Some netizens photographed Xu Xin taking her two children with Wang Sicong and Di Wei in a high-end restaurant.

However, it did not cause any big splash on the Internet.

During the meal, Xu Xin asked the couple how they wanted to shoot the documentary.

Is it for outsiders to see?

Just watch it for yourself.

The answers were consistent:

"Keep it to yourself, not to others."

So, Xu Xin had something in mind.

And the pay for this film is a king crab in the evening.

Wang Sicong searched hard and didn't even get a second one.

Xu Xin was unhappy and felt that his friend was stingy. But what the eldest young master thought was quite simple.

It’s like ordering the second king crab and you can finish it.

Do you think it's noodles? Eat a bowl of snoring...

"Xu Xin's Diary"

number 20.



Directors Guild 2012 Annual Awards Day.

In the morning, take care of the baby.

At noon, take care of the baby.

In the afternoon, the fairy sister came to the rescue and took care of the baby.


"I found that you are really awesome."

Looking at Liu Yifei who was playing with Yangyang in her arms, Xu Xin felt quite emotional and drew a circle on her face in the curious eyes of the other party:

"You're really like a balloon. When you say you're fat, you blow up in an instant. When you say you're thin, you lose weight in an instant. How do you do that?"

The double chin of the fairy sister in front of me has also disappeared, and the face that was once as round as a pancake has become the size of a palm.

If you are fat, you will look older.

When we met her years later, she was as fat as an old lady.

But now that I have lost weight, the fairy spirit on my face has returned.

It's really amazing.

Liu Yifei looked at his curious eyes and said in a very calm tone:

"The boat has passed the Ten Thousand Mountains~"

It seemed like she had been through so many overwhelming things.


Xu Xin nodded:

"It seems like I've been chewing on vegetable leaves a lot recently."

"It's good that you know. Under the power of your wife, I, the rabbit, successfully turned into a cow..."

"Are you two years older?"


The fairy sister's mouth twitched.

Grandma, you are really a bitch and don’t spit out ivory, right?

So, she was too lazy to talk to Xu Xin.

Continue to hold the soft-smelling Yangyang, letting Yangyang move back and forth in her arms...

At this time, there was a movement outside.

Xu Xin looked around and found that Su Meng and Wu Qiqi came in with a bunch of people.

"Okay, it's time to put on makeup."

"Um...are you nervous?"

Out of the blue, she said this.

"Why am I nervous?"

Xu Xin was really puzzled.

This is not the Big Three...he is not nervous about the Big Three now.

After all, he has already "won two" of the three awards. What's so important about domestic awards?

"Feng Xiaogang, and I heard that people from Huayi will also be attending today."

Hearing this, Xu Xin became even more puzzled:

"What? Are they a social gang? Or are they talking about cannibalism?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Su Meng opened the door and walked in with a group of people from the makeup and styling team.

Liu Yifei stopped saying anything and just smiled and said:

"Anyway, I have to rely on you to protect me tonight."

Xu Xinxin said, do you still remember the sins you have committed?

Then he shook his head speechlessly.

At today's dinner, they are the only ones in the cast of "Perfect Strangers".

The rest of the crew are all Italians, so there is no need to worry about this kind of award.

At first glance, it does seem a bit lonely.

But there will also be crews from "囧囧" and "Journey to the West: Conquer the Demons" tonight, and people from Cloud Atlas will also be here. There must be a lot of people. But it’s no use having too many people here.

Although everyone, including Wang Sicong, started to make noises when they heard that he and Feng Xiaogang wanted to "see the king".

But Xu Xin himself felt the same as Ming Jing.

Everyone must be in harmony.

Just acting for the occasion.

How can a king meet a king?

Just communicating with peers.

In fact, to be honest, in terms of value, the annual awards ceremony of the Directors Guild is just fine.

Its selection mechanism is judged by member directors of the China Directors Association. It does not consider any external factors such as box office and influence. It is purely a "director selection and director evaluation", and the awards are selected one vote at a time.

At first glance, the influence is quite high.

But in fact... its influence is really not far-reaching.

However, that’s not to say that this award is bad.

There are some things...crimes other than war.

After being notified by Zeng Jia, Xu Xin agreed to attend the ceremony and learned about the award from the factory.

Why haven’t I heard of such an award that sounds pretty reliable at first glance?

As a result, the news I got from Qilei was:

"They are still committing crimes in the face of the wind."

Hearing the words "committing crimes against the wind", Xu Xin was still a little confused, wondering if this award had also been awarded to "Glorious Fury" back then?

But it's not.

Its first awards ceremony was in 2005.

The old man was still in the first session and won the annual box office director award for "House of Flying Daggers".

But its second one was the 2010 Directors Guild Awards held in 2011.

The reason for the five-year pause was not because there was any flaw in the award, but because it simply did not comply with the "new regulations."

In 2006, the above issued a document called "National Literary Awards Selection".

And this document... is a bit strange.

The first is the review time. The regulations require that all national literary and art awards must be submitted four months in advance, and then two months must be set aside to wait for approval.

In other words, it is no longer possible to conduct assessments every year.

Xu Xinxin said it's no wonder. Logically speaking, "Perfect" and "Journey to the West" should be counted as movies in the solar calendar year of 2013, but this time they are based on the lunar calendar year.

But that's not the most important thing.

The most important thing is... in Qi Lei's mouth, this document is the main culprit of the distribution of pork in literary and art awards.

Because it clearly stipulates that "except for journalism awards, the interval between each other national awards shall not be less than two years."

And this rule has also caused important awards such as the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers to be held every two years instead of one year. As a result, candidates for all awards have piled up, and the so-called double best picture, double and triple gold best actor and best actor have to appear. The main reason for waiting.

Qi Lei didn't know why there was such a rule.

But it is true that since 2005, the Golden Rooster has been separated from the Golden Rooster for two and a half years, and the Hundred Flowers have been separated.

As of now, this document is still there.

It's just that...except for national-level awards like the Golden Rooster, other local-level awards have begun to relax.

The Directors Guild initially felt that this award system was unreasonable, so it stopped holding it after one session.

In the past two years, as the cycle of "local-level" awards including the Magic City International Film Festival, Yanjing University Student Film Festival, etc. has shortened, they have only turned a blind eye to this document and held the event cautiously. The second session.

Then I successfully obtained the third approval...

But, this is also where the embarrassment lies.

It is an awards ceremony under the Directors Guild. The organizer is the Directors Guild, and the direct unit of the Directors Guild is the issuing unit of this document... Therefore, they are destined to be unable to build their own brand like many local film festivals. , improve one's own gold content, expand publicity, etc.

There won't even be a live broadcast of this awards ceremony.

It’s not a live broadcast, it’s not a national award, the judges are all directors, we just play by ourselves behind closed doors.

Therefore, as long as the above is not serious, they can do it once a year.

But the price is... Not to mention the audience, even club members like Xu Xin have no special impression of this award.

Even though, its review conditions look very professional.

But it doesn’t matter if the audience doesn’t approve of it, and if the superiors don’t “support” it.

For the industry, the status of this award is steadily improving every year.

Not to mention Xu Xin's 213, the Directors Association currently has less than 300 members in total, and if you exclude directors who have passed away, its total number is only about 280.

But among these 280 people, at least everyone has their own place in the Chinese film industry.

The status may be great or small, but for investors, actors, and crew, this award ceremony is not so much for outsiders to see, but rather for these people to put on their best clothes and produce their best works. , put on the most beautiful makeup and appear in front of these directors.

Let them remember themselves.

Build relationships with them.

It will be convenient for future cooperation.

Therefore, to outsiders, this award may just be a piece of news and red carpet photos of some celebrities.

But for those who are here tonight, unless they are like the fat fairy next to them who is dressed like a white swan and plays a good hand of cards to a pulp and then successfully displays it... Otherwise, tonight's ceremony is really a bit... It means that all nations will come to court.

It's almost 7:30.

Xu Xin arrived at the venue where the award ceremony was held.

As the vehicle entered the parking area, Liu Yifei looked at the small group of people walking outside and said with a smile:

"I have a lot of acquaintances."

Xu Xin glanced outside... but he didn't see anyone familiar with him.

But he didn't care. After the car stopped, he asked Su Meng directly and stretched out his hand, and the other party handed over his work phone.

He wants to hold this phone tonight.

If a "stranger" wanted to add him on WeChat, he would give him his work phone number.

The people who come here are all high-profile people. If they want to add WeChat, the assistant will come forward to add them, no matter how they look at it, it is inappropriate.

The vehicle stopped, he opened the door and got out of the car.

Then I heard a voice:

"Haha, Director Xu~"

I subconsciously turned my head and looked...

do not know.

But he was still greeted with a smile:

"Well, hello."

After saying hello, he put his hand and let Liu Yifei support her arm and walk down.

"Hello, Director Xu, and Miss Liu Yifei, hello. I am Tang Danian, the screenwriter of "Search". Nice to meet you."

The man came over to shake hands.

Xu Xin went up to him and started searching for "Search" in his mind.

Then I realized, it should be Chen Kaige's film last year, right?

But... I don't know why, but when he heard the name "Search", he felt inexplicably disgusted.

Although I have never seen this movie, this feeling still lingers in my heart.

But he didn't care, it didn't matter whether he was disgusted or not, it was just a joke.

After meeting the screenwriter named Tang Danian in the parking lot, everyone walked to the waiting area together.

When he arrived at the entrance of the waiting area, Tang Danian suddenly pointed in another direction and said:

"Director Xu, Director Chen is over there."

Xu Xin looked in the direction and saw Chen Kaige sitting on an outdoor folding chair, facing Xu Xin from the side, next to the trash can, holding a cigarette in his mouth, talking and laughing with a few people.

His first reaction was...Director Chen would really enjoy it.

If I had known, he would have brought an outdoor folding chair with him.

But as soon as this idea came to my mind, I remembered my wife’s advice:

"If you can stand, don't sit down, you know? If the line of your trousers is gone, your knees will bulge and you won't be handsome~"

As soon as his wife's voice sounded in his mind, inexplicably, when he looked at Chen Kaige, his nose was not his nose, and his mouth was not his mouth.

Obviously he had dealt with him before, but he had never had this special feeling... Even when the other party went directly to the stage to read a poem during the Olympics director selection period, he just felt ridiculous and speechless, not disgusting... But this time The feeling is particularly strong.

And if Chen Kaige alone is nothing.

There was a woman standing next to him.

That's...his wife Chen Hong, right?

This was Xu Xin's first time seeing Chen Hong, but he, who had always been calm, felt a stronger feeling of disgust in his heart when he saw the woman for the first time.

But... now that Tang Danian has spoken, Xu Xin naturally has to go over and say hello.

So he suppressed the waves in his heart, nodded with a smile, and took the initiative to shout:

"Director Chen."

Chen Kaige, who was smoking, turned his head subconsciously.

When he saw Xu Xin, he was stunned for a moment, then smiled and waved his hand:

"Xiao Xu, long time no see."

He didn't get up.

Xu Xin didn't care either.

He quickened his pace, walked next to him, and said with a smile:

"Yeah, it's been a long time indeed."

While talking, the two shook hands.

Chen Kaige took out a box of Nine-Five Zun from his pocket.

"Hey, thank you."

Xu Xin accepted it and heard Chen Hong next to him laugh:

"Xiao Xu, is this the first time we've met?"

Xu Xin's expression remained unchanged, he smiled and stretched out his hand:

"Hello, Teacher Chen. This is indeed our first time meeting you."

At the same time, looking at this person... it can be said that the youthful memory of a generation still has charm...

Not to mention, he actually liked watching "Spring and Pig" back then.

But...why can't I like it?

I was thinking about it in my mind, but my mouth was still polite and pleasant.

After he finished speaking, Fei Xianer politely greeted Chen Kaige and Chen Hong.

Chen Kaige still didn't get up, but the few people who were chatting around him introduced themselves to Xu Xin, and everyone knew each other.

They are all sponsors of Search.

After introducing each other, Xu Xin had no intention of staying longer, but took the initiative and said:

"Director Chen, Teacher Chen, everyone, I'll take her in first. Wear less."

"Okay, keep in touch in the future."

Hearing Chen Kaige's words, Xu Xin responded with a smile:

"Well. Director Chen, you are busy first."

Then, he politely left with Liu Yifei.

Go directly into the waiting area.

After walking through the door, he casually threw the nine-five to Su Meng.

Looking at the waiting hall with people coming and going, while searching to see if there was anyone he knew, he heard Liu Yifei complaining next to him:

"The rack is really big."


Xu Xin glanced at her.

He chuckled lightly:


Obviously, the fairy sister was also angry.


"It doesn't matter."

Hearing what he said, the disdain on Fei Xian'er's face became even more obvious:

"Isn't it just a movie called "Farewell My Concubine"? From then on, I filmed whatever I wanted. It was really fun..."

"Hey, Director Xu?"

At this time, a voice came from the side.

Zhang Yang, the director of "Flying Over the Nursing Home", walked over quickly.

"Director Zhang."

Xu Xin said hello and quickly turned to Liu Yifei and said:

"Okay, put on the mask."


Liu Yifei was speechless.

Xu Xin has already walked over.



Just listen to you.

She took a deep breath, looked at the two people chatting, and the corners of her mouth gradually began to rise.

He showed a fairy-like smile.

It’s this toothless smile…

It seemed that the entire waiting room was lit up instantly, making the lights brighter.

(Speaking of which, the child has a fever of 38 degrees. Now he is going to the hospital for a blood test. This chapter was posted in advance, and there is another chapter after it, but it has not been finished yet. I promise to update it tonight, but now I have to take the child with me. Blood test, medication. Don’t wait, you’ll read it tomorrow morning. I’ll finish it tonight.)

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