I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 171 Magic Shines

The life of the heterochromatic velvet sheep is actually quite good now. Every morning, it leads the Meili sheep in the group to the pasture area, and then eats some pasture with them. Of course, its staple food is the energy produced by Terada Yuri. blocks.

In addition to chasing and frolicking on the grass with the Meili sheep, what the heterochromatic sheep likes most is training with his good friend Ghost Stone. It still pursues strength and has no intention of being lazy.

The leader of the group, the heterochromatic velvet sheep, is actually somewhat unworthy of his name, or is not a leader in the true sense. He just regards all the Meili sheep in the group as his relatives, and he behaves like a good old man on weekdays. Will take care of the Meili sheep.

Because of this, the Meili sheep are not afraid of it, and sometimes they will playfully tease the different-colored velvety sheep. However, it is not angry about this behavior, but happily plays with them.

In other words, the Meli sheep group has this kind of gentle character. It is the same regardless of whether it has evolved or not. However, the heterochromatic velvet sheep know that they have the responsibility to protect the safety of the group and need to work hard to improve their strength to protect the Meli sheep from external harm. .

Qianye Feng felt that the electric attribute skills of the heterochromatic velvet sheep were powerful enough, so he tried to learn the fairy attribute skill Magic Shine, which would allow it to have a wider strike surface as a mobile turret, at least when encountering dragon attribute elves. Sometimes, miraculous results can be achieved.

In order to enable the different-colored velvet sheep to understand the magical shining skill as soon as possible, Qianye Feng also caught the small diamond and let it accompany the different-colored velvet sheep to understand this skill. After all, the small diamond truly possesses fairy attributes. It's just that now it doesn't live up to its name, and it hasn't even learned a single fairy attribute skill.

In fact, Chiba Kaede also looked for such skills in the department store in Kaina City. Unfortunately, there were no fairy attribute skill CDs for sale there at all.

Come to think of it, the fairy attribute has not been discovered for a long time, and it is very mysterious to begin with. The elves with fairy attributes in the Hoenn region are even rarer, so how can it be possible to specialize in making such unpopular skill discs for sale.

Fortunately, although Qianye Feng used his abilities in many places during this period, none of them were wasted every day. As long as there was remaining life energy, it would be injected into Xiao Suizhuan's body. The life energy they had touched was now dotted with dozens of pink light spots in the diamond on Little Diamond's head.

Although it is still far away from filling up the diamonds on the top of Little Diamond's head, Little Diamond can actually sense the special energy contained in the diamonds on top of his head. This energy is formed by the energy of fairies mixed with life energy. The quality is higher than the fairy attribute energy of the small diamond itself.

Therefore, as the number of pink light spots in the diamond above its head increases, Little Diamond can feel that the fairy attribute energy in its body is also getting stronger, but it has not learned even one fairy attribute skill yet. It seems that it is ready. There is plenty of ammunition, but there is no gun that can fire the ammunition.

The reason why Qianye Maple chose the skill Magic Shine is because this skill emits a strong light containing fairy attribute energy to the opponent, thereby causing damage to the opponent.

According to Qianye Feng's own understanding, this skill is formed by incorporating the power of fairy attributes on the basis of the flash of ordinary attribute skills.

Of course, it might not be what he thought, but Qianye Feng still wanted to give it a try. After all, as long as Little Diamond learns the flash skill and knows how to emit strong light, and then understands the use of fairy attribute energy, it will definitely be the same. Somewhat helpful.

The current situation is that the heterochromatic velvet sheep can use flash skills, but it has no understanding of fairy energy, let alone using this energy.

The problem with Little Diamond is that its body is filled with fairy-attribute energy, but it cannot flash skills and cannot release fairy-attribute energy.

This creates a very interesting situation. Both the different-colored velvet sheep and the little diamond need each other's help. The different-colored velvet sheep needs to be familiar with and understand the fairy energy in the little diamond, and the little diamond needs to ask the different-colored velvety sheep. Sheep learn flash skills.

Of course, there is also Ghost Stone who often stays with the different-colored velvet sheep. Qianye Feng remembers that this guy can also learn the magic shining skill.

Ghost Stone currently does not know the flash skill, nor does it have much understanding of fairy energy, so Qianye Feng does not have high hopes for whether it can learn the magic flash skill.

However, it seems that Ghoststone doesn't want to be left out by the Sheep and Diamond, so after completing his training, he will follow them, and from time to time he will do mischief and liven up the atmosphere.

In this regard, Qianye Feng had no choice but to let it go.

The task Qianye Feng gave to Ghost Stone was to practice how to use the shadow ball, and Ghost Stone also gave him a satisfactory answer.

The current ghost stone can not only form multiple shadow balls at once, but these shadow balls can also automatically track the opponent, leaving the opponent with no way to escape and can only take its attack.

Through Ghost Stone's demonstration, Qianye Maple knew that it first captures the opponent's aura with its black gaze, and then after releasing the shadow balls, these shadow balls will chase the opponent's aura away, and will not be blocked by things like shadow clones at all. Confused by the skills.

This shocked Qianye Feng. Ghost Stone's move was actually a combination of two skills. It was able to figure out such a powerful skill combination on its own, which can be said to be a gift.

In order to prevent Ghost Stone from being too proud and complacent, Qianye Maple just praised it normally and asked it to continue to study how to compress the shadow ball. After all, the damage of Ghost Stone's shadow ball is still not enough to be the final word. Effect.

Ever since Qianye Feng gave them the task of understanding the fairy attribute skill Magic Shine, he hasn't paid much attention to them. It wasn't until today that he had time to understand their learning progress.

"How about it, has any of you figured out the magic sparkle skill?"

Qianye Feng asked the different-colored velvet sheep.

After hearing Qianye Feng's inquiry, the eyes of the heterochromatic furry sheep and the little diamond were a little erratic, but Ghost Stone had a confident expression on his face.

"Um, could it be that you have already learned about Ghost Stone?"

Qianye Feng asked in surprise after seeing the actions of the three of them.

After seeing that the trainer had guessed it, the heterochromatic furry sheep and Diamond became helpless, while Ghoststone released a dazzling pink light towards the trees not far away. It is the magic sparkle skill.

It was only then that Qianye Feng understood the helplessness in the hearts of Hexagonal Sheep and Little Diamond. This was a complicated feeling that they neither wanted their brothers to live in hardship nor wanted their brothers to drive a Land Rover.

The heterochromatic velvet sheep and Little Diamond now actually have some experience in the magic sparkle skill. The heterochromatic velvet sheep is already familiar with what kind of energy the fairy attribute is, and Little Diamond has also learned the flash skill. They are all confident that they will be able to master the skill of Magic Sparkle in a few days.

They just didn't expect that Ghost Stone, who they regarded as a bastard, learned the Magic Shining skill earlier than they did. This made the Colorful Sheep and Little Diamond feel a little broken, and they felt like they were useless, especially as trainers. When I just came over to check on their learning progress, it was surprising that they were in a good mood.

Fortunately, after realizing that the mentality of the different-colored velvet sheep and the little diamond was somewhat unbalanced, Qianye Feng provided them with some targeted psychological counseling and instilled a lot of chicken soup for the soul, such as hard work to make up for their weakness and a preemptive strike. Full of energy.

As for Ghost Stone, Qianye Feng felt that it was necessary to re-examine this guy who usually liked to hide in his shadow and had a relatively low sense of presence.

Thanks to book friends 20230513473_dD and me for their monthly ticket support!

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