I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 158 Three Little Ones (Part 1)

In a dense forest not far from Chiba Farm, three elves were being chased by a large wolf dog. Fortunately, their cooperation was quite tacit. Although they were all in a state of embarrassment and suffered serious injuries, they But he was never defeated by the big wolfdog.

These three elves were the Snake Bear, Acorn Fruit and Mimosa that Qianye Feng had encountered in the suburbs of Zijin City before. He also received an elf prop, charcoal, as a gift from them.

Therefore, Qianye Maple invited these three little ones to settle here at Qianye Farm, but they were rejected because they were reluctant to live in their current living environment at that time.

Unfortunately, not long ago, a very domineering iron-clawed lobster ran out of nowhere in the lake near their residence. Its appearance made the lives of the three little ones even more difficult.

The iron-clawed lobster is an amphibious creature with a very domineering and ferocious character. Since it came to this area, it has driven away other water-type elves from the lake.

After that, even the land near the lake was included in its territory, which resulted in the serpentine bears having to hide here and there to avoid the crayfish and avoid being discovered and expelled by it.

However, this not only reduced their time to search for food, but also many food sources were occupied by iron-clawed lobsters. At this point, they lived a life of hunger and satiety.

It's not like the snake bears didn't think about resisting, but when they saw a lotus-hatted boy who was much stronger than them being easily defeated and brutally killed for resisting the iron-clawed lobster, they only dared to hide behind They hugged each other inside the tree hole and shivered.

After much thought, the snake bear, as the boss, made a difficult decision to migrate immediately, and in the direction the trainer said last time.

Yes, they all regretted not following Qianye Feng to live on his farm. Now they still miss the delicious food they ate from Qianye Feng last time.

After thinking clearly, the three little ones began their difficult migration process. Although the distance from Zijin City to Chunhua Town is not very far, it is actually very difficult for the snake bears. Here, During this period they will encounter countless dangers.

During the migration process, they need to carefully pass through the territories of many powerful elves. If they are relatively kind elves, they may not care too much about them. As long as they don't stay for a long time, it doesn't matter. However, there are also those who value the territory very seriously. Elves, like the big wolfhounds chasing them now.

This big wolf dog was expelled from the pack. After it failed to seize the position of leader of the pack, it was expelled from the pack and became a lone wolf. During this period, it was unknown how many dangers it experienced before finally gaining the status of a lone wolf. of this territory.

In order to ensure its own safety, it will expel all elves who try to break into its territory, showing its most brutal side to ensure that no elves will try to invade its territory.

However, the snake bear and the others happened to pass by the cave where it lived, which immediately angered the big wolf dog and led to its crazy pursuit.

Fortunately, the snake bear showed its responsibility as the boss and showed a fearless attitude. This also made the big wolf dog a little afraid. Although it was sure that it could defeat or even kill the three that broke into it. The elves in the territory are also afraid of being hurt by the snake bear's deadly counterattack.

The Great Wolf Dog knew that as long as he was weak due to injury, a large number of elves waiting for the opportunity would bite him and occupy his territory.

With both sides having concerns, the Snake Bear could only fight and retreat with its two younger brothers. Gradually, they had reached the edge of the Great Wolf Dog's territory. As long as they could step out of the Great Wolf Dog's territory, Then, the big wolfdog will no longer pursue it.

In the end, after the snake bear withstood a brutal claw attack from the big wolf dog, they successfully escaped from the big wolf dog's territory. However, all three of them were scarred, especially the snake bear, which suffered the most. The attack, there are still several claw marks on the back sizzling with blood.

Since they had just escaped from the big wolf dog's territory, they did not dare to stay any longer for fear that the big wolf dog would continue to chase them. They could only endure the pain in their bodies and continue walking forward, looking for a safe place to stay.

As long as another predator appears at this time, there is a high probability that they will not be able to leave this forest. Fortunately, they are lucky, and no other elves will come to hunt them during this period.

Finally, they found a relatively hidden tree hole and hid in it. Once inside the tree hole, the snake bear could no longer support its body, fell directly to the ground, and fainted.

After seeing this scene, Acorn and Mianbao also showed sad expressions, and kept calling the snake bear, hoping that it could wake up, but unfortunately everything was in vain.

For Acorn and Mimosa, the Serpentine Bear is not only their boss, but also their backbone, shielding them from many dangers. Now it has suffered such a serious injury. If it cannot be treated as soon as possible, it may die. It's dangerous.

Afterwards, Acorn Fruit and Mian Bao had a heated discussion, and finally decided that Mian Bao would continue to move forward, hoping to find Qianye Feng to come to rescue the snake bear, while Acorn Fruit stayed here to take care of the snake. Tattoo the bear to protect it from other elves.

In fact, even Mianbao himself knew that the probability of finding Qianye Maple was very small, but this was the only way they could think of. For this reason, he did not hesitate to risk his life alone to save the snake bear.

Just when Mianbao continued to move towards Chiba Farm regardless of his injuries, two street runners from Chiba Farm were also heading in their direction.

After completing the training plan for the day, Strong Chicken and Little Diamond began to hang out together again. Since they had already walked all over Chiba Farm, they planned to head into the Orange Flower Forest today.

After the evolution, the strength of the strong chicken has been explosively enhanced. In addition, after carrying charcoal that can enhance the power of fire attribute skills, the power of its fire attribute skills is already very terrifying. In addition, the power of the small diamond is shocking. With desperate double defense, they are basically invincible in the area outside the Chenghua Forest.

Therefore, they have entered the Orange Flower Forest for exploration many times before, and the direction they chose to explore today happened to be the direction of the Snake Bears.

Unlike the Snake Bears and the other three little ones who were frightened in the forest, the Strong Chicken and Little Diamond were already the dominant ones in the outer forest, so the Strong Chicken opened the way in front of them with steps that they would not recognize, and Little Broken Diamond followed behind it like a little brother.

During this period, many elves who had broken into the territory and wanted to expel them attacked the strong chicken. Unfortunately, they were basically defeated easily by it.

At this moment, the strong chicken that was wandering aimlessly suddenly looked into the distance. It found that there seemed to be some unusual noise in front of it, but because it was far away, it didn't know what was going on.

After getting interested, the strong chicken didn't care about the little diamond hanging slowly behind it, and spread out its legs and ran in that direction.

With the speed of a strong chicken, he quickly arrived at the place where the noise occurred. It did not appear immediately, but jumped to the branch of a big tree and quietly looked ahead.

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