I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 120 Jumping Pig

Because the jumping pig couldn't find the pearl oyster with the pearl after searching for a long time, he jumped away from everyone's sight in disappointment.

After a while, while everyone was looking for Jumping Pig, Izaki ran over and said that the blue pearl had been stolen by Jumping Pig.

A few people didn't believe this statement. After all, through contact with Tiao Tiao Pig, they felt that it couldn't do such a thing.

However, they still followed Izaki to the Pearl Research Institute, and the so-called witness Chiba Kaede found out that they were the Rockets trio dressed as cleaners. They watched them gnashing their teeth when they pointed out that Jumping Pig had stolen the blue pearl. He knew there must be a lot of things being hidden.

When they saw that Xiaozhi and the others had no intention of doubting the people in front of them, Qianye Feng was also a bit muggle. Xiaozhi and the others were stunned that they couldn't see such an obvious change of clothes. They were also fooled by the Rocket trio. He was stunned for a moment and planned to go to Jumping Pig to get back the blue pearl.

Qianye Feng thought that he was just cheating and did not expose them. Anyway, judging from their appearance, it was not a lie that the blue pearl was taken away by Jumping Pig.

Afterwards, a group of people left the Pearl Shell Research Institute and began to look for traces of the jumping pig. Anyway, after finding the jumping pig, everything became clear.

After searching for a long time, they finally found a jumping pig happily on a beach. However, although there was a pearl on the head of the pig at this time, the pearl was not blue, but A pink ordinary pearl.

Just when everyone was confused, two children came over. The boy was holding Mary Lou in his arms, and the girl was holding Mushroom in her arms. Their elves were both victims who had been carried on their heads by Hopping Pig using telekinesis.

The two told them exactly what they had just seen. After listening, they realized that Jumping Pig had accidentally exchanged the blue pearl with the pink pearl of a wild pearl oyster.

The group of people got the boy's guidance and came to a rocky place. Sure enough, they found the blue pearl lying quietly inside the shell of a wild pearl oyster.

Afterwards, Xiaoyao stepped forward to communicate with Zhenzhu Bei, hoping to exchange the pink pearls on Tiao Tiao Pig's head for blue pearls. Tiao Tiao Pig also cooperated and took off the pearls on its head, intending to hand them to Zhen Zhen Bei.

Just when the pearl oysters were about to exchange, the Rocket trio jumped out again. Xiaozhi took out the coal turtle and Musashi's meal snake to fight, but just when the meal snake was about to lose, Musashi suddenly commanded it to use the black... Fog skill, and then took the opportunity to snatch away the pearl oyster.

After seeing Team Rocket floating away in a hot air balloon, Qianye Feng thought about asking Big King Swallow to come out to help search, but seeing that Xiaozhi had already sent out his Big Wang Swallow, he gave up the idea and honestly Follow the march of the large army.

When they found Team Rocket, they found that Musashi and Kojiro were holding two wooden sticks and trying to pry open the shell of the pearl oyster. Obviously, they could not get the blue pearl inside the pearl oyster during this time.

Seeing Pearly being bullied by Team Rocket, Jumping Pig angrily used telekinesis to throw them out. However, Musashi and Kojiro who were thrown out directly released spiny ball cactus and poisonous pink moths to attack them.

This time, Xiaozhi also sent his forest lizard to help Bouncer Pig. Finally, with the combined efforts of Pearl Owl, Bouncer Pig and Forest Lizard, the Team Rocket trio once again turned into meteors and disappeared into the distance.

In order to repay the kindness of Jumping Pig, Pearl Shell not only returned the blue pearl, but also gave it her own pink pearl.

After settling the matter of Hopping Pig's lost pearl, they did not choose to stay on the island. Instead, they boarded the ship directly to Vazwa Island, while Hopping Pig stayed on Rifleur Island.

"Wazwa Island is a famous holiday destination. We can have a good time on the island!"

Xiao Sheng picked up the tourist map and happily introduced their next destination, Wazwa Island.

"Really, that would be great!"

After Xiaoyao heard it, she screamed happily.

After arriving at Wazwa Island, Qianye Maple looked at the beach with the blue sky and sea in front of her, coupled with the suitable temperature, she felt that this place was worthy of the name of a resort.

And Xiaogang looked at the beauties in swimsuits coming and going, with stars in his eyes, feeling that this was the paradise of his dreams.

"what is that?"

Xiaozhi pointed at a black figure that suddenly appeared from the sea and asked doubtfully.

However, before everyone could react, a humanoid creature whose whole body was wrapped in kelp had already walked out of the sea.

Fortunately, after he cleaned off the kelp on his body, everyone saw clearly that in front of them was a man in his 30s with strong muscles. He claimed to be Kusaya, the man of the sea, and had just found a very precious treasure from the sea. .

This immediately aroused the interest of Xiaozhi and the others, and they followed him to the souvenir shop owned by their family, intending to find out whether the necklace picked up by Shimoya was valuable.

However, after identification by Soya's wife Ritao, it was discovered that the necklace was made of green fragments. The so-called green fragments were materials used by ancient people to make decorations, but they were not valuable items.

"Why is there such a thing in the sea?"

Xiaogang asked with some confusion.

Afterwards, several people listened to Cao Ye telling the story about a sunken ship full of treasures in the nearby sea, and that he happened to find this necklace that fell from the beard of the ancient hollow fish in the sea today. .

Qianye Feng had been listening to their heated discussion until they wanted to use a submarine to track down the ancient coelacanth to find the location of the sunken ship.

When Xiaozhi and others excitedly requested to join this underwater adventure, Qianye Feng himself found a reason to refuse to go with them.

Qianye Feng is still a little self-aware. He is not the protagonist. If something goes wrong in a place like the deep sea, he can't run away even if he wants to. Moreover, he feels that even if he encounters water, it will be a bit rough, so it is better not to gamble.

In his previous life, he drowned in order to save people, and the original owner of this world also experienced a shipwreck and received a lunch box. It would be better for him to take it easy.

Just relying on Xiaozhi and the others' luck, Qianye Feng knew that this journey to the deep sea would not be peaceful and would definitely be very thrilling. He would just bask in the sun on the beach.

"Then Xiaofeng, just wait on the shore, we will definitely find the treasure!"

Although Xiaozhi was a little confused as to why he didn't follow the expedition, he didn't pay too much attention.

Watching the submarine disappear into the sea, Qianye Feng just smiled and did not feel that he had missed anything.

After a good sleep on the leisure chair, Qianye Feng found that Xiaozhi and the others had not come up yet. Looking at the blue sea in front of him, his hands suddenly felt itchy and he planned to go fishing for a while.

Later, he found a sparsely populated reef area and began his fishing career.

The first few shots were all filled with Magikarp as expected, and Chiba Kaede had long been accustomed to this.

Qianye Feng's legs were a little numb from sitting for too long, so he got up and took a few steps.

But at this moment, his float sank directly into the water. Fortunately, Mr. Mosquito Repellent, who was guarding it, had quick hands and eyes to grab the fishing rod one step ahead, so that the fishing rod was not dragged away by the elves in the water.

Qianye Feng, who was stunned, quickly stepped forward and planned to catch the baited elf with Mr. Mosquito Repellent. As soon as he took the fishing rod, it was unexpectedly heavy. If Mr. Mosquito Repellent was not there to help, Qianye Feng probably would have been dragged directly. Get into the water.

After knowing that the spirit in the water was very powerful, Qianye Feng did not dare to be careless and relied on the strength of himself and Mr. Mosquito Repellent to fight it. The competition now was the patience of both parties.

"Mr. Mosquito Repellent Repellent, I will count to 3 and throw it up with all my strength."

Feeling that the opponent's strength was weakening, Qianye Feng ignored the fact that he was already sweating profusely and said to Mr. Mosquito Repellent who was assisting beside him.

"1, 2, 3, get up!"

As Qianye Feng's last count fell, he and Mr. Mosquito Repellent shook hard and finally threw the elf out of the water.

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