I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 975 969 The left eye jumps for wealth and the right eye jumps for disaster

"are you asleep?"

"Shh... he must be asleep."

"Then... let's straighten it out?"

"...Does it have to be tonight? I really took a flight for more than ten hours, I didn't lie to you!"

"Hurry! Go and take the child back to the room!"

"I...poof! Cough cough cough..."

Looking at her husband who was hunched over in an exaggerated manner and coughing softly and "violently", Yang Mi was speechless, but her eyes were burning with fire:

"Okay, stop pretending! Hurry!"

Xu Xin froze, knowing that he couldn't hide tonight even if he stretched his head.

He sat up helplessly.

I picked up Nuan Nuan and walked outside.

Warm first, then yang.

As a result, just as Yangyang was carried out of the master bedroom, suddenly, the ringtone of the iPhone rang in the quiet and dark room.


Yang Mi felt her blood pressure rise suddenly.

Your uncle's!

It’s not over, right?

Who would call at such an evil hour? ! ! ! !

She flew up from the bed with a thud, grabbed the cell phone on the bedside table viciously, and planned to hang up.


Caller: Liu Momo.


The anger on her face turned into helplessness.

Looking at her husband walking in the door, she waved for him to close the door, answered the phone, and turned on the speakerphone:

"Hey, Sister Mo."

"Have you slept?"

"not yet."

"Where's Xu Xin?"

"Next to me."

"Uh...did I fight at the wrong time?"

"No, we are chatting. The child has just gone to bed."

"That's it...that's just right, Mimi, isn't Xu Xin going to the shooting range with Keanu tomorrow? Do you want to go look for Luc Besson with me?"


Yang Mi was stunned.

Xu Xin also sat on the bedside in confusion and asked:

"What are you looking for him for?"

"Let him see your wife. The movie "LUCY" has a female protagonist, let's give it a try."


Yang Mi's first reaction was to refuse.

In the morning, she was talking to her husband about taking another Hollywood movie, and she was like a dog.

A promotional period is going to take up half a year of her life. Can you bear this?


This person is none other than Sister Mo.

Personally, we are all very good friends.

Even if I have decided not to do this kind of cross-border drama again, it's another thing if my friends really ask me to do it. What's more... the headwind is still our own company.

Yu Gong... Sister Mo is a relative of the royal family. Ordinary people may have never heard of her, let alone met her in person.

She has the same mind as Ming Jing about which direction her husband wants to go. Sister Mo's "dream" is actually very simple, that is, to start a career by herself. Plus Uncle Liu's side...

If we can't talk about foreign actors, let's talk about domestic actors... If she really opens her mouth, who can't agree obediently?

At this time, she heard Xu Xin say:

"Yang Mi, she doesn't..."


Instinctively, Yang Mi agreed directly and covered her husband's mouth.


Xu Xinxin said you are sick, right?


Are you a dog?

Aren't you just a dog?

In the morning, you said that if you continue to shoot Hollywood movies, you will be a dog. In the afternoon, you regretted it?

"Ah? What did Xu Xin say? I didn't hear what you just said."

"He didn't say anything. He was saying, aren't you looking for me? Then...Sister Mo, when will we make an appointment tomorrow? Can I take the child there? The child can't live without me these two days."

"Okay. Then I'll pick you up tomorrow?"

"Okay. Let's just say that, you two, please pay attention, hahahaha~"


In the midst of the joke, the phone was hung up.

Xu Xin had a question mark on his forehead:

"What are you doing?"

Unexpectedly, the young woman opposite nodded directly:

"Well, let's begin!"


In the eyes of "Are you sick?", Xu Xin slapped away the hand she extended to him:

"Wait a moment. We have to explain our words clearly. Are you still going to answer?"

"What do you mean by picking up? It's such an ugly thing to say! An old married couple, what? You still want to send me a red envelope?"



I'm afraid you're on a slippery slope in your thinking.

Are we talking about the same thing?

Looking at her husband's confused eyes, Yang Mi didn't explain much.

What could she say?

"I took it because of your consideration."

I dare not say this.

Because with my husband's temper, if he heard that he didn't want to, he would definitely go to Sister Mo directly and push the matter aside.

So there is no need to say it.

You feel sorry for me, I know.

But equally, I also know what to do to help you the most.

I don't want to answer either.

But I am your wife.

I will also work hard for you and this family.

So, she said nothing.

Xu Xin's eyes blurred.

The next second he was on the bed and raking~


"Muhahahaha~Brother! The Sa family is here!"

After looking forward to three pairs of pants, it’s finally my turn! ! !

Oh, this is SEI’s little baby, why is he so rare~

I’m almost starving myself to death!


"elder sister……"


"What do you think? Why did you accept it? Don't you want to take the photo anymore?"

It's almost 12 o'clock.

In the calm, Xu Xin held her in his arms and looked at the reflection of the swimming pool outside the window through the glass and the changing ripples on the bedroom wall, and once again asked the doubts in his heart.

"I must fully support my own business."

"……That's it?"

"Well, that's it."

"But why do I think it's because of Sister Mo..."

"Oh, okay."

The woman who was being hugged by her husband and enjoying herself suddenly turned around and put her finger against her lover's lips.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Are you sleepy now?"

"What...what are you going to do?"


She smiled evilly and leaned into the bed.


Xu Xin rubbed his face.


Do evil.

What were you thinking at first? Why did you fall in love with such a thing?

Almost catching up with the succubus.

Excuse me...who can help me? I can't bear it anymore.


"Hey, baby, what's the matter?"

"You are so beautiful today~"

Looking at her radiant mother, Nuannuan patted her mother's face with a flattery.

"Oh, my baby is so good~ Why is your little mouth so sweet? Come on, let mommy kiss you~"


In the harmonious atmosphere of motherly kindness and daughterly filial piety, Yangyang sat at the dining table, looking left and right...

Where is my dad?

Xu Xin did not have a U.S. driver's license, so Keanu Reeves drove to pick him up.

A Porsche 911 that... doesn't look like a new model.

I don’t know why, but when Xu Xin saw this 911, his first reaction was:

"Keanu, do you like racing?"

He was a little frightened for no reason.

After hearing what he said, the other party just looked at him in confusion:

"Xu, I usually ride a motorcycle. Or a retro motorcycle. Have you ever seen any retro motorcycle owner who likes racing?"

This time, Xu Xin felt a little more at ease:

"I'm afraid I'll become Paul."

"Who is Paul?"

"Uh...just...huh?...I can't remember it for a moment."

Looking at the weird Xu Xin, Keanu Reeves was a little puzzled.

Then his eyes fell on the Escalade in the garage.

"How about we drive your Escalade? If you think 911 is unsafe."

"It can't be driven. This car is used to buy groceries for the servants at home. I have a contract with Volvo. Regarding the choice of SUV, I can only drive a Volvo when I go out."

As he spoke, he opened the 911 door:

"Let's go."


Keanu Reeves doesn't find it surprising that his car is endorsed.

We even chatted with him about the idea of ​​the XC90's "The Matrix", and he thought it was great.

Unfortunately, the car is just a means of transportation for him, and his passion is still the motorcycle.

In this way, 911 left the house all the way to the outskirts of Los Angeles.

The place the two of them went to was naturally not an ordinary gun shop shooting range, but the private shooting range of an arms dealer friend whom Keanu knew.

Not open to the public, there are few people, so you don’t have to worry about being watched.

Along the way, the two of them were talking about John Wick.

After arriving at the shooting range in the suburbs, as soon as the 911 parked in the parking space, three or five foreigners who looked like they knew something was different came over.

The leader was called Wood Logan.

He is a retired member of the Navy SEALs and the weapons expert responsible for the two of them today.

Because Xu Xin is a foreigner, he needs to provide his passport and other procedures for registration.

By the time the formalities were completed, Keanu Reeves had already put on his body armor and was standing under the corridor from the firearms area to the shooting range that simulated the wild environment.

He was leaning against the pillar, and Xu Xin didn't see him at first.

It wasn't until he smelled the smell of smoke that he realized that Keanu was leaning against a wooden pillar and smoking.

Xu Xinxin said you scared me.

But he was immediately stunned.

It was early 10 o'clock in the morning, and the sun had not reached its highest point yet.

The person's shadow is still slanted.

But the reason Xu Xin didn't see his friend was because he was hiding from the sun and standing on the shady side of the pillar.

The choice of wood on the American side is simple, crude, brainless and a waste of resources, and the area chosen for weapons is modeled after the decoration style of an Orion cabin. The pillars at the door can be made into coffin boards in China.

He was hidden by the pillars.

And his shadow blended into the shadow of the pillar.

Seeing this scene, a scene suddenly flashed through Xu Xin's mind.

"...Xu, are you done?"

Keanu Reeves, who was smoking, found Xu Xin, who was standing motionless and dazed behind him.

When he heard this, Xu Xin suddenly turned his head and looked at Wood who was rushing over:

"Wood, can I ask you something?"


"Aren't shadows important?"

Under Wood's doubtful gaze, Xu Xin pointed at Keanu Reeves who was standing there:

"When you are fighting, do you really pay attention to the shadows on the floor based on the different angles of light?"


Wood nodded slightly:

"In fact, the principle of special operations is sometimes the same as that of hunting. As hunters, when we are tracking prey, if the distance between you and an elk is very long, so long that you are not sure of a fatal shot... In other words, you see the distance It's here to hunt. As a hunter, you can't just walk over because sometimes their sense of smell is more sensitive than the animal's hearing. They may smell something several kilometers away.

Therefore, at this time, we can observe the wind direction and go to the leeward side of it. The headwind can help you hide the smell on your body and complete the hunt. The same goes for special operations. Shadows, wind direction, dust from the body during action, reflection from the scope...these are all environmental factors that we need to consider..."

Maybe it's because of the difference between soldiers and civilians.

Or maybe it's because Xu Xin is a foreigner, so he didn't answer Xu Xin's question very positively, or gave a more vivid explanation with an example.

You know, when we all met for the first time just now, the person at the shooting range next to him introduced Wood to have participated in many wars and had very professional firearms knowledge and practical experience.

Xu Xin didn't care either.

He just watched Keanu Reeves think.

Then, looking at the other party's increasingly confused eyes, he lowered his head and took out his mobile phone, and wrote in the memo:

"Hidden, blended into the environment, can be found by the audience, and killed with one hit - → like a ninja."

"Xu, what's wrong?"

"Keanu, we're going to give Wick an act."

Xu Xin's eyes brightened slightly and he said:

"He should have a subconscious mind no matter what environment he is in. Hide and blend into the environment... Think about it, you are a guard and you are smoking against a pillar at this moment.

I am the camera. Let me give you a frontal close-up first. A second ago, there was nothing behind you, but in just one puff of cigarette, the camera in front of you slowly moved to the side... Wick was looking at the back of your head calmly. And then kill you silently...

Imagine that Wick behaves this way throughout the entire movie. He is a killer. His first reaction to complete the mission is not to use hot weapons, but to hide, get close to the target, and perform infiltration missions.

But he is also a human being, he will be discovered, and after being discovered, he will use thermal weapons to deal with the enemy... Of course, there is actually no difference between these two methods, and they can be adjusted according to different situations. But Wick's entire behavior runs through it, that is, whether he is performing a mission or seeking revenge, he always follows the instinct of a killer. Hide, sneak in, kill with one hit..."

Having said this, he paused and gave a sentence that made Keanu Reeves stunned, but the domestic audience could smile knowingly after hearing and seeing it, and subconsciously muttered "Here we go again":

"We can even play a little game with the audience in the movie. For example, we can build a complex environment... just like the scene in the script when Wick takes revenge in the bar. We put Wick in a chaotic place where the crowd is surging. On the dance floor...let the audience find out where he is!"


Following Xu Xin's description, Keanu Reeves began to imagine.

In a dimly lit bar.

MR. Wick was like a ghost that could not be detected by outsiders in the writhing crowd on the dance floor.

He is looming in the blind spot of everyone's vision, even the audience's sight... The audience is looking for it, and so are the enemies.

But just as they were looking around, Wick came to them quietly...

"Whoa! I mean...whoa!"

He looked amazed, then nodded in agreement:

"This is great, Xu, just use this style! It's great!... It's great!! I can't wait!"


Hearing this, Xu Xin smiled and patted his shoulder:

"Then it's up to you, my friend."

"Sure, Wood, let's get started?"

Soon, gunshots rang out from the shooting range.

Keanu Reeves has obviously played with guns, so he immediately started learning tactical moves from Wood.

So the gunshot was Xu Xin's.

He is currently discussing with his safety instructor and wants to play Gatling for a while.

It's best to have blue fire...

Of course.

The safety instructor felt that this Chinese man might have some serious illness.

My brain is not normal.

And compared to Xu Xin’s BIABIABIA over there~

On the other hand, Yang Mi's side was peaceful.

Different from the appearance of the great director in her impression, Luc Besson looks like a very kind and fat man.

Moreover, because of the arrival of guests, he actually cooked to entertain them.

Not to mention, it tastes pretty good.

At least the buttery flavor is pretty good.

Thanks to Liu Momo, Yang Mi didn't seem particularly unfamiliar after meeting him, and Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang also liked his vineyard very much.

Yes, Yang Mi also learned from Liu Momo when she went there that director Luc Besson had a vineyard here. Although it was not big, it was also one of the grape suppliers for several famous wine brands in California.

Of course, "grape supplier" is an euphemistic term. The reality is that the red wine brands here in California have monopolized this unique area. As long as it is a vineyard, it must be a supplier of one of those brands, which is not unusual.

This was the first time for the two children to play in the vineyard, and they showed great interest.

Although it was not the grape harvest season yet, the two children's eyes were still shining as they looked at the grapes growing in a row facing the sun.

After getting my mother's permission, I ran there.

The location where Luc Besson used to entertain the two of them was also chosen under a garden pavilion built outside the manor.

I can see my baby and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

The breeze is pleasant.

Don't tell me... Yang Mi was very excited.


Get one?

As a member of a generation that has been influenced by American movies since childhood, she yearns for the kind of farm life with mountains and water.

While he was thinking about this matter, Luc Besson, who was wiping his hands with a towel, also came over:

"Molly, how long has it been since you tasted my beef bourguignon?"

"I just ate it last year, uncle. That's what I ate the day I got the script."

"Huh?...Hahaha, okay. Time flies so fast, I even forgot about it."

English with a unique French accent came out of his mouth. Then, he sat down at the wooden table and poured a glass of white wine on his own.

Then he asked Molly:

"Want to invest in this script?"


Liu Momo nodded directly, pointed at Yang Mi and said:

"Uncle, not only is it an investment, I also recommend Yang to be the heroine, how about it?"

Luc Besson immediately made a surrender gesture, his face full of helplessness:

"Molly~ You really should change your straightforward way of talking."

"Otherwise? Do you and uncle need to hide anything?"

"……All right."

Although helpless, Yang Mi could also see that the relationship between the two was quite good. Especially Luc Besson, he was quite proud after hearing Sister Mo's words.

However, success comes from success.

The famous French director, who was holding a cheese stick to go with his wine and took another sip of wine, thought for a moment and said:

"Honestly, I don't doubt your acting skills, Yang. I've watched Wang's movies and you did a good job. But...of course, I don't mean to offend. It's just Molly, you have to understand, this is Hollywood. . Arrogant Americans will not accept a movie with an Asian actor. Even if a European actor is the protagonist, their acceptance level is not particularly high."

"Uncle, are you afraid that the box office won't be high and no one will watch it?"

"Of course not, dear Molly. I'm afraid you'll lose money~"

Luc Besson looked at her with a little "think about it" worry gradually emerging in his eyes.

At the same time, after saying this, he turned to Yang Mi and said:

"Of course, again, Yang, I mean no offense. But..."

"I can understand it. Including when I was filming "Pacific Rim", I actually heard about this from Director Gilmour. "Pacific Rim" itself is an original science fiction film, and Charlie and I were chosen As the male and female lead, many people are worried about the box office issue. I understand the audience size here as an Asian."

That's all she said, and she didn't continue.


She doesn’t want to act either!

But communication requires skills.

She directly rejected Sister Mo without sending a message yesterday.

But today with Luc Besson, she could say this.

In front of Sister Mo, I told the director:

"I understand that my Asian face may not be acceptable in Hollywood."

As for what she just said, she actually added another sentence:

"But I have confidence in myself."

This can actually show confidence... In other words, in the opinion of a Berlin film queen, a film like "LUCY" is not difficult.

It's more than enough to drive.

The top three European best actresses are not some lousy awards.

But she didn't add it.

Just through that paragraph, I would like to remind you of Sister Mo who said "We need a profitable movie to increase our popularity" when we were rushing here this morning:

"If you want to make money, you'd better find a local from Hollywood. My face... is not worthy of being in Hollywood!"

"But I have confidence in Mimi!"


Liu Momo's words made Yang Mi's left eyelid start to twitch crazily.

Jump right eye jump Choi disaster.

What does it mean? Is this God telling me that this film is going to make money?

Under the gaze of Luc Besson, Liu Momo said:

"Uncle, on a larger scale, I am working hard for the Asian community, or for Asian actors to be recognized by Hollywood. On a smaller scale...or to be more realistic. Your reputation is well-known in Hollywood and Europe. It is attractive enough, and Mimi's influence in China is also very high. As you said, the cost of this film is not particularly high. I can't see why it can lose money. I am still very confident. What's more, Headwind has released an immature film in the past two years...Uncle~~~"

The corners of Yang Mi's mouth also began to twitch.

Oh my god.

Sister Mo can actually act like a baby...

What a great experience.

Sister, your character is a bit broken.

But when Luc Besson heard this, he was happy:

"Haha, little Molly, I knew... when Juliette and you teamed up to defraud me of this script, you had already made up your mind."

There was no blame in his words.

Instead, he smiled and shook his head helplessly.

Then he said:

"Okay, about the script casting... Yang, when will your movie be released? When will the promotion period end?"

"The premiere will be on July 1st. As for the promotion work... I can't say when it will end, but the contract stipulates that you must participate in the promotion activities before July 1st. Promotion after the 1st is negotiable. The schedule is arranged It’s not very tight, and it will all be over before August.”


Luc Besson, who had gained weight and looked kind-hearted but somewhat slovenly, thought for a moment and turned to look at Liu Momo again:

"Are you sure you want to invest?"


After getting this answer, Luc Besson raised four fingers:

"My estimate for this script is about 40 million US dollars, including all the special effects. Do you need me to help you find someone else to share the cost?"

"No problem, uncle, no need at all!"

"...Okay. If you want to invest, then do it. You can go to the association to submit the shooting procedures in the next two days. I have already completed the location selection and other work. Once the project is approved, you can enter the preparation period. .It is May now, two months of preparation period is enough...

However, I can't guarantee you whether Yang is suitable for Lucy. What's more, Molly, you need to understand the director's artistic requirements for the work. So, I still hold auditions and try to send out some invitations. Yang will come over then... You have a complete script. From this point of view, the advantage is much greater than others. I'm looking forward to you Yang conquering me with your acting skills. How about it? "

Although the person in front of him is the "financier"... But obviously, even without Liu Momo, the story of "LUCY" and the name Luc Besson will not lack investors rushing to send money.

So what he said was very straightforward.

And as Luc Besson let go, Liu Momo's eyes lit up.

Confidence is rippling in his eyes:

"Of course, no problem, uncle!"

The corners of Yang Mi's mouth began to twitch again...

However, she didn't have much psychological burden.

Although Luc Besson is not a top-tier director in Hollywood, his reputation and ability are equally impressive.

If he opens his mouth, if nothing else, even top celebrities will give him face.

When so many Hollywood A-list celebrities come here to audition, what will happen to me as a little Karami?

Although as an actress, she has her own bottom line when facing auditions, and naturally she will not mess around.

What's more, if he was really fooled... Sister Mo wouldn't be able to explain it.

But she also knows the rules of the Hollywood game.

So...I don't feel particularly panicked.

But I suddenly understood Sister Mo’s behavior from her husband’s words.

"Sister Mo is the kind of person who thinks things through before doing things. But when it is her turn to make a decision, she will become extremely stubborn, extremely self-persistent, and even somewhat blind. She will listen to other people's opinions. , but how much you listen depends on whether the opinion and her decision are in the same direction."

It's really not wrong at all.

That's you...

40 million to make a decision directly.

Oh yes, it’s still US dollars...

If it were anyone else, I would have held her head down to wake her up and told her: "I am the boss"!

Tsk tsk...

With a bit of emotion, but in her heart she was not optimistic that she would be chosen as the heroine of "LUCY". Suddenly, she was stunned.


Why did my right eyelid start to twitch too?


Feudal superstition is harmful!

I am at odds with it!

In fact, I have never told anyone about my situation. I live with my wife and children. This has been true since the child was born. So sometimes people see that this is the reason why I suddenly take leave because of my children.

Because there was no one around to help us, we had to do everything by ourselves as a family. I got sick and went to the hospital by myself. The daughter-in-law is sick and the daughter-in-law goes to the hospital by herself. When the child is sick, the three of us go to the hospital together, she takes care of the child, and I line up to get medicine and run errands.

So I had to take leave because of the little things that might have happened to others.

I'm so sorry.

That’s it for today, sorry everyone.

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