I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 964 960 Meeting

Chapter 964 960. Meeting

As for Xu Xin, when he saw that his younger brother understood what he meant very sensibly, he immediately hid his merit and fame. It was Yu Xuan, on the other hand, who was really stunned for a moment this time... I guess he didn't expect that Shaobing would bring up the old matter again.

But I immediately found the angle of entry:

"What?... Why don't you want to talk about cross talk?"

As for the sesame cakes, since the group has been opened, the natural skill is to throw them out for free:

"Lin Lin and I fed the horses in the morning. When we were chatting, he told me that he didn't want to talk about cross talk anymore. Before I asked why, Brother Xu came... Hey, why don't you want to talk about cross talk anymore?"

"I didn't. When did I tell you that I didn't want to talk about cross talk? Why don't we stop talking nonsense?"

A very standard Guo Qilin-style mouth-breaking skill is activated.

But the sesame cakes don’t eat this kind of food at all:

"That time in the stables, you even whispered it into my ear... Why don't you admit it? That's what you said."

He pretended to look innocent.

But Guo Qilin is more innocent than him:

"No, no, when did I say that? No, no..."

At this time, Yu Xuan finally spoke:

"Da Lin, what's going on?"

There was no joking in his eyes, but serious questioning.

After Guo Qilin turned his head and saw his master's eyes, his first reaction was to deny:

"I didn't, I was just joking with him..."

"Can this be a joke? The speaker is unintentional and the listener is intentional...Tell me, what do you want to do? What are you thinking?"

As he spoke, he raised his cup.

That means having a drink with Guo Qilin.

Guo Qilin stood up subconsciously, bent down quickly, held a wine glass and toasted the master with a glass of wine. After drinking it sideways, he dared to sit down.

I heard Yu Xuan continue to ask:

"There are no outsiders. Tell me, you are so good. Why do you have such an idea?"


At this time, Guo Qilin also knew that he had spilled the beans. He glanced at the master first, then at Xu Xin...

Finally, his eyes drooped.

Looking at the plate of cucumbers in front of him, he fell into a state of silence.

But he didn't speak, and neither did anyone else.

Even Bai Huimin, who was taking her three children to eat, raised her head from time to time and looked at her eldest disciple...

The teacher's wife worries about this child more than anyone else.

But now she didn't ask, she just looked at Guo Qilin with a... "Don't be afraid to say what you have to say" look.

And this silence means that as long as Guo Qilin doesn't speak, no one will speak.

The meal may not be possible.

This kid obviously understands this.

After pursed his lips, he said:

"Master, actually I want to say the specific reason... No. But I just don't want to say it. I want to go back to school. I want to go to school... You also know that dropping out of school was not my intention. I still want to go back to school. ...Actually, I have been holding this idea in my mind for a long time. The original reason was because after I started talking about cross talk, many people on the Internet said that I was not good enough, saying that I would never reach the height of my father. But now …I admit that there are factors in this regard, but more importantly, I really don’t want to talk about cross talk.”

He did not give a very clear future plan or anything like that.

Just gave a general answer.


After saying this, he suddenly smiled dumbly:

"Hehe, but it's okay to talk about cross talk. In fact, there's nothing to think about. If I didn't talk about cross talk... wouldn't I really be a vagrant? I haven't even finished junior high school. My classmates have all gone to high school. Now I have to It's one thing to go back to school and not be able to keep up. Maybe you will be looked down upon by others, and maybe it will become a hot search on Weibo?

...Forget it, today I am actually complaining to Brother Pan. Don’t take it to heart. If I don’t talk about cross talk, who will I eat? Right~~~ You don’t have to worry about it. Besides, if I really stop talking about cross talk, wouldn’t it be delayed by Yan Hexiang? It’s okay, it’s okay, just don’t take it seriously. And aren’t Brother Xu and Uncle Yang here too? Don’t delay everyone’s meal because of me. Uncle, Brother Xu, I respect you two..."

He picked up the glass again.

Xu Xin also knew in his heart...this child might be telling the truth, or he might not. But no matter what, he wouldn't say anything if he was present today.

Then don't force the child.

The 17-year-old boy himself has a lot of troubles, not to mention that he has to bear more pressure from the outside world than ordinary children.

If you don’t want to say it, just don’t say it.

So, he picked up the wine glass with a smile:

"Okay, you should drink less, there is a performance tonight."

"Hey, I definitely won't drink too much, but I'm going to drink it up for you and me. I'll do it, you two can do whatever you want."

After watching the child drink all the wine in the wine cup with impeccable etiquette, Xu Xin's eyes suddenly fell on Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang who were eating meat at the side.

He wasn't very clear about Qian'er's little Yang'er's future career plans.


He told himself in his heart that he must not let Nuannuan and Yangyang become directors or actors in the future.

Absolutely not.


Regardless of whether they are capable or not, before they prove themselves in the early stage, they will live in the "shadow" of their parents like Guo Qilin or Zhang Mo.

He doesn't want this.

I don't even want to do this.

"Okay, Shaobing, Dalin, take your brothers and sisters to play. Take good care of the children, do you hear me?"

Seeing that both children had finished eating, Yu Xuan made Shaobing and Guo Qilin leave with just one word.

When adults are drinking, it is really destructive for children to sit at the table and not leave.

"Hey, okay, master, uncle, brother, you guys eat slowly."

After the children left, there were only four adults left at the table.

Rarely, Yang Dalin spoke:

"This kid has something on his mind. And it's quite serious."

Yu Xuan nodded slightly and handed Xu Xin a cigarette.

"Sigh... This kid is good at everything, but he is too sensitive."

Xu Xin knocked the Huanghelou that Brother Qianer handed over to him on the table... He felt that this is the common problem of Huanghelou. When the cigarette was in the middle, the tobacco leaves felt very weak and the smoke was intermittent.

While knocking, he said:

"I actually think it's not difficult to understand. Indeed, Teacher Guo deserves the most credit for the revival of cross talk. And as a second-generation celebrity, it is completely normal for children to be compared with their parents. Even... Dalin's today is Nuan Nuan, Yangyang, Xiaoyang'er, their tomorrow... Ha, no wonder many people now want to send their children abroad after having children. When they go abroad, no one knows anyone, and the children can grow up in a normal environment. In In China, maybe just a trivial matter becomes a hot search topic... Tsk."

Yang Dalin also responded:

"Well, actually it's the same abroad."

"That's for sure, but if foreign children are sent to school in our country, it will be different. So, the best way is for the children to be educated in an environment where they don't need to bear the so-called star halo and the pressure of second-generation stars. Growth is the best.”

He was chatting with his father-in-law there.

But Yu Xuan didn't interrupt.

Don't know what to think.

But after smoking a cigarette, he suddenly said:

"Xiao Xu, do you still remember that you said you wanted to get a student card for Dalin?"

"Well, what's wrong?"

"you say……"

Seeing Xu Xin's agreement, Yu Xuan was silent for a while before speaking.

But it seems that this is a bit difficult to say.

He squinted and thought for a while before looking at Xu Xin:

"If this kid... really wants to develop into the film and television industry in the future... then... of course, this is what we are talking about here..."

"Yes, I know."

Before he could finish speaking, Xu Xin responded with a smile:

"Brother Qian'er, don't worry. If he really wants to go in this direction, just give me a call. It's not a big problem."

He made his promise in a relaxed tone.

Yu Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that I feel much more at ease.

Although he is only a master, but...

That is his apprentice.

If this is not the true intention... no one can ignore it, but he cannot ignore it.

No matter heaven or earth, he does!

As for Xu Xin...he didn't know how Brother Qian'er would take care of it. But on some levels, he actually owed the kid a favor. If he hadn't told me what happened when he was in school, he might not have a particularly clear judgment on what route his child should take.

He will definitely remember this feeling.

In fact... even though he sometimes doesn't want to admit it, if he wants to praise an actor now, it's not difficult at all.

It doesn’t even require this person to have any acting skills, no matter how poor it is, as long as he opens his mouth... not many, just ten film appointments. It was a piece of cake to have ten film appointments waiting for him.

Moreover, not only will no favors be left behind, but the management who allows them to insert an actor into the room will have to be grateful.

Because that means being able to get on the line with Director Xu.

Further up the northwest circle.

You see, this world is so realistic.

And he could also see that Brother Qian'er was as good to Dalin as he was... almost like a son.

What he said would definitely work for him.

As for what Dalin was thinking...

Maybe one day he will say it, but definitely not with himself.

It won't be now...

After playing with Nuannuan and Yangyang all day on Saturday, Xu Xin was finally able to relax for a while.

The two children are going to piano lessons in the morning.

Nuannuan doesn't matter, it's just that Yangyang's eyes are filled with lovelessness.

If possible, he would rather... give him a book with colorful patterns.

He could literally watch it all morning by himself.

As long as that resentful sister doesn't bother him.

When Shaobing sent him back yesterday, he was given a task, which was to find out what Dalinzi was thinking. But this is not a matter of urgency.

While having dinner on Sunday night, Xu Xin received news from Dilraba.

First some photos.

The photos are all of girls wearing several long dresses.

She looks elegant and elegant, which not only reflects her youthful vitality at this age, but also enhances her...exotic beauty to a level that makes people look at her.


Looking at these photos over and over again, Xu Xinxin thought that her daughter-in-law might not have a good eye for choosing men... huh? This is not true either.

Well, my daughter-in-law has the most ruthless vision in choosing women and men.

It can simply be called a unique skill.

After finally choosing a casual outfit that best matched her style as an outfit for attending the movie viewing ceremony tomorrow night, he ended his chat with the girl.

on Monday.

After the hustle and bustle of Saturday and Sunday, peace finally returned to the house.

In the morning, he chatted for a while with his wife, who was dozing off after attending two consecutive programs. After saying good night to each other, he went directly to school.

But I'm not here for class.

He went directly to the research institute and found Hou Kexuan:

"Teacher Hou."

"Hey, Xiao Xu is here, come on, come on, sit down."

The doctoral supervisor politely invited his students to take a seat.

It's a pity that he obviously doesn't know the "rules" of entertaining Xu Xin.

There is no tea set in this room either.

Xu Xin naturally would not find fault, but asked:

"How many people are there?"

"There are two directors, six screenwriters, six photographers, and eight lights. Plus one person who asked questions behind the scenes, there are a total of twenty-two people. Not counting post-editing."

Hearing Hou Kehuan's words, Xu Xin nodded slightly.

From a film production perspective, 22 people are indeed too small to be on a small crew. But for documentaries, it’s just enough.

The tongue-in-cheek team only has 20 or 30 people.

He came to the school today to confirm the number of people involved in the documentary, and as the chief director, he would hold a meeting with everyone.

It was still a while before the appointed time, and the two of them were chatting here.

As a tutor, he was naturally concerned about Xu Xin's thesis project and said directly:

"After this project is implemented, do you plan to write a thesis?"

"I have plans in this area. I want to write a research paper on documentary, but I haven't figured out how to start yet. Documentaries in our country have just started, and they are still in a...not particularly standardized situation. I want to start from this aspect. Let’s start with it, let’s not talk about the direction, but at least as a director of two documentaries, I can give some suggestions to people who are interested in this subject.”

He must have said it modestly in front of Teacher Hou, but the actual situation is that the "two documentaries" he mentioned are one that has not been filmed yet, and the other one that is now on Douban One of the highest rated documentaries, "The Tip of the Tongue".

Don't even mention "suggestions" as Wang Zha is the first to make a move.

It’s absolutely okay to give opinions.

Hou Keshuang nodded slightly:

"Well, if you have any inspiration, remember to bring it to me when the time comes, and I will help you take a look. Also, there is another thing. I have a quota from the radio and television. Do you know the "China-US Film Talent Exchange Program" What?"

Xu Xin was stunned.

"what is that?"

"It's normal that you don't know. This is a program jointly organized by the Broadcasting Corporation and the American Film Institute. This year is the first phase. The school received recommendations for three places, and one of them was assigned to me. Do you want it?"

"Are you going to a university in the United States? Something like the University of Southern California?"

"No, it's to Paramount."


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

If he went to other places, he might be surprised, or consider whether he should go as a "student" to experience life at a top film school in the United States such as the University of Southern California.

But since you said Paramount...

Then forget it.

So, he said honestly:

"If it's Paramount, forget it. "Perfect Strangers" will be released in Hollywood in July this year, and I have a film appointment with them in the second half of the year."


It could be seen that Hou Kehuan was really surprised now.

He also wanted to reserve this quota for Xu Xin and let him "gild" it.

After all... In fact, as a doctoral supervisor, he may be able to bring many various opportunities to other students. But here Xu Xin, he really has no sense of existence.

He is not Yu Zhen, who is kind to Xu Xin.

But when Dr. Xu Xincheng... no one would think there was any secret behind his being able to get a doctorate. On the contrary, all teachers are proud to be their students.

People are strong, not just in Beijing Film Academy.

But Huaying.

Chinese film industry.

Seeing this, Hou Keshuan could only say:

"forget about it."

"No, I won't go for the spot that fell into your hands. There are other people around me...Does it have any specific requirements?"

Although he still doesn't know whether this study visit plan is important or not, this kind of thing must not go to outsiders.

Hou Keshuang shook his head:

"As long as they are graduate students from our school, no matter whether they have a master's or a Ph.D., it is fine. It is best if there is a work published, otherwise it will be difficult for a purely theoretical school to gain a foothold there."

"Then give me your spot. I'll go back to the factory and ask who is more interested. Is that okay?"

Seeing him taking the initiative to ask for it, Hou Kehuang was happy.

He nodded happily:

"Okay. Anyway, it only takes ten days and a half. Whoever you think is suitable, ask him to hand over the information to me for a look."


Just as Xu Xin agreed, there was a knock on the door of the teaching room.

"Dong dong dong."


Following Hou Kehuang's voice, Nazha, who was dressed young and beautiful, poked her head in at the door.

After seeing Xu Xin and Hou Kehuang, he walked in politely and bowed:

"Hello, Professor Hou, hello Director Xu. I am Gulina Zha, a junior student in the Department of Acting in the 10th class. I would like to thank Professor Hou and Director Xu for choosing me as the behind-the-scenes question host of the documentary to assist in the filming of the film."


Hou Keshuang said hello with a smile.

He naturally knew the relationship between this student and Xu Xin.

Although I am not thinking wrongly...but the girl is indeed beautiful.

For actors, being beautiful and handsome is indeed an advantage that is hard to ignore.

And Xu Xin didn't show too much enthusiasm, he just nodded:

"Find a seat and sit."


Nazha found a seat at the corner of the round table, which was just enough to see everyone but not appear too dominant.

"The filming period of this documentary will be very long. Maybe not much content will be filmed, but the time span will still be long. Is that okay?"

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Nazha quickly shook her head:

"it does not matter."

"You agreed happily, but what about your company? No objections?"

"When I signed the contract with the company, I said that during college, everything will be focused on academics. I have a certain degree of autonomy."

"But it won't work after graduation, right?"

"Hmm, I just want to go to school in a down-to-earth manner. I didn't think about Duo Hong or anything else... The company also agreed. So there will be no problem for me to participate in school activities now."

"That's fine."

Just as he was talking, the second member of the "Forbidden City" documentary crew arrived.

"Hello, Mr. Hou, hello Director Xu, I am Ye Jun. I am the director of the documentary crew."

"Well, I know you, Xueba."

Xu Xin smiled and pointed to the seat next to him.

Although this person is a graduate student at Beijing Film Academy, he actually became a monk halfway through.

He is a graduate of the Journalism Department of Tsinghua University, with a proven academic background. But why he changed his career to become a director is unknown.

Currently studying for a PhD at Beijing Film Academy.

After Ye Jun sat down, Xu Xin began to "get close".

"You graduated from Tsinghua University?"

"Yes, Director Xu."

"Someone in my family also went to Tsinghua University... Did you know, his name is Yang Xiaojing, my wife's uncle..."

When he said this, his tone was quite honorable.

But in fact, every time he went to his uncle's house for dinner with his father-in-law, it was quite stressful. Everyone in that family is a top student. According to the uncle’s words:

"Xiao Xu, you know, anyone in our family who can't get into Tsinghua University is a fool."

This made Yang Mi angry.

If he hadn't been close to his uncle, he would have been allowed to try a complete set of Xingyiquan, plus the power of the Omega-level half-step collapse fist.

But...it does have to be admitted.

Xu Xin couldn't understand most of what his uncle said.

He is one of the professors at Tsinghua University who has published the most papers as the first author in SCI journals.

He is also a reviewer and editorial board member of many domestic and foreign mathematics journals.

He is a powerful ruthless character.

The combined IQ of Xu Xin and Yang Mi, two scumbags, can't reach someone else's toes.

Ye Jun was stunned and happy.


"I know, Professor Yang. I have taken his class, but I majored in the journalism department, so I didn't have much social contact."

"That's true, we are all liberal arts... uh..."

Suddenly realizing that this person was a serious person who got admitted to Tsinghua University, Xu Xin laughed:

"Look at me, I can't see the mountain."

"No, no, no, Director Xu, I don't dare to say that."

Xu Xin was naturally joking.

But this way of chatting quickly narrowed the distance between them.

At least, Ye Jun felt that Director Xu had no airs about him.

Pretty easy to get along with.

And one after another, more than a dozen people came.

Make small talk, chat.

Then... regardless of gender, take a peek at Nazha.

There's nothing I can do about it, this girl is like a magnet, she's so beautiful.

At this moment, Xu Xin received a message.

After he picked it up and looked at it, he saw that it was from Dilireba.

"Director Xu, can I go to Beijing Film Academy to see you?"

"?Why did you come to Beijing Film Academy to find me?"

"Because I haven't been to Beijing Film Academy yet and I want to visit."

"Okay, come on then."

"Okay, I'll go over now. Can I sneak into the campus quietly and have a look?"

"You don't have to mess around. If the guard stops you, just say you are here to see Director Yu Zhenyu, and he will let you go."


Putting down his phone, he glanced at Hou Kehuan. When he saw that the other party was looking at him, he nodded slightly in response.

Seeing this, Hou Keshuang coughed:

"Ahem. Okay, now that everyone is here, let me talk about it. Today is the first meeting of the crew of the documentary "Restoration of Forbidden City Cultural Relics" that we are currently tentatively scheduled to have. I believe that the situation of this documentary, all students are submitting I already know the information when I read it, so I won’t go into details here. The director of this film is Director Xu Xin next to me. Come on, everyone welcomes you with applause.”

"Crash la la la..."

Amidst the applause, Xu Xin stood up and bowed politely.

"It goes without saying that Director Xu Xin is famous. As for this documentary, with the consent of Director Xu Xin, our college's Youth Film Studio fully supports it and strives to produce a refreshing documentary. Work. For a good work, the director is the soul. Today I have invited director Xu Xin and the students to talk about the concept of this program..."

He was talking, and Xu Xin was listening.

After noticing that he didn't call himself "Classmate Xu Xin" but "Director", he understood what he meant.

Then, after Hou Kehuan explained everything about the film's early project approval, including funding, and various procedures that were being prepared or completed, it was Xu Xin's turn to speak.

Amid the roaring applause, Xu Xin did not stand up this time.

He sat on the chair and said directly:

"Then... let Jun Ye come first. Let's go around and introduce ourselves."

Hearing this, Ye Jun stood up first:

"Hello everyone, my name is Ye Jun. I am currently a doctoral student in our school. I am the episode director responsible for the special documentary "Forbidden City Cultural Relics". Please take care of me."

"Guys, I'm Xiao Han, and like Ye Jun, I'm the episode director of this documentary."

"Hello everyone, I am photographer Zhang Hua..."

Introduced one by one.

After more than twenty people, including Nazha, introduced themselves, it was Xu Xin's turn.

"Then let me introduce myself. Hello everyone, I am Xu Xin, the chief director in charge of our documentary shooting."

In the sparkling eyes of a group of people, he spoke in a calm and unhurried tone, quite like a master:

"This documentary model adopts a continuation of my work experience during the "Bite of the Tongue" period. I first determine the core of the story, extend the story, design problems, investigate the work, and determine the shooting process. And this shooting process means that we can In a whole year, for eight or even ten months, we work behind closed doors. This process is very difficult, not only requires screenwriters, but I also hope to use the brains of our entire director team, and even the outside world. Use your power to brainstorm and make an excellent documentary..."

He said that some people had already taken out their notebooks and started recording.

As someone who has been involved in "Bite of the Tongue" since the beginning, although Xu Xin did not actually participate in the filming of "Bite of the Tongue", at least in the early preparations, he knew very well what everyone should do.

So, little by little, he took apart all the work items, broke them down, listed them, and told everyone.

There is no class time, and no time off to go to the bathroom or anything like that.

One lecture lasts all morning.

Over the course of the morning, everyone's notebooks were filled with two or three pages of preparation items, large frameworks, small progress, etc.

Finally, when he finished speaking, he pursed his dry lips.

"In the end, I hope we can make a documentary that is as exciting as "Bite of the Tongue", and I am... very confident about it. Thank you everyone."

"Hua la la la la..."

Amid applause, the first meeting about "Forbidden City Cultural Relics" ended.

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