I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 210 Ready to go

"Xiao Feng, your powerful arm should have evolved from the one you took away from the research institute. Isn't it amazing that you can regenerate its broken arm?"

After Dr. Odamaki looked at Haoli for a while, he asked with some uncertainty.

"Yes, Haoli was treated by a mysterious elf by chance some time ago, which caused his right arm to grow back. This is why I brought it here. I just wanted Dr. Odamaki to help me. Check its physical condition."

Qianye Feng said calmly.

Dr. Odamaki was also a little curious about Qianye Kaede's statement. After all, the only elves who could possess the power to regenerate their severed limbs were the legendary elves, and the whereabouts of these elves were often a mystery.

Dr. Odamaki saw that Chiba Kaede was not going to reveal the specific situation of this elf, so he did not continue to ask questions. Instead, he began to check Haoli's physical condition, especially his regenerated right hand.

After many examinations of instruments that looked very high-end but whose efficacy was unclear, Dr. Odamaki finally figured out Haoli's current physical condition.

"In general, Haoli's physical condition is very healthy. The only shortcoming now is that the muscles of his right arm are still much weaker than those of his left arm.

This will cause Haoli's body to become uncoordinated during combat, and this incoordination may be exploited by opponents during the battle.

However, as long as Haoli can continue to exercise his right arm, I believe this incoordination will be alleviated soon. "

After careful consideration, Dr. Odamaki came to a conclusion that Qianye Kaede was quite satisfied with.

With the examination results of Dr. Odamaki, Qianye Feng can finally feel relieved. As for the problem of Haoli's uncoordinated hands, he only needs to spend a certain amount of time exercising to solve it.

Immediately afterwards, Dr. Odamaki helped check the physical condition of the strong chicken. Compared with the examination of Haoli, the physical examination time of the strong chicken this time was relatively shorter.

Dr. Odamaki discovered through examination that the body of the strong chicken is in good condition and its fire energy is very abundant. The head feathers can still help it store excess fire energy like the young fire chicken, which leads to The energy in the strong chicken is much more than that of the ordinary strong chicken.

With this basic strength chicken, Dr. Odamaki believes that as long as Qianye Kaede cultivates it carefully, the strength chicken will definitely become a very powerful elf in the future. He has no doubt about this.

Neither of the two elves found any problems, which was also good news for Qianye Feng. After the inspection results came out, the purpose of his trip had actually been achieved.

Since it was still early, Chiba Kaede took the initiative to stay and assist Dr. Odamaki in some scientific research work, as a way of repaying Dr. Odamaki for his help.

"Oh, Xiaofeng, you are planning to go to the Sinnoh region in the future. It just so happens that I have a package to bring to Dr. Yamanashi in Zhensha Town in the Sinnoh region, so please help me make a trip, okay?"

When Chiba Kaede was chatting with Dr. Odamaki, he talked about his plan to go to the Sinnoh region. Unexpectedly, after Dr. Odamaki heard that he planned to go to the Sinnoh region, his eyes lit up and he planned to ask him to deliver something to Yamanashi. The Institute of Ph.D.

"Of course, I will deliver the things to Dr. Yamanashi on time!"

Although he was a little confused about what Dr. Odamaki asked him to send, Qianye Kaede did not hesitate and agreed immediately.

After Qianye Feng came to this world, he knew that these elf doctors controlled most of the technology and knowledge in this world, so it was not a bad thing for him to get to know one more elf doctor, not to mention that it was entrusted by Dr. Odamaki, and Sending express delivery is just a piece of cake.

After assisting Dr. Odamaki in completing the day's work, Chiba Kaede was about to say goodbye and leave, and Dr. Odamaki also took out a package and handed it to him. Obviously, this package was the one he was going to bring to Dr. Yamanashi.

After Qianye Feng took the package, he found that the weight of the package was not light. It weighed about ten kilograms. However, he didn't care and put the package directly into his backpack.

After saying goodbye to Dr. Odamaki, Qianye Feng rode directly on the King Yan and flew towards his farm. Soon he returned to his farm.

Although he was a little curious about what was inside the package, Qianye Kaede had no intention of opening it secretly to watch. Since Dr. Odamaki didn't tell him what was inside, he had made his attitude clear.

If he secretly opened the package without Dr. Odamaki's consent, I believe Dr. Odamaki would never trust him again in the future. This is also equivalent to a test for Dr. Odamaki.

Qianye Feng felt that he was not so short-sighted after losing the trust of an elf doctor for a package that he did not know the details of.

After Chiba Kaede returned to Chiba Farm, she did not mention to Yuri Terada and others that Dr. Odamaki asked him to deliver the package. He only told them that he would go to the Sinnoh region.

After knowing that Chiba Kaede went to the Sinnoh region to capture three bees, Yuri Terada and the others naturally had no objections. After all, with the three bees, Chiba Farm can produce sweets, which is another kind of sweetness for the farm. specialty.

Although none of Terada Yuri and others have tasted sweets, they also searched some introductions about sweets from the Internet and knew that this is a very cherished and delicious food.

There are two main ways to travel from the Hoenn region to the Sinnoh region. One is to take a voyage cruise from the cruise terminal in Kaina City. This way you can enjoy the scenery along the way, but it takes a long time, about It takes a week's sailing at sea to reach it.

Another way is to take a large passenger plane to Kaina Municipal Airport. It only takes 14 hours to reach your destination. This method is more suitable for people who are short of time.

After some thought, Qianye Feng decided to take a large passenger plane to the Sinnoh region. Although he didn't have anything important to do now, he didn't want to waste time on the journey.

As for the elves to carry with him, in addition to King Yan, Qianye Feng also plans to bring Strong Chicken, Small Diamond, Sand King, Tentacle Lily, Lapras, and Ghost Stone.

The reason for this choice is because Qianye Maple did not choose them in the previous Caiyu Conference. This time it is a compensation for them, allowing them to appreciate the scenery of different areas.

As for the straight-charging bears, it was because they were now in a period of rapid improvement in strength after evolution. Qianye Feng thought it would be better to let them train well with Haoli.

After arranging the affairs in Qianye Farm, Qianye Feng did not waste time and directly rode on the King Yan and set off for Kaina City.

Chiba Kaede was very familiar with Kaede City. He quickly arrived at Kaede City Airport. After purchasing the latest flight ticket to the Sinnoh area from the ticket office, he went to the departure hall to wait. Boarding.

It was still more than an hour before the plane took off, but Qianye Feng was too lazy to hang out elsewhere. He simply found a seat with a table in the departure hall and sat down. (End of chapter)

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