
Qianye Feng shouted out in surprise.

He didn't expect that what he caught this time was Lapras. This is a very rare elf, because most of the time this elf lives in a group and rarely goes alone.

"Mr. Mosquito Repellent, use Splitting Tiles to attack!"

Qianye Feng couldn't think about anything else at this time, and planned to subdue Lapras first.

Lapras, who was pulled to the surface of the sea by Qianye Feng, was also a little angry, so he did not leave immediately. Instead, he sprayed a water gun from his mouth. However, it had no effect on the mosquito-repellent incense that has water storage properties.

At this time, Mr. Mosquito Repellent Repellent had already arrived in front of Laplace, and he slashed his right hand at its head. This blow directly blinded Lapras. However, Mr. Mosquito Repellent Repellent did not stop because of this, and used his backhand again. It was a splitting attack on its neck.

After taking two powerful tile-splitting skills, Laplace could no longer hold on and fainted.

Chiba Maple, who saw the right moment, also threw the high-level ball that he had prepared long ago. For an elf like Laplace with a racial value of 535, he felt that it was safer to use the high-level ball.

Laplace, who had lost consciousness, was directly hit by the high-level ball. A red light enveloped its whole body and then subdued it.

The high-level ball only shook twice and then stabilized, which meant that Qianye Feng had successfully conquered Laplace.


Qianye Feng held the high-end ball in his hand and couldn't help but giggle.

Not only because he caught the rare Lapras, but also because he caught it through fishing, he felt that he was a big step closer to becoming a fishing master.

After being dazed for a while, Qianye Feng released Lapras from the elf ball, and then used his ability to treat its injuries.

Not surprisingly, Laplace was directly impressed by the magical effect of life energy. After the treatment, he felt an unprecedented sense of pleasure.

In addition, Qianye Feng had conquered it with dignity and strength, so Laplace quickly recognized Qianye Feng as its trainer.

Looking at Laplace playing with Mr. Mosquito Repellent in the sea, Qianye Feng began to check some information about Laplace.

The upper part of Laplace's body is blue, and the lower skin from his chin to the tip of his tail is white. It has a bulge on its head and spiral structures on both sides of its head. It has a gray shell on its back with many uneven bumps. It has four fins, the first two of which are larger. Its skin is slippery and a little cool to the touch.

Lapras is a Pokémon with a smart mind and a kind heart. It is very cold-resistant and is not afraid of ice and sea. It has a high IQ that can understand human language. It likes to carry people on the sea and seems to sing with a beautiful voice when it is in a good mood.

After conquering Lapras, Qianye Feng had no interest in continuing fishing and planned to go back and wait for Xiaozhi and the others to come back. After all, it was already approaching evening, so he should be back soon.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Qianye Feng to see a ship docked at the pier, and then Xiaozhi and his party also walked off the ship one after another.

"Xiao Feng, it's a pity that you didn't go today. We found the sunken treasure!"

After Xiaozhi saw Qianye Feng, he excitedly told him about what happened in the afternoon.

The more Qianye Feng listened, the more he felt that he was right not to follow. Xiaozhi and the others chased Team Rocket in the deep sea, and even the submarine almost broke into pieces. In the end, they were almost trapped to death in the deep sea cave where the shipwreck was located.

If it weren't for the help of the ancient coelacanth, they might still be trapped in the deep sea cave.

And the so-called treasure they worked so hard to recapture from Team Rocket was just a box of green fragments, not worth much at all.

In general, risk and income are not proportional at all.

"By the way, Xiaofeng, what are you doing during this time?"

Xiaoyao asked curiously.

"Come out, Laplace!"

Qianye Feng just smiled faintly, and then released Lapras from the elf ball. He would not let it go when he was showing off like this.

"Wow, it's Lapras. This is a super rare elf!"

After Xiao Sheng saw Laplace, he ran to it excitedly, touching it here and looking there, looking very excited.

"I miss you so much. I wonder how my Laplace is doing now?"

Xiaozhi looked at the Lapras in front of him, and couldn't help but recall the Lapras he had tamed when he was traveling on the Orange Islands. But later, when Lapras found the lost group, he took Lapras away. Lars was released back into the pack.

"Laplace is very rare, but Xiaofeng, do you want to express something by releasing it?"

Although Xiaoyao also likes Laplace very much, it is not clear why Qianye Feng suddenly released Laplace.

So Qianye Feng talked to a few people about his leisure time in the afternoon and how he fished Lapras from the reef area.

"Wow, if I had known that I would go fishing with you, I would really like to tame a Lapras!"

After listening to Qianye Feng's words, Xiaoyao said with great envy.

Although she also knew that even if she was fishing there at the time, she might not be able to catch Laplace, but she still couldn't help but think about it.

"Xiao Feng, can you let your Lapras take me for a spin on the sea? I haven't been on a Lapras yet!"

Xiao Sheng suddenly ran up to Qianye Feng and said pleadingly.

"You can ask Laplace for this yourself, as long as it agrees, but you have to pay attention to your safety!"

Of course Qianye Feng will not refuse this request, but Laplace still needs to be willing.

After learning Qianye Feng's attitude, Xiao Sheng ran to Laplace and said something. After a while, he was sitting on Laplace's back and moved further away.

"Really, Xiao Sheng is such a headache!"

When Xiaoyao saw that her younger brother Xiaosheng was already riding Lapras far away, she was a little worried about her brother's safety and couldn't help but complain.

Fortunately, Xiao Sheng did not keep the others waiting for too long, and in just a moment, Lapras returned to the beach.

"How does it feel to ride on Laplace's back?"

Qianye Feng asked as he looked at Xiao Sheng who was still a bit unfinished.

"It's really great. It's a completely different feeling than taking a boat. When I become a trainer in the future, I will also tame a Lapras and let it carry me on a journey on the sea!"

Xiao Sheng said excitedly.

"Okay, okay, I'm starving after a long day of work. Let's go quickly!"

Xiaoyao touched her hungry belly and urged.

Due to today's experience of sharing hardships, Caoya and his wife had a good impression of Xiaozhi and others, so they invited them to their home as guests. Of course, Qianye Feng was incidental, after all, he did not go treasure hunting.

After having a sumptuous meal, Xiaoyao learned from Li Tao how to use green fragments to make jewelry, while they went out to hang out on the beach and waited until it was very late to rest.

Early the next morning, Chiba Kaede and his party bid farewell to Kusaya and his wife, and boarded the ship to the Iroha Islands. However, before leaving, they all received some jewelry made of green fragments from Rita. .

Qianye Feng did not accept it directly, but spent alliance coins to buy some. After all, his relationship with the two was not that good, so there was no need to take advantage.

The three Iroha Islands are actually made up of three adjacent small islands named Inoshima, Rinoshima, and Namishima. There is a spirit center on Inoshima, and there are only three small islands on Namishima and Rinoshima. A teleportation device that can transport seriously ill elves to Inoshima.

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