I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 227 The outbreak of Juan Juan Er

After Chiba Kaede saw that Denci seemed to be lost in thought again, he knew that the other party had no intention of communicating with them, so he and Lenka walked to the other side.

The scenery from the observation deck is indeed very good. You can have a panoramic view of the entire Binhai City, and you can even see the Elf Alliance Building on the other side clearly.

"Lenka, haven't you already become an elf trainer? What are your plans in the future?"

Qianye Feng took out the snacks he bought from the food stall in the morning and handed them to Lenka, then opened the topic.

"Ugh, I'm a little confused too. I only have one elf, Curly Ears, and I don't know what to do at the moment!"

Lianka first fed some snacks to Juan Juan Er in her arms, and then said with some distress.

"Actually, it doesn't matter what you do, the most important thing is to try. If you try more, you will always find what you like."

Qianye Feng threw a snack into his mouth, chewed it, swallowed it, and then said.

"Well, I plan to sign up for the glamor contest later. After all, I still like the performance style of the glamor contest. However, I am not confident about whether I can do it well."

At this time, Lenka opened her heart and expressed her thoughts.

"No matter who you are, you have come from a rookie. As long as you work hard in one direction, there will always be rewards. The only difference is the size of the rewards."

Qianye Feng continued to encourage.

Denji, who was not far away, was also touched to a certain extent after hearing Chiba Kaede's words.

He remembered the days when he and Daye worked hard to train elves when he was a child, and then defeated the dark forces in Binhai City.

But in the end, he chose to stay and become the gym trainer of the Binhai Gym, while Daye chose to go out to practice, and eventually became one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Sinnoh region.

It was precisely because of Daye's influence that Denji came up with the idea of ​​traveling and challenging the Four Heavenly Kings when his opponent in the Gym Challenge was too weak to interest him in the battle.

Because the current battle with the gym challengers could not arouse his interest in the battle at all. After losing this enthusiasm, he became more and more disgusted with such battles.

"Hey, Xiaofeng, can you help me train my curled ears? I've never won a battle with my curled ears."

Lenka said a little embarrassed.

"Of course there is no problem. In the afternoon I will let Little Diamond compete with your Curly Ears for combat training."

After Qianye Feng finished speaking, he released the small diamond.

"Then it's settled!"

Lianka said happily after looking at the somewhat naive little Diamond.

At this time, the diamond on the top of the small broken diamond shows a hint of pink. Looking into the diamond from a close distance, you can see many pink light spots scattered among the diamonds.

"If you want to have an elf battle, I can lend you a battle field in the navigation lighthouse."

Denji, who was not far away, suddenly spoke.

Denci actually didn't know why he wanted to use the venue with the help of the two of them. He could feel that the little diamond in front of him was not weak, while the curling ear was a pure novice elf.

Therefore, Denci suddenly wanted to see the battle between the two, because it was very similar to the battle between him and the challenger.

"Thank you so much, Master Denci!"

Although Chiba Kaede was a little surprised by Denji's actions, he was still very happy that someone provided a venue.

Soon, the two of them entered the interior of the navigation lighthouse under the leadership of Denci. This was an area not open to the public, and they could only enter under the leadership of Denci.

Qianye Feng looked at the inexplicable circuits and instruments surrounding him, feeling that they were all about technology and hard work.

Denji led them into a room, where there happened to be a small battle arena, but it was enough for two people to fight.

After Qianye Feng and Renka were in position, the two sides also began to fight.

"Little diamond, get hard!"

"Curly ear, use slap!"

Qianye Feng immediately chose to let Little Broken Diamond strengthen his defense, while Lianka chose to attack directly.

After Little Diamond completed the hardening skill, the slap of Curly Ear also hit it. However, the effect cannot be said to be non-existent, it can only be said to be relatively slight, so slight that Little Diamond himself didn't feel anything.

With the terrifying physical defense capabilities of Little Broken Diamond, and after being hardened, the damage that Curly Curl Ear's attack can do to it is minimal.

But this was also Qianye Feng's plan. After all, the strength gap between the two sides was too big. He mainly just used Xiao Suizhuan as a target and let Lianka fully utilize the strength of Juan Juan Er.

Immediately afterwards, the double kick and the lightning flash were also used by Juan Juan'er, taking turns to attack the little broken diamond, but the little broken diamond did not dodge and allowed Juan Juan'er to attack it.

Originally, Juan Juan'er was a little happy when he saw that Little Broken Diamond didn't fight back. After all, in the previous battle, it was basically getting beaten. Now it is the one who beats others, which makes it feel extremely comfortable. .

Just with the mentality of beating up the curled ears, it felt a little unbearable. It felt that its attacks had no effect on Xiao Suizhuan. Even every time it hit Xiao Suizhuan's hard body, it was still hurt. To withstand a certain reaction force.

As a trainer, Lenka was even more frustrated. Although this type of combat would not hurt the curling ears, it would not cause much damage and was extremely insulting.

Just when Renka was about to stop the game, Qianye Feng on the opposite side spoke up.

"What, Juan Juan Er, is this all you have?"

After listening to Qianye Feng's words, Juan Juan'er felt that he was so hateful, like a shrimp and a pig's heart!

Juan Juan Er, who was originally frustrated because his attack could not cause damage to Little Diamond, now had both eyes red, and suddenly felt very angry in his heart.

Then with this anger, he kicked his legs on the ground, and hit the small diamond with an indomitable attitude.


Juan Juan Er's head hit Xiao Suizhuan's body directly, and the blow directly knocked Xiao Suizhuan back several steps.

"Great, Juan Juan Er, you have learned the headbutt skill!"

After seeing this scene, Lianka ignored the battle and ran directly over, holding the dizzy Juan Juan Er in her arms.

At this time, Qianye Feng also came up with Little Diamond. Although Juan Juan Er used the head hammer skill to attack Little Diamond, it was still insignificant to Little Diamond.

However, his goal had been achieved. Qianye Feng had just deliberately stimulated the curling ear to stimulate its potential.

Based on Qianye Feng's own speculation and practice, he knows that emotions are also a very powerful force that can allow elves to exert far greater power than usual.

Once emotions such as joy, anger, sadness, and joy reach a certain level, they can further stimulate the elf's own potential, thus bursting out with far beyond ordinary power.

Of course, Qianye Feng himself could not predict that Juan Juan'er would understand the head hammer skill. He only provided appropriate guidance. As for whether there was a breakthrough, it still depended on Juan Juan'er himself.

At this time, Juan Juan'er was still a little worried about Qianye Feng's words just now. When he saw him approaching, he turned around and got into the trainer's embrace for comfort.

"Sorry, Juan Juan Er, I just wanted to stimulate you so that you can stimulate your potential. That was not my intention!"

Qianye Feng touched Juan Juan Er's head and apologized.

After listening to Qianye Feng's words, both Lianka and Juan Juan'er also reacted. However, Juan Juan'er was still a little embarrassed for a moment, but he had already forgiven Qianye Feng in his heart.

Denci had been watching the battle between the two sides. When he saw Juan Juan's performance, he was actually disappointed. He felt that this performance was exactly the same as those of the challengers, or even worse.

However, when Qianye Feng guided Juanjuan Er to learn the head hammer skill later, Denci also fell into deep thought.

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