I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 149 Signing a Contract

This lunch lasted for more than two hours, during which Qianye Feng told a few people about his travel experience during this period.

After hearing this, the women exclaimed again and again. After all, Groudon and Kyogre are legendary beasts. It is enviable to be able to get in close contact with them. There are also huge telepathic clay dolls that have been sealed. This kind of super-sized elves are also very rare.

None of them thought that Qianye Feng had experienced so many things during this period, especially Ogata Akino. She felt like she was listening to a legend. If Qianye Feng hadn't shown them the photos taken on her phone, she would have been No matter what, I won't believe it.

After all, Ogata Akino was not a trainer before. She felt that the things Qianye Kaede said were too far away from her. It was not easy for her to protect herself from being bullied and live happily.

After arriving at Chiba Farm, her last doubts about Chiba Kaede had disappeared, especially when she learned that Terada Yuri and Takemoto Yui also grew up in the orphanage, and Chiba Kaede was now also an orphan.

Not to mention, she heard from Yuri Terada and Yui Takemoto about the benefits of becoming a Chiba Farm employee. For a moment, she couldn't believe that she could have such a job.

Ogata Akino secretly made up her mind to cherish this job. Here she saw hope for the future. She also wanted to become an elf trainer, and the Chiba Farm that could provide all this was like her. The best choice for orphans.

Ogata Akino has seen a lot of darkness in her working life. These darknesses are not experienced by children with family support. She also wants to have a stable job, but as an ordinary person without power, she is very It is easy to be affected and coveted.

Chiba Kaede learned from the conversation with Terada Yuri and Takemoto Yui that Terada Yuri can already produce advanced energy cubes, although the success rate is not high, and Takemoto Yui can also stably produce primary energy cubes, with a small probability. Intermediate energy cubes can now be crafted.

In addition to Ogata Akino, who was just recruited today, Chiba Kaede decided to change the labor contract for them. In real terms, only Terada Yuri is a regular employee of Chiba Farm, while Takemoto Yui is still in the internship period.

So Chiba Kaede told several people about his plan. Terada Yuri's monthly salary was increased to 15,000 alliance coins. Takemoto Yui became a regular employee with a monthly salary of 8,000 alliance coins. As for the newly recruited Ogata Akino, who was on trial The term is three months, and the monthly salary is 3,000 alliance coins, and 5,000 alliance coins after becoming a regular employee.

In fact, this salary is still a bit low for Terada Yuri who can make high-level energy cubes. However, this is also the highest salary he can give now. After all, he still has a large number of elves to cultivate.

As for Terada Yuri, she now regards Chiba Farm as her home, and she actually wants to refuse the fact that Chiba Kaede has given her another salary increase.

It's a pity that she couldn't defeat her boss, but she secretly made up her mind to save as much money as possible. If the Chiba Farm was short of funds in the future, she would be able to help.

As for Takemoto Yui, she didn’t think about it as much as Terada Yuri. She knew that Chiba Kaede gave her a salary increase because she learned how to make intermediate energy cubes, so she made up her mind to continue to work hard to learn how to make energy cubes and strive to be able to make them. Extract advanced energy cubes.

And what she was thinking about now was how she would spend her salary. First, she would buy some gifts for her brothers and sisters in the orphanage. She also saw a lot of beautiful clothes on the Internet and could buy some appropriately. Thinking of this, the corners of her mouth turned up involuntarily.

Not to mention Ogata Akino, her salary after becoming a full-timer is the same as her salary on the Shining Star, and the work content is not very much. The most important thing is that she can learn to make energy cubes. If she can make intermediate-level or above energy Her salary can continue to increase.

As a formally operated farm, contract signing and changes must of course be handled at the Chunhua Town police station. It just so happened that Qianye Feng felt that he had not visited Miss Junsha and Miss Joy for a long time, so he planned to go to Chunhua Town.

Not only that, Qianye Feng also prepared a lot of tree fruits and two bottles of juice produced by Huhu, intending to give them to Miss Junsha and Miss Joy. He did not forget that when he first came to Chunhua Town, he got two Lots of care.

Originally, Chiba Kaede planned to leave Iida Akiko at Chiba Farm. After all, they were doing business. However, when she heard that she was going to be left alone, Iida Akiko suddenly looked at Chiba Kaede pitifully, as if she was It's like being abandoned.

Qianye Feng couldn't stand her teasing, and finally agreed to take her with him. Only then did she turn from sadness to joy, and started chasing Mary Lou happily again.

Afterwards, Qianye Feng asked the Arrogant Swallow's messenger to notify the King Swallow to come over with three other King Swallows that could carry people.

That's right, in addition to Qianye Maple's King Swallow, there are now 4 King Swallows in the orchard that can carry people on flights. Although they may not be able to carry out long-distance manned flights due to their physical strength, there is no problem in traveling to and from Chunhua Town.

Not long after, the King Swallow came over with its three subordinates, but compared with Qianye Feng's King Swallow, the other King Swallows seemed to have not yet reached adulthood.

Ogata Akino has been in a state of excitement knowing that she can ride a King Swallow Queen alone. Today is her first flying experience in her life. However, due to the short flight time, she did not feel satisfied. She did not expect that she would be able to ride it right away Can fly again.

Chiba Kaede, on the other hand, held Akiko Iida and rode her own big king swallow, and then the other girls rode one of the big king swallows.

Since King Yan needs to take care of the speed of the other little brothers, it always flies at a reduced speed, which makes it a little uncomfortable. It thinks that after going back, it must give more burdens to these weak little brothers.

At this time, the few big king swallows flying with the three girls felt inexplicably frightened, but when they saw their boss in front of them, they felt that nothing would happen at all and relaxed again.

It’s just that they don’t know that the source of the chill in their hearts is their boss.

"Sister Junsha, we are here to see you!"

Terada Yuri was very familiar with Miss Junsha, and she took the lead in greeting Miss Junsha who was fishing.

There is no way, the people here in Chunhua Town are simple and simple, and few major incidents happen. The most serious thing that happened recently was that the orphanage was burned down.

However, with the cooperation of Qianye Feng, the culprit has been brought to justice. This also gave subsequent development companies a warning so that they would not dare to act recklessly. Therefore, Miss Junsha's life became leisurely again.

After several people explained their intention, Miss Junsha did not delay and quickly printed out the employment contract. After all, these contracts all have templates, but the salary needs to be modified.

Miss Junsha was also surprised that Qianye Feng could pay such a high salary to the girls. After all, the average salary in Chunhua Town was only 3,000 alliance coins. This was due to the fact that many development companies came here to recruit workers recently. The original salary The level is lower than this.

Qianye Feng did not hide anything and explained the reason for giving such a high salary.

Miss Junsha couldn't help but click her tongue. After all, the quality of the energy cubes sold in the elf shops in the town are only intermediate at best, but Yuri Terada can make high-level energy cubes, which is already amazing.

Later, Qianye Feng gave the gift he had prepared to Miss Junsha. After some evasion, Miss Junsha accepted Qianye Feng's resolute attitude. After all, in her opinion, it was just a special product from the farm and should not be worth much. Accepting alliance coins is not considered bribery.

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