I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 172 The Missing Newcomer

While Qianye Feng was training his elves in full swing on his farm, Miss Junsha from Chunhua Town received a request for help in finding several new trainers.

Several residents of Chunhua Town came to report the case. Their children disappeared five days ago. At first, these parents didn't care. After all, after becoming trainers, it was common for them to go to the wild to train elves.

But as time went by, they gradually couldn't sit still, especially when they couldn't even get through on the phone.

However, these parents did not initially want to call the police and trouble Miss Junsha. Instead, they called their relatives and friends and began to search for traces of several people.

After a detailed search, these parents still found some clues. They learned from the elf store in the town that five days ago, the three new trainers purchased many items from the elf store for wild camping. equipment.

Not only that, they also bought a lot of human and elven food from the market. After making these discoveries, the parents were basically sure that their children had gone to the Orange Forest.

"Hey, these kids really don't make people worry!"

Mrs. Shiomi's face turned a little pale and she said with a worried look.

"Mrs. Shiomi, don't worry so much. Although they have entered the Orange Flower Forest, as long as they don't go too deep, they are still relatively safe under the protection of the elves."

Although Iwasawa Igan was very worried about his daughter, he knew that now was not the time to be sad, so he hurriedly comforted her.

"The reason why they did this is that we also have a certain responsibility. If we hadn't restricted them so tightly, they wouldn't have done such a thing without saying goodbye."

Shirakawa Mine Haruhiko felt very regretful at this time. If he could communicate well with his son, how could this happen.

"We are also considering their safety. They have only been elf trainers for a few months, and they don't train them well on weekdays. How can we safely let them travel."

Mrs. Shiomi said excitedly.

Their families are neighbors and often communicate with each other on weekdays, so their children have been close friends since childhood. This year, after their children graduated from the Junior Elf School, they bought elf eggs for them.

In this world, there are only a few people who can obtain the approval of the elf doctor and obtain the Yusanjia elf. Most people buy elf eggs from the elf alliance store to become trainers.

The same goes for their families. Although their lives are pretty good, they are far from the point where they can arrange for their children to have three elves.

As for the insect-catching teenagers who use an insect-catching net to catch spinytails in the forest, their family situation is even worse, so they can only try their luck.

Mrs. Shiomi's son is named Yoshizo Shiomi. He is 13 years old this year. The initial spirit he obtained is a small fist stone. He has a relatively simple and honest personality. Since he is one year older than the other two companions, he is usually the one who causes trouble among the three of them. The one who stood up to resist was often beaten by his mother because of this.

The daughter of Iwazawa Kazuyasu is named Iwasawa Arisa. She is 12 years old this year. The initial elf she obtained is Momogu. Her personality is quite eccentric and she is the most trouble-making among the three. However, she is usually in front of her parents. She disguises herself well, making people think she is well-behaved and sensible.

Shirakawamine Haruhiko's son is named Kazuma Shirakawamine. He is 12 years old this year. The initial spirit he obtained is Super Sonic Bat. His personality is relatively reserved, but his grades in school are very good. He is a top academic. He leads Wearing black-rimmed glasses, he is considered the wisest among the three.

All three of them like elves very much. Yoshizo Shiomi and Kazuma Shirakawamine dream of becoming a powerful elf trainer, while Arisa Iwasawa dreams of becoming a top coordination trainer.

After graduating from the Junior Elf School and getting the initial elves, they could not wait to embark on an adventure journey and move towards their dreams, but unfortunately they were stopped by their parents.

Of course, Iwasawa Ichiyasu and the others do not want to restrict their children, but they know that every year many new trainers embark on adventurous journeys without adequate preparation, and the results are often regrettable.

So they hoped that their children could improve the strength of the elves first, and then think about traveling. However, they did not expect that several children would do things that they regretted.

As novice trainers who had just obtained spirits, Arisa Iwasawa and the others could no longer suppress their eager hearts after being suppressed by their families for several months, so they made an appointment to go to Chenghua City for a gym together. challenge.

Of course, all this was done without telling their parents. They finally planned everything five days ago, and then planned to cross Chenghua Forest and head to Chenghua City according to the route planned on the map.

In order to fear that their parents would know their travel route and catch them back, they deliberately chose not to take the main road, but traveled through the somewhat wild forest area.

They all felt that the strength of their elves was not weak and they could deal with the dangers in the forest. This was actually the most common mistake for new trainers, which was not having a clear understanding of their own strength, just like before Arms. Just like that trainer.

While their parents discovered the news that several people were missing, Iwasawa Arisa and others were completely lost in the Orange Forest. Even with the guidance of the map, they were in a place with lush trees and overgrown weeds. In the forest, it is still difficult to distinguish clearly.

Especially since this was the first time for them to travel, they felt very novel about everything in the wild. They often had the desire to conquer some elves when they encountered them, and then, in the chase, they gradually deviated from the original plan. route.

It had been two days since they were lost in the forest. They still could not find the correct direction and could only search aimlessly in the forest.

Fortunately, they were still in the outer area of ​​Chenghua Forest. The elves here were relatively weak. In addition, they had three elves guarding them, so ordinary elves would not provoke them, which allowed them to survive.

"Can we not go back? We have only prepared food for a week. What should we do if we haven't found a way out by then?"

Iwasawa Arisa said with a slight cry.

At this time, she was dirty, her clothes and pants had many cuts cut by weeds, and her hair was messy. She completely lost her usual cute and cute look, and looked very haggard, and her inner defenses were It also gradually collapsed with repeated disappointments.

Because Arisa Iwasawa found that what she experienced after traveling was completely different from what she had imagined in the past, and she felt like her dreams were shattered.

"Yousha, nothing will happen to us. I will definitely take you out of the forest."

Yoshizo Shiomi said with firm eyes.

Although he was very embarrassed at this time and was a little worried about his future situation, he knew that someone needed to stand up and encourage others. Only in this way could they continue to persevere until they found a way out.

"Hey, we are arrogant. Traveling is not as easy as we thought. If there is another chance, I will definitely make a more complete plan before taking action."

Bai Chuanfeng touched his frame, and then regretted a little.

In fact, he did not really approve of this private trip. He only agreed at the request of Iwasawa Arisa. The most important thing is that he has confidence in his own strength and feels that even if he encounters danger, he can rely on his mind and Super Sonic Bat's strength can also be overcome.

Unfortunately, except for the first few days of the trip, which went smoothly, the experiences of these two days also made him have great doubts about his ability to resist risks.

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