I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 211 Arriving at Binhai City

Since it was already close to dinner time, Chiba Kaede took out some food prepared for him by Yuri Terada and others and put it on the table, intending to solve the dinner problem before boarding the plane.

As for the food for the elves, Qianye Maple had already fed them energy cubes before setting off for Kaina City.

And as long as the elves rest in the elf ball, their energy consumption will be minimized. According to Qianye Feng's estimation, it is enough to wait until they reach the Sinnoh region before feeding them.

Chiba Maple picked up a baked golden crisp biscuit and ate it. This biscuit was made by Takemoto Yui. She likes to add some pulp to the flour for baking. Chiba Maple also likes the taste of this biscuit. .

"Hello, can I sit here?"

While Qianye Feng was eating cookies and looking out at the scenery through the glass, a soft female voice reached his ears.

Qianye Feng turned around and found a 12- or 3-year-old girl wearing a light green dress. She was holding a curly ear in her arms.

Curly ears are shaped like a rabbit. It is brown all over, its feet and tufts are cream-colored, and one of its ears is folded up. Its hair is mainly distributed on the top of the ears and the lower part of the body. Curly ears are usually standing.

"Please sit down, I'm just one person."

Qianye Feng raised his hand and made a gesture of invitation, indicating that he didn't mind the other person sitting across from him.

After seeing the other party sit down, Qianye Feng didn't say anything, but continued to eat the food on the table. He didn't think too much, thinking that the girl in the dress was just looking for a place to rest.

However, when Qianye Feng was eating the food, he found that the girl opposite was staring directly at the food in his hand, and even the other person's curly ears had the same expression as its owner.

Being stared at by one person and one elf, Qianye Feng felt that the food in his hands no longer tasted good. Looking at the other party's clothes, Qianye Feng did not think that the girl in the dress in front of him could not afford to eat.

"How about we eat some together?"

Qianye Feng invited the girl in the dress.

"May I?"

After hearing Qianye Feng's words, the girl in the dress couldn't help but swallow her saliva, and then asked with some uncertainty.

"Of course, you can also eat some curly ears!"

Qianye Feng looked at the longing Curly Er, picked up a biscuit and handed it to it.

Juan Juan Er happily took the biscuits handed over by Qianye Feng, and then ate them in small bites.

When the girl in the dress saw that Juan Juan Er had already started eating, she stopped being polite. She picked up the food on the table and ate it in small bites.

Qianye Feng looked at the girl in the dress in front of her, looking like a hamster eating, and found it very interesting.

However, Qianye Feng didn't say anything more and just picked up the food and started eating.

Soon, the food on the table was wiped out by the two elves. The girl in the dress and Juan Juan Er exhaled in unison, then patted their stomachs, feeling that they were alive again. look.

"My name is Qianye Feng, I wonder what your name is?"

Qianye Feng looked at the interaction between the person and the elf in front of him, and felt that the girl in front of him was very interesting, so he introduced himself.

"Hello, my name is Lianka, and this is my partner Juan Juan Er."

The girl in the dress, or Lenka introduced in a low voice.

"Your Curly Ear should be an elf from the Sinnoh region. Are you traveling to Hoenn?"

Qianye Feng asked curiously.

Faced with the benefactor who fed her, Lenka did not hide anything and told Qianye Feng about her experiences in the past few days.

It turns out that Lenka's hometown is Binhai City in the Sinnoh region, which is the destination of Qianye Maple's flight. She only obtained the initial elf, Juan Juan Ear, a few months ago and became a new trainer.

Because I heard others say that Kaina City is a good place for tourism and vacation, Lianka bought a ticket to Kaina City a week ago and arrived at Kaina City smoothly.

In the first few days, Lenka felt that Kaina City was like paradise. She was either shopping or visiting various attractions every day. Until a few days ago, she discovered that her wallet had a major crisis.

That's right, due to Lianka's uncontrolled shopping, by the time she realized it, there were not many alliance coins left. After she bought the plane ticket back to Binhai City, there was not much left.

So while waiting for the plane to take off for a few days, Lenka's life suddenly became more budget-conscious.

However, just yesterday she spent her last savings, which resulted in her and Juan Juan'er not having anything to eat all day today.

In fact, this was also because Lenka couldn't help herself, otherwise with the hospitality of the residents of Kaina City, she would never have been hungry.

Lenka thought that she could eat free food when she got on the plane, so she spent the whole day at the airport waiting dryly for the plane to take off.

However, after seeing the food Qianye Feng brought out, Lianka couldn't hold back her hunger in the end, so she sat down opposite Qianye Feng.


After Qianye Feng listened to Lenka's story, he finally couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

Looking at Qianye Feng who was laughing endlessly, Lenka's face suddenly turned red. She also knew that her experience was indeed a bit funny.

"Hey, hey, just stop it!"

Seeing Qianye Feng laughing non-stop, Lianka finally couldn't hold it back and said angrily.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Actually, I'm very funny. I don't know why I can't stop laughing today."

After Qianye Feng calmed down for a while, he said slightly apologetically.

"Forget it, I forgive you, after all, I feel so embarrassed myself!"

Lenka said a little depressed.

After some rough and tumble, Chiba Kaede and Lenka got acquainted a lot, and both of them are now waiting for the flight to the Sinnoh region to set sail.

Time passed quickly as the two chatted. At this time, the plane had begun to check in. The two quickly put on their backpacks and started queuing to board the plane.

"I need to get some sleep first, otherwise I won't know how to spend such a long time!"

Lenka took out an eyepatch from her backpack and put it on her face, and then said.

In fact, their seats were not connected together. It was the people next to Renka and Qianye Feng who changed seats.

It was less than an hour before the plane took off, which meant that they still needed to stay on the plane for at least 13 hours. Fortunately, it was getting dark now. If they had a good sleep, they would arrive in the Sinnoh area tomorrow morning. Binhai City.

Since it was already dark outside at this time, Qianye Feng did not hold on for too long and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Although the sound in the cabin was a bit noisy, Qianye Feng's sleep quality was not good, but in this state of sleep and waking, it was the morning of the next day.

When Qianye Feng got off the plane, he couldn't help but stretch and breathe in the slightly cool breeze of Binhai City.

Autumn has just entered, and the temperature in the Hoenn region is still very hot, but when we arrive in Binhai City, we can already feel the slightest chill. The climate in the Sinnoh region is indeed colder than that in the Hoenn region.

Fortunately, Qianye Feng had checked the climate in the Sinnoh region in advance and had just changed his short-sleeved shirt into a long shirt in the bathroom, so this change in temperature would not affect him.

Thanks to book friend Xigua Red Soil and book friend 20230807169_Ab for their monthly ticket support!

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