I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 159 Three Little Ones (Part 2)

After leaving this hidden tree hole, Mianbao continued towards the direction of Chiba Farm.

Although it was very scared in its heart, in order to save the snake bear boss, it still suppressed its anxiety in its heart and ran forward with its short short legs.

Because it was very anxious, it increased its speed as much as possible. However, due to the rugged roads in the forest, it would often trip and fall after running a few steps, and then roll forward.

Mianbao directly ignored the pain when it fell, struggled to get up, and then continued to move forward. Now it has only one belief in its heart, and that is to move forward.

After walking a certain distance without incident, Mianbao was finally discovered by several Rattata.

As the bottom of the food chain, they usually rely on their numerical advantage to hunt, and their food range is very wide, and mimosa happens to be in their diet.

Of course, the hungry Rattata would not let go of the food that was delivered to their door, so they began to besiege Mianbao. However, Mianbao's condition was extremely bad at this time, and he could only cry out in despair and do something to the world. Say a final farewell.

It knows that there is a high probability that it will not be able to escape the predators of the Rattata, but at this time, it is thinking of the Snake Bear. It hates its own weakness, and can only hide under the protection of the Snake Bear boss. , and when the snake bear boss needed help, he could not bring anything in return to the snake bear.

However, what Mianbao didn't know was that its mournful cry attracted the attention of the strong chicken not far from them, and driven by curiosity, the strong chicken rushed over.

Just as the three Rattata were pouncing at the shy bud at the same time, the strong chicken jumped in front of it, and then used its splitting skills to directly sweep the three Rattata away.

That's right, when the Strong Chicken was observing on the branch, it had already recognized that the shy bud in front of it was the friend it had met when it was a young fire chicken. How could it still stand when it saw its friend being bullied.

After the three Rattata were swept away by the strong chickens, they ran away without looking back. For them, the elves in front of them were too powerful and were not something they could compete with.

Mian Bao was closing her eyes, waiting for the last moment to arrive, but she didn't expect that it would take a long time for this moment to arrive, which made it a little strange, so she opened her eyes and planned to take one last look at this gorgeous world.

After opening his eyes, Mianbao found a tall figure standing in front of it. However, after seeing its flame-like head feathers, Mianbao recognized who the elf in front of him was.

Although the appearance of the strong chicken has changed greatly due to evolution, for the elves, they rely on their breath to identify each other. After repeatedly confirming that the big bird in front of them is the previous fire chicken, Mianbao was so excited that tears filled her eyes. It finally I still found help.

Regardless of the injuries on his body and the joy of reunion, Mianbao quickly explained the situation of the snake bear to the strong chicken, hoping that the strong chicken could help treat the snake bear.

After hearing the news that his good friend, the Snake Bear, was seriously injured and dying, the Strong Chicken was no longer calm. He directly picked up the shy bud and ran towards the tree hole.

Fortunately, their location was not far from the tree hole. With the speed of a strong chicken, they quickly found the location of the snake bear and the others.

But at this time, Acorn is also fighting with an Alidos, or teasing is more appropriate. This Alidos does not use any skills, but simply plays with the Acorn with its front feet. .

However, Acorn also changed from his previous cowardice and charged at Alidos again and again without fear of death. He was then knocked away by Alidos and then charged again.

Alidos was obviously not hungry at this time, so he started to play with acorns. He found two pieces of food in vain, which made him feel very good, and he didn't think that the small things in front of him could cause any harm to him.

Unfortunately, it was because of this thought that it harmed itself. At this time, the strong chicken was already very anxious. After seeing this scene, it directly used the flame jet. It did not hold back from this blow. The terrifying flames directly hit Alido. Si swallowed it in, and when it appeared again, it was completely charred and lost its ability to fight.

Although the strong chicken did not continue to kill it with last strikes, the injury it received in this jungle also meant that its life had come to an end.

After Strong Chicken came to the tree hole, he found the snake bear with extremely weak vitality. It knew that this kind of injury could only be treated by its own trainer, and even Shuttlecock Flower's grass field skills might not be able to treat it.

However, at this time, the strong chicken was in some trouble. If it left with the snake bear, it would need to temporarily leave the similarly injured Mimosa and Acorn in the forest. Given the degree of danger in the forest, they would Likely to be hunted by other elves.

Seemingly understanding the concerns of Li Zhuang Chicken, Mian Bae and Acorn Guo looked at each other, and then persuaded Li Zhuang Chicken to take the snake bear boss for treatment first. They would stay in this tree hole honestly. Won't leave.

Just when the strong chicken was in a dilemma, Little Diamond appeared in their field of vision. Only then did it remember that it did not come out alone, and it couldn't help but be overjoyed.

After the strong chicken entrusted the mimosa and acorns to the care of Little Diamond, he picked up the increasingly weak snake bear and ran towards the farm.

During this period, because its running was too noisy, it also alerted many predators in the forest. But of course, after they saw that it was the strong chicken that caused the movement, they retreated silently.

During this period, they had been beaten by the strong chicken. At this moment, they naturally did not dare to stand in front of it and ask for trouble.

At this time, Chiba Kaede was not idle either. He was taking care of the terraced garden with Yuri Terada. In order to increase the growth speed of the Graxitia flower, he directed the shuttlecock flower to release the grass field skill many times in the past few days. .

The results were remarkable. The growth rate of these Graxitia flowers increased by another step. However, the weed seeds blown by the wind in the terraces also grew vigorously. This resulted in Terada Yuri being unable to do it alone. Pull out all weeds promptly.

Therefore, Qianye Feng also brought a small hoe and began to hoe weeds together. Although it was a bit harder, both of them felt that the benefits outweighed the disadvantages.

At this time, Qianye Feng saw the strong chicken holding something and running towards him. Knowing that it must have something to do with him, he stopped what he was doing and waited for it quietly. arrival.

After the strong chicken got a little closer, Qianye Feng saw the snake bear in its arms. He could feel that the life breath of the snake bear in front of him had been intermittent. If it was not treated as soon as possible, its life would be Life passes quickly.

After Qianye Feng saw the anxious expression on the strong chicken, he knew that it wanted him to save the snake bear in front of him. At this time, he had not recognized that the snake bear was the one who gave him the elf prop charcoal. Only.

After all, in the eyes of humans, it is difficult to distinguish elves of the same type unless there is something special that can be identified. Unless the elves spend time with them day and night, they can be distinguished by their behavioral habits.

However, since it was the strong chicken's request, Qianye Feng did not hesitate to directly put his hand on the snake bear's body, and then injected life energy into its body to restore its injuries.

After the life energy entered the body, the wounds on the snake bear began to heal, and then its life breath also quickly became stronger. The snake bear, which was already in a coma, gradually regained consciousness.

Thanks to book friends Shanshan, Bingbing, Ouqi Manman R, and Wanfeng Sitting Alone for their monthly ticket support!

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