I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 978 972 Vice President

"Now we invite the outstanding young man Xu Xin to give his acceptance speech..."

"Crash la la la..."

Amid applause, Xu Xin came to the microphone with his speech in hand.

After looking down at the contents of the manuscript, he said into the microphone:

"Dear leaders and comrades, good morning. On the solemn and sacred May 4th Youth Day, I was honored to be named one of the "Top Ten Outstanding Youths in Shaanxi". This is a great affirmation and encouragement for me. …”

Of course today is not May 4th.

The results were announced on May 4th, and today is the award ceremony.

As for the manuscript, it was produced by Xiying Studio.

Naturally very professional.

He didn't speak much overall, just a few hundred words. After speaking for less than five minutes, he finally bowed and walked aside amid applause.

Then comes the next outstanding young person.

I spent the whole morning just doing these things.

Finally, the awards for outstanding youths ended. Xu Xin took a group photo with all the leaders with the certified certificate of honor. Strictly speaking, this trip to Xi'an is over.

Had another lunch at noon.

In addition to the nine other outstanding young people at the same table with him, there was also the old one and so on. It was like walking on thin ice when eating at the same table. But in this case, Xu Xin still plays the diligent, down-to-earth, outstanding and hard-working young man of literature and art.

There is no mountain and no dew.

After finishing the meal, the leaders expressed encouragement to him before leaving, hoping that he would continue his efforts and produce better literary and artistic works.

At this point, the banquet is over.

Xu Xin walked out of the banquet hall and planned to go straight to the airport in the car.

After the banquet, Xu Xin's trip to Xi'an naturally came to an end. And his luggage is also in the car, so he can leave as soon as he wants.

As soon as he walked out, a man in his thirties stopped him:

"Director Xu."

Xu Xin turned around and said politely:

"Hello, Secretary Li."

This is Minister Wu’s secretary.

Secretary Li smiled politely, then lowered his voice:

"Where is Director Xu going? Going back to Yanjing?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin was stunned, thinking that there was no need to ask this question. It happened that Secretary Li asked...

So, he nodded:

"Yes, back to Yanjing. I plan to go to the airport now."

"Then let me give Director Xu a ride, shall I?"


Xu Xin glanced at him and responded with a smile:

"Okay, then I'll bother Secretary Li."

"Please, Director Xu."

"Don't dare, Secretary Li, please."

After the two of them gave in, Xu Xin followed him directly to the parking spot.

At the same time, he sent a message to Su Meng and asked her to follow.

Then, he got into an Audi.

After getting in the car, Xu Xin handed over a cigarette:

"Secretary Li, smoke."

"Okay, thank you."

Secretary Li took the cigarette and lit it, then started the car.

Without waiting for Su Meng, she drove towards the airport on her own. As she drove, she said to Xu Xin straight to the point:

"It was Minister Wu who asked me to send Director Xu off."

"Well, leader, please give instructions."

"After this year's Silk Road Film Festival is held, we will form a film festival-related association office with Fujian to communicate and negotiate related matters for the next Silk Road Film Festival. The staff is composed of two parts, one part is us, Part of it is from Fujian.

It aims to use film as a link to promote cultural exchanges and cooperation among countries along the Silk Road, inherit the Silk Road spirit, promote Silk Road culture, and create good humanistic conditions for the "Belt and Road" construction. As a key project of the "Silk Road Film and Television Bridge Project", the Silk Road International Film Festival will be held annually from now on. The association will lead the executive committee to promote the development of the film industry, enhance cultural influence, and make due contributions to the "Leading the Road" initiative. contribution. "


Following Secretary Li's words, Xu Xin's brain began to run rapidly like a turbocharger.

These words...

Is it decentralization?

What was originally one party's absolute "control" has now become two mountains?


Are you dissatisfied with our approach?

Or...have you been criticized?

He wanted to ask, but he also knew that the other party wouldn't tell him if he asked.

So he responded:

"Yes, I understand. So do you have any instructions from the leader?"

Secretary Li nodded slightly:

"The leaders actually responded to the above. As a professional international film festival, we certainly cannot be guided by outsiders. Therefore, in terms of management, we still need very professional talents to promote the film festival to the world while implementing the spirit. The propaganda role of culture. That’s why people are needed to lead the overall situation.

And we also considered that we also need cultural communication ambassadors who can represent us internationally, so we recommended Qi Lei and you to serve as the president and vice president of the executive committee. The list has been submitted, and if nothing else happens, the approval will be received before the start of this Silk Road Film Festival. "


Xu Xin's pupils dilated instantly.

What this means is...

Secretary Li glanced at him and continued:

"We know that there is a lot of pressure in this position, but when it comes to professionalism and film festivals, we obviously believe more in the heritage and accumulation of Xiying Film Studio. The Silk Road Film Festival is very important to the promotion of culture along the Silk Road. We want It is not only a directional output of culture, but also plays a role in integration and promotion. The leader’s original words are: The world is a global village. The relationship between neighbors must be harmonious.”


Does this mean that the distinction between domestic and foreign awards has been rejected?

Xu Xin's thoughts changed rapidly, he thought about it and asked:

"The composition of the executive committee..."

"The composition of the personnel, jury, staff, etc. are decided by the executive committee."

It means I have to figure it out myself...

But... considering the attitude of the Fujian side... it must be half on one side?

While he was thinking about it, he heard the other party say:

"Also, the association belongs to a department under the Broadcasting and Television Department, and the two provinces collaborate."


Xu Xinxin said...

have to.

This time I completely understood.

To put it bluntly, the Silk Road... "promoted".

Or... to put it more bluntly, it originally belonged to Shaanxi, but now Fujian wants to get a share of the pie... but in the end, it belongs to the country.

The association is directly affiliated with the Central Government, and so is the executive committee of the association.

And he is the vice president of the executive committee... the one with real power...

what is this?

Stage-by-stage rewards based on merit? Or... have you changed your track?

While he was thinking about it, Secretary Li said again:

"This matter is currently in the drafting stage. Director Xu... is the first to know. Others are still unclear. Director Xu must remember not to tell others."


Now, Xu Xin completely understood why the other party chose to take him to the airport in person today.

Is this... being "invested"?

And are both parties betting on themselves?

Are you betting that the Silk Road Film Festival under the management of the Executive Committee can firmly fulfill its mission?

Create an influential film festival brand?

Play a role in cultural dissemination?

At this moment, his mind was full of various possibilities, judgments, smells, etc., considering all the possibilities of what would happen in the future.

But the more stormy his mind was, the calmer his face seemed at this moment.

Until... there was a burning sensation in my fingers.

Instinctively, he threw the cigarette that he had only taken a few puffs out of the window. He slowly gathered his thoughts and responded:

"I understand. Leaders, please rest assured that I will fulfill my mission and carry out the mission of the Silk Road Film Festival to the end."

Hearing this, Secretary Li suddenly smiled and said:

"When the leader came here this morning, he was still talking to me about you. He said that Director Xu really gave us glory."

"I dare not say that. As a Shaanxi person, it is natural for me to dedicate myself to my hometown. This is my home, and honoring the lintel is what every Shaanxi person should do."


After everything was said, the atmosphere in the car began to heat up.

The two chatted and laughed all the way to the airport.

Xu Xin did not say that he came by private plane, but asked the other party to put him at the entrance of the civil aviation. After saying goodbye to the other party in the car, he got out of the car directly.

After watching the other party's vehicle leave, he struck at Su Meng behind him.

Su Meng drove the car over, and he got on it again. The car circled around and entered the small terminal building.

Go through security and take off.

Above the clouds, Xu Xin looked at the blue and white outside the window and fell into deep thought...

At early 3 o'clock in the afternoon, he arrived in Yanjing.

Today is the 22nd, and tomorrow he will attend the Starlight Awards ceremony.

As soon as he got home, Luo Ming called:

"Hahahaha, Director Xu~"

The two of them actually haven't contacted each other for a long time.

After handing over the copyright for "The Tip of the Tongue", although everyone said they would "keep in touch", in fact they didn't communicate much.

Keep sending text messages of greetings during holidays, and Yang Mi will send assistants to deliver boxed gifts.

Let’s talk about birth status…it’s not that big of a deal.

But it didn't go any further.

However, when the call came, Luo Ming's tone was still cordial.

Xu Xin also responded with a smile:

"Director Luo, tell me."

"Hahaha~ Taili just got notified that we have won the Starlight Award!"

"Ouch! Really!?...That's really Director Toro's blessing!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The Starlight Award is actually more of an internal reward than facing the public. Therefore, such awards will be notified in advance so that the original unit can prepare a series of reward measures.

It is similar to the nature of outstanding young people.

"What's the award we won?"

"Television Documentary Award!"

Xu Xinxin said that it was true.

Then he asked:

"Do you know the news about the other two awards?"

"We don't know this yet. We won't know until we get to the awards ceremony. Anyway, we were notified in advance, and there are more than two awards this year. We have begun to vigorously promote documentaries. Those who were not qualified to judge in the past will also be selected this year. It is estimated that the winners will win. There will be no shortage of people... Director Xu, let’s see you tomorrow night?”

"Haha, of course, see you tomorrow night."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Dalin on the side asked:

"Won another award? What award is this time?"

"'Tongue' won the Star Award."

Yang Dalin looked a little surprised:

"The one you mentioned...the one that is important to the directors within the system?"


Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"It is organized by Radio and Television and is currently one of the highest-level awards in the country. Although it is far less well-known than Feitian and Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers... But for literary and artistic workers, this award is the most difficult to win. And after winning... such as It’s a matter of course that I get the work permit for the next literary and art symposium, association member, etc. It’s a stepping stone... a very hard one.”

"And you are the chief director..."

"Well, the chief director!"

Seeing his son-in-law nodding, Yang Dalin felt a faint emotion in his heart...

I even feel that my daughter is not worthy of my son-in-law for no reason...

No, when that damn girl comes back, I have to take classes with her.

You should be nicer to Xiao Xu in the future.

23rd, evening.

Xu Xin walked towards the auditorium.

Not bad, his home is quite close to that place.

Moreover, far away, the rightmost lane on the road has been set aside and isolated with triangular stakes for the entry of vehicles attending the award ceremony today.

He is no stranger to this place. After all, strictly speaking, he has participated in countless events here, including two banquets, Olympic commendation parties, etc.

However, it was precisely because of familiarity that after Su Meng provided the invitation letter to the doorman, he got out of the Volvo as soon as it entered the square that was temporarily converted into a parking area.

"Remember to park your car on this side of the road, not too close to the entrance. That's reserved for the leaders."

After telling his assistant, he walked directly towards the trash can at the junction of the square and the sidewalk.

That's an old friend.

In the past few years, I have taken over seven or eight cigarettes from him, and the relationship is very deep.

Even if you are here, it will definitely not make sense if you don’t see me.

When he walked over there, he first nodded politely to the security guard patrolling the border railing:

"Hello, comrade."

After the other party responded politely, he lit a cigarette.

The two of them didn't have much communication. Xu Xin just looked at the busy traffic on the roadside and planned to smoke a couple of cigarettes until he was satisfied.

This time, no one came to accompany him.

When taking the second cigarette, Su Meng came over:

"Brother Xu."

As she spoke, she took out mineral water and wet wipes from her bag.

This is for Brother Xu to wash his fingers.

Otherwise, it would just smell like cigarette smoke. My sister specifically told me to pay attention to these details.


Xu Xin nodded slightly and smoked faster.

Soon, after he was satisfied with the second one, he began to wash his hands and rinse his mouth. Finally, after nodding politely to the security guard again, he walked inside with Su Meng.

As a result, after walking a few steps, I heard a voice coming from behind:

"Director Xu!"

Turning around, he saw Luo Ming sitting in the car waving to him.

"Director Luo."

Xu Xin smiled and said hello, standing still.

The car also stopped. Luo Ming got out of the car and said with a smile:

"It's been such a long time."


The two exchanged pleasantries, and Su Meng took the initiative to take a few steps back.

"What has Director Xu been busy with recently?"

"Didn't you shoot a new movie? It's in post-production. Director Luo, how's the second part of "Bite of the Tongue" going?"

"They've all gone to shoot."

"Oh, that's pretty fast..."

The two of them walked into the auditorium together as they talked.

When he arrived in the hall, Xu Xin discovered that...tonight's award ceremony was a dinner party, not an award ceremony in the traditional sense.

And there were quite a few people inside.

Obviously, no one wants to be late.

"Does Director Xu know that the next Starlight Awards will be held in a different venue?"


Hearing this, Xu Xin looked at Luo Ming with some confusion:

"Change place? Change to where?"

"The details are not yet clear. But it will be moved to other cities to host it. It is an application system, and it should be to promote the humanities and culture of other cities."

"Oh~~~~ Indeed, this can play a leading role."

Xu Xin continued to chat with him.

But there was inevitably a murmur in my heart.

Is the Starlight Award also going to be moved?

Is this learning from the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers?

Then, for some reason, he remembered the Silk Road Film Festival...

To put it bluntly... you are the Silk Road on land, and others are the Silk Road on the sea, which is justifiable...

Speaking more broadly...even the Starlight Awards have begun to "move", so what does the Silk Road Film Festival mean to you?

Of course, he didn't say this thought out loud.

There is no need to say it.

These things... let's take a look at it step by step.

In fact, there is not much to say about the Starlight Awards ceremony.

Compared with the more entertainment-oriented awards ceremony, its temperament is more formal.

But...its common problem is the same.

It is done every two years.

There are many people who win prizes.

As soon as I got on stage, I was so excited.

Moreover, although he learned from Luo Ming that the list of winners seemed to have changed this time, due to the country's vigorous promotion of documentaries, there would be a lot of people this time... But Xu Xin really didn't expect that there would be so many people.

At this moment, he listened to the host reading his name:

"The winners of the TV Documentary Award are..."A Bite of China", "People's Art", "Da Lu Yi", "A Hundred Years of Revolution", "Migrant Workers' Director", "Super Project", "Road to China" , "From Tragic to Heroic", "BRIC Nation", "The Power of Sports", "The Story of Ding Ling", "Spring Festival Gala". Congratulations!"

Amidst the applause, after hearing the name "Tongue", he stood up and shook hands with Luo Ming and others like everyone else... It was quite ironic to say that.

Although the people who came today were all from CCTV's "Bite of the Tongue" project, none of the photographers came...and none of the director's team came.

Including Fang Xiu...

It's not that he didn't want to come, but he didn't call him at all.

Those who come are all leadership-level people.

Xu Xin guessed that if he hadn't been the chief director of this documentary, he might have had nothing to do...

But... there's nothing to say.

Amidst the congratulations of everyone, he arranged his clothes and stepped onto the stage step by step.

After subconsciously glancing at the camera with the red light on, he quickly straightened his expression and waited for the trophy and certificate to be awarded.

The awards show wasn't even live.

It is recorded and broadcast by CCTV. The news will be released tomorrow, but the full version will not be leaked. Instead, some highlight videos will be used instead. Even other websites have not authorized it. Anyone who wants to watch it must go to CCTV’s own website to find it...

Standing on the star-studded stage, Xu Xin maintained the expression on his face, but his heart began to wander.

A doubt grew in my mind.

Why is there a requirement to do it every two years?

What is the significance of this provision?

Just like the TV Documentary Awards... the last time there were only three. As a result, there were suddenly so many people this time...

Why bother?

If an award becomes a reward...then what's the point of existence?

He wanted to ask, but he couldn't ask anyone.

In the end, I just stood in the middle of the crowd, accepted the praise from the leader, held the certificate and trophy, and raised it high in front of the camera.

He left a bright smile and an acceptance speech of "keep up the good work".


After stepping off the stage, he weighed the trophy in his hand and suddenly felt a little guilty.

Not to anyone else.

Only for "Tip of the Tongue"...

I feel guilty for my child.



So be it.

Putting all his thoughts in his heart, he walked back to his seat.

"Haha, Director Xu, congratulations."

"Director Luo, we should all be happy."

"Yes, hahaha~"


In the midst of chatting and laughing, the Starlight Award, which lasted for more than 3 hours, came to an end.

Xu Xin left the trophy and certificate to Luo Ming.

This is the original version, which has "commemorative value" and should naturally be left to CCTV.

In a few days they will give themselves the replica.

That’s okay.

Came empty handed.

When it comes time to leave... of course I have to leave with a breeze in my sleeves.

I dare not say that he is successful, but at least it is clean.

As for those backward things...

Just take a step and see.

Xu Xin hopes that they can make further progress.

But...if the back is unsustainable, it's because they are incapable of doing so. After all, their predecessors have already paved the way. If you don’t even know how to draw a gourd, what else can you say?

Don’t live up to expectations.

"Mengmeng, come home."

"Okay, Brother Xu."

Su Meng responded and started the car.

Xu Xin sat in the passenger seat and lit a cigarette.

A puff of smoke spurted out, turning into the wind that swept away the past.

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