

I feel a little sad for no reason.

"Actually, you can recall classmate Zhou Ruanyu's performance. To sum it up, it can be summed up in two words, that is the details.

The three elements of acting are listening, seeing and feeling.

In the initial stage, what we need is observation, thinking, and understanding.

I want to play a criminal in custody, so I will observe, observe their habits, small movements, and small details, think about the role we want to play, correspond to it, and finally create our own character. Please remember that the role is something you can’t imagine.

You can't just think about it in a vacuum, ah, who am I? We are going to listen, what should we listen to? Listen to their stories, empathize with them, and promote your own emotions. We go and see what they look like in life, and complete our own construction of the characters. Finally, we feel. He is him, you are you, but the role is the role. I heard the tone of his voice and saw some of his little habits. Bring him to me, and then I imitate it, incorporating my own feelings into the imitation, and finally giving it to the character.

Here I will give you an example, Yang Mi. Those of you who have seen her role in "Snow View", raise your hands. "

Looking at the raised hands one by one, Xu Xin asked:

"What do you think of her performance?"

No one answered, but someone nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Xu Xin shrugged:

"I actually think it's average."




Yang Zi couldn't help but turn his head and glance at his friend.

"How dare he?"

As an eyewitness who has seen Sister Mi practice martial arts, she has really seen her sister use her two-meter-long spear to cure paronychia on a fly.

That shot, with thirty years of skill, even a fly couldn't stop.

Can you stop it?

What, Brother Xu, do you have a villa at the bottom of the Huangpu River?

Nazha stared at her speechlessly.

"What nonsense are you telling the truth!"

After Xu Xin said this, he subconsciously turned his head.


There is obviously a blackboard behind me, but why does my back feel so cold?

Then he said:

"But... do you know a piece of gossip? The "Sword of Sword" drama in the Baidu Tieba was criticized by fans of the original work after it was released, but the only character who was not hacked, and even had a clear rule in the Tieba that prohibited attacks, was her role as Xuejian. .Does anyone know the reason?”

Someone in the crowd replied:

"Because her performance as Xuemi satisfied everyone. It is the most realistic one!"


Xu Xin's eyes lit up, and he saw that the person who answered was a classmate wearing glasses and elegant, so he smiled and nodded:

"Well, ten points to Ravenclaw."




The classroom fell silent.



Laughter rang out.

And Xu Xincai continued:

"You're right. When we were filming, Hu Stubble, Tang Yan, Shishi... When the reporter interviewed them, they were asked if they had played the original game... There is an important point here. Write it down for future exams. . When you play a role in a certain novel or a work adapted from a certain IP in the future, and you are asked by a reporter whether you have read/played this IP, remember, don’t say stupidly: I haven’t played it. Or I usually don’t play games or read novels or anything like that…it’s very silly.”

As he spoke, he picked up the chalk and wrote two words on the blackboard.

Emotional intelligence.

Then, next to the word "emotional intelligence", the symbol "" was added.

Then swipe at the bottom:

"Remember to read it carefully."




"Is this book really available?"

Yang Zi asked Nazha in confusion.

Nazha rolled her eyes again.

"If you can ask this question, you should go back and read "IQ"."


Under Yang Zi's speechless gaze, Xu Xin continued:

"Of course, what I'm referring to here is not that Yang Mi's answer is "Emotional Intelligence". The fact is that she has really played it. And she is a hardcore player. Another friend of mine, Wang Sicong, claims to be a hardcore player of Fairy Sword. Players, then the two of them were drinking and bragging one day, and they decided to compete to see who was better at the game. To see who could pass the level quickly without looking for a guide. Guess who won?"

Without waiting for everyone to think, he gave the answer:

"Yang Mi is more than an hour ahead of him."





He shrugged:

"Before acting in any work or any role, I hope you can do a lot of preliminary preparations. In costume dramas, we read history and find similar characters. In modern dramas, we look for character prototypes. A certain For professional dramas, we try our best not to cause trouble to anyone, go volunteer and understand their profession... You know, stars include actors. But there is no word "star" in the profession of an actor. Classmate They~"

Speaking of this, he became more serious:

"It is not easy for an actor to encounter an unforgettable role in his lifetime... It can even be said that you are successful. It has nothing to do with fame, fortune, income, etc. I am referring to the actor himself. And anyone who can be praised by others The memorable characters, under the stage that the audience cannot see, the efforts they put in are unimaginable by others.

I'm giving you an example, it's Yang Mi... Actually, don't think that I always make trouble with her. I can also take other people, but the problem is whether it's Liu Yifei, Liu Zhishi, or Jay Chou... well, let's just call him an actor. "


Amid laughter, Xu Xin nodded:

"It's just like talking about cross talk. If I talk about Yang Mi, the worst I can do is go home and kneel on the washboard. But talking about friends is a bit judgmental. So, please also remember this sentence: Don't judge others after others. This has nothing to do with others. , but a virtue. Believe me, if you do this well, you will have many friends."

After uttering another sentence that can be called a life motto...

"Okay, let's get back to it. "The Grandmaster", have you watched it?

You've seen it all, right? Okay, do you know how long Yang Mi has been preparing for this role?

A whole year.

Moreover, she was already prepared even though she didn't get the film contract, but only saw the script, and director Wang Jiawei didn't clearly confirm that he wanted her to star. "


Can it still be like this?

As "reserve" actors, of course they know how ridiculous this is.

And even the students understand how ridiculous this is... This shows how ridiculous what she did back then was in the eyes of outsiders, including Shishi, Feifei and the others.

Amid everyone's surprise, Xu Xin smiled and said:

"Many people here may say, ah, this movie is cast by Xiying Film Studio. Even if there is no audition, Yang Mi can be designated as the heroine by the management. But in fact, the order of this matter is that Yang Mi gets to know her first. Xu Haofeng, the screenwriter of "The Grandmaster", Xu Haofeng gave the script...or three sentences. Yes, you heard it right, just three sentences.

Because of the confidentiality of the script, Xu Haofeng, after obtaining Director Wang's consent, gave three lines that could define the character. And through these three lines, she and I inferred a general character. After completing the outline myself, which took about a month or so, I sent her the audition footage I recorded at home.

Then, Lao Xu and Xu Haofeng gave the story script. Tell her that the script is not finished yet and the audition may not be until next year. It was under this premise that Yang Mi took the script that was completely different from the story of "The Grandmaster" that is currently released, and began to think about the role of Gong Er.

And do you know what happened in the end? "

Looking at the students who were already fascinated, Xu Xin smiled and made a Korean gesture of anger.

"She herself made information about an entire notebook thick. Gong Er's information included character prototypes, internal and external personalities, inner activities, etc. Lots and lots~ After spending a year making information, she took the information and went An audition was held at Wang Jiawei's home in Xiangjiang. After the audition, director Wang Jiawei decided to reject the original story frame and change the original three-line narrative into a two-line narrative with Gong Er as the axis. The role of Yi Yitian plays a very important role. Cut to Nine, based on the stories in my wife’s notebook, I created a true grandmaster.”

Speaking of this, a look appeared on his face... As time went by, when he recalled the past, he recalled all kinds of unconscious sighs:

"And it was this drama that made her the Berlin Best Actress. It also appeared on the Internet that Wang Jiawei is better than me as my wife...sigh."

With a long sigh, he shrugged and spread his hands. Seeing the "WTF" eyes of the students who could no longer express surprise but were completely immersed in "shock" emotions, he shook his head and said:

"So you see, this is the real difficulty of being an actor. It's not the starry moment on the stage, but the hard work day and night beyond the stars. The so-called acting skills, the so-called performance, that's it. As a director, I can Trial and error, if one scene doesn't work, I shoot ten, twenty... But as an actor, without painstaking study of the scriptures off the stage and careful accumulation of the three elements of an actor, there is actually no difference between shooting one scene and shooting ten. .”

As he spoke, he looked at everyone seriously:

"Please remember, what really makes you shine is never because you are just right for a certain role. It is the hard work you put in for this role in places that others cannot see, and the fuel you harvest and accumulate. The more fuel you have The more fire you have, the brighter the light will be when you burn yourself on the stage. And this is the actor and the real performance."




The words are finished.

One second later...

"Hua la la la la..."

Thunderous applause!

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