

Amidst the cheers, Wang Sicong and Lang Lang looked at the smiling Xu Xin with surprise in their eyes...

Others can't understand...it's impossible for them to understand.

This bastard's smile is a proud smile.

After a set of combination punches, Wang Zhao showed a proud smile!


Is that how you play?

There are more than 10,000 people at the scene, and you want to record more than 10,000 VCRs?

Aren't you afraid of exhausting Dami and others to death?

It has to be so big! ?

Is it big?

Actually not too small.

The movie tickets in front of me were okay, but adding up the several movies didn’t actually cost much.

As for the package tickets for the Silk Road Film Festival and the prices of scenic spots, the price Xu Xin got was actually very cheap, and it was not an exaggeration to say that it was even free.

The reason is that these more than 10,000 people can drive the local economy of Xi'an.

Unless Xu Xin is so crazy that he even reimburses the round-trip air tickets and hotels... Otherwise, going to the Silk Road Film Festival and enjoying Xi'an will be a huge profit.

These two points of compensation are actually reasonable.

What really surprised them was the VCR recording thing at the end.

Are you really sure you want to do this?

But Xu Xin did just that.

On the one hand...recording a VCR doesn't actually take much time. It only takes a person more than ten seconds to find a white wall, stop there, and read a name, such as "Hello everyone, I am Yang Mi. Here I wish XX and XX a happy marriage and happiness."

Just one sentence.

After the recording is completed, it is sent to the applicant. You don’t even need to take care of the rest of the editing and other tasks. People from the wedding company will naturally handle it.

The time cost is almost negligible.

What's more, this is not all recorded in a few days. No one is saying that after participating in the Wheel's concert, they will get married immediately.

It’s not that urgent and it’s not realistic.

So this kind of thing is not really a workload.

Moreover, it is also a good way to win popularity.

Not to mention anything else, for example, when a couple gets married, they may not have liked Yang Mi or Liu Yifei before. But with this opportunity, after applying for a VCR, I can show my face to my relatives and friends for the first time. When people see it... I'll go! Did the big stars send wedding blessings to these two people?

This is a great satisfaction of vanity.

Secondly...even if you didn't like these people before, but they recorded a VCR to congratulate you on your wedding, it can be regarded as a good relationship. If something happens in the future, regardless of whether you can defend it, it is still good not to add insult to injury. And when other people at the wedding saw it, they could at least form a bond.

In the future, I will launch a movie or endorse a certain brand. When I think about it, this person seems to have recorded a VCR at XX's wedding. It will give him a good impression. Regardless of buying a ticket or helping others to increase their business, isn't this also a good idea? Positive feedback?

The so-called commercial value is actually a very intuitive thing made up of comprehensive factors such as popularity, purchasing power, and the audience’s impression of you.

Recording these VCRs may seem cumbersome, but it is not very expensive. At the same time, you can also form a good relationship... It may not be useful, but it is better than nothing.

He thought it was a very good thing.

Not to mention anything else, just establishing a reputation is enough for those ten seconds of hard work.

I also asked several friends around me privately, and Lin Gou, Liu Yifei and others didn't mind. As for Baozi and the others... Xu Xin didn't speak at all.

Just do whatever I ask you to do! Otherwise, your salary will be deducted!

Five hundred and five hundred bucks!

Therefore, he does not feel that the compensation is too much.

What's more... when I got married, Wheels held a free concert in Shenmu.

No matter how you repay this affection, it will never be too much.

What's more...just think of it as an investment.

Maybe you won’t see anything in the short term, but as long as you stick to it and don’t miss the promise, you will definitely get unexpected gains in the future.

And next...

The eldest sons.

It's your turn.

Xu Xin glanced at the two of them with a smile amidst the cheers, and then turned to look at Jay Chou who was also dumbfounded next to him...

A relaxed smile appeared on his lips again.

Take a look.

Aren’t the audience very satisfied~

What do you two say?


Wang Sicong's mouth twitched and he slowly picked up the phone.

He kind of wanted to up the ante.

But the problem is... The brothers have discussed it and written down the compensation they will give in advance. Whoever can't match it will lose...

But the thick-browed Xu Sanjin in front of him actually started playing the favor card.


Speaking of treachery, you two are really dark-minded!

When the matter came to an end, he could only fulfill the agreement.

So, he coughed lightly:

"Ahem. Now... let me talk about my compensation. My first compensation is actually linked to the people next to me. When you watch a movie, you definitely can't watch it dryly, right? ?I will provide coupons for popcorn, Haagen-Dazs ice cream, and drinks. There is nothing much to say about this small compensation. I just hope that everyone can relax and enjoy the relaxation and comfort that Wanda Cinema Line brings to everyone. .

The second compensation is a three-day free stay coupon for Wanda’s hotels. When everyone moves in, regardless of any so-called holidays, you only need to reserve a room in advance, then redeem the move-in coupon in our online mini program, and just pack your bags and check in. 104 Wanda high-end hotels around the world will serve you wholeheartedly, and I will bear the cost myself! "


"Hua la la la la la la la..."

Hearing the extremely enthusiastic applause and cheers, a smile appeared on Wang Sicong's face.

"Don't worry, don't worry, there's more. As for me, I recommend everyone to use these check-in coupons when traveling. But if you travel for more than three days, it doesn't matter. Everyone still has five 50% off check-in coupons that can be redeemed . I hope that Wanda’s hotels can accompany everyone present to have a relaxing and comfortable journey.”


"The principal is awesome!!!"

"Hua la la la la..."

Amidst the applause, Wang Sicong continued:

"Actually, when we were discussing how to make up for everyone, Jaylen said many times that he really didn't want to disappoint the fans. Fans in Nanning and those who came from afar, he knew that many of them had invited He felt particularly guilty because he had planned for a long time in advance to come here. And these trivial compensations cannot truly express our feelings. But I still want to say to everyone that I am really sorry and ask for your forgiveness."

After speaking, he also bent down and bowed to the audience.

He was greeted with extremely warm applause.

Xu Xin glanced at his friend who was not far away from him and others.

I found that he, who had been silent since the beginning, was looking here with his lips pursed.

So, he grinned again.

Seeing his smile, Jay Chou was also happy.

He just smiled and ran his fingers across his eyes.

Damn it, he didn't cry.

It's just that my eyes were a little sore from the light.

And finally, it was Lang Lang's turn.

He held the microphone, turned to look at a few friends, and suddenly looked helpless and shook his head.

Then he said:

"To be honest, my method of compensation may not bring much substantial compensation to everyone... I don't have many ways to compensate. But... I feel that if it is someone who really needs it, my compensation will be very useful. And it is...a professional class for me."




When he finished briefly explaining his method of compensation, the audience didn't react too solemnly.

On the contrary, the three people, including Xu Xin, were stunned.


What are you talking about?

Your class?

...Brother, everyone is just having fun, are you risking your life?

In the surprised eyes of the three people, Lang Lang smiled and said:

"You can use the tickets in your hands to redeem one of my professional lessons. I know that there may be many people who are not married yet, or who have children and do not want to send them to piano majors... but I can't think of it either. Is there any way I can make up for it? Jaylen is my best friend. He doesn’t want to disappoint everyone, and naturally I don’t want to either.

Therefore, I provided an opportunity for a professional class. If you have children around you who have encountered bottlenecks in the piano major, you might as well go to my official website to learn about the relevant professional courses. After you redeem them, write down the time and place of the next professional course, and use the redemption code to come over. . This is the compensation I can give. Finally... just like the previous two, due to Jaylen's health, this concert cannot be held as scheduled. We are very sorry and ask for your forgiveness. "

After speaking, he also bowed.

Then...compared to Wang Sicong's warm applause before, a relatively "polite" applause started.

In fact, when it comes to this stage, everyone heard Jay Chou's voice and really couldn't sing. Now Xu Xin, Lang Lang, and Wang Sicong collectively took the stage and gave their own compensation.

All could relate to the guilt conveyed in their words and reparations.

Although it is unclear how the things they promised can be exchanged, but... people are like this, if they still don't forgive, it is really unreasonable.

What's more, it's not like other singers have canceled concerts at short notice.

Usually, an announcement is issued that the concert is canceled because the singer is unwell or something like that.

Then everyone can just refund the ticket.


Air tickets?


Who cares about you?

Love comes or not.

Many singers have this attitude.

But Jay Chou didn't. He apologized, refunded the tickets, compensated, reimbursed the round trip expenses and hotel... This alone was enough to kill many people instantly.

Not to mention the compensation for these three people.

To put it bluntly... this compensation may not be available to everyone.

But everyone felt the sincerity in it.

So, everyone contributed their own applause of understanding and gratitude, and cheers like mountains and tsunamis.

At this time, a fun scene occurred.

When Lang Lang got up, Jay Chou opened his arms, meaning everyone hugged and expressed his gratitude.

As a result, the three of them were like seeing the god of plague:


"Don't come here!"


With one sentence, each person stopped him. Seeing his awkward and overwhelmed look, the audience burst into laughter.

Then, Xu Xin took the lead:

"The rest of the time will be left to everyone. Thank you for your understanding. Goodbye."

The three people waved their hands and walked off the stage.

After watching the three friends leave, Jay Chou took the microphone and put it to his mouth.

After a pause, he said in a hoarse but smiling voice:

"I actually... have a lot of words of gratitude I want to say to them. But not now, I know, you will all sing my songs. How about we sing together?"


"My throat is hoarse. If I sing badly, please don't laugh at me, okay?"


"Everyone, please be louder so I can hear you sing, okay?"


The loyal fans responded to his request by shouting with all their strength.

So, the prelude to "Tornado" started...

Soon, without him having to speak, the whole place started singing:

"Love is like a gust of wind that blows and then goes away..."

"You really spent a lot of money!"


After taking the three notes kept by Kun Ling, Xu Xin looked at Lang Lang's handwriting about "professional courses" and couldn't help but complain.

The audience didn't know...he understood the value of Lao Lang's professional course.

"Then look...I'm ready to go on stage."

Lang Lang hurriedly checked the other two people, and after making sure that no one was "cheating", he said goodbye and left.

Only Xu Xin, Wang Sicong, and Kun Ling were left in the background.

At this time, Kun Ling suddenly came over:

"Brother Cong, I want to discuss something with you."

"Tell me, what's wrong?"

"I...want to quit "Running Man"..."


Wang Sicong was stunned:


He looked at Kun Ling with doubts in his eyes.

Xu Xin seemed to realize something and asked:

"Is it because of him?"


Kun Ling responded and pursed her lips into a straight line.

After hesitating for a while, he said:

"I know I'm sorry for everyone! But...if I could be by his side this time, he wouldn't be like this. And if Brother Xu hadn't discovered that he was running a fever right away...a temperature of thirty-nine degrees... …It’s really dangerous. After all, it’s inconvenient for Dani to do many things, so…”


Wang Sicong opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

But when the words came to his lips, he didn't know what to say.

Seeing this, Xu Xin asked:

"Have you thought about it?"


Kun Ling nodded vigorously:

"Actually... I have been thinking about this all day today. Although I cherish the opportunity of "Running Man", I also asked some questions when I chatted with Sister Mi before. She told me a lot... I feel, Family is more important! If both of us are busy, then... there may be problems in the future. I don't want that!"


At this time, Xu Xin was speechless.

After Wang Sicong thought for a while, he said:

"Okay, I know about this. But you have to give me some time. I have to find a new guest. Don't worry, okay?"

"Yeah, okay. I'm sorry, Brother Cong, I'm too willful!"

"Hey~ Why are you talking about this? No. I feel quite relieved to have you by my side to take care of him. Okay, let me figure this out... We will go out to smoke first."


Soon, Xu Xin and Wang Sicong returned to their waiting room.

Originally, the two of them still had seats on the VIP side.

But at this moment...it was obvious that he couldn't care less about "singing".

"What to do?"

Holding a cigarette in his mouth, the eldest young master was a little troubled.

"Let's find a way."

Xu Xin also shook his head helplessly.

Neither of them could fault Kun Ling's decision.

In other words... I feel very relieved.

"Have you noticed that Kun Ling is also the same as what Dami taught..."

"It's not about teaching or not. Isn't that a good saying? People who are willing don't need to teach, and people who are careless won't learn. Haven't you discovered yet? The essence of a family is to complement each other. What our ancestors said is right."


Wang Sicong responded, but immediately blew out a stream of distressed smoke:

"Then she quits, where can I find someone?... We must be able to find someone of our own, right? Dami said, who should I look for? Shishi? Fei Xian'er? The problem is that you don't like actors to be exposed too much. .”

"An actor who is exposed too much will be stereotyped on the screen, and you won't be able to change it even if you want to. I definitely can't look for them, their careers are on the rise."

"Then who are you looking for? Baozi? Isn't Baozi just becoming popular now?"

"...Change again."


"She can consider it and ask her later. But if she has no interest..."

"That little girl from Northern Xinjiang?"


Seeing him mention Fatty, Xu Xin scratched his head.

"I can't say this, but Yang Mi plans to develop her into a new generation actress. I guess it's difficult~ You have to consider that actors do need fame, but if they are overexposed in the early stage, it is equivalent to killing the goose that lays the egg. It’s a waste of money.”

"Then let's put it on the list of options first. And I heard that Da Mi isn't planning to push her to LeTV, so that she can take advantage of the resources. "Running Man" will definitely also benefit from the Internet platform dividends. It all depends on which platform can catch it. As long as it can catch it, it will definitely be able to get online. There will be no less dramas for them to invest in."


Following Xu Xin's response, the waiting room fell into silence.

He was thinking about who could take over from Kun Ling.

To be honest, the female artists in Double Wei are actually quite suitable. After all, "RUNNING MAN" in South Korea is becoming more and more successful, and the ratings are good, including the several times they went out to other countries, which attracted a lot of attention from fans. machine, and the sensation of following the shoot and more.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Tianlai, who obtained the copyright, was completely unlucky.

When "RUNNINGMAN" was at its worst, it was also the eve of their bottoming out. It was such a clever juncture that the Koreans made a loss-making business.

They must have thought that the eldest young master was stupid and had too much money at first, so they wanted to quickly recover their health... but now their intestines are filled with regret.

But what's the use?

And now Lao Wang has put his treasure on Running Man.

After all, the judges of "The Voice" have undergone a major change, and whether he can ensure his huge commercial value in the future is also something he has to consider.

While thinking about it, he also made preparations to be prepared.


Kun Ling is quitting.

And he used the most irresistible reason.

In fact, these guests have signed contracts with Tian Lai, but... regarding the wheels, who will force Kun Ling to fulfill the contract?

So who should be pulled out now?

This kind of thing must not go to outsiders.

Who should I look for...

He was thinking.

At this moment, Wang Sicong said:

"Should we make an APP?"


Xu Xin came back to his senses and asked in confusion:

"What APP?"

"I'm exchanging tickets this time."


Xu Xin was even more puzzled:

"What? The mini program doesn't work?"

"That's definitely not the case. It's just that mini programs have limitations, and I've been thinking about it again. You said that Shuangwei doesn't have a mini program now, and neither does Tianlai. I don't think it's reliable to link it to Wanda's APP... I don't think it's reliable in this matter... You can make decisions, but you can’t always occupy the company’s resources. It’s easy to say or not. So the best way is to launch a program ourselves to be responsible for compensating the audience. And..."

Having said this, he paused and then said:

"It can also be used as a platform to interact with the audience. For example, the live audience registration channel for "The Voice", "Singer", and "The King of Masked Singer"... and you also need to achieve interoperability with Wanda Cinemas, an independent APP It is still very important, otherwise it would all depend on the people at Wanda. If they make an operational mistake or make some mistake due to negligence, we will suffer a disaster. The company is big and the efficiency is very slow. "

"That makes sense."

Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"Is this fast?"

"It will definitely be slow to do it well, but a prototype in one or two months will definitely be enough. When I go back this time, I will contact the ticketing people first and compensate for the movie tickets. Lest others say that we only praise Haikou but don't Do practical things. Then let’s start working on this?… Let’s make a prototype first, and then think about whether we can use this APP to do something else in the future. Let’s look at the details?”

"Okay. Then go from Pus?"

"Yeah. I think it will work. But the APP needs to be outsourced first and a framework created. The faster the better. After all, your movie has a time limit and cannot be delayed."


As soon as the matter was finished, suddenly, his and Wang Sicong's phones rang.

There was someone in the group who liked them.

Xu Xin switched screens.

The Dream of Two Billion Girls: "Are you guys gah? Why is this trending again? @Rebirth: I am the Director @Married Boy"

Rebirth: I am the Director: "? What?"

Married boy: "Why did you get another 100 million?"

The Dream of Two Billion Girls: [Picture]

Lin Gou sent a screenshot.

It’s a Weibo topic.

# Compensation for cancellation of Jay Chou’s Nanning concert #

Then he sent the link to the topic.

Xu Xin clicked in directly.

Among the topics, the most liked video was a video.

The video is 6 minutes long, and the scene opens with Jay Chou on stage.

Xu Xin casually fast forwarded and found that it was just at the beginning, when everyone told the audience about the compensation for this concert.

He had experienced this personally, so there was no need to read it again.

He immediately paused the video and started reading the comments.

He was happy when he saw the first comment.

"? Price gouging? Strongly condemned! (Add 2,000 to purchase Nanning concert tickets)"

Netizens below this comment left messages:

"I've heard your plans from Heilongjiang!"

"Not only Heilongjiang, but also our northern Xinjiang heard it!"

"Can netizens in Northern Xinjiang access the Internet?"

"? Why can't I go online?"

“This Weibo post has been deleted due to violation of community rules.”

After he saw this reminder, he thought that this guy would be banned for half a month at least...

Then continue to scroll down.

"What kind of divine compensation is this?"

"Although I am a fan of Jay Chou, at this moment I especially hope that he will also catch a cold when he comes to our Qingdao!"

"Say quickly, Qingdao is not from Shandong! Say it quickly!"

"Where is Qingdao? It can't be Jiangsu, right?"

"What do people from Yancheng say about Jiangsu? I've never heard of it."

“I was so sore after buying tickets for the Nanjing concert.”

“I just checked, the cheapest at Ruihua Hotel is more than 3,000 per night/smile”

"Ruihua is a high-end luxury, so it must be more expensive. Wenhua is only more than a thousand a night. Which one did the principal give free admission?"

"It's universal, so who lives in Wenhua? You must live in Ruihua!"

"The problem is that there are not many Ruihua hotels in total. Wanda has several hotel brands, and Ruihua is the most high-end one, only found in first-tier cities."

"Actually, it doesn't make any difference where you live. What's important is that the principal is really awesome. The relationship between these four people is really strong. This kind of compensation... If everyone stayed once, it would be one thousand and one nights. The price is tens of millions! Ten million is enough for Jay Chou to hold two or three concerts, right?"

"It can only be said that he is rich and willful!"

"Xu Gou is not bad either. Not to mention free movies, that VCR... I can't even imagine the workload."

"Indeed... But actually, I think it essentially depends on Jay Chou's attitude. If he doesn't care about his fans, a few people won't do the same. It's because he loves his fans that a few of his friends are willing to help him like this, right?"

"I don't know how deep the friendship is. I only know... I'm really rich!!!! Ahhh! Why can't such good things happen to me?"

"Compared with this, Lang Lang's professional courses seem to be nothing."


Seeing Liao Laolang's comment, Xu Xin subconsciously licked his lips.

I thought to myself, this guy is really ignorant.

If anything, before hearing about Lao Lang, he really felt that the compensation he had prepared was the best.

It has face, dignity, and is complete in every aspect.

Lao Wang has nothing but being stupid and rich.

Are you sure you won’t win this game?

As a result, when Lao Lang's compensation came out... although neither of them mentioned it, they actually knew it in their hearts.

But he didn't say too much. Some things are viewed differently from different angles.

There is no need to explain in detail.

Then, he looked over the information about this concert and felt relieved when he found that all of them were positive reviews.

But immediately an old topic came up in my mind.

Why are you so persistent in Nanning?

Is freedom really determined somewhere?

Or... I'm actually a reborn person and I don't even know it myself?

Thinking of this, he smiled dumbly.


What a fuss.

What he didn't know was that just when Weibo was busy talking about Xu Xin and others showing up to compensate everyone because Jay Chou's concert was canceled, on another platform called "Zhihu", a Questions poured into the topic square:

"How to evaluate the value of compensation for Jay Chou's concert?" 》

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