I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 972 966 Hello, MR Wick

Chapter 972 966. Hello, MR. Wick

To be honest, long-distance flights are really tiring.

But fortunately, everyone has hope.

Lao Yang and his wife missed their daughter, Xu Xin missed his wife, but Nuannuan and Yangyang seemed to react belatedly when they realized they were still on the plane after a good sleep.

"Dad, are we going to find mom?"

After getting a positive answer, the siblings were completely shocked.

On the plane, I was running and jumping.

The one running is Nuan Nuan.

The one who jumped on the flight attendant's lap was Yangyang.

It’s quite outrageous anyway.

Maybe it's a man's intuition? No matter how he looked at it, he felt that his baby would be a great scumbag in the future.

This kid... won't make pornographic films in the future, right?

Looking at the baby talking and laughing happily with the stewardess, he felt worried in his heart.

So much so that I didn't bother to care about my daughter who was jumping up and down.

Then, after a 15-hour long journey, the family arrived in Los Angeles at 9 a.m. on May 2.

No need for Yang Mi to pick it up. In fact, she rushed back to Los Angeles at 2 o'clock in the morning last night.

It’s the same exhaustion.

So Xu Xin didn't ask him to pick her up at all, but directly got into the car sent by Volvo and started walking all the way to Beverly Hills.

In the car, he sent a message to several countless friends, including Keanu Reeves, telling them that he had arrived in Los Angeles, and then he fell into the endless "Dad, where is mommy" between his two children? during questioning.

Today's United States has long lost its novelty to him.

And, after the novelty wore off, he looked at the streets of Los Angeles and was replaced by an "old" filter.

Their infrastructure has really not been updated for a long time.

And when they caught up with a traffic jam, Xu Xin also saw two LAPD cars. Two policemen were escorting a gangster into the police car.

All right.

This is very American.

It is precisely because of them that there is a traffic jam here.

On the contrary, after seeing this, the two children pointed out the window very cutely:

"Dad, the police are catching the thief!"

A little interlude is quickly skipped.

Finally, when the familiar yet unfamiliar manor door slowly opened.

The family is finally reunited.


"Whoa!!! Mom!!!"

When Yang Mi, whose eyes were still swollen and who looked like she had not slept for long, was thrown on her by two children, the sound of wailing could be heard in the manor.

Yang Mi, who was wearing a large T-shirt and pajamas, hugged her baby tightly, kissing her on the left and on the right.

Obviously he didn't think so either.

When Mingming sent her a WeChat message on the plane to tell her that her family had left for Los Angeles, she was quite angry, feeling that her children would definitely miss their classes. Moreover, the May Day Golden Week is so short, and we can’t stay for a few days, so there is no need to go through all the trouble.

But now looking at her holding the child tightly, and even her eyes were a little red, Xu Xin thought that if she said now: "Let the child stay with you for a few more days," his wife Being able to drag these two ancestors to Mexico...

But he didn't say it.

The children don’t have Mexican passports either, so they can’t go if they want to.

You can only stay here for three or four days at most, and then you have to go back.

For now...let the mother and son enjoy the happiness of being reunited for a moment.


This is Keanu Reeves' reply.

It was noon when I sent the message.

Xu Xin, who was eating, saw the other party's reply and his mouth twitched...

This guy didn't reply before. Xu Xin guessed that he was probably sleeping. After all, Cannes had just ended, and there was a time difference between the United States and France.

But...brother, isn't your reply a little too simple?

And he was just about to say something...


"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Bring the aloe vera gel to the child. Yangyang's shoulders are a little red now."

The weather in Los Angeles in May is not very good.

Can't you just enjoy the strong sunshine and the fish pond that's so blue and clear?

The most important thing is...it's different from home, where my mother will spank me if I jump into the fish pond, but here...you can just play! No fish yet!

As long as you can see your mother, make sure she doesn't disappear.

So, two energetic children started making trouble in the yard.

But obviously, their delicate skin is not suitable for being so tortured by the Los Angeles sun.


Xu Xin responded and put down his phone.

The battery of his mobile phone is already red and he needs to charge it quickly.

He went to the swimming pool with aloe vera gel specially used to calm the skin. He looked at his wife who was starting to apply it to the two children and said:

"When will Sister Mo arrive? I'm a little hungry."

"Ask you...don't move! Xu Wanqing! Just stay honest! I'll beat you!"

Listening to their mother's fierce tone, the two children were not only not afraid, but also had a playful smile on their faces that said they were "comfortable".

"My phone is out of battery and is being charged."

"Then wait a moment."

Soon, a tube of aloe vera gel was applied to the two babies as if it was free.

"Okay, you two, stop playing and go find grandma to change clothes. After dinner, mom will take you to bed."

After forcibly commanding the two children to stop the behavior of "opening the fish pond", the two children walked away in a hurry, leaving the old husband and wife behind.

Yang Mi took the initiative to reach out her hand.

After holding her husband's hand, her eyes gradually became moist.

"I'll coax them up soon, and you can take a shower too."

Xu Xin looked serious:

"Female donor, please respect yourself."

The young woman was not annoyed when she heard this, but with a slight smile on her face, she sat directly in his arms and put her fingers on her lover's chest:

"Brother Yudi~ What you said makes me so sad~"

Her voice became more charming and her laughter became crispy:

"Hehehe~ People say that all the members of the family are empty~ My dear brother, look at me, I don't believe you have empty eyes~"

Oh my god.

What's going on with this bitch lately?

Great improvement in skill?

How can you kill someone by seducing him?


"Ding ding dong dong..."

The IPHONE phone rings.

Sitting in her husband's arms, the little sister Yu's eyes were almost watery, and she immediately showed an impatient look on her face.


How can you do bad things and do good things?

Then I picked up my phone and looked...

have to.

"Here, Sister Mo."

Xu Xin took the call:

"Hey, Sister Mo."

"Open the door, I'm here."


When Yang Mi heard this, a trace of helplessness flashed in her eyes.


What can be done?

"You open the door, and I'll change my clothes. I'll also check to see if the chef's meal is ready."

This time I found a Japanese chef at home...

Brackets: female.

Yang Mi didn't want her husband to think too much.

As for why she didn't find a chef from China... maybe it was because of her sense of privacy. She didn't want people from China to know her current situation here, including her house, communication circle, and private living habits.

Even the chefs hired by this kind of manor have undergone strict training.

That's not OK.

So I chose a Japanese chef with similar tastes, a eldest sister named Yoshiko Midima who is in her forties. Among the Asian chefs here in Los Angeles, she is a kind of chef with a good reputation.

The food is delicious, especially the kaiseki cuisine, which tastes really good.

What's more... if she really wants to eat Chinese food, she can make it herself.

Xu Xin came to the door and opened the remote control manor door.

Soon, a Bentley that looked very businesslike but was unusually calm drove in.

When Liu Momo got out of the car, Xu Xin discovered that this sister had started to grow her hair longer.

"Yo? Changed your hairstyle?...Have you a boyfriend?"

Liu Momo took off the sunglasses on his face and showed a somewhat speechless expression:

"Is there something wrong with you? Why do you feel like you are urging me to get married every time you see me?"

"Isn't this the task that Uncle Liu gave me?"

"Whether to please him or to please me, you choose one."

"Hahaha, only children make choices! I want them all!"

Listening to Xu Xin's words, Liu Momo shook his head helplessly and handed the briefcase in his hand to Xu Xin.

"Here, the script."

Apparently, there were several scripts provided by Paramount that they thought were good.

Immediately afterwards, she opened the rear door and took out another thick document bag:

"It's against the wind."


When the document bag, which was as thick as a dictionary, fell into his hand, Xu Xin realized the seriousness of this matter:

"so much!?"

"What do you think I am doing here every day? These are all bought with real money."

"...Sister, why didn't you tell me you bought so much before I came here!?"

Liu Momo sneered:

"It's like you can still come here after knowing about it."

Xu Xinxin said, just cheat on your father...

Of course, I would definitely not dare to say this.

fear death.

Then, when the two of them walked into the house, Liu Momo said:

"You haven't changed your cook, right? Is it still the Japanese cook?"

"Yes...have you eaten?"

"I've tried it. Her food tastes pretty good..."

The two were chatting, and after entering the house, Yang Mi also came downstairs.

Xu Xin was stunned.

Didn't you say you were going to change clothes?

Isn't this... the same as before?

What did she change?


Compared with Xu Xin who was surprised by Liu Momo's gradually growing hair, Yang Mi seemed much calmer.

The two of them are now in a relationship with each other.

Yang Mi is tired, but Liu Momo has no man.

Just a companion.

This month it is said that I drink one bottle every day.

The inventory that Wang Sicong bought in his classmate's winery in France was about to be exhausted.

I have been thinking of ways to buy it for my mother these days.

"Where's the child?"

"I'm changing clothes up there. You two talk first, and I'll go to the kitchen to take a look."

After saying that, she walked out and walked into the large kitchen in the manor that was specially used for entertaining guests and was more like a professional hotel chef.

Xu Xin took Liu Momo directly to a small room on the first floor.

That's a cigar bar where you can smoke.

After arriving in the room and taking a seat, Xu Xin began to open the portfolio.

By this time, one of the elusive servants at home had brought over two glasses of lemonade.

In fact, these servants have never had any sense of presence. The main reason is that Yang Mi doesn't like having people around when she is not doing anything.

Therefore, unless the hostess needs them, they will not appear in the host's sight most of the time after completing tasks such as cleaning.

Even if they show up, they basically serve tea and water without saying a word. After finishing their work, they quietly retreat.

From this point of view... this job can be considered very easy.

"Paramount isn't in a hurry lately, is it?"

"Why are they in a hurry? The heritage of old companies is there. Old companies like Hollywood have strong risk resistance. Although the entire film industry is being impacted by new companies such as Marvel, but They are one of the largest distributors in North America, and they have obtained the distribution rights for several Marvel movies, and their qualifications are old enough. As long as they don't commit suicide, there will be no problem."

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded slightly, took out the script and then discovered...

"Why is it in English?"

Liu Momo said in his heart that this is not nonsense.

It’s not like you don’t understand English now.


"Paramount has only given me these scripts for a few days, so you can take a look at them first. They gave me a series of scripts, including those for various characters. Don't look at the thickness, but it's actually only six or seven stories."

"All right."

He randomly picked up a script and started reading it.

But after just two glances, I threw it aside.

American horror film.

He's not interested.

These scripts were bound together. After taking away one copy, the thickness of all the scripts instantly decreased.

Secondly, he was no longer interested in the name.

"Magic and Wizards and the Dark Forest"...

"How did they let me, an Asian, make a Western fantasy movie?"

Seeing Xu Xin holding a script and complaining about the title, Liu Momo was speechless...

"I said this was my choice, do you believe it?...Have you never read HP? Don't you like that kind of story?"

"HP...Harry Potter?"



Xu Xinxin said that sister, your vision in selecting movies is really as bad as ever...

So, I put the story aside again.

He quickly scanned the next few stories, and he had almost read the script of such a thick file bag.

He said he was reading it, but actually he was scanning it roughly. After seeing the theme of the story, he basically had an idea.

Stacking the scripts together again, he said straightforwardly:

"Either it's something I don't understand, such as this kind of horror movie. Or it's some marginalized groups... But this stuff is not easy to shoot, and it's not easy to make fun of. And... I have to admit, I'm a little confused when it comes to English scripts. "

His English is relatively quick.

In the early stage, through massive word memorization, I remembered the meaning of various words, and then through oral practice, I developed language habits.

It is certainly enough for daily communication.

But if it is written understanding, it is indeed quite different. He can probably understand the meaning of some words, but in the English writing format, he will be more straightforward in understanding some things that can be called "lexicon". Just like when foreigners read Chinese, the sentence "the north wind blew the white grass off the ground", in their eyes is just "a north wind blew the grass off" is the same truth.

After hearing this, Liu Momo thought for a while and said:

"Then... let me tell them to translate these scripts into Chinese for you?"

"No need for these, this horror movie, fantasy movie, etc... you can translate these two urban scripts. I will take a look at it then."

"Yeah, that's okay."

With her agreement, Xu Xin picked up the script Liu Momo prepared.

When he picked up the first script called "John Wick", he thought it was a biography of the character.

But I immediately saw the affix under the name of the script: The Boogey Man


Why does this word look familiar?

But I couldn't remember it for a while.

At this time, he saw the name in the screenwriter column.

Derek Kolstad.

Derek Kostad.

Suddenly he remembered:

"Oh~~ It's Ai Qing's cousin, that bald guy? Does he have a new story?"

"No, it's the same story we had last time. The story of the killer."

Xu Xin nodded suddenly.

He had already read that story.

It is a film with a very simple storyline. If I remember correctly, it seems to be about the revenge of a killer. It's short, fast, and easy to read without too many flowery words.

This guy's style is very concise and concise.

Who did the protagonist kill, BIUBIUBIU, who did he kill, kakaka...

But at least Xu Xin could understand the story he wrote.

Unlike several Paramount stories, you can tell at a glance that it is written in very literal terms.

However, he had also experienced this story, so he was directly placed on Paramount's pile of scripts.

The coffee table used for smoking cigars is not big at all, but he still wants to light a cigarette.

I took out the crystal ashtray from below and was about to light my cigarette when I suddenly heard Yang Mi’s voice coming from outside:

"Honey, come on, Keanu is here!"



Not to mention Xu Xin, Liu Momo was also stunned.

Keanu Reeves is here?

Xu Xin, who still had the cigarette in his mouth, subconsciously stood up and walked out of the cigar bar with Liu Momo one after another.

Then I saw Keanu Reeves wearing a leather jacket, jeans, big leather shoes, and a pair of gloves in his hand, which was not very common in this season.

"Oh, hey, Xu~haha, friend~long time no see!"

While he was talking to Yang Mi, when he saw Xu Xin coming out, he came over and gave Xu Xin a big hug.


Xu Xin was a little confused.

But then I suddenly remembered... After I sent him a message in the morning and told him that I had arrived in Los Angeles, he replied with "OK"...

Is this guy so upright?

Or are all Americans like this?

Could it be that there was something in his English sentence that meant inviting him to be a guest?

At this time, Xu Xin heard him say:

"After I came back yesterday, I attended a friend's party and stayed here. When I saw you coming, I came directly. Sorry, Lao Chen can't come today. He is in China now, and a relative and friend of his family is unwell. It’s not good, I will go to China to meet him in a few days.”

After explaining his purpose, he also noticed the cigarette hanging from Xu Xin's mouth.

However, he did not speak for the time being, but took the initiative to extend his hand to Liu Momo:

"Ni Howl~I'm~KI Nu~Li~V~Si! I'm so excited to see Ni~!"

The corners of Liu Momo's mouth twitched...

Although she also admitted that this man was really handsome... but when she heard the donut-flavored Chinese words, she still couldn't laugh or cry, and then she shook hands with him and said in English:

"Hello Keanu, if you don't mind me calling you that."

Under Keanu Reeves' shrugging smile, she introduced herself:

"Molly Liu. His sister~"

"Mud Howl~Mud Howl~"

Two more bad Chinese sounds, and then he patted his belly:

"Xu, have you eaten?"

Xu Xin didn't need to answer, Yang Mi smiled and said:

"You came just in time, Keanu. Just wait a moment, the meal will be ready soon."

"Wow, that's great. I haven't eaten anything since last night~"

After patting his belly, he turned to Xu Xin:

"Should we go smoke a cigarette? Sorry, friend, I was going to bring you a bottle of good wine. But you came very suddenly..."

Xu Xin smiled slightly:

"Of course it doesn't matter, let's go there... let's go there first."

The following words were said to Yang Mi.

Then, the three of them entered the cigar bar together.

After Keanu Reeves took the Chinese gift from Xu Xin, he smiled and said:

"I still remember the cigarettes we exchanged for the first time we met..."

"Haha, of course remember to...sit down."


Keanu Reeves put the cigarette to his nose and sniffed it. After sitting down, he glanced at the two piles of documents on the table...

"Script?...Did I come at the wrong time?"


Xu Xin handed him the lighter:

"Paramount wanted to collaborate on a movie with me, so it sent me several scripts for me to choose from. Isn't it time to eat~"


After lighting up the cigarette, the melancholy male god with unshaven face nodded slightly and his eyes fell on the thick stack of scripts.

Script name: "John Wick" - The Boogey Man~

Keanu Reeves, who has seen many scripts, naturally cannot say that he is "brightened".

But isn’t that where the conversation ends?

He pointed to the script:

"Let me see?"


Originally, I was thinking that my friend would be here, so I would put the script aside for a while, and Xu Xin casually agreed while chatting.

Keanu Reeves picked up the script.

Well...Hello, MR. Wick.

With a relaxed mood and a mind to watch the excitement, he said hello to this "person" in his heart.

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