I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 212 Heading to Yamanashi Research Institute

Binhai City is a famous port city in the Sinnoh region, and it is also the only way to the Elf Alliance.

Many of its buildings are built on long and narrow promontories. In order to make up for the lack of space, Binhai City laid solar panels into roads and also provided energy for the city.

"Lenka, what are your plans next?"

Qianye Feng and Lianka asked after leaving the airport.

"I plan to go home first. After all, I can be said to be penniless now!"

Lenka said helplessly.

"That's it. Do you need me to lend you some alliance coins so you can take a taxi home?"

"No, no, thank you, Xiaofeng, my home is not very far from here, I can just walk back!"

"Oh, that's good, then let's say goodbye and contact you when we have time!"

Qianye Feng shook the phone in his hand, then waved his hand, saying goodbye to Lenka.

Although they had only known each other for less than a day, Lenka already regarded Qianye Feng as her good friend, so when it was time to say goodbye, she was still a little sad.

Qianye Feng waited until Lianka was far away and then began to plan his own route.

Although the distance between Binhai City and Zhensha Town where Dr. Yamanashi is located is not close, with the help of Da Wang Yan, as long as the direction is correct, it only takes Da Wang Yan half a day's flight to arrive.

In order to prepare for the long journey ahead, Qianye Maple still found a hotel first, intending to fill his stomach before starting the journey to the Sinnoh region.

Soon, Qianye Feng found a relatively famous local restaurant. Since the restaurant was open-air, Qianye Feng found a secluded location and released all his elves first.

The elves who had been in the elf ball for a long time also stretched their bodies after being released.

Afterwards, Qianye Feng took out the energy cubes and distributed them according to their respective food intakes. Maybe because they were really hungry, the elves were eating these energy cubes happily.

Soon, the food ordered by Qianye Feng was also brought out by the clerk. After taking a few bites, Qianye Feng felt that although the food in the Sinnoh region tasted different from that in the Hoenn region, it also had a unique flavor that made people appetite. increase.

I don't know whether it was because of hunger or because the food in this store was more in line with Qianye Feng's taste. By the time Qianye Feng left the restaurant, his stomach was completely bulging, and he was obviously full from eating.

"Wang Yan, let's go!"

After solving the problem of hunger, Qianye Feng took the other elves back into their elf balls, and then directed King Yan to fly in the direction of Zhensha Town.

While flying in the sky, Qianye Feng saw a completely different distribution of elves from the Hoenn area. Most of the people flying in the sky were Muke's, and there were also a small number of Muke birds.

Of course, there are also some common elves such as shuttlecocks, dragonflies, and hunting swallowtail butterflies. Qianye Feng even saw some lone three bees, but the number was relatively rare.

Originally Qianye Feng planned to tame these three bees, but when he saw the ornaments on the three bees, he knew that these three bees were most likely raised by others.

This also confirms Mochizuki Yuki's words. Wild three-bees are really rare in the Sinnoh region, and most three-bees are freed by others.

Although a little disappointed, Qianye Feng felt that he could only take one step at a time and wait until he got to Huayuan Town to see the specific situation.

After King Yan flew for more than two hours, Qianye Feng let him land next to a lake to rest. After flying him at extremely fast speeds for so long, even with King Yan's abundant physical strength, he started to sweat. .

Since the time was not very urgent, Qianye Feng decided to let Wang Yan rest for a while before continuing to set off, so as to avoid running out of energy if unexpected situations occurred midway.

Since this place is in a wild area, the arrival of Qianye Maple and King Swallow still caused some wild elves to be alert and uneasy.

However, perhaps because they sensed that King Yan was not easy to mess with, they all chose to temporarily avoid it. Qianye Feng saw a big-toothed raccoon hiding among the water plants and observing them.

There were still a few Mukeer hiding among the branches and leaves, looking at him and King Yan with curious eyes. Among the grass, Master Yuan and Jie Caoer looked scared. Whenever King Yan looked at him with sharp eyes, When it is swept over them, it can make them tremble all over.

For most wild elves, as long as Chiba Maple and King Swallow don't take the initiative to harm them, they will not take the initiative to cause trouble. This is also their way of survival.

Qianye Feng did not disturb their lives for too long. He just let King Yan rest for more than half an hour and then continued to set off.

As compensation for disturbing the lives of these wild elves, Qianye Feng also left some primary energy cubes as gifts.

After Qianye Feng rode away on the King Yan, these wild elves ran out from their hiding places. They first came to where Qianye Feng placed the energy cubes. After some confirmation, they all picked up the energy cubes and started eating them. .

These energy cubes are definitely a rare treat for these wild elves. Not only can they fill their stomachs, but the taste also suits their taste.

"Hello, do you know where Dr. Yamanashi's research institute is?"

At this time, Qianye Feng had already asked Wang Yan to land in an open space in Zhensha Town. A girl on a bicycle happened to pass by, so he asked.

"Hello, my name is Xiaoguang. I'm going to Dr. Yamanashi's research institute. If you keep walking along this road, you'll be there soon."

When the girl Xiaoguang saw Qianye Feng asking her for directions, she also stopped the bicycle unsteadily, then pointed in a direction and said.

"Thank you, Xiaoguang. My name is Qianye Feng. You can just call me Xiaofeng. Nice to meet you!"

Qianye Feng didn't expect that the girl he met randomly was Xiaozhi's traveling companion in the Sinnoh region, but he didn't show too much enthusiasm and just responded politely.

"Well, Xiaofeng, the elf next to you is the King Swallow, right? It seems to be an elf from the Fengyuan area, and I remember that the King Swallow isn't that big, right?"

Seeing Qianye Feng's gentle attitude, Xiao Guang spoke out all her questions in one breath. She would be able to receive the initial elf in a few months, so she was very curious about some things about the elf.

"Xiaoguang, your knowledge reserve is very rich. We are from the Fengyuan area. As for the giant king swallow, its size is indeed much larger than the ordinary king swallow. As for why it is so big, I actually don't know very well. !”

Qianye Feng was not surprised that Xiao Guang could recognize Da Wang Yan. After all, her mother was a top coordination trainer. Under the influence of her family background, she must know more about elves than the average person.

However, Xiaoguang can clearly know the normal body shape of King Yan, which proves that she has also studied the relevant knowledge seriously, at least much better than when Xiaozhi, the protagonist, just debuted.

After the two chatted for a while, they felt that they were more compatible, so they added each other's mobile phone numbers.

Chiba Kaede then said goodbye to Xiaoguang, and followed the direction she directed to Dr. Yamanashi's research institute.

During this period, there was a road that passed through a small forest, where several Alidos tried to attack Qianye Maple, but they were all defeated by Ghost Stone hiding in his shadow using a shadow ball.

After passing this small forest, Qianye Feng saw a modern building covering a large area in the distance. He knew that his destination had been reached.

Apart from Dr. Elf's research institute, Qianye Feng could not think of anything else that could build such a large-scale building in such a small town.

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