I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 977 971 The Troubles of Happiness

"Are you going to watch the movie "The White-Haired Witch" again?"


"After all, it's an investment of over 100 million. To be honest, if you can be a producer, I'll be happy. Otherwise, I always feel uneasy."

Qi Lei extended the invitation.

But Xu Xin shook his head helplessly:

"I can't do anything."

Under the gaze of the two people, he gave his reasons:

""Burst" hasn't been produced yet, and Yang Mi is not at home. What's more, Paramount has another film contract, and they are selecting the script. Sister Bingbing is going to join the cast now, you two said that The script is quite reliable, so I won’t get involved.”

"That's it..."

Qi Lei nodded to express understanding, but still felt a little regretful:

"Sigh... The Art Creation Center is getting busier and busier. There are applications for various projects every day... When do you plan to come up?"

Xu Xin was happy when he heard this.

"You should be more patient, old man. I don't want to be tied up there... Hahaha. Isn't it hard to be the boss?"


He responded with a long sigh:

"A few days ago, Mr. Tian was still talking to me. The renovation and renovation of the post-production work base in Yanjing will be completed soon. The next step is the relocation of the Art Creation Center. The Art Creation Center must also be moved to Yanjing. Now as we have more and more people, many people come here and can’t even queue up. If you don’t believe it, go to the fourth floor and take a look. Whether it is the director or the screenwriter, they have to come one by one... So the next step is Relocation, separate the two sides to allow personnel to flow. After all, it is more convenient for the Yanjing side. Moreover, maybe this year, the review team needs to be broadened, and the people... are a bit insufficient. "

"Because there are too many projects?"

"Yes. We have been recruiting people, but it takes time to train new people. People who are inexperienced in doing things are prone to making mistakes. So we have to adjust the internal structure model in the past two years. The work is arduous and there is a long way to go. ~”

Hearing his sigh, Liang Binning smiled and said:

"Happy troubles~"

Qi Lei showed a wry smile like a full man who doesn't know how hungry a man is when he's hungry.

Liang Binning asked:

"I heard that the TV drama department is also going to be established, isn't it?"

"Yes, yes. There will be more people then...what? Bingbing is interested?"


Unexpectedly, Liang Bingning gave a surprising answer.

"If there is any TV series that needs me, I will act in it. If not... I plan to do some side work."


Even Xu Xin showed a trace of doubt at these words.


"Yeah. Cosmetics, I talked about this with Mimi, but she wasn't interested."


Seeing Xu Xin's surprised look, Liang Binning smiled and said:

"I used to represent a daily chemical company in Guangzhou. They have been OEM for foreign cosmetics, but the results have not been very good in the past two years and they plan to sell it. I plan to take over and start my own beauty company. Brand. Although their technology and equipment cannot be said to be first-tier, they are at least at the level of second-tier cosmetics. I plan to work hard on it. "

"You have time?"

"Why not?"

Although her career is booming now, for some reason, she had a very... strange look after hearing Qi Lei's question.

Firm, yet... free and easy.

"How old am I? It's time to start planning for the future. Otherwise... in a few years, if people think I'm old and it's time to play the role of a mother, then I won't be able to bear the blow. So. ...When you have to go, you can go, and when you have to give in, you can give in. It just so happens that I have always been interested in these things, so I’ll give it a try.”

Xu Xin's mouth twitched when he heard these words...

Although he didn't ask carefully.


Well, indeed, the corner of his mouth twitched.

On the contrary, Qi Lei, who knew nothing about it, gave support and encouragement after hearing this:

"Yeah, that's okay. Going behind the scenes isn't a problem, it's a good direction."

"That's right, I'll just take advantage of the fact that I'm still a little famous in the past two years to promote it~"

"Hahahaha, if you are "somewhat famous", will others still be alive?"


The two were joking.

Xu Xin was thinking about whether this was Sister Bingbing's "sacrifice"?

Or...she took the initiative?

In my impression, Sister Bingbing is quite ambitious.

We must take the initiative to turn behind the scenes and accompany you more...


Forget it, it's not something you should worry about.

It’s better not to think about it any further.

"Actually, what the factory lacks most right now is experienced producers."

At noon, when everyone was eating together, Qi Lei was still talking about this matter.

"We have more and more scripts, film projects, and directors applying for projects. But there are not enough producers. What I have a headache now is what to do. Without producers, the quality of many films will be difficult to control. Control, maybe there will be a situation where the script is obviously good, but the director's thinking went astray, and the result is nothing. It's really a headache~"

Xu Xin was naturally aware of what he said.


Realized there was nothing I could do.

A mature producer takes time to develop.

Producers must first have the ability to control art.

To put it bluntly, it is necessary to clarify the direction of the story script. Then help the director resolve various external matters. At the same time, he must also play the role of supervising the director.

Although I don’t visit the crew every day, I have to go there every three or five to watch the film clips shot by the director to ensure that the story does not go out of frame.

But these abilities... all require time to cultivate and grow little by little.

There is no way.

A mature producer can help the director communicate and solve problems. Zhongneng restricts the director not to go off on a whim or arbitrarily, and he also has to bear the overall direction of a film...

For the first two points, it’s not difficult to find people. But the last point is that it really requires experience.

“Are there not enough producers?”

After Xu Xin asked, Qi Lei nodded:

"It's really not enough. Just like Li Bin, the producer of "The White-Haired Witch", the crew will start filming next month. Those of us who I think are reliable have other crews. There are obviously many people, but it's just one Can’t even find it.”

After hearing this, Liang Binning said:

"The old man brings up the new ones? It's like one old man brings up several new ones."

"That will also take time. I estimate that if you want to cultivate a group of excellent producers, you will need at least 3 to 5 films... and the directors must be relatively mature."

After Qi Lei finished speaking, Xu Xin asked:

"What about the producers of "The White-Haired Witch"?"

"Isn't this drama still produced by Xu Ke? Yindu has sent a producer from Xiangjiang. He has worked as a producer for both Wang Jie and Xu Ke before. It is said that he is quite powerful... but dad has It’s better for me to have it for my mother. I can’t wait to go into battle myself~”

Xu Xin actually didn't expect that the factory would have such a "talent shortage".

But there's nothing I can do about it...

Who allowed the factory to achieve success in the past six months?

The reason why "The White-Haired Witch" worries Qi Lei is that the investment in this drama is relatively large.

But there are also many other investments in the factory.

not to mention……

"There will be a TV series coming next."


Qi Lei's mouth twitched.

Xu Xin could only sigh helplessly as he looked at which pot was not being opened and which pot was being picked up.

Is there any way?

no way.

No solution.

Of course, producers and crew can be hired from outside.

Qi Lei also knew that he could only hire external personnel, and then use these people to accelerate the training of a group of his own people.

To put it bluntly, these projects that are now found in Xiying Studio are due to market demand.

There is demand in the market, so your lack of production capacity is naturally not the market’s fault.

So this trouble is quite happy.

At least that's what it seems for now.

At this time, Qi Lei suddenly took out his mobile phone.

"I just remembered... I'll send you a script, and you have to read it for me."


Xu Xin was a little puzzled.

My heart says you won’t let people in the Art Creation Center see it, so why should I see it?

As a result, a document was sent via WeChat.

Xu Xin turned on his phone and saw a line of text:

"Script: "All Quiet in Peking""

"Gift film?"

he asked.

Qi Lei shook his head:

"No, TV series. Do you still remember that Dongyang Noon Sunshine we talked about last time?"

"The mountain shadow one?"

"Yes, they have now got a script that Kong Sheng especially wanted to film... but the script... is very strange. What I was told is that seven companies have been changed, and seven companies want to invest, but the projects are about to be finalized. When the time came, I decided not to vote again.”



Now, Xu Xin and Liang Binning were puzzled:


"The subject matter is sensitive and the risks are relatively high. This eighth time, they found us."

"This... okay."

Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"Then I'll go back and take a look."

"Well, you need something to eat. This script is quite thick. Did you see the thick pile of documents on my desk this morning? It's all there. A script of hundreds of thousands of words... To tell you the truth, my scalp went numb after reading it! "

"...So sensitive?"

"No, it's because there are too many words."

Speaking of this, Qi Lei couldn't help but rub his forehead.

Then, uncharacteristically, he shouted in the direction of the food delivery port in the box:


Soon, the waiter pushed open the door and entered.

"Bring me the bottle of wine I left here last time."


The waiter left quickly.

And it was clearly him who said at noon, "Let's just have a working lunch, we have something else to do in the afternoon." But at this moment, Qi Lei said in an extremely distressed tone:

"It's okay if I don't mention these, but my head hurts when I mention them. The scripts of TV series have a lot of words, and the review team has a heavy workload. Now the Art Center is watching movies and TV series at the same time... I really have a headache. ."

Hearing this, Xu Xin glanced at Liang Binning and asked speechlessly:

"Sister, can you drink?"

"Drink. The troubles of happiness are also troubles. I'll have a drink with you. How about you?"

"He has to drink! It's been a long time since we brothers drank. You have to have a drink with me... ugh..."

"Okay, okay, brother, don't sigh. People who don't know really think that our factory has encountered some difficulties."

Xu Xin shook his head helplessly.


Then drink some.

Who doesn't have a little trouble, right?

I had a drink at noon and drank more than three taels.

Qi Lei has a meeting in the afternoon, so he really can't drink anymore.

But the good news is that Xu Xin doesn't have to go to work in the afternoon.

The bad news was that he had to read a script that was hundreds of thousands of words long.

As for Liang Binning...she is much simpler.

After eating she slipped away.

She came back this time just to sign the actor's salary contract. After signing, she had to leave quickly. It is said that there is a magazine shoot waiting for her in the evening.

But before I go...



Looking at the several boxes handed over, Xu Xin asked in confusion.

"Sea cucumber."

Liang Bingning said as she handed over a stainless steel thermos bottle.


Xu Xin was even more confused.

What year are you in? Still using this kind of thermos?

"I have a drinking fountain at home..."


Liang Bingning's mouth twitched...

I couldn't help but poke his forehead with my finger:

"You~ who told you to drink from this water bottle? Mengmeng, come here."

After waving to Su Meng who came to the door, she pointed at the thermos in Xu Xin's hand:

"Remember, the night before, pour a quarter of the hot water into this thermos kettle...that is, the hot water of a bottle of mineral water. Not too hot, not too warm, about 70 degrees, and then throw a sea cucumber into it. Inside, cap the bottle. When he gets up the next day, let him eat it directly. Do you hear me?"

"Yeah, remember, Sister Bingbing."

Su Meng nodded quickly.

But Liang Binning didn't seem to be reassured and said:

"Remember, you have to take one pill a day! Did you hear that?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

At this time, she turned to look at Xu Xin:

"In traditional Chinese medicine, this stuff is said to be sweet and salty, tonify the kidney meridian, replenish the essence, eliminate phlegm, absorb urine, aphrodisiac, treat impotence, and kill sores and insects. What does it mean in Western medicine... various trace elements and the like Yes, it supplements, understand. It’s best to eat it on an empty stomach. Everything I prepare for you is good, you must eat it every day, and you must start taking care of your body from now on!”


Xu Xin opened his mouth, wanting to complain.

I thought to myself, did you remember my age wrongly?

I'm only 27, not 47...

But suddenly I remembered my urban succubus...

"Yeah! Remember!"

"Hehe, this is right. Not only women, but men also need to take care of them from now on... Okay, I'm leaving."

She waved her hands, waved her sleeves, and took away pieces of clouds.

And Su Meng was holding a thermos pot in her hand...

"Brother Xu, this is an order~ You must obey~"

Xu Xin glanced at the assistant holding a chicken feather as a token of authority...

"What an order! I'll deduct five hundred from you!"



"I'm in a good mood, okay?"

Hearing this, Su Mengxin said...

Dog thief! ! ! !

This script called "All Quiet in Peking"... is quite excellent in Xu Xin's opinion.

However, he finally understood why those people said "the risk is high".


Even Xu Xin felt after seeing it... some of the content about "corruption" in it was a bit... well, whether true or false, it wouldn't happen in reality anyway!

The dog's life still matters.

But... no matter the plot or the portrayal of several protagonists, I feel that it is not bad.

It's not a bad story, as long as it passes censorship.

And the market can accept it...

He didn't ask about the former, but it shouldn't be a problem. At most, I will modify a few areas that are still open to discussion.

As for the latter... it just depends on whether the audience will give it face or not.

He didn't read the whole script, just the beginning and the end, and then sent his opinions to Qi Lei.

Just kidding... How can I finish reading hundreds of thousands of words word for word, including character dialogues, lines, etc. Then I might as well make this TV series for myself.

Then, Su Meng came over:

"Brother Xu. Brother JAY's concert is only a week away. Are you sure you want to watch the one in Nanning?"

"Yeah, sure."

Xu Xin looked at the date on his phone.

Nod again.

Although he doesn't know why he has such a strong desire for this concert in Nanning...


I have to admit, I miss my friends too.

Then he said:

"Let's go on the 26th, and we can have a drink... Oh yes, Mengmeng, have you ever tasted authentic snail noodles?"

"No, but I heard people say that Guangxi's snail noodles don't stink."

"It doesn't stink?...If it doesn't stink, what's the point?"

Su Meng rolled her eyes.

A word passed through my mind: Ha~ man.

What's the point of being able to withstand the smell of sour bamboo shoots... If you have the ability to eat spicy food like me!

Xu Xin naturally couldn't hear other people's voices.

If he really has this ability...don't doubt it, as soon as he hears his assistant's voice, he will definitely give her a big kick!

Dare you scold me?

Do you want to rebel against Tiangang?

"Let's go, brother will take you to eat snail noodles."

As he spoke, he opened the WeChat group on his mobile phone... thought about it, and suddenly withdrew again.

Then I found Wang Sicong and Lang Lang’s WeChat accounts and started a separate group.

Xu Xin: "Are you two free next week?"

MR.W: "?"

L: "What?"

Xu Xin: "Going to Nanning to watch a concert?"

MR.W: "Whose?"

L: “Is there anything delicious in Nanning?”

Xu Xin: "The wheel guy, he is in Nanning next week, how about it? I went there the first day and ate snail noodles. I heard that the snail noodles in Guangxi are not smelly."

L: “What’s the point if it doesn’t stink?”

MR.W: "Can you stop pretending? You forgot the first time we ate this. Who do you think cooked shit?"

L: "Is there any/I don't remember picking my nose."

MR.W: "Just pretend...I can go next week."

L: "You're not planning the wedding?"

MR.W: "We're making preparations, but haven't we all gotten together for a drink in a while? Let's do it together? Are you free next week?"

L: "What do you mean by that? You three can drink without me? If you can, don't take Brother Qi with you."

MR.W: "Haha, I really don't want to bring it. Brother Qi is going home next week. Someone in the family is getting married, and she is going to show off. Do you want to bring your Jerry?"

Xu Xin: "Who is Jerry?"

MR.W: "Didn't you notice that his avatar was changed to Tom Cat? Let me tell you, I can tell with my toes that this guy must have performed "Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2" with Gina. He is TOM, Gina’s WeChat account must be Jerry!”

Xu Xin: "Haha, you're stupid, you idiot, Gina doesn't use WeChat! People use WHATSAPP!"

MR.W: “Let’s just say, buddy, is there a possibility that even if people use it, they won’t tell you?”

Xu Xin: "..."

MR.W "Why did I add you? Can you play "Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2"? Or are you the one they are interested in?"


Is it pricking my heart? Why are you so good at pricking your heart?

Xu Xin: "Stop talking nonsense, it's settled! The three of us will go find him next week, and no girl is allowed!"

L: "Arhat Bureau?"

Xu Xin: "Yes! Arhat Bureau!"

MR.W: "OK."

L: "Okay~"

(Please remember to watch the extra episode~)

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