I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 205 Long nose leaf

The body of the Straight Bear is streamlined, which helps reduce resistance when running. The eyes are aqua blue, the main color is light brown, there are dark brown stripes on the body, and the texture of the head is like an arrow.

Its body hair has good toughness and texture, and the shaving brush made from the hair that falls off its body is the finest high-end product.

When a bear sees its prey, it will run straight towards it. Its straight running speed can easily exceed 100 kilometers per hour.

When it finds an obstacle, it will avoid it by turning at right angles. It is very bad at slowly turning roads and cannot turn without stopping suddenly.

The charging bear uses its superior explosive power and sharp claws to subdue its prey, but because it can only run in a straight line, it misses more times.

After discovering prey living in the water from the surface, it will quickly pounce in and catch it with its sharp claws.

After evolving, the charging bear did not stop chasing, but continued to chase in the direction where the big wolf dog fled, and soon its figure disappeared from Qianye Feng's sight.

By the time Qianye Feng arrived along their tracks, the straight bear was already fighting with the big wolf dog.

At this time, there were a few more scratches on the body of the big wolf dog. It was obviously the work of the straight bear. However, the body of the straight bear was even more embarrassed than the big wolf dog. There were not only bite marks, but also several bloody scratches. mark.

Suddenly, the straight bear stood upright, and then its two front paws rubbed against each other. As it rubbed, a wave of evil energy flowed between its paws.

After completing the claw grinding action, it suddenly rushed towards the big wolf dog, because its speed was too fast. When it was in front of the big wolf dog, the big wolf dog just reacted.

But at this time, the big wolf dog could no longer dodge, and was severely chopped down by a claw of the bear. After howling miserably, the big wolf dog flew out directly and hit a big tree nearby, and then fell heavily. Come down.

After being hit so hard, blood appeared at the corner of the mouth of the big wolf dog, and its body began to twitch. However, it did not sit still and waited for death. Instead, it tried to struggle to get up, but it tried for a long time without success.

After seeing the miserable state of the big wolf dog, the straight bear did not continue to attack. Instead, he ran up to Qianye Feng and waggled his tail crazily.

After Qianye Feng saw this scene, he patted the charging bear on the head with satisfaction, and then took out the Elf Guide to check its latest information.

Split, claw sharpen, scratch, belly drum, missile needle

After evolution, the Straight Bear has learned 5 skills, and there are also enhanced skills such as claw sharpening and belly drum. With these two enhanced skills, it can greatly make up for the shortcomings of the Straight Bear's low racial value.

As for the big wolf dog that was defeated by the charging bear, Qianye Feng did not just leave it here, but asked Shuttlecock to give it some treatment so that it would not be attacked by other predators due to excessive injuries. .

Qianye Feng feels that as long as he does not endanger his own safety and is not short of food, he should not harm other wild elves for no reason. After all, these elves are different from the animals in previous lives. Although their own intelligence level is not as good as Human beings are not very different, they are all spiritual beings.

Adhering to this principle, every time he took the elves out for combat experience with wild elves, he would help the injured elves to treat them, and sometimes he would leave some food.

Therefore, when he approached the wild elves that he had fought against again, he usually would not be rejected by them.

When Chiba Maple returned to Chiba Farm with the evolved straight bear, he found that the original round acorn fruit had also evolved into a long nose leaf.

This made him a little surprised. You must know that the snake bear can evolve because it stimulated its potential in the battle with the big wolf dog, while Acorn just stayed in the farm. Although some training was carried out, but like this The stimulation should not be enough for it to evolve.

Compared to the round acorn, Long Nose Leaf is short in stature, but it has a human-like shape. Apart from its longer nose and a green leaf on its head, it is not much different from a human child.

The body of the Long Nose Leaf is brown with two small black spots on its chest. Its light brown thighs are thick and have a thin stripe pattern on them.

The proboscis has a pointed nose, and it has a light brown mask with a pointed pattern extending to the back of the head, with a leaf at the top.

Long Nose Leaf is an elf that lives deep in the dense and prosperous forest. It occasionally comes out of the forest to scare people. It lives in caves on big trees. It is good at climbing trees and will pluck the leaves on its head to make grass flutes.

The grass whistle played by the long-nosed leaf will make people who are lost in the forest uneasy, and they will use the grass whistle to warn opponents who intrude on their territory.

The pointed nose that concentrates its sensory function can enable it to understand the surrounding situation, but it is also its weakness. It hates anyone grabbing its long nose. Once it is grabbed, its whole body will lose its strength.

Flying Leaf Knife, Super Drain, Shock, Tooth for Tooth

Through the Elf Illustrated Book, Qianye Feng learned about the four skills that Long Nose Leaf learned after evolving. With the help of these skills, Long Nose Leaf's strength has been greatly improved compared to before the evolution.

Qianye Maple finally understood the evolution of Long Nose Leaf through the comparison between Poison Rose and Long Nose Leaf, but she always felt that there was something funny about its evolution.

Acorn has a hobby of secretly storing things. It will find a place to hide some energy cubes and tree fruits that it cannot finish, and then take them out to eat when it is hungry.

This habit was also developed in the hard life in the wild. In the past, they had been unable to find food for several days. Then, Acorn Fruit took out some of his private reserves to help them survive three times. Get through it.

After finishing training today, Acorn Guo happened to feel a little hungry, but it wasn't time to eat yet, so he planned to go to his private storage room to get some food.

Unexpectedly, when it came to the tree hole where it stored food, it found that the food inside had been eaten. This made Acorn very angry and vowed to find the thief.

However, Acorn went around the tree hole several times and found no trace, let alone any trace of the thief.

The more Acorn thought about it, the angrier it became. He always felt that he had lost hundreds of millions. In this angry state, Acorn's body glowed with white light. When it reappeared, it had turned into a long Nose leaf.

The evolved Long Nose Leaf quickly smelled an unusual smell due to its very sensitive nose. After that, it followed the smell and found the Poison Rose.

Long Nose Leaf began to question Poison Rose on the spot if it had eaten the food it had stored. Poison Rose did not deny it and admitted on the spot that she had eaten it.

It turns out that Poison Rose has long discovered the place where food is stored in the proboscis leaves. Today, because it was overtrained and in urgent need of energy, it decided to use the proboscis leaves to store food.

Poison Rose planned to borrow the food for herself first, and then give part of her dinner to Acorn Fruit when it was time to return it.

After hearing Poison Rose's explanation, Long Nose Leaf sighed helplessly. After all, he was his good friend, what else could he do?

However, Long Nose Leaf has made up her mind to find a more hidden place to store food, ensuring that Poison Rose will not find it again.

After Qianye Maple heard the whole story of the evolution of the long-nosed leaf, she didn't know what to say, so she could only pat it on the head to express her congratulations.

After the evolution of the long nose leaf, it means that the three little ones have completed their evolution. As long as they are trained well in the next period of time, their strength will increase very quickly, and they can be considered to have initially broken away from the ranks of weak chickens. (End of chapter)

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