I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 169 Da Wangyan’s new skills

Qianye Feng patted Menas on the head, and then took out the Elf Encyclopedia to check the skills that Menas had learned after evolving.

Impact, Water Gun, Water Wave, Charming Sound, Tornado, Water Circle, Charm, Life Drop, Dragon Tail

Compared with the Ugly Fish before evolution, Menas automatically understood a series of skills as soon as it evolved, and its strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. That's why it is said that the evolution of the Ugly Fish is a miracle of life.

Qianye Feng believes that as long as Menas is allowed to adapt for a period of time, its strength will definitely be much stronger than it is now, and due to the improvement of its life essence, its strength will enter a period of rapid growth for a period of time. It is estimated that Menas will be stronger by then. Si's strength will not be weaker than that of the Mosquito-repellent Frog Emperor.

The entire process of the Ugly Fish evolving into Menas was also seen by the Carp King not far away. It was subdued by Qianye Feng at the same time as the Ugly Fish. Unexpectedly, the Ugly Fish was now a Crouching Dragon and Phoenix chick. The counterattack was successful, but it was still a salted fish trying to turn over.

Of course, witnessing the successful counterattack of his companion Ugly Fish gave King Magikarp a shot in the arm, letting him know that his efforts were not in vain, making him more determined that he could definitely complete the counterattack. , becoming a terrifyingly powerful Gyarados.

Qianye Feng knew that the evolution of the Ugly Fish would have a big impact on King Carp, but he did not want to preach to King Carp. He just took out some energy cubes and fed them to it, and then let it continue training.

Only if King Carp himself can survive this painful period of time when he emerges from his cocoon and turns into a butterfly, will the day come when his carp leaps over the dragon's gate.

Looking at Yuri Terada who was happily stroking Menus' scales and interacting with it, Qianye Kaede did not choose to interrupt and walked silently towards the orchard.

He could tell that Terada Yuri loved Menas, or that most people in the world loved Menas, but few people knew that the ugly duckling that had turned into a swan had passed its childhood. How difficult it must be!

Qianye Feng walked alone in the orchard and picked a fruit from a tree. He just rubbed it on his clothes and ate it. Obviously, this episode of Menas's evolution made him feel much happier today.

Looking at the flowers blooming on the fruit trees, and thinking about the Gracidia flower field that was about to bloom, Qianye Feng suddenly felt that the introduction of a group of elves specializing in collecting nectar to Qianye Farm must be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

Qianye Maple's favorite elf group is the three bee group, because as long as one queen bee is conquered or evolved, the remaining three bees will work hard from morning to night to collect nectar and brew honey in order to please the queen bee.

The honey brewed by the three bees is called Tiantian. It is a very delicious and precious honey. Not only humans like this sweet taste, but many elves are also involuntarily attracted by the sweet fragrance.

However, the main place where Three Bees live is in the Sinnoh region. As far as Qianye Feng knows, there are many Three Bees living near Huayuan Town in the Sinnoh region. This is also the place where he can think of the easiest place to catch Three Bees. .

Thinking of this, Qianye Feng felt that his life after participating in the Caiyu Conference seemed to be very busy, and he had to cross two regions at once.

Fortunately, the transportation is relatively developed now. As long as he is not unlucky enough to encounter a natural disaster that cannot be matched by manpower, then he will not have any problems with many elves guarding him.

After spending time with the Huhus in the orchard, Chiba Maple went to the center of the orchard where the King Swallow was located. This place has become the Holy Land of the Proud Swallow in the outer area of ​​the Orange Forest. Most of the Proud Swallow are proud to join here. .

Because after joining here, you no longer have to run around for daily food, and there is also King Yan to teach and train them, so that their strength can be quickly increased.

That's right, Qianye Feng has opened up its authority, allowing King Yan to freely recruit Proud Yan into its tribe.

However, there will be a certain limit on the number. Only those proud swallows with outstanding qualifications will have the opportunity to pass the assessment of the king swallows and become a member of Chiba Farm.

This is also to prevent the proud swallow population in Chiba Farm from being directly solidified. Only with a steady stream of new blood like this can we ensure that the proud swallow population here can continue to grow stronger.

Moreover, if the King Yan or the Proud Yan in Qianye Farm want to leave here and explore the outside world, Qianye Feng will also allow it. The main thing is the freedom of coming and going.

At this time, Big Wang Yan is leading other Big Wang Yan's younger brothers to fire the destructive death ray into the sky. Yes, the Big Wang Yan here has learned this skill after being taught by Qianye Feng's Big Wang Yan, but they have finished firing the destructive death ray. After that, there will be a period of stiffness, and it will be impossible to continuously emit destructive death rays.

This was also the time when Wang Yan himself was practicing the skill of continuously firing destructive death rays. He felt a little boring, so he roped in a group of younger brothers to participate in the training.

After this period of training, Da Wangyan has been able to control the side effects of the destructive death ray to about 5 seconds. By continuously firing the destructive death ray in such a short period of time, he can actually gain a great advantage in actual combat.

Therefore, Qianye Feng feels that Da Wang Yan's training in destroying the death rays has come to an end now. After all, if Da Wang Yan wants to continue to shorten the time of side effects, the time and energy needed to invest are already somewhat outweighed by the gain. He can choose to let Da Wang Yan do it. Think about it yourself in your free time afterwards.

At this time, King Yan also noticed the arrival of Qianye Maple, which landed directly in front of him. However, there was some confusion in his eyes, and he was not clear about the purpose of the trainer's arrival.

Without leaving Wang Yan confused for too long, Qianye Feng took out two skill discs from his backpack, which he purchased from Kaina City. One was a defense skill disc, and the other was a self-motivation skill disc.

These two skills are what Qianye Feng intends for King Yan to master before the Caiyu Conference. The defense skill can give King Yan a means of defense when encountering certain unavoidable attacks, while the self-motivation skill can It is a strengthening skill that can enhance the attack power of King Yan.

Qianye Feng believes that after self-motivation and strengthening, Da Wangyan will definitely become the enemy's nightmare.

King Yan also had no objection to Qianye Feng's arrangement. It just so happened that he was a little tired of practicing the Death Light Destruction and Yan Hui skills all day long. Having new skills to learn also aroused some of his interest.

After arranging the follow-up training of King Yan, Qianye Feng left the orchard. After all, King Yan is now a mature elf. It will arrange its own training time and does not need him as a trainer. worry.

Qianye Feng's next target is Haoli. After this period of training, the period of rapid growth in strength after Haoli's evolution has passed. However, its strength is still improving steadily. This is something Qianye Feng doesn't want to do for the time being. The reason why Hao Li evolved into Wei Li.

Qianye Feng believes that only after laying a solid foundation for each stage of the elf, and then allowing the elf to evolve, can the potential of the elf be unleashed to the greatest extent.

For example, Xiaozhi's Charizard evolved continuously in one day. There was no accumulation at all during the period when it evolved from a fire dinosaur to a Charizard. As a result, not only did its temperament change drastically, but its strength was also the weakest among the Charizards. That level.

If Xiaozhi hadn't placed Charizard in Charizard Canyon for arduous training later, Charizard's strength might have improved slowly or even stagnated.

However, Qianye Feng believes that in order to make up for the consequences of evolving without a solid foundation, Charizard will definitely spend several times more time and energy on training than a normally evolved Charizard.

Thanks to Book Friends Anshiah and Book Friends 20170430210839555 for their monthly ticket support!

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