I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 962 Chapter 958 Convulsion in the Stable

Chapter 962 958. Convulsion in the stable

With the performance of the first pair of students, Xu Xin said a lot to the students.

But in fact, the total time was not very long.

Soon, he began "auditioning" for the second pair.

It can be seen that with the two cannon fodders in front of them proofreading, these two people are much more calm.

As usual, Xu Xin gave his understanding from the director's perspective.

The whole morning passed like this.

Two big classes.

To be honest, he is young.

Otherwise, most people might not be able to bear it just standing on the podium talking nonsense all morning.

Yu Zhen and Cui Xinqin didn't finish listening, or the teachers only listened for an hour and left after class.

After the morning class ended, a group of students flocked in.

Ask for autographs and take photos.

Xu Xin refused to accept anyone who came, and after giving everything he had to give, he also received a message from Nazha on his mobile phone.

She and Yang Zi were still waiting for her to eat.

But this time Xu Xin refused.

Students just attend class honestly. Which good student eats with the teacher every day?

Go ahead and do whatever you have to do.

Your sister-in-law is not at home. When it comes to male morality, we, Lao Xu, must be strong throughout our lives, not weaker than others.

He went straight home.

I originally said that I would ask Teacher Yu about the documentary...but then I thought about it, he had left the movie there and ignored it, now I want to ask about the documentary?

Aren't you just looking for trouble for yourself?

Finally, I have some free time, so stop talking.

It's a pity that God did not fulfill his wish.

He wanted to take some time off, but a phone call came to him like a reminder.

"Director Xu, I am Xue Xiaolu."

"Hey, hello, Teacher Xue. Do you have anything to do with me?"

Although he is also a teacher now, he must still have the respect he deserves.

"On the 15th, the movie "Yenjing Falls in Love with Seattle" will premiere. In Yanjing, I would like to invite you to attend the guest premiere. I wonder if you have time?"

Xu Xin was stunned, and his first reaction was...

What kind of bad name is this?

So it's not called...what is it called?

Beautiful fate?

He couldn't remember the name of the movie for a while and felt helpless to complain.

People who don’t know the name might think it’s the sequel to “Yanjing Man in New York”.

But this is not his movie. Although he invested in it, he was not very involved in the whole process.

Xue Xiaolu is not an ordinary director. Although he is not as good as himself, in the final analysis, he took the initiative to show his goodwill to Xiying Studio and dragged Tang Wei with him. Face must be given.

So I agreed directly:

"No problem. Teacher Xue just sends me the address. I will definitely be there."

"Haha, that's great. I'm just afraid that Director Xu is busy and won't have time to come over. It would be great if you agree."

"I dare not say that. Then Teacher Xue can just send me the address and I can go there by myself? Do I need a platform or something?"

"If Director Xu has a female companion, he can take him with him. There will be a small red carpet~"

Seeing that the other party seemed to have misunderstood him, Xu Xing was about to explain...but then he thought about it and realized that he could indeed take someone with him.

So he responded:

"Then the two of us here will take a child to see the world."

Xue Xiaolu didn’t ask who it was and agreed simply:

"Well, no problem. Shall I send you the information now?"


After chatting for a while, Xu Xin hung up the phone.

After taking a look at the address, he directly took his mobile phone and sent a message to Dilraba:

"Where are you?"

The other party replied instantly:

"Hello, Director Xu, I have to perform right now."

"I know, I mean where are you performing? Which city are you in now?"

"I'm in Magic City."

"Are there any classes on Monday? Can I come to Yanjing?"

"I will go to Yanjing to perform this weekend."

After Dilraba sent this message, she replied after two or three seconds:

"I have two classes on Monday, one for introduction to art and one for English, both in the morning."

Seeing this news, Xu Xin knew that the girl had not lied to him.

In other words, she didn't dare to lie to herself.

So he replied:

"What about Tuesday?"

"Tuesday is about ideological politics in the morning and performance in the afternoon."

After seeing this message, if it had been before, Xu Xin might have replied without saying anything, "You're a bitch," or told the girl why he wanted to keep her for a day...


As a teacher, he now resents students skipping classes.

But he also knew that the acting major was a little different, paying more attention to practice than theory.

But the problem is that he is confused.

How about looking for Yang Zi?

Thinking of this, he quickly pulled out his big class schedule.

have to.

Next Tuesday is Teacher Cui’s class.

Forget it, students like this who are not doing their jobs should try not to appear in their alma mater. It’s not bad to put on a show, they are competitors after all…

So she replied to Dilraba:

"Stay in Yanjing on Monday, and follow me to attend a movie premiere in the evening. Let the company book you a flight back to Shanghai on Tuesday morning."

When he sent this message, the girl replied almost instantly:


"Director Xu, do you need me to rent a dress?"

"No, there's no dress code. Just let the company's stylists match you with an outfit that suits your age. Just say what I say."

"Yeah! Okay! I understand. When will I contact you on Monday?"

"It'll be fine in the afternoon, it's just a premiere, don't take it too seriously. Treat it with a normal attitude."

"Okay, thank you, Director Xu/cute"


After finishing the chat with Dilraba, he told Sun Ting about the matter.

However, due to the time difference, Sun Ting did not reply.

It doesn't matter to him.

This year, my wife needs to mention some actors. After all, we have already cooperated with these Internet companies. In that case, attend with yourself.

It can also increase some exposure.

It's not that he doesn't know how to manage a company, it's just that when his wife is around, he doesn't bother to think about it.

Now that my daughter-in-law is away in a foreign country and she doesn’t know when she will come back, if he can help her share some of the burden at home, then he can share some of it.

As for that... "Yan Jing Falls in Love with Plato".

Hey, what a crappy name.

Why does it smell like a street rusher?

Even though this theater company invested fifteen million...it doesn't matter if it really loses money.

But this name is too hasty.

I hope it will have good results.

Since Yang Mi went to the United States, the communication between the two of them has been postponed to the evening.

Or rather the morning on her side.

Yang Mi complains about buying a bigger house every day.

It was fine when the two of them were together... Now that she lives by herself, it's really empty.

He also complained that this house was simply bought for the housekeeper and servant.

It would be nice to stay here for a month every year...

But today’s topic is obviously not about the house, nor about Vanessa, who is currently in the stage of getting back together with Kobe.

She just mentioned Dilraba and assigned tasks:

"Then you help me take good care of her. If she is with you, she won't need to promote it, and the exposure will be sufficient. The company has squeezed a lot of books now, and people from LeTV also want to invest in TV series, and they are quite ambitious. Big one. They want to support a little flower of their own to become the boss. If you think Fatty is okay, I will push her over."

Xu Xin was stunned:

"Support your own little flower?"

"Yes. They are about to start building a business. Although I have doubts about their ability to review scripts, they did mention to me that they hope to have their own actors. The premise is to inject capital and establish a personal studio to own a certain amount of money at a low price. Shares. I didn’t ask how much the shares are, but I have confidence in Fat Di. I can give shares, but not too many. In the early stage, the focus is on cost-effectiveness, and I think she can get up."

"Just wait a moment..."

Xu Xin interrupted her.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"You mean, Fatty will set up his own studio and then let LeTV take a certain stake?"

"Yes, in exchange for their vigorous promotion. I can keep the price very low, or even give it away for free. But it will never be too much, so that it will be easier to repurchase when the time comes."

"...Can't you support yourself?"

"Yes, but it's likely that the effort and reward won't be proportional. Do you think it's not worthwhile?"


"But the problem is that if you don't do it, there are people who do it. The early bonuses are the easiest to reap. If Fatty can get up, this deal will be a huge profit for us. Her contract is with us, and I can control the quality and let her I took root in LeTV and ate up all the dividends. In the end... I'm just waiting for LeTV's model to explode, and when the time comes, the cash flow will be a timely help. This deal will definitely not be a loss."


Don't even say it.

He suddenly discovered that his wife had already begun to change her thinking on the Internet.

It was even quite successful.

Shuangwei is still essentially an entertainment agency.

Xu Xin didn't expect it to cultivate the "last conscience in the film and television industry"... As a joke, if it really becomes the last conscience in the film and television industry, it means that Xiying Film Studio is dead.

And now she...

"Does this mean we're starting to capture cities and territories?"

"Yes. While we are very tempting to them now, hurry up and capture the city. It's not just them, the people in Tengxun are already anxious...have they called you?"

"I called. Su Meng answered and said I was busy with the post-production of the movie."


The woman on the other end of the phone chuckled:

"Anyway...just help me have a good chat with Fatty, and don't worry about the rest."


"Then I'm going to do yoga?"

"Okay, kiss."


This is the only way to relieve the pain of lovesickness over the phone.

Xu Xin didn't let the children continue to pester their mother and hung up the phone directly.

Then as usual, the two babies started crying...

There was a commotion in the bedroom.

However, for this situation, Xu Xin can already be said to be "familiar with the road".

He was comforted quickly, then turned off the light and started coaxing the baby to sleep.

In the darkness, he was chatting with the children in childish babbling words, while pondering over his wife's words...

To put it bluntly, it is essentially an exchange of interests.

Even if Fatty doesn't agree, there will still be others who will take the lead. Companies like LeTV need to prove their star-making ability to everyone, and through this star-making ability, they can attract more potential stocks. At the same time, we are using share financing and the like to attract some successful people.

With this two-pronged approach, at least the film and television business will be launched.

As the film and television business expands, the company's market value will begin to expand rapidly according to Lao Wang's so-called "Ponzi scheme" routine.


In this transaction, as the employer, they got the money. As workers, these actors who have received resources can gain a foothold in the industry or soar into the sky...

And if the works released are not bad, the audience can also find their own spiritual entertainment.

It can be said that... win more.

As for how it will develop in the future, there is actually no need to consider it.

Because Lao Wang has decided not to end up in trouble with LeTV.

And at this stage...

It seems that everyone is entering the honeymoon period.

I have to admit that none of these Internet companies that are qualified to enter the market seem to be fuel-efficient.

Behind the capable man...

There are capable people.

Anyone who has children knows that after children enter kindergarten, the most difficult days are Saturdays and Sundays.

There is no way, the two ancestors are too noisy.

Xu Xinxin said that although her home is not big, it is not small at all, right?

Why aren't these two ancestors enough?

How did you two manage to keep the whole family from stopping?

The same goes for the piano teacher who kills a thousand swords...can't he practice all day on Saturdays and Sundays?

Have to wait until Sunday?

Xu Xin, whose brain ached from the noise, simply...

"Dad, let's go fishing?"


The corners of Yang Dalin's mouth twitched...

If the girl asked him, he would just say, "You can take the kids, I won't go."

Where there are these two ancestors... Qian'er's horse farm is useless.

But after all, he felt sorry for Xiao Xu...

"Let's go, alas..."

So, Yang Chunling was happy.

"You go ahead, I'll play mahjong."

Yang Dalin glared at his wife fiercely.

Yang Mi's sneaky and slippery look is just for you!

Let’s go to the racecourse~

"Let me tell you, he is really strong. When I watch variety shows, I can't actually feel it intuitively, but as soon as I get started, I know... I really can't beat him. But it's not a shame, he works out so much How old? How old am I?

But this guy is also a nice guy. He knew I was working out and made a list for me in English. It included recipes and names of health products. He also told me never to use drugs to build muscles. Fitness is for health. ...The people are really nice.

But the recipe is a bit abnormal. Do you know how he eats it? Mix grapes, bananas, soda, nuts, and chicken breasts together, and smash them with a blender... I'm really impressed..."

In the pet paradise where thunder struck, Shao Bing and Guo Qilin fed the horses and kept talking.

At this moment, the word "obesity" has completely disappeared from the sesame seed cakes.

It's only the early spring in Yanjing. Others go out in the morning and evening to catch up with the weather, so they might wear a thick coat.

But at the moment, he was only wearing a very tight T-shirt while working.

The outline of the muscles under the tight T-shirt is already very obvious.

Paired with his beaming look...not to mention, he really looks like a sunny man.

As he spoke, he picked up the entire open bag of bean paste, lifted it in the air like a weight bag, and dumped it into the manger with a clatter.

Guo Qilin, who was obviously working out together but seemed to be getting fatter and fatter now, was filled with envy.

"Is he eating so strangely?"

"Yes, and when we were resting in the hotel, we stayed in Hangzhou Ruihua, the hotel where Brother Cong was. The gym there was very good, so he invited me to practice. I thought to myself, I'll go there... Okay Guy, this guy is really extraordinary, rowing with 45 kilogram dumbbells... Do you know what rowing is?"

"Uh... I don't know."

"Just this, for example, this is a dumbbell..."

Shaobing took out the mobile phone in his pocket and made a gesture similar to that of a drunk person bending over and holding on to the wall.

"I can do sets of 25 at most, and any higher depends on my condition. He does sets of 45 kilograms, which is professional bodybuilding strength training. I have to say, it's really amazing..."

He sighed and said:

"And do you know what is the most interesting thing about this guy? After the show, we went to have a dinner party, and everyone else was drinking. I said to myself that I should drink too, but he wouldn't let me. He took the initiative to explain to me, saying that we had just finished working out. Then we drank freshly squeezed juice together. Hahaha... This brother also said that he would let me go to South Korea when I have time, and he would take me to practice..."

While talking, Shaobing had already turned on his phone:

"Here, look, these are the photos from the two days of filming the show..."

He showed Guo Qilin one by one.

Guo Qilin looked at the photo and pointed at a woman:

"Is this Ma Su?"

"Yes... Hey, it's funny when you mention this. Isn't this the first issue? She is here as a guest. Good guy, when the meeting was held on the first day, Brother Cong also went. She When I saw Brother Cong...he was like...the nobles and concubines in "The Legend of Zhen Huan" who were not favored by the emperor. That guy...everything was Mr. Wang~Mr. Wang~I thought to myself, don't you Do you know what happened to Brother Cong and Seventh Sister? Are you afraid that Seventh Sister will give you a slap in the face for your attentiveness? Tsk tsk..."

Speaking of this, Shaobing sighed with emotion:

"Da Lin, really, you should go and take a look... When you get to the filming site, you will find that it is really..."

He seemed to want to say something, but in the end he stopped and just shook his head.

"When will your show be broadcast?"

"I'm asking about October."

"...Huh? So late?"


Looking at the surprised Guo Qilin, Shaobing raised his fingers.

Guo Qilin's mouth twitched...

My heart says there is no one here, what about you?

But he still moved closer and heard Shaobing say in a lowered voice:

"Brother Cong means to cut out one episode first to see the effect. Do you need to repeat this episode twice? After all, this program is not like the Korean show, which is one episode a week, but divided into seasons. He wants every episode to be divided into seasons. The first phase is all high-quality, even if the investment is larger, it doesn't matter. But... this is what we are talking about here, don't tell others. Brother Cong told me that he has collected more than 100 million in naming fees alone... "


Guo Qilin's eyes immediately straightened:

"So much!? Who is it? So rich?"

"That's the RIO cocktail. In order to name it, more than 100 million were given... and that's not counting other advertisements and so on."


In an instant, Guo Qilin felt as if his heart was about to pop out.

He asked subconsciously:

"How much will it cost you?"

Hearing this, Shaobing smiled mysteriously:

"Hey, guess what."

"How would I know……"

"Then just take your time and guess. Have you forgotten? Master said you are not allowed to inquire about other people's salaries. This is a taboo~ Anyway, I can only tell you...it's a lot of money."

Speaking of this sesame seed cake, he suddenly scratched his head in distress:

"But... all the money was given to the master."

"Ah? Gave it to my dad?"

"Yes, my sister asked me to do it. She said she was afraid that I would spend too much money and become a bad student, so I would give all the money to the master. When the master thinks I am mature, he will give it to me. So now I still have to rely on the cross talk salary to support myself... Lin Lin , Brother, I haven’t eaten beef for a few days. Do you think..."


Guo Qilin's mouth twitched.

If you want me to treat you to dinner, just say so. Are you so roundabout?

He didn't pay any attention to the cake guy, but suddenly sighed:


"Look, I asked you to treat me to a meal, why are you sighing?"

"It has nothing to do with it."

Guo Qilin shook his head slightly and suddenly asked:

"Have you talked to them about things in the industry?"

"Who? Brother Chao and the others?"


"What about chatting...?"

Looking at Shaobing's confused eyes, Guo Qilin suddenly looked around.

After making sure no one was around, he raised his finger at the sesame seed cake:

"Brother Pancake, let me tell you something too."

Shaobing lowered his head and heard:

"I want to study abroad...I don't want to talk about cross talk anymore."


Shaobing's mouth twitched.


What kind of style do you have?

By the way, I went to the author salon on Wednesday, the 29th. Come back on the 3rd. There will definitely be no interruptions in updates these days, but the amount of updates is uncertain.

These past few months have been really busy. On one side I was in the hospital, sick, and on the other side I was doing various activities at Qidian. In order to plan my career, I must participate in these activities. Please understand.

And this month, including the current two chapters, 270,000 words have been updated. On average, there are 10,000 updates per day. I know it can’t compare with the 350,000 words I used to have, but I really tried my best.

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