I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 170 Haoli’s Struggle

When Chiba Maple came to the grove where Heracross and Haoli usually lived, they were engaged in a fierce battle. The aftermath of the battle caused many trees around them to be broken.

With Haoli's current strength and several bodybuilding enhancements, it can already put a lot of pressure on Heracross, making him have to brace himself to deal with Haoli's attack.

Heracross can no longer manipulate the power at will like an adult bullying a child like he did before. The power that has caught up is not so easy to dismiss.

After Haoli learned that Qianye Feng had included him on the candidate list to participate in the Caiyu Conference, he asked Heracross to use higher strength to conduct actual combat training with him, striving to improve his strength faster so that he could accompany him in training. Participate in this Caiyu Conference.

As fighting attribute elves, the warlike factor is engraved in their bones. Being able to defeat powerful enemies together with their trainers is what they want to do most.

Therefore, in order to obtain the qualifications for the competition, and even more so to obtain the recognition of trainer Qianye Feng, Haoli had tormented Heracross quite a lot during this period. The daily battle training time was fully arranged, making Heracross even look for delicious food. The time for sap is much less.

Haoli can now barely master the terrifying explosive power of the Exploding Fist. Originally, using the Exploding Fist required Haoli to concentrate all his strength on his left hand, and then when this terrifying force hits the opponent, it will also cause the attached The fighting attribute energy on the fist penetrates into the opponent's body, causing the energy in the opponent's body to become chaotic due to conflict.

Even Heracross, who has fighting attributes, will inevitably fall into a state of confusion if he fails to block the attack and instead allows his body to withstand the power of the explosive punch.

However, although the power of the explosion punch is amazing, it is actually somewhat difficult to hit the opponent because it takes time to gather energy and is easily avoided by the opponent.

Unless you are like the circle bear on the Brilliant Star, you are too confident in your own strength and want to go head-to-head with Haoli, otherwise you can imagine the end.

Based on Naqi's theory of continuous emission of destructive death rays, Qianye Feng wanted Haoli to leave some strength for himself when using the explosive fist. With this strength, Haoli could control the explosion more freely. The violent power of fists.

As for trainers, Haoli naturally approves of it, but changing the way a skill is used is not simple and can only be done through continuous attempts.

However, Haoli did not disappoint. From the beginning, it modified the skill operation method of Explosive Fist, which caused energy backlash. Recently, it finally managed to gain some control over Explosive Fist.

Of course, when Qianye Feng asks Haoli to try, he must be by his side.

Because the energy backlash from the Explosive Fist was no joke. There were several times when Haoli's body was shattered by the violent energy.

Even if Shuttlecock's grass field skills are used to recover from this kind of injury, it is estimated that it will take a long time to recover, and it may not be able to restore Haoli's body to its original state.

When the injury was most serious, Qianye Feng needed to use his ability twice in a row to fully recover. This was the first time Qianye Feng knew that his ability was not omnipotent.

To put it bluntly, his ability is only to generate a fixed amount of life energy every day. However, the stronger the elf is and the higher the level, the more life energy is consumed to restore its body. Maybe at a certain stage, Even if he uses all his life energy, he may not be able to completely heal a certain elf's injuries.

In this regard, Qianye Feng himself has no good solution, unless he can upgrade his ability to increase the total amount of life energy in his dantian or make a new breakthrough in quality.

Qianye Feng guessed that if he could obtain a gift from Xerneas, the mythical beast in the Kalos region, he might be able to upgrade his abilities.

However, if you think about it, you know how difficult it is. With his current lineup of elves, he may be wiped out by the other party in just one encounter. Life and death are completely controlled by the other party's thoughts.

Qianye Feng actually admires Hao Li's perseverance. This guy is completely a werewolf, he is too cruel to him, and he also trusts his ability as a trainer.

The explosive fist was out of control, causing violent energy to rage in Haoli's body. This kind of pain was not something that ordinary elves could bear, but this guy had to suffer it every day.

If he hadn't seen Haoli being tortured to death by the out-of-control energy every time, Qianye Feng would have thought that it was immune to pain or had no sense of pain.

Even Qianye Feng, who was a bystander, felt sorry for Hao Li's pain and wanted him to temporarily give up this somewhat reckless method of improving his skills and instead switch to a safer method, even if it took a little longer. It doesn't matter.

It's a pity that Haoli didn't adopt Qianye Feng's suggestion this time, and still went his own way with this self-destructive way of improving his skills.

However, although this method of improvement is painful, it is indeed very effective. It not only improves Haoli's physical fitness in a jaw-dropping way, but also allows him to initially master the use of the explosive fist skills while retaining some strength. method.

The so-called body training is actually destruction and regeneration. Haoli's body has experienced many violent energy impacts from the explosive fists. Every time it is repaired by Qianye Feng's life energy, the body will become much stronger and more able to adapt to these events. Violent energy.

Therefore, as time goes by, the damage to Haoli's body will actually be lighter, until it can control this power in the body and use it for its own use.

Nowadays, Haoli's body is very strong. Even if Heracross uses flying attribute skills, it will take a long time to make Haoli lose his fighting ability. This is why Heracross is willing to give up his leisure time of sucking tree sap every day to cooperate with Haoli's training. key.

When Heracross faced Haoli, he actually felt like a teacher.

Because they have been training together since Haoli was still an arm.

Many times, it was Heracross who taught Haoli various combat techniques and honed his combat abilities. At the same time, Heracross also discovered his own shortcomings in the process of teaching Haoli and sharpened them.

However, when facing the increasingly powerful Haoli, Heracross suddenly felt a sense of urgency in his heart. He was afraid that if he relaxed, he would lose to Haoli in terms of strength, causing the two parties to exchange their current statuses. , then Heracross would not be laughed to death by other elves.

Therefore, although Heracross has entered Qianye Maple's contestant list, it did not take advantage of it during this period. Instead, it worked harder to train with Haoli in fighting. It also had to improve its strength to ensure that it would not be defeated. Only with great force can you surpass.

Qianye Feng, as a trainer, is of course very pleased with the progress of Heracross and Haoli. He believes that as long as they can continue like this, promote each other and improve each other, then their strength may be able to catch up with King Yan in the future.

And this can in turn stimulate King Yan, so that he will not feel slack because his strength is superior to that of many elves.

In order to maintain his reputation as the most handsome boy in Chiba Farm, Da Wangyan will inevitably roll up.

In fact, speaking of it, the biggest threat to King Yan in Chiba Farm should be the heterochromatic velvet sheep. After all, attribute restraint is no joke.

Of course, the current heterochromatic velvet sheep is still not enough to threaten King Yan. We can only wait until it evolves into an electric dragon, or even undergoes further mega evolution.

You must know that after the mega evolution, in addition to awakening the dragon attribute, the mega electric dragon has a special attack value as high as 165. This is no longer a mobile turret, it can almost be called a mobile natural disaster.

Of course, Qianye Feng doesn't have the Electric Dragon Mega Evolution Stone in his hand now, nor does he even have the Key Stone. However, can't he be allowed to fantasize about it now?

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