I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 970 964 Director’s Temperament

Chapter 970 964. Director’s temperament

Xu Xin is actually quite curious about director Zhang Yang's current situation.

After all... after everyone expressed their opinions at the Tokyo Film Festival last time, everyone withdrew except the assistant director from his crew who went up to receive an award.

This guy is actually quite talented, that's the truth.

It's the kind of sixth generation that's not top-notch, but it's not bad either.

But... I can only say that everyone has his own ambitions.

Although Xu Xin was curious, he didn't want to ask more.

And it also gave him face.

After all, we are meeting "old friends".

But sometimes, the director class is actually a very realistic group.

When everyone was working together, they would look up and not look down, Director Zhang and Director Wang would shout.

In terms of titles, there is no particular priority.

But in fact, in this circle, class has always existed. This is true in terms of awards, honors, box office, influence, etc.

Zhang Yang is very powerful.

But in this kind of occasion that best demonstrates the director's status, even if he is a generation older than Xu Xin, he still has to come over to say hello and exchange greetings in person.

However, he didn't pay much attention to Liu Yifei.

This is not a lack of emotional intelligence or anything like that...but the tone of the entire awards ceremony.

Today’s protagonist is the director.

If a director bows to an actor, no matter who sees him, he will definitely not be able to see him in the next session.

Liu Yifei doesn't mind either.

Anyway, she has a mask on her face now, and it's time for her fairy spirit to flow, so she doesn't need to worry about mundane things.

But she was next to Xu Xin and could clearly hear Zhang Yang's words:

"Director Xu, has he finished filming his new movie recently?"

"Yes, that movie is pretty fast. Where is Director Zhang? What are you busy with recently?"

"I... Hi, I'm just busy. I've been exploring documentary-type themes recently, and I plan to ask Director Xu for some advice."

"Haha, this is too polite. Director Zhang, if you let others hear this, they might think something is wrong with me. I don't dare to say that."

"Haha~ That's not possible. After watching "Bite of the Tongue", who can't say that it reaches the ceiling of the documentary?"

"No, haha, if you keep boasting, I will fly."

"Ha...hey, by the way, Director Xu, I heard that you and the college are cooperating to prepare a documentary? What's the progress now?"

"The crew has been assembled."

"So soon?"

"It won't be soon. The project was approved years ago. Why, Director Zhang is interested?"

"Haha, to be honest with Director Xu, I am indeed quite interested."

"This... then if there is an opportunity in the future, let's work together, shall we? This movie is not so much my idea, but the real situation is a documentary filmed by the college. Didn't I go back to school to teach? This is a project assigned by the college. Xiao Documentaries are not difficult, so this time, from the director to the crew, they are all graduate students in the college. It is more of a practice than a documentary. If nothing else, Director Zhang is really interested and wants to come, let alone There is no director, I think it is overqualified. Next time, next time we have a chance to work together."

"Ah~ So that's it..."

The fairy sister listened to the conversation between the two, with a look of interest in her fairy-like eyes.

How do you feel... does this person have a story?

And there is something you want to find Xu Xin.

It's just that Xu Xin blocked the road and didn't give him any chance.

what's the situation?

She took out her phone, dimmed the screen brightness, and ensured that unless someone came close to her face, she would never be able to see the search content on the screen, and then directly searched for the other person's name.

At first glance, it's quite surprising.

"Taking a Bath", "Falling Leaves Returning to Their Roots", "Yesterday", and "Unmanned Driving" are the ones by Madoka Takazono, right? ..."One Flew Over the Nursing Home"?

Instantly, her pupils dilated slightly.

Then I exited the web page and turned off my phone.

At this time, Wu Nan, the screenwriter of "Thousand Arrows Pierce the Heart" came over:

"Director Xu~Director Zhang~"

"Hey, Teacher Wu."

Xu Xin smiled and said hello.

In Liu Yifei's eyes, the screenwriter of "A Thousand Arrows Pierce the Heart" is also quite interesting.

Apart from the greetings at the beginning, he hardly talked to Zhang Yang.

However, in the small circle of three people except himself, there was no conflict at all. The topic of "Thousands of Arrows Pierce the Heart" was used as the topic, and the conversation was very lively.


Soon, the three of them had finished chatting, and Su Meng came to remind:

"Brother Xu, the queue for red carpet admission has started over there."

Xu Xin took the initiative to end the topic.

The other two also said goodbye politely.

While following Su Meng towards the red carpet, Liu Yifei covered her mouth with her hands and asked in a low voice:

"This Zhang Yang was banned because of winning an award in Tokyo for "One Flew Over the Nursing Home"?"

"It's considered a soft ban."

Xu Xin responded:

"Otherwise, how could such a director make a documentary?"

"...What on earth were you talking about that day?"

During the Tokyo Film Festival, she didn't go there. She originally planned to wait for the film festival awards ceremony to go there to meet up, but unexpectedly Xu Xin quit.

So, Xu Xin briefly explained the matter.

The fairy sister nodded slightly:

"If you don't have any awareness at all, you are really doing your own thing."

Hearing this, Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"What are you, an American, talking about here? Isn't it still your fault?"


"Go to hell!"

Slapping Xu Xin on the back, the fairy sister's face was full of anger:

"A dog's mouth cannot spit out ivory! Just wait, I will teach you how to be a human being in 15 years!"


Xu Xin raised his eyebrows:

"Do you have a letter?"


Speaking of this, the fairy sister became very happy.

"Now we have entered the inspection period. As long as I pass the three-year inspection period, I will be a person with an ID card by the end of 2015 or the first half of 2016!"

These words sounded a bit surprising to Xu Xin.

"Then you have to be careful about your words and deeds in the past few years."

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."

As she said this, the fairy sister who was in a good mood accidentally caused the lower half of her mask to collapse.

She smiled happily and showed her teeth.

Xu Xin's heart was broken when he saw it.

But neither of them noticed... In this environment where there were more people and more colleagues who knew the two of them as they went inside, Liu Yifei's "angry" slap shocked many people.

Good guy...

Director Xu, you will fight if you say so?

She may have slapped her in front of her fans, and the relationship between the two of them may be rumored to be "confidant friends".

But there is only one possibility to fight in front of this group of people.

This is a woman who can make a dent in the prince of the Northwest Circle.

Just this alone, the energy behind it...

But it really went to sea.

The entire red carpet waiting area is divided into inner and outer areas.

The front court is a place for everyone to chat, socialize, or smoke.

When Su Meng led them into the backcourt, they saw many temporary chairs and many guests present today.

There was Xu Zheng who stood up subconsciously, and Lou Ye who waved to him.

As well as Wang Baoqiang, Huang Bo and others.

Many people are there.

The seats are placed in rows, and everyone sits in random positions, but the place with the most empty seats is the first row closest to the door.

In that row, Xu Xin saw Zhang Guoli, Wang Xuexin, Gao Qunshu and others.

As well as Feng Xiaogang, Da Wang and Liu Zhenyun...

and Li Xuejian, who was smiling and waving at him.

There is a whole row of seats, and if you really want to talk about the people sitting there, most of them are actually a group of people with obvious "regional" symbols.

But they were not full, but instead had many empty seats.

At this time, Xu Xin didn’t see anyone from Yun Tu either…

In other words, even if the other party comes, he may not know him. After all, he was not involved in the management of Cloud Atlas, and he had never seen the producers of these films.

And now, with his arrival... I have to say something that may sound nonsense at first, but is actually very realistic.

That is... when he walked in with Liu Yifei, some people's voices were much lowered.

Some even stopped talking altogether.

They just stared at him.

All of a sudden, the sound level in the entire venue began to decrease.

Feng Xiaogang, who was in the first row and didn't know what to talk to the king, subconsciously raised his head, with a little doubt in his eyes.

Then he looked around and his eyes fell on Xu Xin.

And when he raised his head, the king also turned his head and looked in the same direction.

Next is Xiao Wang.

Then there are Zhang Guoli, Liu Zhenyun and others.

Finally, Wang Xuexin, Xu Fan, Zhou Xun and others in the first row all turned their heads.

And no one communicated.

But for some reason, Xu Xin immediately became the center of attention.

Everyone is looking at him.

But there are various thoughts in every look at him.


The atmosphere became quieter and quieter.

It was so quiet that even Liu Yifei, who just came here to make soy sauce tonight, had her heart in her throat.

What are these people doing?

Why did this happen all of a sudden?

Subconsciously, she looked up at Xu Xin.

It just means the same thing:

"Where to sit?"

Xu Xin didn't look at her, or even felt her gaze.

But suddenly nodded.

His eyes fell in the direction of Feng Xiaogang, who was sitting in the middle of the first row.

The other person is looking at him.

He also saw the other person.

So, he nodded politely.

Then without even looking at Liu Yifei, under this quiet gaze, he reached the first row in two or three steps.


He passed by Gao Qunshu, who was sitting on the far side with a mobile phone in his hand, and came directly to Feng Xiaogang, who happened to be in the middle.

In the eyes of everyone, as those empty seats were gradually passed over by Xu Xin...

Does this guy really want to sit next to Feng Xiaogang?

And the idea was just born.

They couldn't see it, but Liu Yifei looked at it with unusually clear eyes. She noticed a subtle movement by Feng Xiaogang.

Originally, he turned around and was chatting with the king next to him.

But after turning his head, his body had already turned to the direction of himself and Xu Xin.

And as Xu Xin walked in...

His hands were placed on his knees.

That's a reflex action.

A conditioned reflex action when a person wants to stand up.

Even Liu Yifei could clearly see the vitiligo patches on his hands.

The other person's vitiligo has actually spread to his face, which is no secret. But it was obvious that he had put on makeup today, so there was no vitiligo on his face, but there was no way to hide the vitiligo on his hands.

Because of her family education, she is naturally empathetic towards this kind of patients, so she naturally does not have any superiority mentality.

I was just wondering if the other party would actually stand up to greet me.


Xu Xin's pace suddenly accelerated.

Then he took the initiative to stretch out his hand, bent down slightly, and reached in the direction where the sitting Feng Xiaogang could reach.

"Hello, Director Feng. Long time no see."

The last time the two met was at the award ceremony where Yang Mi won the Golden Horse Award for Gu Xiaomeng.

But I didn’t socialize much.

During the "Wind" stage, Hua Yi obviously didn't take him seriously yet, otherwise Su Youpeng and the others would definitely not be able to get through. At that time, it was one of the few times the two of them interacted with each other, and it was also their last time.

Xu Xin naturally saw his movements, so he quickened his pace.

Feng Xiaogang is naturally an old man. When he saw Xu Xin extending his hand, he did not stand up, but stretched out his hand directly:

"Well, Xiao Xu, long time no see."

Then, Xu Xin sat next to him.

Finally, the two of them appeared together for the first time.

Someone has already secretly taken out his mobile phone.

Then I saw Xu Xin leaning over, shaking hands with the king and the two kings respectively, and saying hello.

Then came Zhang Guoli and others further away.

After greeting each other, some discussions started again.

Everyone is discussing this scene... Although the current Beijing circle is not at its peak, at least its position is still stable. And the Northwest Circle... they were really strong last year.

So far, three movies with a box office of over 1 billion have directly raised the box office ceiling of the Chinese film industry.

Regardless of the background, in this vanity fair where money and interests are everywhere, whoever has the highest box office is the boss.

The rise of the Northwest Circle today can almost be said to have been single-handedly supported by this young director.

This matter is not a secret in the circle.

Cloud Atlas has headwind shares.

Why should such a good thing come so cheap to Headwind?

Why has the Northwest Circle become so popular in recent years?

If they were really capable, they would have woken up long ago, why would they have been in poverty for so many years?

In addition, Yang Mi’s career is in full swing...

For some things, even if they are not confirmed, everyone can guess the "truth" just by guessing.

No one doubts whether Xu Xin is qualified to sit next to Feng Xiaogang.

No one even considered whether the position next to Feng Xiaogang should be reserved for Chen Kaige.

At this moment, looking at the two people whispering there... everyone may have a hundred thoughts in their minds, but they have one thing in common.

That is……

"What are these two talking about?"

"Xiao Xu's movie is finished?"

"The filming is over, but there is still no action in post-production."


"I'm lazy."

"Haha~ How old do you have to be to be lazy?"

"Looking at what you said, I'm not a model worker. Besides, didn't Yang Mi go to the United States? The child makes a lot of noise at home every day. She cries when she can't find her mother. I think I will be free after she returns to China."

"That's true. How old are the children at home?"

"More than three years old."

"Yo? So soon? Are you in kindergarten?"

"No, I will start middle school in September this year."

"Okay, it's fast enough. But that's how children are. When my daughter was just born, she was just like a kitten in my arms. The result is the same every day, the same every day... Children grow up too fast. It’s just a matter of a blink of an eye from when he was born to when he became sensible.”

"Yes, I feel the same now. When I was born, I couldn't open my eyes. Now my father is shouting every day... I hope they grow up quickly, but I don't want them to grow up..."

"Hahaha~ Parents all have this mentality, and this is how they got here."

Even Liu Yifei was a little surprised.

Who would have thought?

In this "king meeting king" scene, the two of them were actually talking about their children.

Never mention the movie.

But we are talking about the baby...

But... from her point of view, this scene was the most idealistic thing.

No conflict.

Everyone maintained a sense of decency.

Didn't you look at the king and ignore Xu Xin?

After shaking hands, both of them turned their heads to chat with others.

He didn't even pay attention to himself.

Liu Yifei doesn't think these two people are small... The fact is, if these two people really chat and laugh with Xu Xin and herself, then it is estimated that there will be a large wave of "escapers" in Beijing tomorrow...

The boss can no longer maintain a high profile, so how can he convince the public?

Right now, everyone is dealing with it very smartly.

Director speaks to director.

Others greeted politely, exercised restraint, and maintained distance and detachment.

On the contrary, it is the best result.

As she was thinking about it, she suddenly noticed something dark in front of her eyes.

Looking up subconsciously...

Chen Kaige, who still smelled faintly of cigarette smoke, came over at some point.


Liu Yifei's mouth twitched.

Why are you joining in the fun at a time like this?

Xu Xin, who was chatting with Feng Xiaogang, looked up and was stunned for a moment, then suddenly stood up.

"Director Chen."

"Well, Xiao Xu."

Chen Kaige looked like a master and had a calm expression.

Xu Xin smiled and said:

"Sit down."

As soon as these words came out, Feng Xiaogang was a little surprised.

Subconsciously, he glanced in Liu Yifei's direction.


It's pretty empty over there...

Chen Kaige waved his hand:

"It's okay, just sit down."

"No, no, no, I think it hasn't started yet. I just wanted to smoke a cigarette. You two can chat."

The smile on Xu Xin's face was sincere.

Liu Yifei also stood up after hearing his words.

He gave up his position to Chen Hong.

"Teacher Chen, please sit here."

"Ah?...Thank you, Yifei."

After Chen Hong politely thanked him, Xu Xin waved to Feng Xiaogang:

"Director Feng, you guys chat, I'm going to smoke. See you later."

"Well, see you later, Xiao Xu."

In the end, Wang Jianwang in the Beijing and Northwest circles ended hastily with the "random entry" of director Chen Da, who was born in the northwest but took root in the Beijing circle.

Everyone watching felt a little regretful.

This encounter... was too short.

Is it over before you’ve had enough?

He is so inconspicuous that he doesn't even know what these people are talking about... Isn't this Chen Kaige just here to make a joke?

What's the matter with you?

As the person involved, after Xu Xin left, Chen Kaige turned to Feng Xiaogang and asked:

"What are you talking about?"


Feng Xiaogang glanced at him, shook his head with a smile and said:

"It's okay, just chatting."

Chen Kaige put his hands on his stomach and nodded slowly:

"Don't look at his young age, this kid is not simple."


Feng Xiaogang's mouth twitched.

Is there any need for you to talk nonsense?

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that he is not simple.

Of course, this is what I mutter in my heart, so I definitely can't say it.

Then I heard Chen Kaige continue to say:

"He and Zhang Yimou are almost carved from the same mold. On the surface, he will never argue with anyone in his work style, and he always greets everyone with a smile. But in private, his style is as sharp as a knife. I Although I don’t have any bad feelings towards him, I still have to remind you.”


Feng Xiaogang remained speechless.

Just a slight nod.

I don't know whether to be polite or to agree with what he said.

At this moment, Chen Hong from the side also came over and asked in a low voice:

"Xiao Gang, you two haven't met much before, right?"


Feng Xiaogang leaned forward slightly, looked at Chen Hong and said:

"The last time we met was at the Golden Horse Awards, during the time of "The Wind" and "If You Are the One."

"He wasn't famous at that time, was he? ... How did it feel after meeting you this time? Comment on you, a junior?"

Seeing Chen Hong using this very acceptable title to ask the question, Feng Xiaogang thought for a moment and replied:

"Last time I saw him, I felt like a child. But this time..."

At this he paused.

It seems to be summarizing, and it seems to be searching for words to think of how to describe it.

After a pause for a second or two, he said:

"There is a sharpness. That kind of sharpness that is invisible to ordinary directors."

Chen Hong was stunned.

Obviously he didn't expect the other party to give such an answer.

But he still smiled and said:

"That's for sure, young man."

"Haha, yes."

Feng Xiaogang responded.

Then he covered his mouth and yawned, actively ending the topic.

Although my answer sounds simple... it is completely normal for young people to have that enterprising quality.

But he knew it very well in his heart.

From the moment the other person sat next to him, as a director, he could clearly feel the sharpness... hidden in this person.

What Chen Kaige said is actually right.

This kid... does look like a knife.

We all know it's sharp.

But what's even scarier is that you don't know when it will come out of its sheath.

Can hide and hide.

But that's not the point.

It's like he doesn't know how the two people next to him feel about his evaluation...

After he felt the energy in this child, his most intuitive sigh actually filled his heart.

"I'm old."

He said in his heart.

Maybe it could have been suppressed before.

But now...

There was a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

At this time, the king next to him said to him:

"Xiaogang, it's okay, let him be proud for a while. Let's work hard on this movie. His movie is a small subject, far behind us! In the past two years, we have made more achievements, and we have a group of rich people. They It must be unstoppable!”


Feng Xiaogang was speechless again.

He just calmed down and nodded slightly.


"Chen Kaige, I can't say. But I think I have seen Director Feng's ceiling."

Under Liu Yifei's confused gaze, Xu Xin, who was holding a cigarette, shook his head slightly:

"I can't explain it to you..."

"You try your best, okay? It makes me feel itchy."


After hearing this, Xu Xin thought for a while, looked around, and after making sure there was no one around, he whispered:

"His... temperament similar to that of Director Zhang has disappeared."


Liu Yifei said to her heart, what are you talking about?

What temperament?

Is it so fantasy?

Seeing her expression, Xu Xin smiled and shrugged:

"That's why I said, I can't explain it to you. Or you can define my words as a man's intuition. But... I can always see a strong desire for knowledge in Director Zhang.

In other words... he is thinking all the time, thinking about how to return to his own essence, and after returning, he will also think about how to jump out.

He has this thirst for knowledge about any movie subject. He is curious, impulsive, and wants to try it... Have you heard that sentence? Desire is the driving force behind human progress.

If you observe carefully, you will find that Director Zhang has a strong spirit of exploration.

For example, this is a room, you are sitting here, he is sitting there, and neither of you is talking. But you will be curious unconsciously. Watching him frown and think, you will wonder, what is he thinking at this moment? A script? A certain movie? Or how to design a certain scene in the movie? As long as you stay close to him, you will have such thoughts unconsciously. I want to analyze his heart. "

"Isn't it on Feng Xiaogang?"

"No...I can't say there isn't. I should say it's already very weak."

Xu Xin shook his head again:

"I don't know if my summary is correct, but...that's what I think."

"...What about Chen Kaige?"

"He...maybe still has one."

Looking at the cigarette that was about to burn out, Xu Xin gave an ambiguous answer.

"Who knows?...Do you know why I left so suddenly just now?"


"Because I feel there is no need to continue chatting. Next to him is the king and the king. Maybe it is my personal subjective judgment? But I always feel that these people are all about business, and as for him, being with these people... …It’s a bit similar to when Director Zhang was in the new scene.

Of course, this is still my personal opinion.

No matter what movie it is, I think his thoughts must be very impure. How to praise people, how to allocate resources reasonably, how to ensure box office... Especially after "1942", I think he will have to consider more situations. You're not the director, so you don't know. Once a director's creation mixes these things, it becomes easy to compromise.

Now that I feel confident, there is no need to stay any longer. Just in time, Director Chen is here, so I'll just go down the slope... Not to mention, the smoke tastes pretty good. "

He lowered his head and glanced at the burnt Ninth Five-Year Master with only the butt of his cigarette. He threw it into the trash can and said to Liu Yifei:

"Let's go. It's time for the red carpet."


The fairy sister first followed his footsteps, then hesitated and said:

"Actually, in my eyes, if I were asked to choose, I would choose you."


Xu Xin glanced at her in confusion:

"Aren't you talking nonsense? You want to choose two people, but Hua Yi doesn't agree with it either."

"Oh, that's not what I meant!"

Liu Yifei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and complained:

"Didn't you see that those two people were treating me like nothing just now... What I mean is that under subjective conditions, if three movie invitations were put in front of me, I would still choose you. Do you know why?"


In Xu Xin's curiosity, the fairy spirit on the face of the fairy sister came again.

Bright eyes, white teeth, a beady smile:

"Because...as an actor, I can see that you have a temperament. You have it, but they don't."

Xu Xin couldn't help but raise his thumb:

"Either Wang Yuyan, you are the best performer. As time goes by, I will retaliate in the same way. The introduction is over~"

"Hey hey hey... let's go and walk on the red carpet~"

The fairy sister chuckled and pushed him.

He thought he was joking.

But in fact, she was serious.

Extremely serious.

The typos will be corrected tomorrow. It’s past one o’clock and I’m so sleepy that I’m going to explode.

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