
Qianye Feng murmured.

He knew he was in serious trouble. The strong chicken was wrapped in the poisonous mist. Not only was his vision blocked, but there was also a possibility of being poisoned by inhaling the poisonous smoke.

"Strong Chicken, use the flame vortex to wrap yourself up."

As Qianye Feng's order came, a vortex of flames rose into the sky, forming a huge flame tornado. The surrounding purple poisonous mist was also attracted by the rotating flame vortex, and then burned out in the flames, causing The view of the battlefield suddenly became clear again.

When the lava snail's figure appeared, a rock condensed in front of it, and then it shot towards the flame vortex.

I saw this rock condensed by primitive power directly breaking through the flame whirlpool, hitting the strong chicken's body hard, and sending it flying out.

After the strong chicken stood up unsteadily, Qianye Feng found that its face was extremely ugly, with an unhealthy purple color on its face. It was obviously affected by the cloudy mist skill, which caused it to enter a poisoned state.

"Strong Chicken, aren't you able to fight yet?"

Qianye Feng asked.

Although the strong chicken is in poor condition now, it still showed a determined look, and then used the charged flame attack to rush towards the lava snail, responding to the trainer's inquiry with its actions.

When Asha saw that Strong Chicken had such a strong will to fight, her original intention of letting Lava Snail retain its strength was wiped out by her. She knew that the best response to Strong Chicken was to fight with all her strength.

"Lava snail, the power of the earth!"

After receiving the order, the lava snail began to condense a powerful force around it, and then burst out, attacking the strong chicken in the form of a vibration wave.

Before the shock wave hit it, the strong chicken kicked off the ground with both legs and jumped in the direction of the lava snail, avoiding the attack of the power of the earth.

Facing the strong chicken attacking from the sky, the lava snail knew that it could not avoid it, so it directly sprayed a jet of flame from its mouth to meet the strong chicken.

Although fire attribute skills are not very effective against strong chickens, the lava snail wants to use the impact of the flames to knock the strong chickens away.

But he didn't expect that the strong chicken would directly crash into the flame column formed by the jet flames, and then continue to attack the lava snail while being roasted by the flames.

The strong chicken found the place where he last used the two-kick attack, and continued to launch two consecutive kicks at the lava snail, and used the reaction force of the second attack to stay away from the lava snail.

The lava snail, which was hit by two consecutive kicks to the same part, also looked in pain, and the attacked part had been severely damaged.

"Lava snail, regenerate itself!"

As Yasha's order was issued, white light began to emit from the lava snail's body, and the injured part also recovered quickly, and in a short time most of the damage had been recovered.

The strong chicken, on the other hand, was affected by the poisoned state, constantly losing physical strength, and his condition became worse and worse.

"Okay, strong chicken, let's stop here, you have already lost!"

Seeing that the strong chicken was about to continue attacking the lava snail, Qianye Feng directly stopped its behavior.

When the fire attribute attack cannot play a decisive role, the strong chicken actually has no advantage now. The double kick attack just now is actually its last chance.

And after the lava snail used its self-regeneration skills to recover from its injuries, the Strong Chicken had no hope of winning.

After listening to Qianye Feng's words, the strong chicken stopped even though he was a little unwilling.

It knows that the trainer's judgment is not wrong. Its current attack power is still too weak. As long as its strength is improved, the result of the battle will be completely different.

"Ah, little flame monkey, don't pull my hair!"

Qianye Feng grabbed the little flame monkey that had jumped on top of him, then rubbed his head and said.

When the Strong Chicken fought against the Lava Snail, the Little Flame Monkey was also very excited and wished he could play.

Whenever the competition becomes fierce, the little flame monkey will keep jumping around on Qianye Feng's head. After he makes the strong chicken admit defeat, the little flame monkey directly pulls up his hair.

Obviously, the little flame monkey was a little unwilling. It put itself into the role of the strong chicken, as if it felt that it had lost the game.

"Okay, strong chicken, you have performed very well, there is no need to be depressed, as long as you continue to work hard, you will definitely be able to defeat all opponents!"

Qianye Feng walked up to the somewhat frustrated Strong Chicken, touched its head, and then encouraged him.


After listening to the trainer's words, the strong chicken raised his head again. There was no confusion in his eyes, only an indomitable fighting spirit.

This is also what Qianye Maple likes about the strong chicken. Although it will be disappointed and frustrated due to failure in the battle, it can quickly adjust and then use this setback as its own motivation to push it to continue to work hard to improve itself. .

Later, Qianye Feng used the antidote to help Li Zhuang Chicken remove the toxins from his body, and then asked Shuttlecock Flower to use the grass field skills to help Li Zhuang Chicken recover from his injuries.

"Xiao Feng, your strong chicken is really great, and your fighting spirit and mentality are very good."

Yasha came over, touched the strong chicken, and then said.

For Asha, who likes fire-attributed elves, Strong Chicken's growth rate is indeed very fast. He is very strong in both combat consciousness and heart. He was well trained by Qianye Feng as a trainer.

I believe that after the Strong Chicken evolves into the Flame Chicken again, it will be very difficult for her Lava Snail to win. Therefore, Yasha knows that she and the Lava Snail also need to train harder.

"Don't be proud, strong chicken, you still have a long way to go!"

Qianye Feng couldn't help but said in shock when he saw the strong chicken who looked very happy because he was praised by Asha.

After this game, Qianye Feng clearly felt that Yasha and Lava Snail were in a much better mood, and there was no longer the feeling of depression they had before.

In fact, for a vigorous girl like Yasha, today's setback will only make her uncomfortable for a few days, and then she will adjust on her own.

The two stayed at the training ground until late at night before returning to the room to rest. Qianye Feng fell asleep within a few minutes of lying on the bed.

"Asha, I'm sorry to trouble you this time. I hope you can come to my place as a guest when you have time!"

Early the next morning, after eating the breakfast prepared by Yasha, Qianye Feng was ready to return to Qianye Farm.

"I understand. I will definitely visit your farm when I have time. Just be careful on your way back!"

Asha waved to Qianye Feng and said.

After bidding farewell to Yasha, Qianye Feng directly let Da Wangyan fly towards Qianye Farm.

When he came to Fuyan Town this time, he gained a lot. Not only did he solve the sales problem of Resurrection Grass and Vitality Root, but he also received the Resurrection Grass and Vitality Root seeds presented by Mr. Kazuya Takatani.

This time, Mr. Takatani Kazuya was not as stingy as last time. He gave Qianye Feng dozens of resurrection grass seeds and hundreds of vitality root seeds.

With these seeds, Qianye Maple can expand the scale of Chinese herbal medicine cultivation, which can bring considerable profits to Qianye Farm every year.

On the contrary, the birth of the little flame monkey seemed to happen by chance. However, this little monkey was still very fond of Qianye Feng, and it also liked to stick to Qianye Feng.

Nothing unexpected happened on the way back, and Qianye Feng returned to Qianye Farm near noon.

At this time, only Akino Ogata was present at the Chiba Farm, while Yuri Terada and Yui Takemoto were on vacation and went to the town to visit the orphanage, and they would probably not return until the evening. (End of chapter)

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