I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 983 978 Thanks for the invitation

(Awkward, this chapter should be 977, I wrote it as 978. But it doesn’t affect reading, sorry everyone.)

Since its birth in 2011, the Zhihu platform has always taken a relatively unique route.

It is somewhat similar to a comprehensive forum, and somewhat similar to Baidu's "Baidu Knows" function. Someone raises a question, and people who are interested in the issue can discuss it below the post.

But because it classifies problems into detailed categories, there are still many active users on it.

And there are many capable people inside.

As for the "Current Affairs" section, there have always been quite a few posts discussing certain popular phenomena.

Attention is also very high.

Take Weibo as an example. The hot search topics that appear on its hot search list are group discussions on Weibo. There are many people and everyone expresses their opinions. They are endless and lively. But on Zhihu, these topics may receive more detailed discussions and discussions by a small group of people.

There is no right or wrong between the two, nor is there any superiority or inferiority between the two.

In essence, it is still a matter of fact.

When Xu Xin and the others posted their compensation on Weibo, most people were amazed, but after someone asked on Zhihu, everyone began to discuss the value of it.

The topic is very popular, and as time goes by, many people have joined the discussion.

"In my opinion, Jay Chou's golden brand has been completely established. This is the first time in history that a concert was canceled, tickets were refunded, and even hotels and air tickets were reimbursed. It really opened my eyes. As for the compensation for the other three people, I have only four words: rich and willful."

"Regardless of value, these people are probably going to offend a lot of people this time. Others will refund their tickets at most, but it would be better for you to get a refund + reimbursement of air tickets and accommodation, plus the other three people will get the same benefits as throwing money. If you do this, How will others play in the future? It is impossible to do better than you, unless others also have three friends who treat you with such sincerity. But even if they are side by side with you, the audience will not feel anything, after all, there is a "model" there Upright. But if you don't do as well as others, the harsh punishment you receive will definitely be a hundred times as harsh as before. This kind of thing is too offending. Sometimes when you do well, it is also a sin in itself."

"Ahh! I regret it so much! My girlfriend asked me if I wanted to go, and I wanted to play games, so I pushed her away! I would have booked the tickets if I had known about it!!!"

"When I saw their compensation video, I was just thinking...how to fulfill these promises? If nothing else, ten thousand people...Lang Lang needs to take 10,000 professional classes? Isn't this nonsense?"

"Except for Wang Sicong's compensation, the compensation from the other two people feels very empty."

"My definition is that I want to be a good person and want to show off, but... as far as the conditions promised to them are concerned, the probability of screwing up is quite high. I don't expect it to be fully realized."

Under the topic, various discussions expressed their opinions, some were optimistic, and some were negative.

But soon, a highly praised answer appeared under the question.

[Thank you for the invitation.

I also watched the video. I was surprised at first, but I happened to see the topic being discussed by the questioner, so I will give you my own opinion.

Say it one by one.

First is Xu Xin. Summarizing his compensation, there are actually three points: 1. Movie tickets, 2. Travel packages, 3. Star VCR.

There’s really not much to say about movie tickets. There are many discussions on Zhihu about how high Xu Xin’s status is in the northwest circle, so I won’t discuss it too much here. It can only be said that through his words, several recently popular movies have used this occasion to complete a great low-cost and high-return promotion.

By the way, I have always felt that Xu Xin’s business acumen is not simple, especially the self-media red carpet in "Scorching Sun". In my opinion, it is a classic among classics and can be called the best marketing case in the first half of the year. The specific analysis is in Interested friends can read my past answers.

The second point is travel packages.

In fact, it is similar to the first movie ticket compensation. The importance of "Silk Road Film Festival" to Shaanxi and Xi'an does not lie in its high gold content or how full of gimmicks it is. Its real importance to a province is to integrate into the cultural and tourism industry chain, and through its own attractiveness, it can stimulate tourism resources and attract consumers.

We might as well make an assumption that a person chooses to travel to Xi'an after getting a package ticket. Go for five days and stay at 300 a day. One hundred and fifty per day for meals and fifty per day for transportation. In five days, he spent 2,500 yuan per person.

One person is 2,500, and 10,000 people is 25 million.

Although the examples are somewhat idealized, the nature is the same.

Building Xi'an into a historical city in the past two years has been the province's unanimous goal. Xu Xin's seemingly compensation this time is actually equivalent to a wave of advertising for Xi'an in front of netizens across the country.

This is why I say his business acumen is not simple.

As for the third point... I think it is the least important one. It is also the so-called star VCR.

The first is the cost of time. Taking a wedding as an example, a VCR can take up to ten seconds per person to record a celebration video, and the task is completed. It is true that the frequency of more than 10,000 people is high, but not all of them get married at the same time.

And there is a threshold here.

If your friends in real life know XX celebrities, when they get married, you will feel quite awesome that these celebrities can congratulate you. But you will feel great with one person, and you will feel okay with 10 people. A hundred people, a thousand people? Especially when he told everyone. When you see a celebrity recording a video to congratulate your friend on his wedding, do you think, "Did he also go to Jay Chou's Nanning concert?"

When something changes from novelty to mundane, its demand will naturally decrease significantly.

Therefore, even if there are 10,000 people, it will only be lively for a while at most and will not last long.

But although I think this item is the least important, in fact, it can be seen from Xu Xin's compensation that the compensation he gave was "face."

Face is something that others give to you, but you don’t have to want it. But if it makes you lose face, you may resent him for the rest of your life.

It's like when you go to a restaurant and the waiter says welcome to you, you don't feel the hospitality of the restaurant, but you feel it's natural. But if the waiter ignores you and just waits for you to sit down, he will hand you the menu and let you write and order your own dishes. So no matter how the food tastes, the service of this store will be the same in your mind.

That's the case with Xu Xin.

He gives "face" to the concert audience. No matter what, you will not feel bad, but will feel full of sincerity at this stage.

And with the passage of time and the proliferation of VCRs, there will be fewer and fewer people with these needs. This is certain. It may even evolve into a situation where "young people feel LOW".

But no matter what, his three compensations made everyone feel "face-saving".

I must say, he handled this very well.

Next is Wang Sicong.

In fact, many people's first reaction to the hotel accommodation and discount compensation provided by Wang Sicong was that he didn't care about his family's property.

This is not the case.

The management of a formalized company can be strategically close, and Wang Sicong can use some of the company's professional talents to help him complete certain things. But when it comes to interests, public versus public and private versus private must be done.

So I can 100% conclude that the money for free admission is borne by him himself. As for discounts, that's unknown.

I believe that everyone on Zhihu, where the average person is a CEO of a listed company, can understand what I am talking about.

The three-day free stay offered by Wang Sicong will certainly be very high, but when I think about it, I feel quite sad that the money will go back to his family as dividends during the New Year...

But this is not the point. The point is a core question: Is Wanda Hotel losing money or making money?

With this question in mind, I specifically checked the annual advertising investment report released by Wanda last year.


Their investment in hotel advertising last year was 724 million.

Among them, Wanda’s mid-range hotel brands Yuehua and Meihua accounted for the largest investment.

Obviously, their main focus is the mid-range market.

However, the 724 million spent on advertising has not made them even a hot search topic. Even today, most ordinary people traveling for business are still in the "7-day, home-like" direction. However, the price of "Yuehua and Meihua" hotels in first-tier cities is around 300 per night including breakfast. The price-performance ratio of Yuehua and Meihua is pretty good.

But compared with price, they still don't have an advantage, so they must use service, environment, and popularity to increase the preference of business travelers who are unwilling to live in an overly ordinary environment of a fast hotel.

Wang Sicong's "propaganda" this time, under these conditions, was at least very successful.

Most people will choose to "take advantage" and choose hotels such as Ruihua and Wenhua. But there is a saying that it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. After experiencing Wanda's so-called "super five-star" hotel, should I continue to stay in a hotel with low-end environmental quality, or should I spend an extra 100 yuan to stay in a hotel that can make me feel relaxed during my business trip? The benevolent sees benevolence and the wise see wisdom.

Therefore, rather than saying it is compensation, I think that if Wanda can continue to provide some discounts to increase occupancy rates, for the hotel, it will become an over-the-top marketing that uses the lowest advertising cost and reaps huge profits.

The principal himself lost real money, but he increased the value of his own property. And this value will be given back to him in the future.

No matter how you look at it, it's not a loss-making business.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a huge profit.

Therefore, in my opinion, his compensation is not a loss, just like Xu Xin's.

The same is true for both face and lizi, which is a good thing in the long run.

As for the so-called "compensation value" in the question asked by the questioner, I think he wants to distinguish between high and low.

Well, I can answer you now. In my opinion, Xu Xin and Wang Sicong's compensation value is the lowest, while Lang Lang's professional courses are the highest.

As for why I say this... let me give you a personal example from around me.

A friend of mine has a daughter who has taken Langlang’s professional courses.

Let’s first talk about how high the entry cost of this professional course is.

It is not a course scheduling system, but a registration system.

He felt that his child's piano level had encountered a bottleneck, so after a friend's introduction, he and several parents signed up for Langlang's professional lessons. And his professional courses are not conducted by himself, but are run by his brokerage company. One class, one child, probably costs less than 70,000.

One class lasted a day, and when he went, he said there were less than twenty children.

Morning and afternoon.

In the morning, there is a piano lesson, and in the afternoon, it is aimed at correcting and improving the children's current level. In the next few days, we will provide an improvement suggestion based on each child's different situation.

According to what my friends said, the child's piano level has indeed improved a lot after taking one lesson. Not in its technology, but in some emotional shift. I can really feel her emotions expressed in some passages of the song.

Well, I'm not a musical person, so I can't relate to what he said.

But less than two months later, the child who had never won a prize won first place in a piano competition.

That was also the first time she won an award.

The meaning of this example is very simple. As one of the top three pianists in the world, directly aiming for the top spot, there is no doubt about the popularity of his professional courses.

My friend's child is still in the lowest grade.

It is said that there are two levels above, and the price of each level is doubled. The highest level is one-on-one coaching.

Think about it, how rare this opportunity is to have one of the top three pianists in the world tutor you for a day, and what price you have to pay. The answer is self-evident.

But if you look down, the stall my friend participated in was the last paid stall.

The following classes are free of charge for Lang Lang.

Whether abroad or domestic, he provides some free professional courses every year. This is also stated in his autobiography. He hopes that all children who love piano can avoid taking some detours and not have only black and white keys like his childhood. Therefore, he does not charge for this kind of "big class".

But just because there is no charge doesn’t mean that everyone can get in.

The actual situation is that his professional courses are simply unavailable. I can't even give my name.

Because there are too many people who want to take classes.

If there is demand, benefits will naturally arise.

My friend also applied for his own child at that time. According to him, the agency fee starts at 30,000 yuan.

Moreover, the time is not based on the applicant's time, but on Lang Lang's time. Seats are also limited. There are about twenty or thirty people in a class, and it will be full after a little hesitation.

I don’t know how many courses Lang Lang takes every year.

But each of his lessons actually represents real money and professionalism in a family that studies music.

There is no other reason, just because of his status and strength.

And what I said so much is to let everyone understand the value of the compensation he gave.

Admittedly, it’s unknown how long these classes will last.

However, not everyone plans to let their children learn piano. As for Lang Lang's professional piano lessons, if you are in the enlightenment stage, it is best not to take them. If you think about this carefully, you can understand the reason.

At a concert with 10,000 people, only a small number of parents may let their children learn piano. So in fact, there are not many people who really need it. As for those who don’t have any needs, just imagine that a class that costs 20,000 to 30,000 yuan from an agency can be given to you for free by Lang Lang.

And if you don’t plan to let your child learn piano, then what should this quota be used for? I don’t need to say more, right?

Although I don't like this kind of interest-related thing, it has nothing to do with Lang Lang.

In his compensation, there won't be many people actually at this concert. So there is no need to mention the time cost.

As for the number of people who want to take his professional courses all over the world, the base number must be more than 10,000.

But these 10,000 people will definitely be ranked ahead of those who want to be admitted but cannot register.

This is the true meaning of this compensation.

As for those who are not interested in piano, what they will do with this quota and how they will do it after getting this opportunity... I don't think Lang Lang has not thought about it.

But...he probably wouldn't care.

Because when it comes to piano, it is an unrealistic idea in itself for you to make a world number one empathize with a person who is still in the interest stage.

But no matter what, he knows that this opportunity will be given to those who need it.

If you happen to be among the concert compensation staff, then by chance, you have this opportunity. And if you don’t need it, then as Xu Xin said, you can “donate” it to someone who needs it. No matter what you gain, it is his compensation to the audience and fans who came to this Jay Chou concert.

This is what all three think.

It's just that everyone's focus is different.

But they all managed to take care of everything in terms of face and content.

It is not easy to have a few friends in your life who can step forward to help you at critical moments.

What's more, in that circle of fame and fortune, and the arena of right and wrong, it becomes even more rare.

Everyone is very happy to have one or two, but each of them has at least three...

At this point, there is no need to say more about value.

I don’t think these people are using any marketing tactics.

Judging from the past of several people, they should not be such mean people.

Based on true feelings and sincerity, they reaped more rewards with this kind of sincerity. It is also a kind of reincarnation cause and effect of sowing melons and reaping beans.

Of course it should be.

Everyone gave, including the audience, but everyone also received.

There are no losers in this matter.


That's my answer. 】


"How to evaluate the value of compensation for Jay Chou's concert?" "In the topic, the first answer with 500 likes appeared.

And it can be seen from the numerous "agreement", "the analysis is very thorough and makes sense", "indeed, there are no losers in this matter, including the audience." and so on. , everyone agrees with this respondent’s answer.

Soon after, the long picture and long article of this answer was reprinted and sent.

Like a swimming fish, ripples appeared in the lake of the entertainment industry.

It spread far and wide...

At the same time, the concert on the other side also officially ended.

It can be considered...complete.

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