I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 226 Tangled Denci

"Thank you so much for today. I wonder what your name is, young man?"

After all the elves were treated, Miss Joy came over with the auspicious eggs and thanked her very sincerely.

"My name is Qianye Feng. Miss Joy, you can just call me Xiaofeng. I'm just trying my best today."

Qianye Feng said modestly.

Helping to heal the elves is really just a whim for Qianye Feng. This can not only exercise Laplace's proficiency in the life drop skill, but also help others. There is no loss to himself, so why not do it!

"Xiao Feng, you are so humble. With your help, it has really reduced a lot of the workload for me and Jili Dan today!"

Miss Joy said with a wry smile.

"Miss Joy, I heard that the reason why this happened today was because Denji, the gym trainer of Binhai Gym, concentrated the gym challenges on one day. Why didn't you talk to Mr. Denci? Doesn’t he want to cause so many seriously injured elves all at once?”

Qianye Feng asked with some confusion.

"My responsibility is to help trainers heal elves. How can I trouble Mr. Denji for my own reasons?"

Miss Joy said seriously.

This is actually where Miss Joy struggles. Although she is very busy every few days because Denji concentrates challengers on one day, this is also within the scope of her work. She cannot do it because of herself. When you feel tired, let Denji, the gym trainer, adjust your challenge rules.

After hearing what Miss Joy said, Qianye Feng was also a little stunned. He felt that he had indeed thought of things a bit too simply.

Seriously speaking, there is no problem with Denji's arrangement. After all, he has completed his duties as a gym trainer. The only problem is that he injured the challenger's elves too seriously, which led to The elf center was overcrowded.

However, it seems that he cannot be blamed. The battle between elves requires defeating the opponent's elves. It can only be said that the strength of the challenger is a bit low, and the strength gap between the two sides is too large, which leads to the elf being seriously injured. situation occurs.

After that, Qianye Feng didn't say anything else. After all, he was just a passerby, and he didn't intend to challenge the Binhai Gym.

After bidding farewell to Miss Joy, Qianye Feng, led by Lianka, a local snake, visited some unique scenery and popular attractions in Binhai City.

The time passed quickly as the two of them were eating, drinking and having fun. At this time, it was already night. After Qianye Feng sent Lianka to the door of his house, he also found a hotel that looked pretty good to stay temporarily.

Originally, Lianka wanted Qianye Feng to stay at her home temporarily, but Qianye Feng refused.

After all, it is still a bit inconvenient to stay at a girl's home, and it must be very uncomfortable to face the scrutiny of her parents. It is better to stay in a hotel by yourself.

However, the two still made an appointment to continue visiting Binhai City tomorrow.

Soon, the time came to the next morning. Qianye Feng packed up everything early, and then walked to the place agreed with Lenka.

Their first destination today is to go to the Navigation Lighthouse. This lighthouse is located in the southeast corner of Binhai City. It is not as spectacular as the lighthouse in Chengdu. There is only an elevator and an observation deck inside. However, it is Praise as the beacon that illuminates Sinnoh.

Only one floor of the Navigation Lighthouse is open to the public, and you can also take the elevator to the observation deck at the top of the lighthouse. From the observation deck, you can see distant scenery, including the Elf Alliance Building.

Since neither of them was in a hurry, they walked all the way to the Navigation Lighthouse, and were attracted by the street snacks from time to time. By the time they arrived at the Navigation Lighthouse, it was almost noon.

However, since the two of them had eaten a lot of snacks, they were not hungry and were even a little full, so they did not plan to have lunch and planned to take a good rest at the navigation lighthouse.

When they arrived at the navigation lighthouse, Qianye Feng discovered that the outside of the lighthouse was entirely covered with solar panels. According to Lenka, all the electricity generated by these solar panels was used to supply Binhai City.

At the same time, a man and a woman were chatting in a ramen shop.

"My dear, why don't you stop Lenka? Is it really okay to let her get along with strange boys alone?"

"Haha, hubby, are you jealous? Now Lenka doesn't like staying with us very much. Let her help in the store for a few days, and she will be like going to jail!"

"Obviously when I was little, Lianka liked to help in the store the most, but I didn't expect that he would completely change when he grew up. If that kid dares to do anything outrageous to Lianka, I will beat him until he can't take care of himself."

"This young man is pretty good. Didn't Lenka tell us all about his origins and deeds? Moreover, they are just good friends now. Didn't we also make many friends when we first went traveling?"

"Now that I think about it, what happened during our trip is still vivid in my mind!"

At this time, Qianye Feng had arrived at the entrance of the navigation lighthouse. Suddenly, his nose felt itchy and he sneezed several times in a row.

"Xiao Feng, do you have a cold?"

Seeing Qianye Feng like this, Lenka asked with concern.

"No, someone must be talking about me. Forget it, let's go up to the observation deck and take a look!"

Qianye Feng rubbed his nose and said nonchalantly.

Soon, Qianye Feng and Lenka took the elevator to the top floor. This was a circular platform, and the distant scenery could be seen through the glass.

The two were walking and chatting. When they turned a corner, they found a young man. However, the young man's back was turned to them. Qianye Feng could not see his appearance clearly. He could only see that the other man had blond hair, which was shining in the sunlight. Shine.

"Hello, we didn't disturb you, did we?"

Qianye Feng said apologetically, after all, the voices they just spoke were indeed a bit loud.

"How could it be? This is a public place, you can do whatever you want."

The blond young man turned around and responded gently to Qianye Feng.

"You are the Denji Hall Master, I didn't expect to see you here!"

Lenka said excitedly to the blond young man.

As a person who grew up in Binhai City, how could Renka not know Denji? She admired the young man in front of her very much. After all, he was the strongest gym trainer known as the "Thunder of Binhai". Moreover, Binhai City's solar energy The power generation system was also created by the young people in front of me.

"Yes, hello!"

Denci was not surprised to be recognized. After all, he was considered a public figure in Binhai City.

"My name is Lenka. I'm a local from Binhai City. I just became a trainer not long ago. This is Xiao Feng, from the Fengyuan region."

Lenka introduced excitedly.

Denji just nodded towards the two of them as a greeting, but it was obvious that he had no interest in continuing the conversation with them.

The reason why Denci is here is because he feels very confused now. The trainers who came to challenge Binhai Gym are too weak, and he has no interest in fighting anymore.

Now there are two choices before Denji, one is to continue to be the gymnasium trainer of Binhai Gym, the other is to resign as the gymnasium trainer and challenge the Four Heavenly Kings.

It's just that Denci is still a little hesitant now and can't make up his mind immediately. When he feels a little irritable, he likes to come to the observation deck to enjoy the scenery in the distance. (End of chapter)

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