I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 204 Heading towards the bear

"Poison Rose, what you have to do now is to adapt to your own strength and be able to fully utilize your own strength first, do you understand?"

Qianye Feng looked at Poison Rose, and then said seriously.

Qianye Feng himself was very dissatisfied with Poison Rose's performance just now. This was also related to the fact that he had raised three little ones before, but the beating was still needed.

Seeing that the trainer suddenly became so serious, Poison Rose was obviously dissatisfied with her performance just now. She quickly nodded obediently and said that she would definitely work hard in the future.

In fact, it also knew that its performance just now was indeed a bit awkward, so it was still a little afraid of disappointing Qianye Feng.

"And you, Snake Bear, a battle is a battle, no matter how fancy you are."

After Qianye Feng finished training Poison Rose, he turned around and started training Snake Bear again.

The snake bear didn't refute this. It just softened its heart and didn't treat this game as a formal game. Now that I think about it, I feel a little embarrassed.

While Poison Rose and Snake Bear were embarrassed by Qianye Feng's training, Acorn quietly moved its short legs, moving step by step towards the distance.

When it discovered that Qianye Feng and its two companions were all focusing on it, it felt a little panicked. However, it still pretended to be ignorant, as if to say, "What are you looking at me like this!"

"Acorn, where do you want to go?"

Qianye Feng looked at the acorn fruit with a malicious look, and then said in a somewhat sinister tone.

After hearing the trainer's words, Acorn Guo felt cold all over, feeling as if something bad was about to happen to him.

Qianye Feng now also understands a little bit about the characters of the three little ones. Although the snake bear is the eldest of the three little ones, he has the most honest and honest character, but he is more stubborn and will act recklessly when encountering problems. Because of its weak strength, it often It is the one who is being beaten.

Before Poison Rose evolved, she was a crybaby. When something happened, she knew how to seek justice from the Snake Bear. She was also well protected by the Snake Bear, resulting in a somewhat naive personality. Sometimes she also likes to make small moves with her two other companions. temper.

Acorn is the cunning one among the three little ones, and is also very good at disguising himself. Even its companions, Snake Bear and Poison Rose, don't know Acorn's bad character. However, its kind of Character is completely useless when the strength is weak, so it usually acts as a small transparent existence.

In the next few days, Qianye Feng spent all his time training elves on the farm because he had nothing important to do.

Especially for the three Snake Bears, because their strength is the lowest and their foundation is not solid, Qianye Maple's requirements for them are much higher than before in the past few days.

So much so that after completing their training every day, the three snake bears didn't want to move at all. They felt that they were in pain and happy.

The pain is naturally because training is not pleasant, especially with additional training. The joy is that they can feel their strength improving rapidly every day, especially Poison Rose, which is in the period of rapid improvement in strength after evolution. These trainings Its improvement is much more obvious than that of Snake Bear and Acorn Fruit.

Although the three of them are undergoing hard training, Poison Rose's current strength is not comparable to that of Serpentine Bear and Acorn Fruit. It is now able to defeat the combination of Serpentine Bear and Acorn Fruit relatively easily. , instead of being unable to defeat even the Snake Bear like it was like a few days ago.

The change in Poison Rose's strength has also greatly increased the pressure on the Serpentine Bear. In the wild, the strength of the elf is the criterion for measuring everything. The most important reason why the Serpentine Bear was the eldest among the three was its strength. is the strongest.

But now the situation has changed. Poison Rose's strength overwhelms the two of them, causing the snake bear to not dare to act like a boss in front of Poison Rose.

Therefore, instead of rejecting Qianye Feng's training, Snake Bear now requests additional training on his own, hoping to improve his own strength and maintain his position as the boss.

Qianye Feng is also clear about the thoughts of the snake bear, which is exactly what he hopes to see, using poisonous roses to stimulate the snake bear, so that the snake bear can train harder.

The reason why Qianye Feng can do this is of course his ability. Even if the snake pattern bear is over-trained and causes hidden injuries in its body, he can recover it in time. This is also the secret of his elf training.

Perhaps because the Snake Bear found two elf props for himself, Qianye Feng was particularly concerned about it. In addition to daily training, he would also take the Snake Bear to the Orange Forest to find opponents for battle.

Unfortunately, the results of the battles in the past few days were not ideal. The opponent Qianye Feng chose for the Snake Bear was still relatively strong, so basically the Snake Bear was the one who was beaten.

But there is one thing Qianye Feng feels that the snake bear is very attractive to him, that is, no matter what elf the opponent is, as long as he orders it to fight, the snake bear will fight without hesitation, as if there is no fear in its eyes. Even if you are seriously injured by your opponent, you still have to leave a little bit of luck on your opponent.

This kind of character of the snake bear can't help but remind Qianye Feng of the flat-headed brother in his previous life. He was also so bearish on life and death and would do anything if he didn't accept it.

The opponent Qianye Feng found for the Snake Bear today was the big wolfdog that severely injured it last time. The Snake Bear could still remember this guy who gave them three fatal blows during their migration.

At that time, the snake bear was seriously injured by the big wolf dog and was already on the verge of death. If Mianbao hadn't ventured out to look for Qianye Maple, and happened to meet Strong Chicken and Little Diamond, the current snake bear might have been dead. Dead.

After seeing the big wolf dog, the snake bear didn't hesitate, and directly used the slamming skill to rush towards it. However, the big wolf dog was not easy to mess with. He opened its mouth directly and used the crushing skill to rush towards the snake bear. Pounce.

The snake bear's strength still couldn't compete with the big wolf dog. After being bitten by the big wolf dog, it threw it towards the stone in the distance, and then hit the stone heavily, causing it secondary damage. .

Although the injury was serious, the snake bear did not hesitate and continued to launch a surprise attack, rushing towards the big wolf dog, vowing to make the big wolf dog pay a certain price.

This time, the big wolf dog was caught off guard and was hit by the Serpentine Bear's head hammer skill and suffered some damage. However, it quickly launched a counterattack and directly used its flame teeth to bite the Serpentine Bear, and then severely hit the Serpentine Bear. It flew away.

At this time, the serpentine bear, which had suffered two heavy blows in succession, was a little unsteady on its feet, but it still gritted its teeth and continued to pounce towards the big wolf dog regardless of its injuries.

Facing the snake-printed bear that looked at death as if it were home, the big wolf dog was also a little shocked. Facing such a stunned green man, it felt that there was no need to entangle with the opponent. Otherwise, if it was accidentally injured too seriously, others would take over its territory. The eager elf found an opportunity.

Thinking of this, the big wolf dog just glanced at the snake bear, then turned and left.

Seeing the big wolf dog running further and further away, the snake-patterned bear also chased in the direction of the big wolf dog. It saw that its speed was getting faster and faster. Suddenly, a white light emerged from its body and engulfed its body. The body is completely covered.

When the white light dissipated, the snake bear's figure reappeared, and it had transformed into a slender bear that charged at astonishing speed. (End of chapter)

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