I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 981 975 Compensation

In fact, whether it is Xu Xin, Wang Sicong, or Lang Lang, everyone has overlooked one issue.

That's how Jay Chou got the cold.

It's also a bacterial infection.

This reason finally got the answer from Kun Ling.

Before the Nanning concert, Jay Chou attended a friend's birthday party in Wanwan on Wednesday. As a result, the friend had a fever and did not drink.

And Jay Chou arrived late that day. After he arrived, he drank a few sips of wine and didn't see the real person. When he asked the birthday party, he learned that the person had a cold. He was there just now, but he felt unwell and went to see a doctor. .

He didn't pay much attention either.

Kun Ling was there that day and asked him if he wanted to wear a mask. After all, he had a concert next week.

But he said it was okay.

As a result, his nose felt a little uncomfortable the next day. However, Kun Ling went to record "Running Man" on Thursday. When she heard that his nose was uncomfortable, she immediately found him some VC to eat, and also asked him to take some Chinese medicine. prevention. But it was probably because Jay Chou was disobedient, and he started to have a high fever the next day.

To put it bluntly, it was infected by others.

After Kun Ling explained the reason, Wang Sicong nodded and said:

"I understand, it's Dani's fault! She didn't take good care of him, and her money will be deducted later!"

"No, no, no, it's none of Dani's business. It's my fault... I should have warned him in time."

Kun Ling obviously has no habit of pushing things to others.

On the contrary, I blame myself very much, feeling that as long as I am more determined, I might not be like this now.

And Di Wei pushed her fiancé speechlessly.

It means that he should not be angry.

But Lao Wang only meant to make the girl feel better.

After all, my eyes are still swollen at the moment.

As a result, Xu Xin received news from Su Meng:

"Brother Xu, Brother JAY doesn't want to be discharged from the hospital because he is afraid that he will infect Kun Ling."


Xu Xin replied with a question mark:

"What do you mean? Then he is not afraid of infecting me?"

"...Do you want me to ask?"

"Ask! Look what tusks this bastard can spit out of his mouth!"

A few seconds later…

"He said you are in good health."


Xu Xinxin's introduction is really over, brother.

A little speechless, he handed the phone to Wang Sicong.

As a result, Wang Sicong’s first reaction after reading it was...

"Apple, hurry up and buy some isatis root or something. Let's take precautions as soon as possible. Don't get infected again! Brother Qi, are you feeling unwell?"

"I didn't, what's wrong?"

"I'm afraid of being infected by the wheel... We'll all drink the medicine later, so you don't catch a cold."


Kill you all!

Xu Xin gritted his teeth as it was disappointing that he did not form the Luohan Bureau this time. After getting his phone back, someone happened to send him a message:

"Director Xu, I have already reported this matter to the leader. There must be a discount. As for the discount, I will follow up when the time comes."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

After he replied, he rubbed his chin and looked in Wang Sicong's direction with a charming smile.

I can't kill you!

Jay Chou did indeed refuse to return to the hotel as Su Meng said.

He also didn't want to infect his friends.

Moreover, the news of his hospitalization has actually leaked out.

As early as this morning, there was news on Weibo that he was hospitalized for a severe cold.

Then, everyone asked Jewell on his Weibo how he was doing, how he was doing at the concert tonight, and so on.

But the people at Jewel wouldn’t say anything about this in advance, so they just pretended they couldn’t see it.

Wheel itself does not have a Weibo, so there is no need to worry about being exploded.

In short, the news spread like crazy, but in fact the team is very stable.

Just in the afternoon, Jay Chou was still having a low fever and was coughing up sputum.

This is actually a good thing, as it proves that the body has begun to expel mucus caused by inflammation.

But his throat was still hoarse, so there was no need to think about singing.

Lang Lang, on the other hand, was familiar with his friend's piano melodies, but this was a concert. To be on the safe side, he had been practicing the music he needed to perform tonight over and over again all day long.

Everything is to give the audience the best experience.

On the contrary, Xu Xin and Wang Sicong had no idea what nervousness was.

Time flies, it’s 5 p.m.

Jay Chou finally came out of the hospital.

The group of people started walking towards the stadium.

"Old Xu."


"You're not really a reborn person, are you?"

The eldest young master said something casually.

Xu Xin nodded:

"Maybe. Yang Mi and I often talk about this matter... Do you know what the Manchester effect is?"


Wang Sicong was a little puzzled:

"what is that?"

"When something happens, you feel as if you have experienced it before. I often have this feeling, as if I know what this thing is... very familiar... including when making movies. I have many movie scripts. You can tell the general direction of this story at a glance, just like you have seen it before..."

"……elder brother."

Listening to Xu Xin's words, Wang Sicong reluctantly interrupted his chatter:

"Let me correct you on something."


"That's called the Mandela Effect..."


Si Wei, who was sitting in the back seat, burst out laughing.

Under Xu Xin's expression of "Are you sure?", Wang Sicong helplessly shook his head:

"Many people have the Mandela Effect. But your instinct of having to come to Nanning to save people from trouble is not like the Mandela Effect."

"What does that look like?"

"It's a bit like our Baojiaxian in the Northeast... there is a great fairy in the family who will remind you in advance of anything."


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, and then said:

"So do I have to find a temple to worship when I go back this time?"

"I think it will work. After all, there is no reason for you to be so persistent with Nanning, right? It's quite magical."


Xu Xin nodded in agreement and sighed:

"So, even if you don't believe in some things, you still have to have a sense of awe. There are gods three feet above your head~"

"So we plan to set up a charity fund."


He turned to look at his friend, then looked back at Di Wei:

"Huh? Charity fund?"

"Well, are you interested?"

"...Tell me about it. Which one? Disaster relief? Or student aid or something?"

"No disaster relief."

Wang Sicong shook his head slightly:

"It's not that it's not necessary to deliver instant noodles, but many people are very blind. Maybe the instant noodles in the disaster area are enough for everyone to live for ten or twenty years...it's too blind. Although there is nothing wrong with small love, since it is charity, I think it needs to be used in the right place. Disasters are temporary, but poverty in many places is a lifelong disease. I plan to set up a student aid charity fund to provide student aid support to some poor students in poor areas. For example, tuition subsidies, such as Interest-free loans for college...I don’t know if it can be done, but I think it’s quite necessary.”

"...Is this easy to do?"

"I don't know, I don't even know how much it costs. But... let's give it a try."

"Hmm...how did you come up with this idea? I've never seen you with such a high level of ideological consciousness before."

"Brother Qi is interested in these things, don't you know? She has also anonymously sponsored several college students. And she has donated 200 yuan a month to the Red Cross a long time ago. And she herself said that she is married After that, I couldn't show my face every day, and I didn't want to get involved in my family's business, so I thought about starting a business together. After thinking about it, I felt that this thing was more reliable, so just be a child and accumulate virtue... What about? Let’s make one together?”


After understanding the reason, Xu Xin agreed immediately.

"Have you asked Old Wolf and Wheel?"

"Not yet, we both just figured it out in the past two days. I'll ask later. Anyway, I won't open a particularly big stall. I'll just do my best."


Xu Xin nodded again.

If you want to do it, do it.

Sounds pretty good.

Isn't there a saying that goes well? If you are poor, you can take care of yourself, but if you are rich, you can help the world.

Anyway, putting so much money in the card is idle.

Might as well do something meaningful.

At almost 6 o'clock, several cars arrived backstage at the stadium.

The concert starts at 7 o'clock, and a lot of people have gathered at the gate.

The audience's thinking is very simple. Seeing that the ticket check-in has started normally, it means that the concert can be held, and they feel at ease.

In the waiting room backstage, Jay Chou wore a big mask on his face, and Kun Ling, who also wore a mask, was peeling pears for him with a fruit knife.

After cutting the pear into small pieces, Jay Chou would insert a toothpick into it, pull the mask away from his chin, and put it into his mouth.

Not to mention...

At least in the eyes of the brothers, these two are quite affectionate.

But for safety reasons, a few people just said hello to him and went to the waiting room next to him.

As for the atmosphere...

"Lao Xu, surrender and lose half the battle, right? How about that?"

"Haha, you started to fart, right?"

"Brother, I'm afraid that your loss will be too ugly. Those movie tickets of yours are a bit uninteresting."

"What? You can handle just talking about the piano, right?"

Take a look...

Everyone began to scheming and plotting against each other was flying everywhere.

Men's desire to win is actually so childish sometimes.

Di Wei, who was watching for fun, finally understood something Sister Mi said...

"Brother Qi, have you heard that men's psychology is classified into the category of child psychology?"

Si Wei didn't believe it at the time.

Even though we are all adults no matter what, how can we still fall within the scope of child psychology?

But at this moment, she looked at these people bickering and thought to herself that Sister Mi really wasn't lying.

It is said that children all look up to them.

It should be more suitable for infants and young children.


The entire Nanning Stadium was packed.

Except for a few empty seats in the VIP infield in the front row, only the flickering of fluorescent sticks could be seen on the other seats, forming a colorful sea.

According to common sense, at 7 o'clock, the stage lights should dim.

The lights dimmed, cheers started, and the idol Jay Chou appeared from somewhere in the sky or on the ground. Then as the prelude of a certain song sounded, the audience began to enter the chorus mode.

But today the time has reached 7 o'clock, but the scene is still brightly lit, and the lights have no intention of dimming.

Many viewers are already looking down at the time on their phones or watches.

I wonder why I haven’t started yet...



Finally, at 7:03, suddenly, the lights in the auditorium dimmed.

The audience who were still wondering fell silent.

But immediately cheers resounded throughout the stadium:


"Hua la la la la la..."

It’s time for Jay Chou to come out! ! ! !

Everyone was filled with excitement.

Even the anomaly was forgotten, which was why the lights on the stage were not dimmed.

Then, just a second after the cheers, several large screens at the scene switched from the auditorium to the stage at the same time.

Seeing the camera switch, the audience cheered even louder.

It's quite a bit like it comes out after a thousand calls.

Everyone looked at the screen on the stage, looking for and guessing where Jay Chou would appear.

However...at this moment, Jay Chou was uncharacteristically wearing a long-sleeved jacket and a mask in Nanning in May, and stepped onto the stage step by step.

The cheers suddenly stopped.

Many people have an idea in mind.

The news about a severe cold...is it true?

I saw him slowly walking towards the middle of the stage. On the screen and in the eyes of the fans, he pulled down the mask on his face, held the microphone and waved to the audience:

"Hello, hello. Hello, Nanning fans and friends."

His voice was hoarse and completely different from before.

Even after he finished speaking, he moved the microphone away and coughed twice.

What greeted him was the stunned silence of the audience.

What's going on?

Seeing this, Jay Chou didn't mind and raised the microphone again:

"I'm really sorry to everyone for going on stage in such a way. But... Next, I would like to ask everyone to be quiet for a moment and listen to what I have to say, okay? Ahem."

He coughed again.

Then he continued in that hoarse voice:

"What I want to tell you is that I am very sorry that due to my personal health reasons, today's concert cannot be held as scheduled... Please don't be impatient and listen to what I have to say."

After noticing a change in the mood of the fans at the scene, he pressed his hand again:

"The reason is that I had a bad cold. Just now, I was in the hospital getting an injection. Then in the past two days, my body temperature dropped from 39 degrees 6 to 37 degrees 4. My body temperature has actually been well controlled. Okay, but my throat...you may have heard that I can't sing now, and to be honest, even talking is very difficult because I keep coughing. I'm very sorry for my situation, I'm sorry."

With that said, he bowed directly to the audience.

At this time... the audience who reacted came to their senses belatedly after hearing about his physical condition.

Seeing him bowing, a small group of people waved their light sticks.

But more people are confused and at a loss.

This...concert is not going to be held? What should we do?

After bowing, Jay Chou took the microphone again and continued:

"I want to talk to you about my method of compensation now...but before that, I would like to invite three of my friends to come up. Because they also have something to say to you."

As he spoke, he waved to the side of the stage.

Xu Xin took the lead, Wang Sicong was in the middle, and Lang Lang was at the end, walking out step by step.

There were few cheers.

In fact, the atmosphere at the scene right now can best be described as overwhelmed.

No one knows what to do.

Xu Xin stood under the dazzling spotlight and saw many blank faces. He withdrew his gaze and continued walking in the direction of Jay Chou.

But when he was three or four steps away from him, Jay Chou waved his hand:

"OK OK, just stay here, don't come any closer."

As he spoke, he pointed to his mask.

Then he looked at the audience again:

"The three of them don't need to be introduced by me, right?...Cough cough. Cough cough cough cough~"

After saying a few words, he started coughing again.

Seeing this, Wang Sicong took the initiative to pick up the microphone.


After hearing his own voice, he said hello directly:

"Hello everyone, I'm Wang Sicong. What's in the wheel? You can calm down your breathing now and let's talk. Then... someone get him a bottle of water."

After finishing speaking, he said to the audience between the two bodyguards Xu Xin and Lang Lang:

"Let me tell you what is going on... I believe you have read the news. Indeed, he has a severe cold and fever, and his voice has completely lost his voice. He will not be able to sing at this concert, but don't worry... In fact, I believe that many people like me have attended his concerts... You should know that for some songs, he starts the song on stage, and we in the audience start singing the chorus without even reading the words.

Of course, I'm not saying that this concert will go on in this silly way. What I want to express is that first of all, Jay Chou decided to postpone this concert. He will hold another concert in Nanning within this year. At that time, everyone will have the current concert tickets in hand and can enter directly. Of course, you can also refund the ticket, it doesn't matter, the refund is a full refund, and friends who come from afar will also pay for your round-trip air tickets and hotels. For those who don’t want to refund their tickets, please keep this ticket. The next Nanning concert will be held here, at this location, and you can come over then. "

"Yes, yes, that's right."

Jay Chou, who had calmed down after drinking some water, nodded:

"I will pick a time within this year and come here to hold another concert. But this concert will not be cancelled... Just think of it as my willfulness once. This time, I invited my good friend Lang Lang, who will He can play the piano and accompany us, or you can let him play whatever you want to hear and we can sing a song together, okay?"


The response was, frankly, not enthusiastic.

After hearing this response, Xu Xin knew that it was time for him to appear.

"Also, we also know that everyone came to this concert with great excitement, and some of you even bought high-priced scalper tickets. Therefore, while we hereby express our deep apologies, we are doing our best to We have provided you with some ways to make amends to express our apology and guilt."

He did not use the word "compensate", but used "compensate" to express his emotions.

Then he turned and glanced at the two people next to him.

At this moment, there is actually no "fighting of wits and courage" emotions in everyone's hearts, but some anxiety in hoping that the audience will accept it.

So, Xu Xin spoke again:

"Jielun is really sorry that this concert cannot be held as scheduled. As friends, the compensation measures we can take are limited, but I still hope to tell everyone... First of all, my compensation is, I will provide free movie tickets for all works of Xiying Group and Headwind Pictures.

That said, I invite everyone here to watch the movie. We are currently working on a small program in this area, which will probably be launched in the next few days. At that time, everyone can use the ticket number in their hand to directly redeem Wanda Cinema movie tickets, which will last until January 1, 2014. One concert ticket can be exchanged for two movie tickets. This is the first point of compensation. "

"...blah blah blah..."

Slowly, some applause broke out.

But it's not that much.

But Xu Xin didn't care and directly raised his second finger:

"The second compensation, as everyone knows, is that the third Silk Road Film Festival will start in August this year. Everyone, with their concert tickets, can redeem a set of tickets for all attractions in Xi'an, as well as the Silk Road Film Festival Ticket packages for all movies. Moreover, these tickets and packages support transfer. If you don’t need it, you can “transfer” it to others!”

He was very serious about the word "transfer".

There is a flavor that can only be felt but cannot be expressed.

Some viewers reacted immediately.

Xu Xin means...

Even Wang Sicong and Lang Lang were a little surprised at this time.


The Silk Road Film Festival package + tickets to all Xi’an attractions is not cheap.

The price of the film festival package alone last year was close to 700.

Not to mention there are tickets for attractions.


"Hua la la la la..."

This time, the applause was finally much louder.

Xu Xin's face finally showed a smile.

Then he raised a third finger:

"The last point of my compensation is... Actually, this cannot be said to be compensation, it should be regarded as a small wish. I know that some of you here may be married, some may not be married, or are still in love... Aren't we very popular now with VCRs, which are used to send congratulatory videos to relatives and friends on some happy events?

Maybe I'm a little arrogant, but...my promise is that after this small program is launched, each of you can submit a written document according to your own requirements. For example, you and your girlfriend get married, or a child is born or enters a higher education, or an old man passes away... etc. Everyone only needs to indicate the purpose, fill in the information, and after submission, we will record a VCR for you, including me, Yang Mi, Liu Yifei, and even the severe cold patient next to me... all Shuangwei artists. We would like to express our congratulations, send our blessings on your special day, and share this joy with everyone.

As a friend of Mr. Jay Chou, this is my most sincere apology to the best of my ability for disappointing everyone because he lost his voice due to a severe cold and was unable to sing. Just a small note, I hope you can accept it, and I'm sorry to disappoint you. sorry. "

After speaking, he bowed deeply toward the audience.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the roar of mountains and tsunami of applause:

"Hua la la la la la..."

This is the warmest applause that has erupted since Jay Chou took the stage.

Apparently, the way he expressed his apology was recognized.

Xu Xin, who straightened up, turned his head and glanced at the two people next to him.

young man.

It's your turn to perform.

I'll go to the hospital tomorrow for a urine ketone test, and I'll be guaranteed a chapter.

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