I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 976 970 skyrockets

Xu Xin discovered that he was really passionate about guns for three minutes.

It was the same at home, and it's still the same here.

After being shot with a bunch of bullets and his shoulder hurt from being hit, he once again lost interest in this activity that he had accumulated for several years.

Then I watched Keanu Reeves learning the shooting skills of Mozambique.

Not to mention...

After all, the foundation of previous movies such as The Matrix is ​​there.

He was holding an assault rifle at this moment, and his "click-click" movements looked really pleasing to the eye.

After playing for more than 2 hours, Keanu Reeves and Wood finalized a tactical training session without saying a word.

Xu Xin didn't even have to pay for it.

He paid for it at his own expense.

By the way, I also treated Xu Xin to a Texas barbecue dinner.

When Xu Xin returned home, Yang Mi also came back.

"Yo? I thought you two would have to come back at night. How was the chat?"

It was okay if he didn't mention it, but Yang Mi felt bad when he mentioned it.

After explaining the matter, Xu Xin didn't feel any resistance or worry. On the contrary, there is a look of gloating:

"That's right! I told you to be quick with your mouth yesterday! If you really don't want to accept it, why not just refuse it? You keep doing those vain things every day."

"My surname is Xu, I will fight with you!!"

Yang Mi, who was instantly angry, grabbed him and walked upstairs.

Aren't you capable of yin and yang?


I am not doing it for this family, not for you?


It seems that I showed mercy last night. Today I will let you know what Taishang Laojun’s alchemy furnace is!



"Calm down!"

"No, I was wrong, I really didn't mean anything else..."

"Hey, hey, let go..."

"I was really wrong, why don't I apologize to you?"


Feel sorry.

It's too late!

May 4th, Los Angeles time.

With a lot of reluctance, she and Sun Ting pushed the box and left the house while the two children were not paying attention.

Nuannuan and Yangyang burst into tears when they found out.

In Xu Xin's impression... this was probably the most violent time the two little guys had ever cried.

The kind that three people couldn't coax even though they took turns coaxing her.

In the end, both siblings cried themselves to sleep.

Of course, it is not ruled out that he may have fainted from crying.


When the two children woke up again, the family had already started the security check.

Yang Mi went to Mexico this time and had to stay for another three days. Originally, Xu Xin wanted her child to take time off to spend more time with her mother, but she refused to agree.

Although she was in a bad mood and reluctant to let go, she still firmly asked her husband to take the children back to class.


Not to mention how noisy Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang were on this journey, they returned to China safely.

But the mood of the two children was always low.

This continued until the start of school. After sending the children to school, Xu Xin made a special call to the school at noon on the 8th to ask the teacher about the status of the children.

After learning that the two children's emotions were relatively stable, I finally relaxed my worries that had been hanging over them for the past few days.

As for this May Day, the Northwest Circle can be said to be very happy.

The first is the movie "Yanjing Falls in Love with Seattle", which directly exceeded 300 million at the box office.

Then there is "To Our Dying Youth", which was released on May 2. This Guo Fan's debut film also magically hit the box office of 45 million on the first day!

Moreover, although it has not yet passed its first week, its box office has exceeded 270 million in 5 days.

These two pieces of news alone are enough for everyone to drink.

If we say the former, there is a Tangwei bonus.

The latter, this youth niche film actually seems to have greater momentum than "Seattle"?

This is a bit unreasonable.

Are there any big names in this film?

There really is one.

Han Geng.

As a "returnee", his reputation is indeed very popular...but can Han Geng really leverage hundreds of millions in box office?

Really? I do not believe.

But... it's true that the films made by this little-known director have a very, very wide audience!

The box office is rising steadily!

It's completely confusing.

But for Shuangwei, the joy doesn't end there.

On May 5th, Hunan TV launched a new drama called "The Legend of Lu Zhen".

Starring a girl named Zhao Liying.

The ratings for the premiere were 1.3 and 1.8 three days later.

Then on May 10th, the ratings directly reached 2.3.

All of a sudden, comments such as "Lu Zhen", "Zhao Liying", "Sweet and cute", "Hunan TV has brought out a new star" and so on have added to the fire in the entertainment industry this month.

The time to add fuel to the fire happened to be when the box office of "To Youth" was settled in its first week.

The box office of Guo Fan's movie in the first week was... 350 million.

Although starting from the peak on the fifth day, the box office in the next two days began to enter an average trend... indicating that its ceiling has been reached.

But the figures of more than 50 million a day and more than 40 million a day still mean that the potential of this movie cannot be underestimated.


On May 17th, "Partners", the "last dance" of the 11-year trilogy, hit theaters.

On the 18th, the box office on the first day was 27 million...

In fact, comparing the results, its first-day box office may be the lowest.

But to everyone's surprise, its reputation is the best.

On the first day, it received a rating of 7.7 on Douban.

It is hailed as the best biographical movie in 5 years.

then. On the 18th, the box office on the second day rose directly to 43 million.

Two days, 70 million.

Breaking 100 million in the 3rd day, it’s a sure thing.

A big sale is a foregone conclusion.

All those who paid attention to the developments of Xiying Studio finally understood one thing...

The wolf is really coming.


inside the car.

After Xu Xin turned off his mobile phone, he lowered the window and lit a cigarette.

Su Meng subconsciously slowed down the car.

Amidst the smell of burning tobacco, Xu Xin couldn't help but smile as he recalled what he had just seen on his phone.

A smile that comes from within.

The reason is very simple, it was an interview on Weibo.

A self-media went to interview moviegoers.

They interviewed many viewers and gave a viewing form.

Because this was a screening of "Partners", they mainly interviewed about the works of the West Film Studio and asked about the works they had watched recently.

From "Perfect Strangers" to "Heart of the Sun", "Partners", "Seattle", "To Youth", "The Grandmaster" and other films released by the West Film Studio within half a year, more than 15 people have watched them. people.

More than 52 people have watched more than 3 movies.

Although this data is strictly speaking, the interview base is very small.

But the answer quoted by an audience member in the self-media was what really made him happy enough to smile.

Reporter asked: Why did you come to watch "Partners"? Are you particularly interested in biographical movies like this? Or do you like one of the actors or directors?

The audience replied: None, because friends around me said that the works released by Xiying Group are good-looking, so I came with them.

Just such a simple answer.

But it just scratched Xu Xin's itchy flesh...

It has nothing to do with box office, and it has nothing to do with ratings.

Even these box office profits have nothing to do with him.

But...the words of the audience are his biggest dream.

In other words, he finally saw the possibility of realizing his biggest dream.

Produced by Xiying, it must be a high-quality product.

This sentence is actually very simple to say, but it is really difficult to do it.

It takes time.

Every film needs to be polished from the script stage.

Script, crew, director, actors, post-production...etc.

Behind every movie is a solid brick and stone created by countless people... not to mention the painstaking efforts, but also the hard work day and night.

It is these solid foundations created by countless people that can support the common dream in the hearts of Xu Xin and countless colleagues.


He was really happy.

I am so happy that even my smile cannot fully express my inner joy...

At this time, the vibration of the speed bump pulled him out of his joyful mood.

Xiying Studio, here it is.

He came home.

"Go back and see if there is anything you need to clean up at home. Come pick me up at noon later."

"Okay, Brother Xu."

Su Meng nodded and left.

Xu Xin walked directly into the office building.

"Director Xu."

"Hello, Director Xu."

"Director Xu~"

"Ah hello……"

After smiling and responding to several employees who met him in succession, he was about to go upstairs when he suddenly stopped.

He subconsciously turned his head and glanced.

I found that people would come in and out of the entire first floor from time to time.

Are there... so many people in the factory?

In a daze, he remembered the first time he came to the factory.

When he brought "Secret" to the factory, his appearance at that time can be described in four words:

"The population is dying."

At that time, the factory was full of little ones... But look at it now...

I really responded to the sentence "You look at me a bit like before".

Thinking of this, the smile on his face became even brighter.

He went all the way upstairs and arrived at Qi Lei's office.

The office door was not closed, but ajar.

After he knocked twice, he heard Qi Lei's movement coming from inside:

"Well, here we come."

After Xu Xin opened the door, he looked at Qi Lei and Liang Binning who were sitting on the sofa drinking tea, and said hello with a smile:


"Haha~ Hi, after all, he is someone who just came back from the United States. His greetings smell like foreign ink."

Under Liang Binning's smile and wave, Xu Xin rolled his eyes after hearing Qi Lei's greeting:

"Why is this so capitalist?"


Amid laughter, he asked Xu Xin to take a seat, and then started making tea in a familiar manner.

Xu Xin sat on the long sofa next to Liang Binning. After taking the teacup, she heard Sister Bingbing turn around and ask:

"How is Mimi?"

"Don't mention it."

He sighed helplessly:

"It's okay not to go to the United States. After I went to look for him, the child became more troubled."

"If you bear with me a little longer, I'll have a holiday soon."

She comforted softly.

"Well...sister, what have you been doing recently?"

"I'm going to join the group soon."

Hearing this, Xu Xin asked curiously:

"What drama?"

"The White-Haired Witch."

Before she could answer, Qi Lei said her name:

"A play produced by Xu Ke."

Xu Xin was a little surprised:

"That novel by Liang Yusheng?"


Liang Binning nodded slightly:

"Yindu approached me last year, but at that time I was filming "Fireworks in the Day", so I adjusted it to this year. I will join the team next week."

"How much to invest?"

Xu Xin looked at Qi Lei.

"Cloud Atlas is 70 million, Wanda is 40 million, and Blue Ocean is 40 million. This is the shooting cost, and it has not been calculated after the announcement."

"...So high? An investment of 150 million?"

The project "White-Haired Witch" was not handled by Xu Xin, so he did not know the funding ratio and composition.

After hearing this, Qi Lei pointed at Liang Binning:

"For this drama, our main cooperation is with theaters. Wanda won't talk about it. We can't always rely on the relationship between you and Si Cong to maintain it, can we? In addition, the relationships with other theaters must also be managed, and there will always be Let people see some benefits. So this is the first cooperative investment project of Yuntu Incubation. It is not a sole proprietorship of the factory, and Bingbing cannot always suffer losses, so the remuneration is based on the market price. The investment must be higher. In the beginning It is expected to be 1.1 to 1.2."

Xu Xin looked at Liang Binning:

"Sister, what's your current salary?"

Liang Binning smiled mysteriously:


"I...can't guess. The main reason is that in these few dramas of mine, whether it's Seventh Brother, Yang Mi, Liu Yifei or the others...they didn't spend much money."

"Mimi, how much are the movie quotes outside now?"

"Fifteen to two thousand."

He gave a number.

Is it high?

It's actually quite high.

But it only started after this year.

Yang Mi has not filmed outside in the past two years, but her salary last year was actually only about 10 million for one film. But starting from this year...LeTV will be the first to start quoting. The offer reached 16 million, and I wanted to ask her to make a movie. It was also from that time... Yang Mi... or in other words, the salaries of everyone in the film and television industry have been increasing.

There is no way, this is an inevitable thing.

If you make hundreds of millions from each movie, if you don't increase the remuneration of the actors and increase the director's dividend, who will do it for you?

To put it bluntly, everyone is in it for money.

The results of our joint efforts must be equally shared.

He was aware of the situation, but didn't particularly care.

Because at his level, for the movie he wants to make, other actors would rather take a salary cut to join, let alone talk about remuneration.

Who dares to speak to him like a lion?

What's more, most of the people he uses are his own people.

After Liang Binning heard the price, she directly stretched out four fingers:

"The highest price I've been offered now is someone who's offered this amount."

"……Forty million!?"

Xu Xin was stunned.

Liang Binning nodded:

"That's right. However, my intuition told me that there was something wrong with the money, because the script didn't look like a big investment scene to me, so I rejected it. Oh yes, my TV series will be more exaggerated... In March this year , someone asked me to open an episode worth 1 million."


If it weren't for the fear of being slapped by his father's belt, Xu Xin would really want to complain about you, what kind of chicken can lay golden eggs?

"Why is it so exaggerated?"

"Because it's thanks to you and Mimi~"

The sister smiled and shrugged:

"After "The Legend of Zhen Huan", the salary quotations for my TV series...sometimes I feel that they are exaggerated. Moreover, everyone's salaries in the market are rising very fast now. Jiang Xin, do you know who it is?"

"I know, that actress Hua Fei."

"When she was filming "Zhen Huan", it only cost 70,000 yuan per episode. Guess how much it is now?"

"……How many?"


"Seize the young master!?"

Xu Xin's eyes almost popped out of his head.

Forget it about big actors... Is a small celebrity so popular?


Liang Binning shrugged:

"It's so exaggerated."

"...How much is the movie "The White-Haired Witch"?"

"Twenty-five million."


At this time, Xu Xin's jaw was really shocked.

Looking at Qi Lei, he couldn't help but say:

"Is this what everyone does now?"

Qi Lei nodded slightly:

"Well, for several scripts released by the factory this year, the budgets have generally increased by more than 20 to 30 percent. It's all in labor."


Xu Xin shook his head with some emotion, but didn't say anything.

What can I say?

Can you stop others from making money or something?

Not to mention TV series, the box office ceiling of the entire Chinese-language film industry is currently being held up by the factory.

Your film market is so big, and you want to use a salary of one or two million to leverage hundreds of millions or more in profits?

Who will work for you for free?

This is a very real problem and there is no way.

So he asked:

"What about the story? Is the script solid?"

"The script is pretty solid."

Liang Binning's words, accompanied by Qi Lei's nod, were given back to Xu Xin:

"The director is Zhang Zhiliang, who is responsible for "The Last Eunuch" and "Ink Attack". Although the script and story are somewhat deviated from the original framework, we researched and found that this story brings Lian Nishang's personal charm to the extreme. Everyone has high hopes. And ...The actor Zhuo Yihang in this drama is played by Huang Xiaoming."

"Oh? My senior brother seems to mean..."

He hadn't finished speaking, but Qi Lei had already nodded slightly.

"When he comes, Yang Ying goes to film Hua Yi's "The Dragon King of the City of Gods"... We can be regarded as exchanging hostages."


This little joke successfully made Xu Xin laugh.


Then let's exchange hostages.

At this time, Liang Bingning smiled and said:

"It seems that our outstanding young man is in a good mood."

"No, when the awards are given tomorrow, people probably won't be able to see his face, they will just remember these little white teeth. Haha~"


Now, the laughter spread directly to the entire room.

That's right.

Xu Xin came back this time to participate in tomorrow's ceremony for the top ten outstanding young people in Shaanxi.

And in this laughter, Qi Lei asked:

"What's the date of the Starlight Award?"

"twenty three."

"Are you sure?"

"Basically there is no problem. This is the first time this year that the TV Documentary Award has been launched, echoing the documentary projects promoted by CCTV. There will basically be no problem with "Tip of the Tongue"."

Although in a certain linguistic context, his words seemed to forcefully plant a flag.

But he has already communicated with CCTV in the past two days.

Not only Xu Xin needs this award, but the "Charm Record" column also needs it.

not to mention……

Who else could I give it to besides "Tip of the Tongue"?

There are three positions in one award, one for main theme, one for people's livelihood, and one for history and literature.

People's livelihood documentaries...

The front of "Tongue" is invincible!

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