I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 213 Complete the entrustment

"who are you looking for?"

A young man wearing a white coat and glasses asked.

"I'm looking for Dr. Yamanashi. Is he currently in the institute?"

At this time, Chiba Kaede had arrived at the gate of the Yamanashi Research Institute. After ringing the doorbell, a young man dressed as a researcher came out.

"Teacher Yamanashi went out for field research, but according to past practice, he should be back soon. Do you have anything to do with him?"

The young researcher asked Qianye Feng.

"My name is Chiba Kaede. I come from the Hoenn region. Dr. Odamaki from Weibai Town asked me to bring something to Dr. Yamanashi. I need to hand it over to Dr. Yamanashi."

Chiba Kaede briefly introduced his origins, and then pointed out that he needed to hand the things to Dr. Yamanashi in person.

"My name is Denton, and I am a student of Dr. Yamanashi. Come in with me first and wait for Mr. Yamanashi to come back inside the institute!"

When young researcher Denton heard that Chiba Kaede was entrusted by another elf doctor to find Dr. Yamanashi, he did not dare to neglect and directly invited him into the Yamanashi Research Institute.

Following Denton, Chiba Kaede entered the Yamanashi Research Institute. He found that there were many researchers in the research institute, which were completely different from the three or two kittens at the Odamaki Research Institute.

And every researcher was so busy that the arrival of this stranger did not attract their attention.

While Chiba Kaede was observing the things in the Yamanashi Research Institute with great interest, Denton followed a tall, gray-haired old man and walked over.

The old man's face was very serious, giving people a feeling of being difficult to get along with. Qianye Feng knew that the old man in front of him was the Dr. Yamanashi he was looking for on this trip.

"You must be Xiaofeng, that boy Odamaki has told me before that you are coming over!"

After Dr. Yamanashi saw Chiba Kaede, he spoke directly without any extra courtesy.

"Hello, Dr. Yamanashi, this is the package that Dr. Odamaki entrusted me to bring to you!"

After seeing the real owner, Chiba Kaede took the package out of his backpack without hesitation and handed it to Dr. Yamanashi.

After Dr. Yamanashi took the package, he just asked Chiba Kaede to rest here first, and then he left with the package.

Qianye Feng didn't have any objections to this, and delivered the package to Dr. Yamanashi. One of his goals on the Sinnoh trip was finally achieved. Next, he could go to Huayuan Town to buy a batch of three bees, and then... You can return to your farm.

Not long after, Qianye Feng saw Dr. Yamanashi coming over. Although his face was rather solemn at this time, Qianye Feng could feel that he was actually in a good mood.

"I'm glad you were able to restrain your curiosity and didn't open Dr. Odamaki's package privately.

Dr. Odamaki and I actually know that you can guess our intentions, but we have given this test to many outstanding young people in the past.

It's a pity that although most teenagers can guess our intentions, they still can't restrain their curiosity, or desire. "

Dr. Yamanashi said slightly seriously.

These elf doctors will look for some talented young people to help them complete some things or entrust them with some field investigations.

Of course, they will also give these teenagers generous rewards, which can be said to be mutually beneficial.

Seriously, with the help of the knowledge and resources of the elf doctors, these teenagers can go further on the path of trainers.

The doctors also have many kinds of tests for these teenagers. In fact, giving things is a relatively easy method in their opinion, but for some reason, there are very few teenagers who can pass this test.

Because these teenagers were young and at the peak of their curiosity, most of them were able to guess Dr. Elf's intention due to their intelligence. However, many people were still driven by curiosity to privately open the items entrusted by the doctor.

Although sometimes the elf doctor would forgive the young man's reckless behavior, it was inevitable that the young man's evaluation in the doctor's heart would be lowered by more than one level, and it would be difficult to fully trust him and give him more important tasks.

"So this is ah!"

Chiba Kaede was not too cold about Dr. Yamanashi's words. Although he had already guessed that this was a test for him by Dr. Odamaki, he still felt a little unhappy after the guess was confirmed.

This is actually due to human nature, not to mention that Qianye Feng's mentality is not that of a boy who is easy to fool, but that of an adult, who instinctively rejects this kind of behavior.

Regarding Dr. Odamaki's test, Chiba Kaede actually knew that he had no ill intentions, but now he felt a little unhappy in his heart.

Although he did get some help from Dr. Odamaki, Qianye Feng believed that he could live well in this elf world by relying on his own abilities, and there was no need to rely on others.

"Young man, don't think that we are deliberately making things difficult for you. Sometimes the things we entrust will have an impact on the entire region. If the entruster cannot restrain his desires, it will bring disaster to the world. This is not what we entrust. Hope to see that.”

Dr. Yamanashi seemed to see Chiba Kaede's rejection of this matter. After scratching his head, he said in an unprecedented serious tone.

"I understand, Dr. Yamanashi, but I am just a small farmer, and I am not a direct trainer trained by the Elf Alliance. There seems to be no need to subject me to this test, right?"

Chiba Kaede asked her doubts directly. He was not a direct trainer trained by the alliance, and Dr. Odamaki had no reason to include him in the test.

"You are wrong. When we doctors choose a client, the first thing we look at is the person's character, the second is his potential, and the last thing we look at is his birth.

It is not actually very important to us whether a trainer is a direct line from the Alliance, but most of the time trainers from a direct line are indeed better, so it gives people the illusion that we only like trainers from the direct line of the Alliance. "

Dr. Yamanashi did not hide Chiba Kaede's intention and directly answered his question.

"So that's it. Then, I have completed Dr. Odamaki's commission, and it's time to leave!"

After Chiba Kaede got Dr. Yamanashi's answer, he finally felt better. However, he also planned to leave Dr. Yamanashi's research institute and go to Huayuan Town to deal with his own affairs.

"You passed our test, so I plan to give you a chance. If you can solve the recent flooding problem of Alidos in Zhensha Town, I can make an exception and let you choose an elf egg from the Yusan Family in the Sinnoh region. How about it, are you interested?"

Dr. Yamanashi gave Chiba Kaede a commission that was difficult to refuse, and then quietly waited for his choice.

"No problem, Dr. Yamanashi!"

Qianye Feng felt that he hesitated for even one second because he was disrespecting the Elf Egg of the Yusan Family. At this moment, all the unhappiness was forgotten by him, and he only had one thought in his mind: "It smells so good!"

In fact, Qianye Feng himself also knew that if he just cleaned up some overflowing wild elves, he could obtain the elf eggs of the Yusan family. Then, it is guaranteed that more than 90% of the trainers in the entire Sinnoh region would come over to accept this task.

Dr. Yamanashi just used the excuse of cleaning up the overflowing Alidos to give the Gosan family's elf eggs to himself as a reward for the mission.

It's just that Qianye Feng thought that he had been in this world for so long and seemed to have only obtained the strong chicken, an Elf of the Yusan Family, and he couldn't even think of rejecting it.

Sure enough, only young people talk about ideals, while adults only have pros and cons in their minds. (End of chapter)

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