I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 150 The changes of Fire Chicken and Little Diamond

Qianye Feng and the others chatted with Miss Junsha about some recent changes in the farm. Miss Junsha was very happy that Qianye Feng was able to run the farm better and better, which proved that she was helping Qianye Feng purchase the farm. Didn't do anything wrong.

After hearing that Qianye Feng had obtained 8 gym badges, Miss Junsha couldn't help but be surprised. After all, she knew when Qianye Feng started and was able to gather all the gym badges in such a short period of time. The badge will give you a ticket to attend the Caiyu Conference.

In Miss Junsha's impression, only those direct descendants of the Fengyuan Alliance and the elite disciples trained by various gyms can do it.

Thinking of this, Miss Junsha couldn't help but re-evaluate this young man with a somewhat tragic life experience. Maybe the young man in front of her will become a great person in the future, Miss Junsha secretly thought.

After staying with Miss Junsha for almost an hour, Qianye Feng and the others said goodbye and left.

After that, Qianye Feng and his party went to the Elf Center to give gifts to Miss Joy. However, because Miss Joy was quite busy, Qianye Feng did not delay her for too long.

But the next trip is a little different. Yuri Terada and Yui Takemoto plan to go back to the orphanage. Akino Ogata is also curious about what the orphanage here looks like, so she plans to follow them to have a look.

So Chiba Kaede had to take Iida Akiko, who finally ran out and was afraid of being left by the dean's grandmother to do her homework, back to Chiba Farm first.

After all this trouble, it was past four o'clock in the afternoon when they returned to the farm. Qianye Feng originally planned to cook a dinner for them.

However, this proposal was sternly rejected by Terada Yuri and Takemoto Yui, which made him feel a little helpless and couldn't help but doubt his own cooking skills. In fact, he was still somewhat confident in his own cooking skills, but he and the two women's cooking skills It's a bit hard to make a comparison.

Just as Qianye Feng was thinking about how to spend the rest of the time, two street gangsters came back together, yes, Fire Chicken and Little Diamond.

The little chick was very happy to see Chiba Kaede. He even ignored his good friend and ran over quickly, then circled around Chiba Kaede. After seeing this scene, Iida Akiko found it very interesting and also followed Circle behind the fire chick.

Little Diamond didn't understand why he was spinning in circles after seeing his trainer, but it didn't matter if he didn't understand. He couldn't fall behind, so he followed Akiko Iida and started spinning.

After Qianye Feng saw this situation, he could only touch his face with his hands, and then let out a long sigh, otherwise what could he do!

After these little guys were tired, Qianye Feng had time to observe the growth of Fire Chicken and Little Diamond.

First of all, the size of the turkey chick has increased a lot, and its vitality is much stronger than before. From this, it can be seen that it did not just play and not train well during this period.

The same is true for Little Diamond. Although Qianye Maple did not inject life energy into it during this period, the pink light spots in the diamond between its eyebrows did increase. I think it still asked Shuttlecock to use the grass field skill to absorb life energy. .

After knowing that the two little guys had not been lazy during this period, Qianye Feng also praised them well, but the method he originally thought of to control them needed to be modified.

Little did they know that Fire Chicken and Little Diamond, who had just escaped the disaster, were still immersed in the trainer's praise and couldn't extricate themselves for a long time.

However, their current strength cannot be intuitively seen just from their appearance, so Qianye Feng asked Fire Chicken and Little Diamond to start an elf battle to see the true strength of both sides.

Fire Chicken and Diamond are no strangers to battles. They often engage in battles, but most of the time, Fire Chicken attacks and Diamond defends.

After all, before Chicken Little evolved, the gap between the racial value and Little Diamond was indeed a bit big, and adding a little bit of Little Diamond's racial value was a bit serious. Both defenses were 150. If defense skills were added, , then the fire chicken's attack can only be scraped.

After the two parties took their positions, the Fire Chicken started his performance as expected. As soon as he took action, the most powerful flames were sprayed towards Little Diamond. Little Diamond did not dodge, and his eyes were red. Light condenses a wall of superpower light in front of it.

Suddenly, the raging pillar of fire was directly blocked by the wall of light, and could no longer cause further damage to Little Diamond. Fire Chicken did not give up, and increased the flame output. After a few seconds, the wall of light was finally blocked by the pillar of fire. It was broken, and then bombarded Xiao Zuizhuan's body.

When the flames dissipated, the little diamond was still the same as before, and it also used its original power to condense a rock and hit the turkey chicken's position.

Knowing that his small body couldn't withstand this kind of attack, Huo Zhiji used the charged fire attack to run around the little diamond. Then he found the right moment and slammed into the little diamond, knocking the little diamond backwards. A few steps, but unfortunately the damage is still not obvious.

After all, due to attribute restraint, the power of fire attribute skill attacks on it is halved. Coupled with its terrifying double defense, the final effect is only better than nothing.

However, the fire chick also knew this situation, so he was not discouraged. He used spark attacks for a while, peck attacks for a while, and then used flame jets after a period of time.

From beginning to end, Little Broken Diamond only used passive defense. Except for occasionally using its raw power to condense rocks to attack, it basically couldn't hit the agile fire chicken.

"Fire Chicken, come on!"

"Little Diamond, fight back quickly!"

Before Qianye Kaede said anything, the fierce fight between Fire Chicken and Little Diamond made Iida Akiko watch with relish, and then she clapped her hands and cheered.

Since the trainer did not call for a stop, the fire chick could only attack desperately. At this time, it was already panting, and even the feathers on its head became a little dull, which meant that the energy in its body had been exhausted. Almost running out.

Qianye Feng knew that the Fire Chicken had actually performed well, but there was still a gap between its strength and Little Diamond, so he shook his head and planned to make them stop.

However, this scene happened to be seen by the turkey chicken. It thought that the trainer was very dissatisfied with its performance, and it suddenly became anxious. The idea of ​​becoming stronger became stronger in its mind. It did not want to let the training I am disappointed in myself.

Suddenly, the body of the fire chick was shrouded in a layer of white light, and then its body slowly grew taller under the influence of the white light.

"Fire Chicken, evolved?"

Qianye Feng was about to call them to stop, but she didn't expect that the fire chicks suddenly started to evolve.

Not long after, what appeared in front of Qianye Feng was a strong chicken with a body length of more than 1 meter, well-developed leg muscles, and a pair of sharp claws. In addition to being larger than the average strong chicken, it had a large head on its head. The red feathers of the chicken are also very eye-catching, but the difference is no longer as noticeable as it was during the fire chick period.

The strong chicken was also a little surprised by its sudden evolution, and couldn't help but look at its pair of sharp claws, which it didn't have when it was a turkey chicken, and it was no longer a chicken.

"Strong Chicken, do you still want to continue fighting with Little Diamond?"

Qianye Feng walked over and patted Li Zhuangji on the shoulder, and then asked.

After the strong chicken gave him a look that wanted to continue fighting, he rushed towards the little diamond, then jumped hard, and stepped on the little diamond twice in succession. Qianye Feng knew that this was the second fighting attribute skill. Continuous kicks.

After this attack, Little Broken Diamond could no longer remain unscathed. Of course, it was still far from completely losing its ability to fight. However, this also meant that Strong Chicken's attack could threaten it.

The purpose of this test has been achieved so far, so Qianye Feng stopped the strong chicken that wanted to continue attacking Little Diamond and praised it a few times.

Thank you to the book friend The Last Wings for your monthly ticket support!

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