I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 244 Strong Chicken VS Lava Snail

Qianye Feng and Yasha on the side were a little speechless after seeing the appearance of the little flame monkey. They felt that this little monkey was too greedy.

"There's really nothing we can do about you, I'll put you in the elf ball to rest first!"

Qianye Feng knelt down, touched the bulging belly of the little flame monkey, and then said to the little flame monkey.

Afterwards, Qianye Feng took out a high-grade ball directly from his waist and gently knocked it on the head of the little flame monkey. Suddenly, a red light flashed, and the little flame monkey lying on the ground was directly swept into the red light. Among senior balls.

The red light only flashed for a moment and then went out, which meant that the little flame monkey in the advanced ball did not struggle and let Qianye Feng subdue him honestly.

"Then let's get out!"

Qianye Feng said to Asha on the side.

Having stayed in this hot cave for an afternoon, Qianye Feng had long wanted to get out.

Although his physical fitness can withstand high temperature environments, being in this environment still makes him feel a little uncomfortable, especially because he is prone to dry mouth and sweating profusely.

Asha took out the elf ball and took in the lava snail that had been in the lava lake for a long time, and then led Qianye Feng out of the cave.

After leaving the cave, the cool breeze outside made Qianye Feng and Yasha feel very comfortable, as if all the heat and heat had been taken away by this wind.

When they returned to Fuyan Town, the sky was getting dark, but Qianye Feng and Yasha planned to go to the hot springs for a while first.

Due to staying in the lava cave for a long time and practicing body-building techniques, both of them now urgently need to rely on hot springs to relieve themselves.

After arriving at Kamayan Hot Spring, Qianye Feng and Yasha each chose a single hot spring. The hot spring water here has magical curative effects. After Qianye Feng's body was submerged in the water, his whole body felt relaxed, as if someone was massaging him. .

After soaking in the hot spring for about an hour, Qianye Feng walked out of the hot spring pool. At this time, he no longer looked as embarrassed as before, and his muscles were much better after being soothed by the hot spring water.

"Tell me, Yasha. She left half an hour ago and settled the bill for you."

The proprietress of the hot spring hotel said with a smile.

Qianye Feng came to the front desk intending to settle the bill first, but he didn't expect that Asha had gone back half an hour ago, but he didn't care, picked up his things and walked out of the hotel.

"Xiao Feng, come over and eat quickly!"

When Qianye Feng returned to the Kamayan Gym, he was discovered by Asha who had already prepared dinner.

"Excuse me, Asha!"

Qianye Feng casually placed his backpack on the chair and walked over.

After arriving at the dining table, Qianye Feng found that the dinner was not as bright red as he imagined, but a very light gruel with a few special side dishes.

"I see that you can't eat spicy food very well, so I made some light food for dinner. I hope you won't dislike it!"

After Asha handed the bowl to Qianye Feng, she explained with a smile.

"How could it be? I feel very appetitive just looking at these meals. Thank you for your hospitality, Yasha. But after the meal is over, I'd better clean these bowls and chopsticks!"

Qianye Feng felt that it was not easy for him to live and eat for free, so he should help with some housework.

"How is this possible? How can I ask you as a guest to wash the dishes?"

However, Asha’s attitude was even more determined.

"Why don't we eat first, otherwise the food will get cold, and we'll sort it out together after we're done eating!"

After the two argued for a while, Qianye Feng suggested.

Yasha had no objection to Qianye Feng's proposal, and the two sat down to eat.

Qianye Feng ate this meal very happily, because Yasha's cooking skills are indeed good, and he still likes it as long as it is not all flame dishes.

After finishing the meal, Qianye Feng and Yasha cleaned up the tableware together, and then planned to train the elf to eat.

After arriving at the battle site, Qianye Feng released both the strong chicken and the little flame monkey. At this time, the little flame monkey had digested part of the moo milk, at least his belly didn't look so bulging.

After coming out, the little flame monkey immediately climbed up Qianye Feng's pants and onto his shoulders. In order to prevent the flames on his butt from hurting the trainer, he also put out the flames on his buttocks.

Qianye Feng was also very happy that the little flame monkey could get so close to her, so she didn't make any move to drive it away and let it jump around on her shoulders.

For newborn monkeys, the nature of the little flame monkey is to be active and will not calm down.

"Asha, training like this is a bit boring. How about having an elf battle between your lava snail and my strong chicken?"

After Qianye Feng commanded the strong chicken to train for a period of time, he suddenly said to Yasha who was not far away.

The reason Qianye Feng made this request was because he saw that neither Asha nor Lava Snail had much enthusiasm for training, which was somewhat in conflict with her usual personality. It was obviously affected by the failure in the gym battle during the day, so he made the request. An invitation to battle.

"Of course there is no problem. I just want to know the strength of the strong chicken now."

After hearing Qianye Feng's invitation to fight, Asha's eyes suddenly lit up, and she spoke energetically.

"It's up to you, strong chicken!"

Qianye Feng knew that there was still a big gap between the current strength of the strong chicken and the lava snail, but he did not care about the outcome. As long as the strong chicken could improve in strength during the battle, it would be victory.

"Lava Snail, cheer up!"

Asha encouraged the somewhat listless lava snail.

Although he still felt a little unenergetic, the lava snail still responded to Asha's call and slowly moved to the battlefield.

"Strong chicken, charge forward and use two consecutive kicks!"

After hearing the trainer's order, the strong chicken rushed towards the lava snail without any hesitation.

"Lava snail, use the iron wall!"

Asha knew that the speed of the lava snail could not avoid the strong chicken's attack, so she simply let it superimpose defense.


I saw that the two attacks of the strong chicken kicked the lava snail, but there was a sound of hitting metal, and it can be seen from the state of the lava snail that it did not suffer much damage.

"Lava snail, rock blockade!"

As Yasha's order was given, several boulders condensed in the sky, and then they smashed towards the strong chicken at extremely fast speeds.

Seeing this, Li Zhuangji directly used the charged flame attack to dodge the boulder's attack by suddenly increasing his speed.

Seeing that the strong chicken was entangled by the boulder, the lava snail continued to attack, and saw countless gravel formed in the sky, and then fell like raindrops. This was the rock avalanche skill.

Although the strong chicken relied on its speed to avoid some gravels, due to the astonishing amount of gravels, the strong chicken was inevitably hit by a few gravels and suffered serious injuries.

"A strong chicken, with a flash of lightning, and then two consecutive kicks!"

Facing the lava snail that had just launched two skill attacks, Qianye Feng directly ordered Li Zhuangji to blitz.

The strong chicken did not disappoint Qianye Feng. The lightning flash directly hit the lava snail, causing it to take a few steps back. Then, two consecutive kicks directly hit the same position on the lava snail.

This combined attack caused the lava snail to suffer a certain amount of damage, and even the previous iron wall effect was broken up by the strong chicken.

Just when the strong chicken was about to seize the opportunity to continue attacking, the lava snail spit out a large amount of purple smoke from its mouth, and the thick mist was sprayed directly towards the strong chicken.

The running strong chicken had no time to dodge and was hit by the purple smoke. The lava snail also took this opportunity to disappear within the envelope of the purple smoke. (End of chapter)

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