I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 971 965 May Day

Chapter 971 965.May Day

The red carpet ended calmly.

In fact, there was no live broadcast of the red carpet, so the atmosphere was relatively relaxed.

Xu Xin and Liu Yifei attended as members of "Perfect", and it goes without saying that they received much attention. However, they have been in this circle for a long time, especially Liu Yifei. All kinds of problems have been solved by her. The breeze blew by calmly.

After answering a few casual questions, the two entered the venue.

And this time, the organizers obviously arranged the location with great care.

On Xu Xin's left is "Thailand" and on his right is "Journey to the West".

Next is "Thousands of Arrows Pierce the Heart".

It's quite a bit like the stars overlapping the moon.

Even if there are only two people.

"Director Xu."

"Director Xu."

Along the way, many people greeted Xu Xin, and he responded politely one by one. When he finally sat down, he was right next to Xu Zheng.

However, it was impossible to talk about anything in this situation.

Everyone was just exchanging pleasantries and chatting.

Then, the crew of "Journey to the West" arrived.

Di Wei, who was wearing a... expensive-looking high-end dress, sat next to Xu Xin.

"Director Xu, Lao Liu~"


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

Looking at Liu Yifei who smiled and nodded:

"Old Liu?"

"Go! You are not allowed to scream!"


"Feed the grass!"

The fairy sister looked like "Huaqiang holding a knife". He has the bad behavior of "If you challenge me, Liu Huaqiang, again, I will stab you in the stomach."


Xu Xin shrugged helplessly, turned to Di Wei and asked:

"Where's Lao Wang?"

"Went to the bar. A friend was having a party for his birthday, and he went directly there."


Xu Xin didn't ask any more questions.

The three of them were chatting away. Finally, in this calm situation, the award ceremony officially began.

As a burst of exciting music sounded, Xu Xin heard the words of the fairy sister in his ears:

"Are you nervous?"


Xu Xin glanced at her in confusion:

"What are you nervous about?"

"Hey~ Pretend I didn't say anything."

"Are you nervous?"


The fairy sister is even more calm:

"I don't care about the award."

Xu Xinxin said it was a coincidence, but I didn’t care.

From the time he started making movies, his goals...although he didn't set them particularly high.

But as someone who won the Cannes Camera d'Or for his debut film, his vision has been raised a lot. Coupled with the smooth sailing in the past two years and the fact that he organized an award at the Silk Road Film Festival, he really has no interest in domestic awards.

Even if he is attending the Starlight Award next month, it is only because he must have this award that he desires to get it.

In addition, this kind of Directors Guild award... even if it is given to the best picture or the best director, he will not have any big ups and downs in his heart.

Then, the first award was born.

Jury Special Recognition Award.

The winner is Xu Zheng's "囧".

"Crash la la la..."

Amid applause, Xu Zheng walked onto the stage.

The footage of the live broadcast was also specially given to Xu Xin.

Looking at himself applauding on the screen, Xu Xin's eyes were calm.

Then the screen switched again, to Feng Xiaogang and the big and small kings...

Xu Xin's mouth twitched when he saw it.

This director... knows how to play.

However, at this award ceremony, everyone's expressions were almost the same. Whoever wins the prize will be given applause, and there is no clue at all in his expression.

Soon, Xu Zheng left the stage after delivering his acceptance speech, and then the "Outstanding Contribution Director Award" was given to Mr. Xie Fei.

The audience stood up and applauded.

The old man had the air of a master, and his words were full of encouragement and expectations for the younger generations.

Then there is the Hong Kong and Taiwan director, Young Director of the Year.

After those four awards, it's time for Best Actor and Actor.

First male, then female.

The Actor of the Year award was won by Huang Bo. With "Killing Life", he won the recognition of directors.

This actor with not outstanding appearance has added another trophy to his list of best actor honors.

When it came to the actress, Xu Xin first glanced at Liu Yifei, then at Si Wei...

Then I saw the shortlisted filmmakers.

Gao Yuanyuan, Zhou Xun, Xu Fan, Hao Lei, Yan Bingyan, Liu Yifei, Di Wei...

Not to mention, the stars are really shining.

The big screen at the scene can hardly be accommodated.

In the end, this honor went to Yan Bingyan.

From the first time the Silk Road Film Festival came out, to the box office of 76 million after its release last year, receiving countless likes and praises, and now it has been recognized by the Directors Guild...

Yan Bingyan walked all the way, and when she stood under the spotlight, she burst into tears again.

Amid the applause and encouragement, both Liu Yifei and Di Wei looked quite calm.

Even noticing that he turned his head, Di Wei looked at him:

"Director Xu, what's wrong?"

"No, it depends on whether you regret it or not."

"No regrets."

Si Wei looked innocent and shook her head.

She also watched "Ten Thousand Arrows Pierce the Heart".

They really acted well.

If your skills are not as good as others, what is there to regret?


Xu Xin smashed his mouth.

I wonder why I am surrounded by a bunch of Buddhist coffee?

Then Yan Pingyan stepped down and it was the Screenwriter of the Year's turn.

Wu Nan had nothing to do with this award. It was even different from Xu Xin's expectation that Liu Zhenyun won, and it was actually given to "Search".

As a screenwriter, Chen Kaige did not go on stage, but Tang Danian did.

But Liu Yifei was not happy:

"I thought it would be given to Philip..."

"No one is here, how can I give it to you?"

"You take it on your behalf."

Xu Xin ignored her.

Didn't you just say that you are a Buddhist? Why are you interested in ordinary people now?

Just a prize.

He was thinking about it, but on the other side of the stage, as Tang Danian stepped down, the eyes of some people on the scene began to flow back and forth between Xu Xin and Feng Xiaogang.

Because the next award comes to Film of the Year.

Because this is the Awards Ceremony of the Directors Guild, the Best Director, which is always under the Best Picture, is placed in the finale.

Among the nominations for this award are Xu Xin's "Perfect", "1942", "Search", "Flying Over the Nursing Home" and "A Thousand Arrows Pierce the Heart".

If "Scorching Sun" can be included in this list, then those present may 100% feel that there is no suspense.

But "Perfect" is different.

After withdrawing from the Tokyo Film Festival, no one knows what people abroad think of this Sino-Italian co-production.

To be honest, director Xu Xin has tied his own hands this time.

I just picked up "Perfect" instead of "Scorching Sun" which will be released later this year...

But...how will the people from the Directors Guild judge?

What would these directors think?

Not only were others curious, but Xu Xin was actually a little curious as well.

Looking at his silhouette on the big screen, he wondered who would win this award.


"1942" got it.

"Hua la la la la..."

Amid applause, Feng Xiaogang walked onto the stage step by step.

Xu Xin, who was also applauded by the audience, naturally felt countless eyes looking towards him.

To put it more exaggeratedly, he could feel Fei Xianer's dissatisfaction through her perfunctory applause.

But he didn't say anything.


He became the winner of Director of the Year.

When he heard his name, Xu Xin stood up naturally from the posture of clapping.

With Liu Yifei next to her standing up in surprise and joy and opening her hands, he hugged her politely, then bypassed the crowd and walked towards the stage step by step amid applause.

In the eyes of outsiders... this is actually fair.

Or in a sense, fair.

Feng Xiaogang won the best film, and Xu Xin won the best director.

At the Directors Guild Awards Ceremony, of course the director is more important than the film. The northwest circle is now on the rise. Let alone overpowering Feng Xiaogang in previous years, it would be great to be able to stand alongside him. So it only took a few years? The down-and-out Xiying Studio was once again full of life.

But which one is better is the rising star, or the former king or the king. It is still unclear who will win now. But in this award ceremony, both sides can be regarded as occupying half of their respective countries.

What's more... From the perspective of the importance of the award alone, Xu Xin won a small victory.

The Directors Guild is also doing beautiful things.

It gave face to the Northwest Circle and did not lose face to the Beijing Circle.

Handled beautifully.

Oh yes, even Chen Kaige took care of it.

Awarded Screenwriter of the Year.

The arrangement was perfect.

To everyone's happiness.

Naturally, Feng Xiaogang, Chen Kaige, and Xu Xin could all think of these things they were thinking of.

It's just that everyone has their own ideas.

At Big and Little Wang, what they saw was that the Northwest Circle already had a pivotal position in the hearts of these directors. They now urgently need a way to break the situation. Suppression... unlikely. The opponent's background is also very tough. So this matter essentially comes back to competition.

Competition, conflict, grabbing resources...

This is what they think about.

As for Chen Kaige, the old god is here.

He is not worried about the Beijing Circle, nor is he worried about the Northwest Circle. Because he can eat both sides.

As a great director, as long as he wants to do something, he can basically do it.

No matter how the outside world comments on him, he feels that he is always pursuing his own art.

Looking at Xu Xin on stage, he was just a little dazed.

I vaguely saw the photographer who worked for me back then...

What a resemblance.

It's just... sharper and wiser than him.

It's like an upgraded version.

As for Feng Xiaogang...he thought more simply.

It has nothing to do with this award ceremony, or even Xu Xin.

He was just wondering, what the hell did this audience think?

I say you can accept art films, but you continue to scold a film with such a serious theme.

They all say that your aesthetic taste is improving, but one by one, they really put a plate of good food in front of you, and start acting like a big-tailed wolf again.


I want to take a look this time. I will make a pot of leftovers for you to see what kind of box office it can do, and see what your reaction will be!

Let me see what kind of aesthetic you have!

See what chaff you are eating!

As for Xu Xin...

He clutched the heavy trophy, and his first reaction was... he looked at last year's trophy, wasn't it the "A" logo of the Directors Guild? Why does this year's trophy look... like a naked piece of flesh from "Titanic"?

The length, width and height of this trophy are a bit too much.

But this idea was immediately labeled as "flashy".

Doesn’t it mean director evaluation and director selection?

But the nature of a director, a film, and a screenwriter...are they really not sharing the pork?


The trophy is very heavy and the artistic sculpture is also very beautiful.

Just next time…

It doesn’t matter if you don’t come.

Thinking of this, Leng Buding felt helpless that next year the Silk Road Film Festival would be held in the birthplace of the "Maritime Silk Road", and he began to give his acceptance speech in a very formal way.

"Thank you to the Directors Guild for awarding this honor to me..."

After that, he bowed and left the stage.

This is his first time on this stage.

But it's also the last time.

The awards ceremony was great.

Won’t come next time.

At the end of the award ceremony, as the winner of "Director of the Year", Xu Xin handled the reporters' questions with great experience, then found Su Meng and handed over the trophy that he had been holding all the way.

He took the cigarette box, took out a cigarette from it, and said directly:

"Where's Liu Yifei?"

"In the car."

"Where's Seventh Brother?"

"I'm here too. Just now Brother Cong called me and asked us to go have supper together."

Hearing this, Xu Xin glanced at the message his wife sent more than 20 minutes ago:

"The child is making a fuss at home and won't sleep. You should go back early when you're done."

Nodding slightly:

"Let's go. Tell them and we won't go."

"Mmm Good."

Su Meng quickly followed.

As soon as the two of them reached the parking lot, Xu Xin was still replying to his wife with his head down, when he heard Su Meng say:

"Brother Xu, the big and small kings are over there."

Xu Xin subconsciously looked up and saw Wang Xiaowang entering the parking lot in the other direction surrounded by a group of people.

Opposite faces happened to come from both sides.

Xu Xin saw the big and small kings, and the big and small kings also saw him.

However, it was pretty much the same as when I was in the waiting area. After the king saw Xu Xin, he waved slightly as a greeting, and then led a group of people into several cars that had already driven out and got in the car.

His attitude was still that cold.

He didn't say anything, but Su Meng was a little unhappy:


She made a somewhat unhappy sound.

Xu Xin glanced at her and said with a smile:

"Let's go."

The fact that Xu Xin won the award is no longer news nowadays.

He won the title of Director of the Year. Among the topics about the award ceremony, it was not as popular as the "One Shot of the Century" picture.

That's right, I don't know who took the photo of him and Feng Xiaogang sitting next to each other from behind.

In the picture, both of them turned slightly sideways and seemed to be communicating.

This photo is much more popular than the awards he and Feng Xiaogang received respectively.

"The same frame of the century!"

"The two major talkers in Beijing and Northwest China held a cordial and friendly meeting."

"It's a pity that a spoiler came out."

"Chen Kaige: Yes, it's just me."

"Don't tell me, this should be the first time the two of you have taken a photo together, right?"

There was a lot of discussion about this photo on the Internet, but neither of the people involved responded.

In the end it was nothing.

With the end of this awards ceremony, all activities throughout April have almost come to an end.

Xu Xin returned to the "school-home" rhythm of life.

On April 23, the second trailer for "Pacific Rim" came out.

It is different from the shots in the first trailer that mainly highlighted monsters, mechas, and technology. In the second premonition film, the scenes between Yang Mi and the male protagonist began to increase.

Especially the scene of the two people fighting in close combat under the rapid beating of drums. One second of close combat, the next second the two of them are in the same cockpit, operating a huge mecha and "brother." "Silla" fighting scene is very exciting to watch, not to mention exciting, but the expectations for this film are gradually increasing.

Gradually, the topic of "Pacific Rim" began to flood the Internet.

Obviously, Legendary Pictures has begun to enter the second stage of promotion.

But Yang Mi’s return to China is still far away.

This film has been scheduled to be released on July 31st in China, but in fact the premiere period starts on July 1st.

In the entire plan, it will be released in more than 60 countries.

Although not all countries will promote it, the film studio will not miss those countries with greater box office potential.

Yang Mi has now left the United States and followed the team to France.

Then the next stop is Mexico, Argentina, Italy, South Korea, Canada, etc...

Almost my busy feet didn’t even touch the ground.

And according to the plan she got, she could only return to China for half a month at most, and during this half month, she would go to more than 10 provincial capital cities to promote the movie. Basically, she arrived in a city the first night, and the next morning I had to leave for another city long ago.

There is no time to spend with the children at all.

Yang Mi was so angry that she jumped on the street and cursed every day, swearing that she would be a dog again if she acted in a Hollywood movie again...

She was busy, so Xu Xin naturally had to take care of the family.

What's more, it feels great to live such a simple life every day.

Time, just like a flash, came to May.

On May Day, the children have a holiday.

Xu Xin's first reaction was to run away.

You have to find something to distract the child.

But the problem is that wherever you go on May Day, there are many people.

So I posted this topic to the group for help.

The person who solved the problem was Wang Sicong:

"How about you go to Chengdu? Go and see the peace and happiness?"

A word to wake up the dreamer.

Xu Xin thought this idea was a good one. Indeed, since they adopted Ping An and Xi Le, the last time the two children saw them was the last time.

And... he has a really good impression of the city of Chengdu.

Dujiangyan is very beautiful.

Qingcheng Mountain is also good.

The most important thing is that the food is very good... or that after living in Yanjing for a long time, no matter which city in the country is livable in his eyes.

Yanjing... there are more and more people, and it is becoming more and more congested.

It was completely different from when he first arrived.

Just as he was planning to go to Chengdu to take his children for a walk, a phone call immediately made him change his itinerary.

"Are you coming to Los Angeles?"

Liu Momo's overseas phone call came on May 1, the day after the Cannes Film Festival ended.

"People from Paramount have already approached me to discuss cooperation projects. They have provided several scripts, which I think are acceptable. George informed me that he has already boarded a plane back to the United States."


Xu Xin glanced at the time subconsciously, and then asked:

"How are Sofia Coppola's results?"

He was talking about the movie produced by Paramount this year, "The Jewel" directed by Sofia Coppola. It is said that the heroine is quite famous. She is the little girl named...Hermione in Harry Potter.

However, he didn’t pay much attention to the specific news, but the producer was Georgia, and he also went to Cannes with him.

"It's not that good. I was shortlisted for a certain unit, but I didn't get anything."

"...Not the main competition unit?...She is the same as Keanu?"

"Yes. But neither of them won the award, but I read the news... "The Man of Tai Chi" got a pretty good reputation during Cannes. Everyone was surprised that he, an American, could make an Asian kung fu movie. Like this. Then Georgia told me that Paramount’s film project plans for the second half of the year have already started, and you have to come over to choose a script... Isn’t this just May Day? Why don’t you bring the kids with you? Honey, we went there a week ago For dinner, didn't she go to France? Her next stop is Mexico. Ask her when she will come back? The children must miss their mother very much, right?"

Xu Xin's heart was immediately moved by these words.

He held up the phone and looked through the screen window at Nuan Nuan, who was playing the piano, and the two children holding a picture book and reading it...

After only hesitating for two seconds, he said:

"Okay, I'll get ready and go there tomorrow."

"Yeah. Then I'll wait for you."


After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin went directly to Yang Dalin:

"Dad, let's go to America?"

He didn't dare to make too much noise, for fear that the two children would immediately start making a fuss after hearing the news that they were going to find their mother.

Even early in the morning on the 2nd, after passing customs and boarding the plane, Nuannuan and Yangyang were still asking:

"Dad, where are we going?"

"Let's go find the tigress."

Xu Xin gave his answer with a smile.

The old father-in-law next to him twitched his lips...

Then he glanced at his wife.


Don't tell me yet.

True image.

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