I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 173 Help with the search

After learning that their children had entered the Orange Flower Forest, several parents including Iwasawa Kazuyasu planned to go in and search for them personally.

However, since they don’t know which direction their children set off from, just a few of them would be looking for a needle in a haystack.

Moreover, although they also raised some elves, these elves were mainly kept as pets and did not have much fighting power. Their safety could not be guaranteed after entering.

"Otherwise, we'd better let them go. Maybe they will contact us in a few days. Isn't that how new trainers come here?"

Shirakawa Mine Haruhiko said helplessly.

"Oh, yes, Chenghua Forest is so big, the chance of us finding them is too low, and it's also very dangerous!"

Iwasawa Igan echoed.

It's not that he doesn't care about his daughter's safety, it's just that in this situation, they are a little helpless.

"No, just because they made such a reckless move, there is a high probability that something will happen in the forest, so we must do something.

By the way, let's go to Miss Junsha for help and see if she has any better ideas? "

Mrs. Shiomi felt that if she didn't do something, she would not be able to calm down. Instead of going home and worrying now, it would be better to go to Miss Junsha for help.

"This is a good idea. Wasn't it the same black-hearted developer who was arrested by Miss Junsha last time?"

After hearing Mrs. Shiomi's suggestion, Iwasawa Arisa's eyes suddenly lit up and she quickly agreed.

Naturally, Shirakawa Mine Haruhiko agreed with this decision. It was better to take action than to worry at home. His son was not given away with soy sauce.

Immediately afterwards, several people came to the police station and found Miss Junsha who was doing her daily fishing.

Originally, Miss Junsha was very excited that someone came to her for help. After all, Chunhua Town was so peaceful. In most cases, the residents of the town would resolve any conflicts themselves and rarely trouble her.

But when she heard that several people needed her help, she felt like there was nothing she could do to help.

After all, she was just one person and a dog. Although the wind speed dog was very fast, the chance of finding a few children without a specific direction was not high.

Several parents actually know that the things caused by their naughty children are indeed a bit troublesome, but as their parents, they don't want to give up as long as there is a little bit of hope.

Miss Junsha is also very anxious. She has been assigned to Chunhua Town for several years. She is also familiar with these young girls who sneaked out to travel, and she does not want anything to happen to them.

She knew that if something happened to these children, it would be a very heavy blow to these families.

Just as several parents wanted to leave the police station with desperate expressions, Miss Junsha was running her brain like crazy. She seemed to vaguely feel that she had missed some key information.

"You guys wait a minute, I'll call someone for help and see if he can do anything!"

Miss Junsha's mind suddenly flashed a message from a person, she hurriedly stopped several frustrated parents, and then tried to persuade them.

Yes, the person Miss Junsha was thinking of was Qianye Feng. She recalled that when she was arresting the black-hearted developer Yusuke Watanabe, she seemed to have seen Qianye Feng commanding a large group of proud swallows.

With the help of these flying elves, the hope of finding these children quickly would be greatly increased. However, she still needed to call Qianye Feng to confirm.

"Hey, is it Xiao Feng?"

With the earnest wishes of several parents, Miss Junsha called Qianye Feng.

"It's Miss Junsha, do you have anything to do with me?"

At this time, Qianye Feng was training Li Zhuangji's tile-splitting skills, and Haoli, as the coach, was also using the tile-splitting skills to sparring with it. At this time, his cell phone suddenly rang, and he checked and it was Miss Junsha. After that, Qianye Feng immediately answered the phone and asked politely.

Afterwards, Miss Junsha told Qianye Feng the whole story, and then begged Qianye Feng to mobilize Ao Guyan to help find these teenagers.

After Qianye Feng listened to Miss Junsha's story, he did not shirk it. He himself escaped from the Chenghua Forest and knew the dangers inside.

Although there are three people on the other side, and there are three initial elves, Qianye Feng feels that whether they can get out of the Chenghua Forest depends entirely on their luck, not their strength.

If they were unlucky enough to meet an elven group, there would be a high probability that something would happen. After all, the elven group growing up in the wild would not give them one-on-one opportunities. They usually relied on teamwork for hunting.

"Miss Junsha, please come to my farm with a few parents first, and remember to ask them to bring photos of them too!"

Qianye Feng didn't think about it for too long. After all, he remembered that when he first arrived in Chunhua Town, he obtained food from the residents of the town by brushing his face. At that time, he had just walked out of the Chenghua Forest. It could be said that Although he would not have starved to death without the help of these people, starvation was inevitable.

Now when they need help, Qianye Feng will naturally not stand idly by. After all, it is not very difficult for him to find people. It can be said that it is just a matter of effort.

After several parents on the other side got the good news from Qianye Feng, they did not dare to wait too long and drove directly behind Miss Junsha in their cars to Qianye Farm. As for Miss Junsha, of course she rode her wind speed Dog.

Ever since Miss Junsha's Katy dog ​​evolved into a Wind Speed ​​dog, she fell in love with the feeling of riding a Wind Speed ​​dog and running fast.

Therefore, now she basically travels by riding a wind speed dog. Even the police three-wheeled motorcycle she originally used is full of dust from being idle.

Due to the urgency of the matter, several people quickly arrived at Qianye Farm. Before that, Qianye Feng had asked the Arrogant Swallow messengers to summon the King Swallows and Proud Swallows in the farm. Of course, he left some Big King Swallows and Proud Swallows behind. Used to protect Chiba Farm.

After all, it would be a bit funny if your farm was stolen by wild elves because you were helping to find someone.

"Miss Junsha, and uncles and aunts, welcome to Chiba Farm!"

When Qianye Feng saw Miss Junsha and her group approaching, he hurriedly greeted them and greeted them.

"Xiao Feng, you're welcome. I would like to ask how many proud swallows you can mobilize to help now?"

Miss Junsha asked.

In fact, she only knew that there were a lot of proud swallows in Qianye Feng's farm. As for the total number, Miss Junsha didn't count. She thought that if there were more than a dozen proud swallows to help search, the probability of finding a few of them would be high. Much bigger.

"Miss Junsha, look, they are already here!"

Qianye Feng pointed at a dark cloud flying from a distance.


At first, I had not noticed that Miss Junsha and several parents in the distance looked like a dark cloud. The King Swallow and the Proud Swallow flying towards this direction were also a little stunned.

When a huge King Swallow landed in the open space in front of them with several normal-sized King Swallows and a large group of Proud Swallows, they had not yet recovered.

"That's great. With so many flying elves helping, the children will be able to find it quickly."

Mrs. Shiomi said excitedly.

Miss Junsha and the other two parents also came to their senses and knew that with the help of these elves in the search, the probability of finding the person had indeed greatly increased.

"Okay, uncle and aunt, you first show them the photo of the person you are looking for, and then I let them search in all directions. I believe there will be results soon."

Qianye Feng saw that several people had calmed down and said quickly.

Later, several parents took out the photos of their children and showed them to the King Swallows and the Proud Swallows. After watching for a while, Qianye Feng asked the four King Swallows to take charge of the four directions respectively, and then asked them to each carry a batch of Aoguyan went to the direction he was responsible for to search for several teenagers.

"Miss Junsha, please go to my room to rest first. Once the results are known, King Yan and the others will come back and notify us."

After allocating the matter of finding people, Qianye Feng invited several people.

Miss Junsha and Iwasawa Kazuo knew that they could do nothing more now, so they agreed to Qianye Feng's invitation and came to the house to anxiously wait for the final result.

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